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Her blue eyes wide open, glossed over. A few specks of sand clung to her long, dark lashes. Her beautiful face, immobile, covered in sparkling flecks of sand. Her lips slightly parted as if to let a last breath escape.

Who is the beautiful girl found at dawn, on a deserted stretch of white sand beach? What is her secret?

FBI Special Agent Tess Winnett searches for answers relentlessly. With each step, each new finding, she uncovers unsettling facts leading to a single possible conclusion: Dawn Girl is not the only victim. Her killer has killed before.

Hiding a terrible secret of her own, Special Agent Tess Winnett faces her inmost fears, in a heart-stopping race to catch a killer who’s getting ready to end yet another life. Will she find the killer in time? Will she be able to stop him? At what cost?

The rules of the game have changed.
So has the textbook definition of a serial killer.

Special Agent Tess Winnett is the bold, direct, and short-fused heroine of Dawn Girl. Putting her life on the line, she doesn’t pull any punches, searching only for the truth, and for the man who takes lives on her watch. Intelligent, resourceful, and uncompromising, Tess will take readers on a memorable, white-knuckled journey in this suspenseful, gripping serial killer thriller.

231 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 30, 2016

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Leslie Wolfe

36 books2,418 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 848 reviews
Profile Image for Zain.
1,736 reviews229 followers
May 22, 2024
Lots of Action! 🤾🏽‍♀️

This is a fantastic book in a new FBI thriller series.

Agent Tess Winnett is called to the scene of a crime. A young, beautiful woman has been murdered! (Aren’t they always young and beautiful)?

Then, she gets a premonition that the killer is someone who is going to kill again. And she’s correct, Sir!

She makes a promise to get this murderer. And she does. But it was not easy.

Is it ever?

Four stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Christine.
619 reviews1,372 followers
February 7, 2017
4.5 stars

Gosh, another unexpected terrific read for me! I want to thank my Goodreads friend Mike (HornFan2) for steering me to this one. Dawn Girl is written by little known (at the moment) author Leslie Wolfe. I suspect she will not be little known for long.

Protagonist FBI Special Agent Tess Winnett is in trouble at work. She’s is as good as they come in terms of solving whatever case is assigned to her, but she has no people skills, thanks in good part to her untreated PTSD. She garners way more than her share of complaints by disrespecting colleagues, witnesses, politicians, and just about everybody else she comes in contact with. One more major complaint and she will be fired, no matter how phenomenal she is at her job. She is assigned to help out police detectives Gary Michowsky and Todd Fradella of West Palm Beach, Florida, when a young woman is found dead on the beach. Could this be the work of a serial killer? Tess has to try to mesh with these detectives in order to break the case open.
We get snippets of info about the killer as the story moves along. He is a sadistic SOB with extraordinarily high-level skills in terms of carrying out his mission.

I can easily heap a lot of praise on this book. Tess is a complex character who is very well written. We get into her mind a lot. Not all will like her, but I sure did. She is making an effort to change her ways for which I give her credit. I appreciate the attention paid to creating depth in the evolution of Tess’s relationship with the West Palm Beach cops. Another real plus is the highly detailed chapter involving the FBI profiler and his thought processes in determining the psychological profile of the bad guy. We essentially get a step-by-step lesson in how to determine what an unknown baddie is all about. Ditto regarding the chapter devoted to filling in a whiteboard—I found that fascinating. We get a lot of attention to procedure in this police/FBI procedural.

Even in the absence of a prologue, I was pulled into the story immediately. I was riveted all the way to the end. There are plenty of high tension, twists and turns. I felt strongly invested in Tess and her makeshift team. The chapters are short and snappy and the tale flows beautifully.

Why 4.5 stars and not 5? Two reasons. One of the twists I saw coming very early on, but that didn’t bother me much. My main beef was that a portion of the ending is too neat and a bit unrealistic . Other than that, this novel is a total winner. I am rounding up as Dawn Girl had much more of a 5-star rather than a 4-star effect on me.

I strongly recommend Dawn Girl to all thriller/crime fiction fans and readers of psychological suspense. I think followers of Angela Marsons and Robert Bryndza would especially love this book. I have already bought book 2 in the Tess Winnett series (The Watson Girl) and can’t wait to get to it.

