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Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry

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Thoroughly updated for its Fourth Edition, Lippincott's Illustrated Biochemistry enables students to quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of complex information by utilizing powerful visual resources that deliver the focus and clarification needed for mastery of difficult biochemical concepts. Its signature outline format, full-color illustrations, and end-of-chapter summaries and USMLE-style review questions make it one of the most user-friendly books in the field. New features include boxed, high-yield facts throughout each chapter and expanded coverage of molecular biology. A companion Website features fully searchable online text and additional USMLE-style questions for students and an Image Bank for faculty.

520 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 1987

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About the author

Pamela C. Champe

7 books5 followers

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5 stars
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews
Profile Image for Rahul.
32 reviews2 followers
March 3, 2011
riveting. I wasn't sure how the glucose molecule would turn out - would it oxidized to lactate? Would it be stored as glycogen?
Profile Image for Michael David.
Author 3 books82 followers
July 23, 2015
Because I wanted to have a more intensive review, I decided to read this book in its entirety. Not only is the book replete with great illustrations, it also presents what one needs to know about medical biochemistry in a concise and easily understandable way. It's a highly recommended reviewer for medical students and medical doctors.
Profile Image for Sam.
23 reviews
November 7, 2023
I wasted my precious life years(2 to be exact)studying this so i might as well add it to my reading challenge and no this is not cheating i just had the brilliant idea of adding my completed text books bec they too are BOOKS🙏
Profile Image for Saleh Khalid.
63 reviews34 followers
June 10, 2013
كتاب سيء جداً وأعطيته الكثير من الفرص لكنه في كل مرة يخيب الأمل فيه.
باختصار لو تبي رأيي خذ الصور التي فيه والميكانيزمات والباقي أحرق فيه.

أفضل كتاب لمادة الكيمياء الحيوية قرأته هو كتاب هندي
Essential of Biochemistry
Dr. U. Satyanarayana
June 6, 2023
Książka bardzo się dłużyła, akcji prawie brak, dużo szczegółowych opisów które nie były potrzebne ale ogólna fabuła na 4
October 28, 2024
This book made me cry more than any man has, it even left me questioning my sanity and every life decision that lead up to this moment of forcefully picking it up and having to read it against my own will
Profile Image for Khairu.
31 reviews6 followers
August 14, 2014
Its a quick review on Metabolisms and critical and complex information. Of course a very fast read. I know its a 531 pages book, but i didnt need to know everything. Its just the quick review on what i already know. Very informative to a medical student, and not only med. student but to anyone whose interested in Learning Biochem. Perfect for both concise and foundational learning. Full color illustration, visually explains the bio chemical process. Takes you from classroom to the patient associating the fact from the real-world scenarios.

To my surprise 5th Editing in this a pdf. file. Would like to share the link for the students who are interested and continue learning on Biochem.


Happy Reading !!
Profile Image for Kelly.
Author 7 books80 followers
April 10, 2008
i was sad because i haven't read many books recently, so i put this in to make some activity happen. i am a gigantic nerd most of the time.
4 reviews
June 3, 2008
This is a great book, I recommend it to anyone! (NOT, Just kidding!)
2 reviews
July 1, 2008
Hate it forever because I need to know every word on these pages for MFM
Profile Image for Halah.
49 reviews38 followers
December 5, 2009
As Biochemist, I can't leave this book away from me..
So useful!
Profile Image for Wail Yar.
24 reviews64 followers
December 12, 2010
أعتقد أنه يوجد الكثير ممن هو أفضل منه .. لم أقرأ منه الكثير..!
Profile Image for Ghaliya.
102 reviews3 followers
August 10, 2016
Bichem best source for med students.. not that I've browsed into others.. but IT IS the one for good knowledge + grades.
1 review13 followers
August 19, 2013
good book for those who want to study Metabolism in detail.i really enjoyed it
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews

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