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Nameless: Season Two #1

The Lost Soul of the City

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A gun. A mission. No memories. Nameless is back to hunt down an architect of chaos in #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz’s return to a landscape of hard-won justice.

In a forgotten Cold War bunker, a cold-blooded arms dealer counts his cash and watches from a distance as cities collapse into violence. Pledged to stop him is a man without a past, guided by a teenage boy through the tunnels under the corrupted port city. With each stealthy move toward their target, the path ahead grows ever darker.

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz comes The Lost Soul of the City, part of Season 2 of Nameless, a gripping collection of stories about a man in search of the truth, the past, and those who owe a debt of blood. Follow him through each story, which can be read or listened to in a single sitting.

109 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 10, 2021

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About the author

Dean Koontz

870 books37.9k followers
Acknowledged as "America's most popular suspense novelist" (Rolling Stone) and as one of today's most celebrated and successful writers, Dean Ray Koontz has earned the devotion of millions of readers around the world and the praise of critics everywhere for tales of character, mystery, and adventure that strike to the core of what it means to be human.

Dean, the author of many #1 New York Times bestsellers, lives in Southern California with his wife, Gerda, their golden retriever, Elsa, and the enduring spirit of their goldens, Trixie and Anna.

Facebook: Facebook.com/DeanKoontzOfficial
Twitter: @DeanKoontz
Website: DeanKoontz.com

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127 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 555 reviews
Profile Image for Sandra.
728 reviews6 followers
April 14, 2024
This is the first story in Season Two of the “Nameless” series. Nameless has no memory and gets his assignments from the mysterious Ace of Diamonds. In this story, Nameless’s assignment is to go after an arms dealer who has set up an underground bunker and supplies guns to gangs and terrorists. With an evil villain, an eerie, bleak setting, and a likable teen (Jimmy) who is helping Nameless out, this is another fine read in the “Nameless” series.
Profile Image for Laura.
787 reviews193 followers
July 15, 2021
An exciting start to season two of the adventures of Nameless. He's armed. Has a clear mission, but amnesia when comes to his own past. This story brings justice to those playing by a different set of rules than the rest of us.
Profile Image for Deb.
411 reviews107 followers
June 11, 2021

Nameless is one of my favorite characters to read about. This particular book had mystery throughout and as usual I read it in less than two hours. Highly recommend entire series. Thank you to Dean Koontz and Amazon Prime for this free edition.
Profile Image for Jim C.
1,677 reviews32 followers
September 18, 2021
This is a short story and the start of the "second season" of this series. There was a series of short stories with this character written by Koontz. This starts a new set of stories with Nameless and his fight for justice. In this one, he visits a town where the rich is really rich and the poor are really poor. There is a corrupt politician that deserves the kind of justice that only Nameless can deliver.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the "first season" of this series. There is a mystery aspect to the main character and I thought the first season didn't delve into this aspect until the end. With that out of the way maybe that is the reason why I enjoyed the first offering of this season more than I did than any other offering in last season. I do think the writing was tighter in this story as I feel Koontz has a firm grasp on his character. The atmosphere was perfect for the story and sets the mood. Koontz has a reputation about being a little verbose with his story and this is no exception. It did not affect my enjoyment and I believe it enhanced it. This story fits in with the world we live in today and I enjoy when a story does this without getting "preachy".

The second season if off to a terrific start and that surprises me that I would say that. The first season did not impress me but this one did. It impressed me so much I am jumping right into the next story of this series.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
688 reviews45 followers
July 7, 2021
Season 2 is starting off with a bang. Great characters and a great story. And evil gets punished yet again. 😉
Profile Image for Henry.
787 reviews41 followers
January 13, 2022
Excellent opening book in Season Two of the Nameless series.
Profile Image for Dean.
532 reviews124 followers
March 7, 2022
Just the right novel for me at the right time...
Nameless, season two still works very well for me...

Let me begin by saying that the Nameless series manifest all the potential and craftiness embedded
in Dean Koontz!

Another case of wrong committed by a very bad guy needs to be addressed.

The development of nameless as a character makes a good headway...
And the writing itself is fluently and brimming with Koontz witticism...

Of course these are quite short stories, but they are able to entertain and grip the devoted reader.
A good series that you can count to the better works by Koontz!


October 3, 2021
“What is any of us? We are creatures of endless wants and needs, driven by greed and lust and love of power. Most of you live by one lie or another. The difference with me is that I know what I am and have no need to pretend to myself I’m something else, though I’m a master of pretending to all of you.”
- Michael Maginty
Profile Image for Ginger.
898 reviews501 followers
December 29, 2021
In my opinion, The Lost Soul of the City is better then 3 stars but not that strong for a 4 star rating.

I still enjoyed the plot and getting back to the character Nameless.
Looking forward to reading the rest of the books in Season Two!
Profile Image for Deepu Singh.
213 reviews12 followers
July 8, 2023
Good storyline and atmosphere build up, even better characters, it was really a fantastic read.
Profile Image for Tinnean.
Author 84 books434 followers
June 10, 2021
Nameless is back, and in this one, unfortunately, the politics and their actions hit too close to home. It's a real shame Nameless and his boss, Ace of Diamonds, aren't around to deal with the senators and representatives who seem bent on making our lives miserable. Still... it's a pleasure to see how Dean Koontz has him deal with them.
Profile Image for Sheila.
387 reviews2 followers
June 24, 2021
Good but more questions