Congratulations, Leslie Wolfe for what I believe could be a hit series!
Profile Image for João Sampaio.
129 reviews37 followers
March 13, 2020
Na realidade um 3,5 *!
Um enredo convincente, bem feito. Uma história rápida, personagens sem falhas e ação ininterrupta.
Leitura bem fácil e rápida, mas com diálogos algo empobrecidos.
Predadores sexuais, serial killers, FBI, stress pós-traumático,...
Um thriller por vezes um pouco perturbador, não tanto nas descrições, mais no que induz na imaginação do leitor.
Lamento a previsibilidade de alguns momentos e sobretudo da identidade do assassino. A leitura decorria na página 79 e já previa eu (infelizmente acertadamente) um dos desfechos-chave deste thriller. Demasiado óbvio.
Profile Image for Vera Neves (Sinfonia dos Livros).
735 reviews46 followers
July 19, 2019
(...)Neste primeiro livro, temos uma Tess retraída, que guarda um grande segredo do seu passado e que tem muitas dificuldades em estar e trabalhar com outras pessoas desde que perdeu o seu companheiro de muitos anos. É uma mulher solitária, com mau feitio e que está sempre em "guerra" com os demais e com quem se atreva a cruzar o seu caminho. Não foi, de todo, a melhor primeira impressão que tive desta personagem. No entanto, é dona de uma astúcia e inteligência apuradíssimas que lhe vão concedendo alguns "perdões" excepcionais por parte do seu chefe, que diga-se de passagem teve de recorrer ao que se chama "tough love" (amor duro) com o intuito de a colocar no caminho certo e deixar de ser aquela pessoa tão presa na sua solidão e individualismo. Para Tess, depois que o seu companheiro de equipa e melhor amigo morreu, trabalho em equipa era algo inadmissível para ela, pelo que ou era da maneira dela ou de nenhuma outra. Valeu-lhe alguns avisos e ameaças, mais pudera, com um feitio desses, nem um santo aguentava, quanto mais um chefe do FBI.(...)

Opinião Completa no Sinfonia dos Livros
Profile Image for Marie.
1,038 reviews352 followers
February 23, 2022
Action and Tension!


FBI Special Agent Tess Winnett becomes involved in a crime case that seems to be the work of maybe a serial killer as a dead woman is found on the beach all trussed up under a life guard station. Though Tess might have to step on a few toes to find out what is going on as she is assigned to work with two police detectives on the case. Whatever she has to do she will do to see the job done and if she has to muddle up something she will to find out where the path takes her.

The police detectives seem to be out of their depth when Tess becomes more involved in the case as she seems to go above and beyond to find out what kind of trail the killer has left as it seems that this murder is not the first and it is going to be up to Tess to find out who else the killer has murdered.

That is about all I can give on a backstory without giving away spoilers, so if you want to know more you will need to read the book!


I love this character, Tess Winnett as she seems to take charge and doesn't let anything stand in her way to get the job done. This is my second book by this author and I really enjoyed the writing style along with the fast pace of the story. I have the rest of this series with Tess Winnett on my kindle and will continue with the series in the future. Giving this book four "Killer Thriller" stars!

Profile Image for Maria Lavrador.
468 reviews33 followers
November 22, 2019
Um livro que se lê rapidamente, por ser de leitura fácil e pouco extenso. Confesso que cada vez tenho menos paciência para calhamaços, mesmo que a história seja boa e valha a pena. Gostei da forma como a história se desenrolou e da personagem principal, apesar de achar que o mistério de que era o mau da fita ter sido revelado cedo demais, eu prefiro livros que deem luta durante mais tempo, que nos deixem divididos e a pensar quem afinal terá cometido o(s) crime(s)
Profile Image for Lee.
396 reviews9 followers
July 12, 2017
Annoying heroine, doubt she would've lasted a year, let alone ten, in the FBI. Interesting enough to keep reading it, but the book needs an editor, badly. The police work was ridiculous, Tess and her PTSD were over the top (how PTSD supposedly gives her an edge is just ludicrous), and aren't there any female local cops in that jurisdiction? You'll figure out the ending pretty fast -- no surprises at all. Badly done characters.

This very short book (around 200 pages) seemed to take forever to get through. It was mainly dull -- I ended up wanting to get through it to see if my assumptions were correct. They were. It's a skimmer.
Profile Image for Tulay.
1,202 reviews2 followers
October 26, 2016
Serial killer thriller.

