What you need is some sane advice to get you through.
Your body aches. Your brain feels like a mouldy wrung-out dishcloth. You can barely get anything done and, hang on, why are you even doing this anyway? Is there something wrong with you? Nope. You're just burnt out.
Burnout Survival Kit offers practical advice for when things are already bad. There's no mystical magic about unleashing your inner corporate superhero, no weird productivity diagrams, and certainly no crap about working 'smarter'. Instead, this is the calm inner voice that you need, served with good sense and creativity.
As well as helping you to take time to ground yourself, there are brilliant hacks for all the causes of stress and anxiety, from how to approach networking (no one likes it) to practical advice on sleeping better. And the humour helps too. This may not be a cure, but it really does offer instant relief and give you the chance to take a breath. So whether you're just starting to burn or fully scorched to a crisp, rest easy. You've got a Burnout Survival Kit.
There are a tonne of self-help books on the market to aid with stress, depression, anxiety and a multitude of other conditions but I must admit, I have never come across a book quite like this. It covers all of the basic information you need to know and understand but never overwhelms with information dumps. Set out in neatly presented sections, this is a very user-friendly, accessible and endlessly helpful guide, and I do not doubt that I'll return to it again and again in future in times of crisis.
The Burnout Survival Kit is split into sections each compiled of various chapters, including emergency problems (panic attacks; suicidal ideation; deep depression), short-term problems (stress; procrastination; workplace worries) and long-term problems (workplace toxicity; jealousy towards others; feelings of being lost, unsupported; economic problems) followed by a handy reading list allowing you easy access to further useful and reliable information should you wish to expand your knowledge.
With credible and impactful advice that can be put into action immediately, an encouraging tone and the excellent way in which everything is presented, the Burnout Survival Kit is an essential tool for those prone to mental health issues. It very much feels as though a friend is talking to you about how you are feeling, and you never get the impression that the author is preaching or being judgemental or patronising towards you as a reader; I have never really felt that before to this extent in a self-help guide. Highly recommended.
Acest mic ghid mi s-a părut foarte util pentru perioadele în care viața pare grea și ești lovit din toate părțile. Arta gânditului pozitiv nu mi-a ieșit niciodată, așa că uneori mai pic în borcanul cu melancolie și caut în lectură, un prieten.
Ei bine, cartea aceasta este potrivită pentru perioade de genul.
Dacă te simți demotivat, epuizat, stresat peste măsură, este timpul să pui mâna pe această carte. Sfaturile autoarei sunt umane și, mai mult de atât sunt scrise într-o manieră amuzantă.
Dacă ești sătul să auzi când ești stresat, sfatul "păi nu mai fi stresat", ei bine această carte vine cu tehnici de relaxare, cu fragmente care te vor ajuta să îți crești stima de sine și cu idei care te vor ajuta să echilibrezi mai bine munca în viața personală.
I’m normally sceptical of self-help books, which it seems to me often patronise or recycle old ideas to make a quick buck, so ‘The Burnout Survival Kit’ was a pleasant surprise. It’s an entirely engaging and enjoyable take on modern office life that rang true with me, as someone who is very much living it. The author is a freelance writer, but clearly knows a lot about working in a corporate structure as well. She provides great tips on coping with office politics, demanding bosses, managing workloads and, perhaps most critically of all right now, working from home. Whilst I’m not convinced there is anything truly revolutionary here, what Imogen Dall does brilliantly is make the ideas and techniques she is writing about feel achievable. The book has a wonderfully conversational tone, and is packed with illustrations, giving it a very friendly vibe. I never felt lectured to, but rather like I was having a coffee with a friend who was giving me advice. It’s that connection Dall makes with the reader that makes this book so worthwhile. Her tips seem heartfelt and arrived at from her own experience rather than other books or TED talks. You feel like she cares about your wellbeing, which gives her words far more power. What she presents is a holistic approach to managing workplace stress and the risk of burnout. It ranges from yoga to managing your finances, to pointers for avoiding the negative aspects of social media. It can feel a little scattershot at times, but the affable, often amusing style carries it. I’ve already adopted some of her suggestions and aim to incorporate more of them into my work routine. If you’re feeling like work is getting on top of you, or even if you aren’t, it’s a book I thoroughly recommend.