I liked this story but the explanation about the storm drains was really annoying. I guess I just can't picture those drains in my mind. The story was good but I still have questions.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
462 reviews16 followers
July 5, 2021
I was happy to see another batch of these short stories in the Nameless series, called season 2. I had really enjoyed the first set of books and am curious to find out who Nameless is and why he does what he does. That quickly went away while I read this first one. It’s the weakest story I’ve read out of all of them, and by the end, it was just goofy. From the beginning, it was so wordy, the rambling on reminded me of that drunk uncle at a family gathering that just won’t shut his mouth. I hope there is improvement with the second book, or I may have to pass on the rest.
Profile Image for Stephen.
442 reviews3 followers
April 25, 2022

It's been a while since I've read a Koontz novel and this one is very different from what I was used to. I have to say that I was really taken with it and enjoyed the entire thing. You can't help but feel some attachment for someone who isn't really one of the good guys. The story has some good mystery to it with an excellent storyline. In the end you truly wonder what happens to Nameless and what other adventures he might have. If you're a fan of his writing this is a worthwhile read. It reminds me that I enjoy the work that he does and renews my interest and finding the books that are more recent that I have completely missed.
Profile Image for Krystin | TheF*ckingTwist.
570 reviews1,851 followers
December 2, 2022
Book Blog | Bookstagram

Probably my least favourite so far - it seemed pointless and did nothing to progress Nameless's story forward. Like, I fucking get it he has no memories, AND? Let's kill some bad guys! The fuck you just following someone around for, for 100 pages?

Also, the title sounds like something Joe Biden would say in a speech.

⭐⭐½ | 2.5 stars rounded down
Profile Image for Elaine Lucky.
942 reviews90 followers
December 9, 2023
Ace of Diamonds has Nameless on another mission infiltrating corrupt councilman intent on creating more chaos. Nameless is starting to retrieve more memories adding to his mystery in this short installment of the series.
Profile Image for Dee.
226 reviews
November 23, 2021

Now the punishment rendered here is well it’s two ways on the other side it looks light and on the other it’s the worst 🤷🏽‍♂️ . Nameless once again completed his mission with success. I was right season 2 is really dark…. The story continues
Profile Image for K.B. Krissy.
Author 6 books60 followers
May 8, 2022
Master of Mystery

Great read! I learned the art of telling a dark horror story/mystery. Koontz is a literally genius the way he keep the reader turning pages by giving them little pieces with suspense. Must read for mystery readers.

Profile Image for Richard.
2,091 reviews168 followers
January 28, 2024
I’ve caught up with Nameless (Season Two) some 5 years after first encountering this force for righting wrongs.

As with the first instalment these come in a batch of six short stories and re-introduce the enigma that is the central character. Nameless seems to be someone content to work for an agency he knows little about; for an organisation that may have programmed his mind. However, their objectives seem to mirror his own motivation although he doesn’t have any memory or clear understanding of who he is or how he became “equipped” for this role.

Previously we have slowly learned a little about him and seen glimpses of his human qualities rather than being just a functioning machine. We have seen he has premonitions or throwbacks to events that intensify his concentration and focus on assignments.

In this new collection of stories, in this first episode we perhaps get more revelations that either his conditioning is eases off or his recollections could be firming up into real events with meaning.

I am keen to go on that journey with him. As a reader I want to make sense of his desire to set things right and understand his triggers and values. The mystery is like the whiteout that impacts some of this first story. Something takes shape but without real form or clarity.

This is a great outing to revisit this agent of justice as he is tasked with undermining a corrupt city official and reducing the movement of illegal arms and weapons. What I liked about it was the coupling of Nameless with a young ally who had the in on this underground activity. It brought out the nurturing qualities in our lead protagonist who is moved by this encounter and their combined effort in achieving the task. It has perhaps also speeded up that process where more self awareness is found and memories found.

Certainly a cool story to kick off this new season where binge reading might be called for. Regardless of such commitment it provides ample reason why this is an author you should return to or explore further.
Profile Image for Susan.
967 reviews20 followers
June 28, 2021
While this is an interesting series with an interesting protagonist and premise I remain steadfast in the opinion that this is written by Koontz's evil twin. It isn't quite like his other books. It keeps me intrigued enough to keep listening but I am left undecided if I really like this series or not. Still, on to the next...
Profile Image for L.G..
895 reviews21 followers
August 17, 2023
I read Season One (6 stories) in 2021. I feel tremendous pity for the vigilante MC. The Lost Soul of the City is 109 pages.

In a forgotten Cold War bunker, a cold-blooded arms dealer counts his cash and watches from a distance as cities collapse into violence. Pledged to stop him is a man without a past, guided by a teenage boy through the tunnels under the corrupted port city. With each stealthy move toward their target, the path ahead grows ever darker.
20 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this first book in the new "Nameless" series. The protagonist is just as delightful as he was in the 1st series, and the plot was as intriguing as ever. The only full novel I ever read by Dean Koontz was the Watchers, which I loved because it was about a dog. Now, these books rated a 4 star rating from me. The only book I ever gave a 5 star to was "Gone With the Wind."
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,394 reviews
July 17, 2021
And so we start the second series of Nameless or as they prefer to call it - season 2. Now I have to admit that the instalments from season 1 were a little formulaic with really little expansion of the back story happen until the end of the series making it feel a little too late.

However we start the new series - sorry I mean season with more development and depth. True some if it is spent making the bad man (men) even more deserving their fate but now we start to see that Nameless may not be operating quite so alone as we think he is - (that is my opinion and not a spoiler by the way).

So the question is will we revert back to the mission of the week or will we start to see a little more from behind the curtain. I have to say even with the predictability of the story it is still intriguing enough to make me want to read the next instalment and so I guess in that respect it is a success.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 555 reviews

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