Very good thriller, can't imagine evil person lives among us. Fast paced and very interesting, but I warn you not to read after dark. Tess Winnett character has problems, but has somewhat understanding boss and good people around her, especially Cat. Would like to read more about Tess. Also googled and learned about Platypus.
Profile Image for Tita.
2,131 reviews223 followers
June 21, 2019
Classificação: 4,5 Estrelas

A nossa protagonista é a agente do FBI, Tess Winnett, que é destacada para auxiliar a polícia local com um crime muito violento, pois um corpo de uma jovem foi encontrado, nu e muito violentado, na praia e na posição de estar a rezar.
Apesar da elevada taxa de sucesso na resolução dos seus casos, Tess tem um feitio muito complicado e nada sociável, e mesmo nós leitores, não é fácil simpatizar-nos com Tess. No entanto, percebemos logo desde cedo na narrativa que Tess tem algo no seu passado que a perturba.
É muito fácil encontrar na história e deixar-nos levar pela investigação policial. Adorei acompanhar as diversas etapas e processos da investigação, e perceber como conseguem ir apanhando semelhanças entre casos, mas também a parte de profiler.
Apenas "roubei" um pouco na classificação pois queria saber ainda mais sobre o criminoso, entrar na sua cabeça e perceber o que levou ao "click" para começar a matar.
Uma história que vai prender para quem é amante de thrillers e policiais e, claro, para quem gostou de Robert Bryndza, tem neste livro mais uma grande leitura.

Vejam a minha opinião mais detalhada em vídeo, AQUI.
Profile Image for Maria João (A Biblioteca da João).
1,292 reviews227 followers
August 3, 2019
9 de 10*

Devorei este livro! Não encontro palavra melhor para descrever a minha leitura. Assim que o comecei a ler, fiquei totalmente viciada, só me apetecia lê-lo, sem parar. Finda a leitura, e pensando friamente sobre a mesma, não sei identificar claramente porque motivo tal aconteceu, mas a verdade é que foi mesmo viciante.

Comentário completo em:
Profile Image for Hart's Reader Group.
864 reviews40 followers
June 29, 2017
I received this book directly from the author because he wanted to know what I thought of his work. Well, here's the good and bad news... I liked it, but I didn't like it.

Here's what I mean -- there are plots holes and unanswered questions throughout this book, especially at what is supposed to the conclusion.

This is my list of unanswered questions:

*What do the characters look like? There is little in the way of character physical descriptions in the book, especially of the main characters.
*Who is Tess Winnett? What is her background? Where is her family? Where is she from? All I know is that she wanted to be a lawyer, then she wanted to be in the FBI, then she was attacked. She has no life before graduating law school? Was she born from a mysterious egg? Has she ever had serious romantic relationships? She's just this robot that was switched on and goes about life with a mechanical precision that seems cold, shallow...dull. I can't like her. I cannot get emotionally attached to her because she is like a wisp of a person.
*Why did Matthew cover May Lin's body and leave her as if remorseful? This dude had no other such compassion for his other victims, why would he for this one girl? The group speculated it was because he made a mistake, but this was never concluded as fact. So, his reasoning for his actions was still up in the air. Was it his dad who discovered what Matt had done and 'took care' of the body for him?
*What did his mother do to him that made him into a psycho killer? What did it have to do with facing the dawn on a beach? Yes, we know his mom did yoga facing the morning sun, but what does that have to do with his maniacal killings? Also, what is with the sexual aspect of his torture and killings? If these victims are a work up to his torturing and killing his mother, did he plan to also rape his mother?
*How do the storage containers factor into the story? Matt has storage containers in the places where he kidnapped his victims--he has one on the same property where he took Julie. So what do they have to do with the story? It's this big gaping hole in the story--hell, Tess was on her way to one when she was told to head to Matt's house. What would she have found at the storage container? Why even bring them up if you aren't going to explain WHY they were important enough to be in the story?
*Was Tess raped by Matt? All we get are these bits and pieces of what happened to her. We have no idea how she was kidnapped, what happened to her while Matt had her, or how she got away. Did she escape while he was gone? Did she hit him over the head and run while he was out cold? These are all critical pieces of information that are missing from the story.