It's not a book by a famous scientist or psychologist. Still, I really enjoyed reading. Some of the advice is obvious and known (though we all tend to forget simple things in day by day life), some tips made me look at situations from different angle, and some are not applicable to me (I'm not a freelancer, I don't live in UK). Nevertheless, this book stays in my library, I will definitely refer to it.
This book started off strong but got gradually worse throughout.
There’s a page in the book that recommends everyone keep emergency chocolate on their person for any time they feel anxious or stressed, and how the author has ‘scoffed chocolate on planes, trains, before meetings, walking down the street, in the back of taxis and even in the toilets...’.
This is, quite frankly, horrifying advice to give to anyone, especially when this book was first published in 2020...the year of a global pandemic!!
Sugar is well known for being addictive (“more-ish” if you like), and for me it affects my skin, then my self-consciousness (due to spots outbreaks and bloating, plus if you overindulge it can lead to feelings of guilt...and even diabetes long term.
How the author can justify that, I simply do not know!
After reading that, the rest of the book was hard to take seriously, and it seemed rushed, overly generic and a chore to finish. (It’s only a short book so figured I may as well finish it anyway).
Burnout is a serious thing, affecting far more people now than previously, what with social distancing etc. I would not recommend this book for insight into burnout at all, or ‘instant relief from modern work’ as it says on the cover!
This is a despicable book which is wrongly titled “burnout” as it has nothing to do with the specific topic. The “advice” that varies from “dress for the position you aim for” to “make your voice deeper” and “carry chocolate around for emergencies” is at least embarrassing, if not insulting to the people that actually suffer from burnout.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bloomsbury Publishing PLC for kindly providing me with a digital copy of this book for review. Coming to the close of 2020, I can’t think of a time when this book might be needed more than now! It’s been quite a year hasn’t it folks! And I’m more than certain that there’s many people feeling burnt out right now. This book isn’t a medical text book- it’s more a friendly chat with a friend and a cuppa to try and sort yourself out kind of thing. The advice isn’t overly ground breaking if I’m honest- it’s stuff we probably all know deep down. It is however, easy to loose sight of the good advice to ourselves when we are going through stressful times, and that’s when having a resource like this book to hand becomes useful. The book is pleasing to read, with fun little illustrations throughout. In particular there is a section with illustrated stretching exercises which I think is really handy and informative. If you’re struggling with feelings of burn out, or want to prevent reaching that situation then certainly pick up this book- it covers quite a wide spectrum of tips, and there is also links provided for additional help. Although I don’t think it should be used as a substitute for professional medical advice if mental or physical health is being effected.
It's a pretty little book and the short sections do help someone who is in the midst of burnout to maintain concentration on the advice being provided, but for someone who is desperate for actual help, this felt like a friend who wants to give advice but isn't really listening to your specific situation and just throwing out scattershot ideas as to how to fix things. I know exercise and better food will help me, of course I do, but the book doesn't provide any breakdown as to how best achieve things like this, just an overarching 'make sure you exercise or stretch each day'. It also tried to cover far too many situations for me. I am burnt out because I have worked seven days a week for the past five years, trying to succeed in a freelance self-employed role while a pandemic happened and the cost of living has vastly increased. I now am exhausted with no idea as to how to relax or enjoy anything anymore, and this book didn't really offer any inspiration. I was looking for more help than this.
If there is one thing that astounded me about this book, it is the elegant colors. The way the colors spread through the doodles and all the pages is simply exquisite. The feel of the book is enhanced tenfold by the designer decidedly.
The author addresses myriad humans throughout the book. Ergo, we might have to decamp and plunge back between the topics. Nonetheless, it sure reminds us about our different friends and their traits. Clicking a snap of that page and sending it to them would be a perk of getting this book.
I'm skeptical if this is a survival kit for burnout or a few chunks of working hacks filled with advertisements. Most of the applications, games, websites, and software suggested are paid. Did the author get paid? No kidding.
Do not burn your ass for whatever organization you might be working on is the crux of this book, which is a gentle cue to pat us on our back that we deserve everything under the sun.
This book will definitely be needed by A LOT of people at the moment. Due to the pandemic, a lot of people will be struggling - including myself. This book is a great little pick-me-up during these tough times. It's great to dip in and out of, and the illustrations help to break up the book into easy chunks too.
