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368 pages, Paperback
First published October 3, 2017
“I’m not a dancer, remember? I’m industry adjacent.” He dragged his tongue down her neck, pressed kisses over her chest until he reached her cleavage. “Anyway, sweat doesn’t bother me. I like you sweaty, clean, dressed, undressed…” He jammed off her shirt and bra. “I just like you.”
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"My phone, it's Natasha." She scrambled to snatch the device from the coffee table, and it was only then he realized the phone was also spitting out a jingle with Spanish lyrics.
"Hey Tash," Gina held the phone to her ear and swiped her hair from her face. She was still open beneath him, still gripping his hips with her legs, still topless. "Um, watching TV."
Gina pressed a hand to her chest, perhaps to get her breathing under control, and finally made eye contact with him. Bringing a finger to her lips, she mouthed, She can't know.
A second later, his alarm blared.
She buried her face in his hard chest and grumbled. "Way to ruin a moment."
He swung out an arm and slapped the clock. It was a wonder the thing didn't crash into a million pieces under the force of his hand. Then he rolled, pulling her closer and enfolding her in his arms.
"What time is it?" she asked.
"Five. Go back to sleep."
"Why does your alarm go off so early?"
"Gym. Hike. Whatever." He kissed her forehead. "Sleep more."
When she was settled, he crashed onto the mattress beside her and buried his face in her hair. One arm snaked around her waist and pulled her to his side.
Aww. The mountain man liked to cuddle. Pleased, she scooted closer.
His lips touched her shoulder in a light kiss. Her heart melted a little.
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"You light me up. You helped me remember who I was before, and see clearly who I am now and who I want to be."
"You make things...easier."
"What do you mean?"
"It's easier to talk with you. Easier to think. Easier to...feel."
She'd danced the tango countless times, with countless partners. It had never, never been like this.
This was foreplay. He was showing her his intensity, what he was capable of, and what he'd do to her - for her, with her - if she let him.
Gina lost herself in the music, in the movement, in the heat of Stone’s body and the warming of her own muscles from physical exertion.
The song ended. In the moment of silence, Stone’s eyes met hers. They stared at each other, breathing hard. He was so close, close enough to kiss.
Except Gina didn’t fuck around with her dance partners.
“I have to go home.” The words fell out of her in a rush, her voice low and breathy.
He was in too deep, but too tired to care. It was easier to like her, easier to enjoy her company and focus on pleasing her.
When she smiled, he forgot why he was fighting so hard.
Out of habit, she looked up to meet his eyes. What she saw there scared her.
This wasn’t just about attraction anymore. This was mutual respect and trust. She liked him.