As you can see from these rather detailed questions, this book reads like an incomplete story. I feel like this could have been a much better thriller if I weren't left with so many questions that SHOULD HAVE BEEN answered in the story. The book felt hollow.

The suspense of the story was well crafted, it pulled me along despite the lack of real depth or information. I don't know if I'll read the next book in the series, which doesn't say much for this book, does it?
Profile Image for Marta Campos.
310 reviews45 followers
June 20, 2020
3.5 ⭐
Não me surpreendeu. Para começar, o título não bate certo com o enredo, já que a vítima é identificada nos primeiros capítulos. Esperava um thriller mais inesperado. O assassino é descoberto numa fase muito precoce do livro e toda a história torna-se um pouco óbvia. Espero que o próximo livro seja mais imprevisível.
Profile Image for Tânia Agostinho.
122 reviews15 followers
July 12, 2019
Ia mesmo na esperança de estar perante um livro 5*, mas não foi isso que aconteceu. Foi bom, mas deixou algumas pontas soltas que não gostei e fiquei com a ideia de que a melhor parte da ação centrou-se nas últimas 50 páginas!
Profile Image for The Reading's Love Blog.
1,339 reviews238 followers
February 20, 2020
RECENSIONE QUI: https://thereadingslove.blogspot.com/...

"La ragazza dell’alba" è un thriller poliziesco e psicologico e primo volume di una serie che vede protagonista Tess Winnett, un’agente federale determinata, testarda e tormentata dal passato che indaga in ogni libro su un caso di omicidio. Leslie Wolfe con una scrittura descrittiva e minuziosa, scorrevole e coinvolgente, senza risultare noiosa ci racconta azioni e vicende che si susseguono e si intersecano con i ritmi giusti, in modo pulito e perfetto, calamitando l’attenzione del lettore e facendolo calare al centro delle indagini. Un omicidio efferato sconvolge West Palm Beach, una città situata sulla costa della Florida, dove una ragazza viene ritrovata morta sulla spiaggia con lo sguardo rivolto verso l’alba. Da qui il titolo del romanzo che dà inizio ad una serie che si prospetta ricca di suspense e misteri, pericoli e indagini. Tess è la voce narrante e grazie ai suoi pensieri, al suo dispotismo e alla sua serietà non solo ci si appassiona completamente a quello che avviene, ma ci fa affezionare a lei. Lei è una donna tutta d'un pezzo, una detective precisa, intuitiva e intransigente che mette al primo posto il suo lavoro, decisa a risolvere ogni caso che arriva tra le sue mani. È diffidente, non si fida di nessuno e proprio per questo preferisce lavorare da sola, immergersi completamente nel caso a cui lavora, investigare per conto suo e muovendosi su più fronti, tanto che per questo suo carattere solitario riceve lamentele da chiunque venga in contatto con lei. Lei è l'eroina che preferisco: una persona perspicace che fa delle scelte e che cerca di commettere meno errori possibili, forte e determinata con una fragilità latente, nascosta dietro una corazza ben salda. Ci viene presentata come un personaggio complesso, che probabilmente non piacerà a tutti per il suo carattere difficile, per i suoi modi dispotici, ma pian piano comprendiamo il suo passato e ciò che ha subìto, i suoi sensi di colpa e la sua rabbia, le sue cicatrici e i suoi demoni, comprendendo così il suo essere solitaria. Ad affiancarla in questa indagine complicata e agghiacciante ci sono gli investigatori della polizia, Gary e Todd, e per la prima volta dopo tanto tempo dovrà cercare di fare squadra con loro, di collaborare con gli altri se vuole prendere il killer e non mettere in pericolo la sua vita. Passo dopo passo, tassello dopo tassello, indizio dopo indizio l’autrice ci accompagna insieme a Tess alla ricerca dell’identikit perfetto del killer, attraverso il suo passato e il suo presente. I tasselli più piccoli, importanti per comprendere il tutto, sono rappresentati da un capitolo che ogni tanto inframezza l’indagine della detective con la vita e la mente del killer e lì l'autrice non si è certamente risparmiata nel descriverci quanto può essere oscuro il male. Questi capitoli sono l'unica traccia descrittiva del killer: intensi, angoscianti ed illuminanti. Ho apprezzato molto la profondità di Tess, la caratterizzazione psicologica del suo rapporto con i poliziotti di West Palm Beach, la parte dettagliata relativa al profiler dell’FBI nel determinare il profilo psicologico del killer. Passo dopo passo conosciamo i retroscena di questa procedura complessa, costruendo insieme a Tess e a tutti gli altri il quadro complessivo del killer, dalla situazione finanziaria alla mente criminale.