Lots of good advice to take on board. Work, home life, personal life - lots to think about.
A very funny and lyrical self help book. Intended to pick it up as a safe guard for the future... until I realised that I am already burnt out haha!
Such easy to understand language, and Dall doesn't over complicate her advice with studies, and anecdotes, and evidence.
It honestly feels like a warm hug from a friend when you need to just seek some light advice for your troubles of what you never expected was burn out.
Surprisingly, good book, very apt for the time that the world is going through. I definitely recommend this book if you need a different perspective on life. Lots of great tips and ideas to get you through or if you are feeling brave, a change in direction.
Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.
I love that this book is positive, motivational and has practical advice rather than wishy washy mantras. Did I feel attacked by some of the comments? Yes. But for the right reasons. I'm looking forward to putting this new advice into practice.
A useful little book that reminds you sometimes you need to stop and take a step back at work. Some good advice and useful tips to look after yourself especially during what we're going through with the pandemic.
The right book at the right time. It's full of interesting hints and ideas and I liked how it didn't used too many buzzwords or recycled ideas. Highly recommended. Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine
По началу я не отнеслась к этой книге серьезно. Но с какого-то момента я стала отмечать ее весомые плюсы, которые выгодно отличают ее от других книг по самопомощи на тему выгорания.
Автор подошёл очень структурировано и лаконично. Книга разбита на главы, посвящённые разным жизненным ситуациям и проблемам, в результате которых мы испытываем стресс и как результат - выгораем. В каждой такой главе даётся перечень коротких и концентрированных советов. Без какой-то воды и длинных предисловий. Кратко, по делу.
Как итог - книгой можно пользоваться как энциклопедией по сложным ситуациям. Находишь в ней свою проблему и читаешь набор коротких советов.
Читается легко. В любой момент можно отложить и потом вернуться с любой страницы.
По началу я не отнеслась к этой книге серьезно. Но с какого-то момента я стала отмечать ее весомые плюсы, которые выгодно отличают ее от других книг по самопомощи на тему выгорания.
Автор подошёл очень структурировано и лаконично. Книга разбита на главы, посвящённые разным жизненным ситуациям и проблемам, в результате которых мы испытываем стресс и как результат - выгораем. В каждой такой главе даётся перечень коротких и концентрированных советов. Без какой-то воды и длинных предисловий. Кратко, по делу.
Как итог - книгой можно пользоваться как энциклопедией по сложным ситуациям. Находишь в ней свою проблему и читаешь набор коротких советов.
Читается легко. В любой момент можно отложить и потом вернуться с любой страницы.
This book serves as a useful reminder for when you are struggling.
What I like most about this book is the way it is structured - firstly into emergency/ short-term/ long-term problems, and then into specific problems, such as "I'm overwhelmed by my workload". The identified problems are all highly relatable! There's a good mix of advice for both independent workers and employees in a communal workplace.
Imogen Dall offers lots of practical, realistic advice, although most would already be familiar to anyone who has read around the issues of self-care and resilience.
Литературу, направленную на саморазвитие и самопомощь, читаю не так часто. Книга порадовала: читать легко, мало воды, темы структурированы удобно, можно открыть содержание и найти то, что нужно в данный момент. Порадовало, что помимо стандартных советов "займитесь спортом и начните вести здоровый образ жизни" приведены рекомендации, которые можно сделать здесь и сейчас. Очень приятно было обилие ссылок на другие источники, видно, что проделана большая работа. В целом, книга помогла, за что автору большое спасибо.
В цеееелом, довольно неплохая книга, которую разделили на части по "сферам" жизни\проблем, если так можно сказать. И даются советы, как можно бороться с состоянием "выгорания" (и схожими). Ничего сверх фантастического, особенно если это не первая книга подобного рода, что вы читаете, но из плюсов можно отметить отсутствие литров "воды" - дается лишь краткая "выжимка" советов. Шрифт крупный. Много пустого пространства. Читается быстро.
Called me out in all the ways I needed calling out on this Christmas break. Funny, witty and full of truths with an excellent reading list at the end. I've folded down many pages to come back to and read when I feel myself slipping again, so glad I stumbled across this mid corporate identity crisis
Liked that there was very clear structure so you could take what you want and leave what's not relevant. Also very little waffling which makes it very easy to read!