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Lovie Journal (Children's journal): 100 pages, Lined, navy blue and light gray) - Creative journal, writing notebook, diary

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Published August 18, 2020

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About the author

K.L. Randis

11 books942 followers
Author of bestselling novel Spilled Milk: Based On A True Story and new release Pillbillies. Lover of reading, writing, journaling, running and spending tons of time with family.

I love books that move me, make me think and allow powerful relationships with the characters in them. As my husband so eloquently puts it, I am 'Literally the only person he knows who will laugh out loud, gasp or cry while reading.'

I penned my first novel in the hopes to bring peace to myself and in turn have brought peace, healing and understanding to thousands. Thank you for your ongoing and enthusiastic support, it means the world to me.

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