Profile Image for Carina Carvalho.
638 reviews19 followers
September 28, 2019
Gostei muito deste livro !! Não é muito grande por isso a ação desenrola-se rápido. Um bom policial com uma história bem construída. Só não dou 5 estrelas pois acho que a investigação podia em algumas alturas ter sido feita de outra forma e talvez sido encontrado o assassino mais rápido. Fico muito curiosa para ler mais livros desta série e ver como Tess evolui.
Profile Image for HornFan2 .
746 reviews42 followers
September 21, 2016
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review and no spoilers.

While I have several of Leslie Wolfe's books, on my TBR list, this is actually my first read from her and it won't be my last. Dawn Girl's my favorite read so far in 2016, Leslie Wolfe can write a wicked good book, it's as good as Ace Atkins, John Gilstrap, or Angela Marsons three favorite authors of mine.

Be forewarned this isn't a read for anyone, who hate adult theme books, that has rape, violence, or language in it's storyline.

She grabs you from the first chapter, then scares the crap out of you with Dawn Girl being found the next and you end up meeting a spunky likable although troubled FBI Agent in the next.

This one takes place in South Florida. My style of a good read, it's full of twist and turns, has everything and more you expect from a psychological thriller or police procedural thriller, fast paced, a intertwining storyline that's well developed, edge of your seat reading, tension filled, good verse evil theme, and full of suspense.

Dawn Girl's probably going to be the first book in the FBI Agent Tess Winnett series. She's a spunky, likable character, troubled, easy to relate to by the reader, life like even since she's a handful for SCI Pearson trying his patience by breaking the rules, getting complaints from anyone she works with, and in the end she's really the FBI's secret weapon.

While Winnett has a great support cast of characters in this one, Gary Michowsky and Todd Fradella two detectives from Palm Beach Police Dept. learn first hand charming she can be and sometimes you just got to go with your gut.

Now I sincerely hope that the Leslie Wolfe for book 2, will have Gary Michowsky being promoted to the FBI then have him becoming Winnett's new partner.

Since in the ending of Dawn Girl, they made a great team as they put all the pieces together to track down the nasty bad guy and he'd try like hell to make her play by the rules.

Dawn Girl's a must read, was totally blown away by this book, one of the many reasons, that I love reading books from indy author's and Leslie Wolfe will be your new favorite author.

Profile Image for Jéssica | Chuvadeletras__.
236 reviews57 followers
January 16, 2020
A Rapariga Sem Nome é o primeiro livro da série Tess Winnett, bem como a minha primeira leitura de 2020 e posso dizer que comecei o ano de uma forma muito boa. Gostei muito da escrita da autora e o facto dos capítulos serem pequenos fez com que avançasse muito rapidamente na leitura. Aliado a isto, a história começa com uma morte brutal e isso deixou-me logo muito curiosa. Um assassino sem escrúpulos e bastante perfeccionista na sua forma de atuar. Achei as personagens bem construídas mas não muito exploradas. Penso que isso mudará no próximo livro, pelo menos nas personagens que se mantiverem nas investigações, o que é um aspeto positivo pois quero saber muito mais sobre Tess.

Tess é agente do FBI e, também, a personagem principal. Tem uma personalidade muito vincada e atitudes por vezes um pouco duras, mas explicadas por um trauma que é desvendado neste primeiro livro. Não achei este ponto negativo, pelo contrário. O facto de ficar logo a saber o que aconteceu a esta personagem no primeiro livro só me deixa ainda com mais vontade de saber mais pormenores que poderão ser desvendados nos próximos livros.

Apreciei bastante a forma como a investigação foi feita e os sentidos apurados de Tess. A forma como esta reagiu aos acontecimentos e lidou com as pessoas que a rodeavam fez-me rir em alguns momentos, porque consegui perceber claramente que a personagem queria controlar-se mas havia sempre algo mais forte do que ela que a fazia agir de forma menos aconselhável.

Penso que os motivos do assassino poderiam ter sido um pouco mais explorados, bem como uma relação importante que este teve, mas não considero que este aspeto condicione a leitura. Estou muito curiosa relativamente à continuação desta história e espero lê-la em breve.

O livro em questão lê-se num ápice e os acontecimentos desenrolam-se bastante rápido, o que deixa o leitor sempre muito preso à história. Recomendo!
Profile Image for Diane.
627 reviews4 followers
September 30, 2016
Leslie Wolfe has created one of the most sadistic, warped psychopaths ever. For those that love to read psychological thrillers you'll definitely want to read Dawn Girl. There are parts that will make you cringe and shudder in disgust.

Agent Tess Winnett with the FBI is on her last legs at the bureau. She doesn't work as a team player, is rude to fellow law enforcement and even though her arrest record is impeccable her boss has had it. There have been way too many complaints. Tess has a dark secret that no one knows about and is suffering from PTSD but can't let anyone know about it or she would be fired.

She is sent to Juno Beach to help locals with a murder investigation and orders to 'play nice' and get along with the local police department "or else." This murder is only the beginning or the middle of a long line of grotesque murders. Of course, in the beginning no one was aware that there was a serial killer.

I did have an inkling of one of the reveals at the end of the story but that in no way detracted from reading Dawn Girl. The tension and urgency grew throughout the pages to find this psychopath. I couldn't put it down. The author did a remarkable job in her descriptions of scenes and characters. As I said earlier, I recommend this book to anyone who likes psychological thrillers.

I received this book through the AXP Read and Review program. To learn more about Leslie Wolfe you can check here http://wolfenovels.com/
Profile Image for Nikki Bogard.
126 reviews39 followers
March 6, 2021
Great serial killer thriller and without all the blood and gore that usually accompanies them. It gives enough detail for your imagination to run wild. Captivating and intense!

There is a predator out there murdering young college grad girls and it is up to FBI agent Tess Winnett to catch him at all cost. Tess will have to put aside her feelings about having a partner and accept the help of the local police who found the murder victim. At first Tess’s character seems a bit of a control freak until you find out her reasoning for acting this way. It shed a new light on her and makes you warm up to her. She is battling her own demons about an unexpected event that happened in the beginning of he career that she has had to live with. Can she come to terms with what is eating her up and still catch the bad guy or will the bad guy get the best of her? This story has a cruel and twisted allure to it that I could y put down and with a shocking ending that you may or may not see coming!

I would recommend this book for anyone who loves a good serial thriller. I cannot wait to see where the rest of the series takes Tess Winnett.
Profile Image for Yvonne.
967 reviews80 followers
December 8, 2017
What a wonderful surprise. A new to me author who really delivered on a great/challenging heroine and a creepy villain.
I only wish it had been a little bit longer. It seemed to wrap up pretty quickly.
Profile Image for Kathy Lopes.
156 reviews11 followers
August 4, 2019
3,5 * na verdade. Eu gostei desta leitura e estava bastante empolgada e embrenhada na mesma! No entanto, o entusiasmo foi desvanecendo... poucas reviravoltas, um assassino que é identificado cedo no enredo... enfim. Um thriller policial básico que se lê muito bem.
Profile Image for Sonia Cristina.
2,103 reviews66 followers
June 25, 2020
Aqui está a (mais uma) prova de que não é preciso um calhamaço para ser um bom livro. Este é relativamente pequeno, com pouco menos de 300 páginas, mas teve tudo para me entusiasmar. Adorei e espero ler em breve os livros seguintes na série.

Adorei Tess, é tão engraçada com o seu jeito algo rebelde para conseguir fazer o seu trabalho sem ligar a procedimentos. O que me ri com os diálogos dela com o chefe Pearson LOL.

Também gostei muito de Michowsky e espero que apareça nos próximos livros.
Profile Image for Leandra.
389 reviews16 followers
August 25, 2024
Uma raparigas aparece morta numa praia numa posição muito estranha.
A inspectora do FBI Tess Winnett é chamada a ajudar a polícia de Juno Beach a desvendar o crime e encontrar o culpado.
Enquanto se dedica à investigação, Tess tem de lidar com assuntos do passado e refrear a sua maneira de ser sob pena de ser expulsa do FBI.

Gostei dos requintes de violência utilizados pelo assassino e gostei de conhecer a inspeção.
Este é o primeiro livro desta série que tem como protagonista Tess e considero ler o próximo.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 848 reviews

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