In the sixth and final story in the Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries, Mina, Heathcliff, Morrie, and Quoth face off against their ultimate enemy.
Add meddling villages, an army of fictional characters to wrangle, Mina’s mother’s latest get-rich-quick-scheme, and a curious dog into the mix, and Mina’s got her hands full.
But Nevermore Bookshop still has secrets to reveal. Mina and her men are ready for an epic showdown worthy of a Homeric poem… if they survive.
Steffanie Holmes is the author of steamy historical and paranormal romance. Her books feature clever, witty heroines, wild shifters, cunning witches and alpha males who get what they want.
Before becoming a writer, Steffanie worked as an archaeologist and museum curator. She loves to explore historical settings and ancient conceptions of love and possession. From Dark Age Europe to crumbling gothic estates, Steffanie is fascinated with how love can blossom between the most unlikely characters.
Steffanie lives in New Zealand with her husband and a horde of cantankerous cats. Learn more about Steffanie at her website: She also writes dark science fiction under the name S C Green.
Want to be informed when the next Steffanie Holmes paranormal romance story goes live? Sign up for the mailing list!
Dodgy plumbing? Victor Frankenstein? Socrates on Twitter? I don't think this book could be any more action-packed if it tried! Mina and her boys have a job on their hands handling all the new fictional characters that have arrived in Nevermore bookshop and need to rid the real world of its biggest foe, none other than Dracula. I can not recommend this series highly enough ❤️
MAIN CHARACTERS - Mina, Heathcliff, Morrie, and Quoth
REVIEW - This one was... well... I stopped at book 6 of 9. It sucks to do that but I just need out.
The Good: For starters, the premise! A bookshop where all your delicious heartthrobs come to life? Hell yeah. This mysterious bookshop alone was interesting enough but add that to the pot and you've got a recipe for success right? Right?
Of note, this book is personal to the author in that it deals a lot with blindness and navigating a world that's not meant for it. It also deals with Mina's own struggles to accept this part of her brilliantly. For all my upcoming bitching, I wanted to take a moment to really point out something that shined brightly in the series and brought awareness and empathy to something we may not all encounter.
The Bad: A lot of this series read to me like fanfiction. And that's great if that's what I was signing up for, but it wasn't. Perhaps that's on me. It's funny because the FMC even praises Dante's Inferno, the original fanfiction. Ngl - I giggled a bit at that. My main issue with this series is it just bored me. You had these amazing characters coming out of the woodwork and being sidelined left and right. Moriarty? He's mostly pining after Heathcliff and pouting because something isn't going his way. Heathcliff? He mostly surly (ok, that checks buuuuttt...) and hiding from his feelings for Morrie. Quoth? He starts off as a joke, shitting on customers that quote 'The Raven', then gets some personality and actual conflict as he struggles to find his place in their group, all to throw it away to be a thrall for Dracula. I know the next book will delve into his guilt for his choices but it sucks that I have to wait for book SEVEN to get some character development. Speaking of Dracula... it kind of took the series in a weird direction for me. Mina's got so much going on and then we get this big WOAH moment when her father's arch nemesis turns out to be Dracula. And why on earth did he name her Mina??? I dunno. I'm falling off the tracks with this review about as much as the series fell off the track with it's own stuff.
The Meh: There's a lot of personal opinion/agenda pushing in this series. Snide remarks or takes on things from a very one-sided view. It's not terrible by any means but it kills the immersion. I don't know why I struggle so hard to find a series that's just an escape without dealing with political views, etc. I read to remove myself from that crap so it sucks to have it infect everything.
Overall: This series is fine but, for me, I don't want to waste my time with something that doesn't bring me passion, emotion, etc. The murder mysteries were ok but the story moves along too slowly for me. Every step forward was two steps back and I just don't have the time or attention span for that right now. I think 6 wraps things up well enough that I can leave the series knowing I gave it a shot and enjoyed what I could from it but if I continued anymore it would feel like a chore.
WOULD I RECOMMEND - If you like murder mysteries and the premise of book heroes escaping their stories, give it a shot.
I think these books are trying to be to many things at once. A murder mystery, a harem romance and a sicfi/ fantasy. In the end they only end up being a murder mystery though in this book the mystery doesn’t apply cause of the plot but I can let that go as it fits. My main problem is with how stupid the main characters became everything is a giant deal to the point I started skimming because ‘it ain’t that deep’ but as I said the stupidity is what really annoyed me. You have a character that can do magic, maybe even take the bad guy down on his own with said magic, yet no one thinks to ask him to help. Then there’s Frankston monster who is very strong and it doesn’t occur to anyone to ask him to help but they do ask the guy who’s really good with a bow and arrow. Also not noticing the obvious turned into a vampire guy who the MF is meant to be so in love with. these were the main problems I had there were more smaller one along the same lines.
Love this series! This book is wonderful full of amazing quotes and passages. Love the relationship progression but also that the series doesn’t focus on the relationship with them.
This was so exciting! Loved finishing this story arc in this book and knowing that the series doesn't end with this arc or just drags it on. Love that as a storytelling choice.
Also loved the little murder investigation that snug in between all the big plot points and emotions.
siamo al sesto capitolo di questa serie che, in tutta onestà, mi è sembrata molto originale e divertente (almeno fino a quando non ho finito questo libro, scoprendo che ha in programma di pubblicare altri TRE libri per concludere la serie della libreria Nevermore!!!)
Come raccontare quello che succede senza fare spoiler a chi dovesse imbattersi in questa recensione prima di aver concluso i 5 libri precedenti? Dunque: Mina, con l'aiuto dei suoi tre bellissimi amanti letterari, ha scoperto qualcosa di più sulla propria identità e su quella di suo padre, che lei non ha mai conosciuto. Ha anche capito cosa rende particolare la libreria Nevermore, capace di far apparire personaggi letterari direttamente dalle pagine dei loro romanzi. L'abbiamo lasciata alla fine del libro precedente a prepararsi per lo scontro con il suo arcinemico (eh no, non vi dico chi è!) e finalmente accade tra queste pagine. Non manca la componente "gialla", per cui Mina risolve un omicidio avvenuto nel villaggio di Argleton (ehi, sta diventando peggio di Cabot Cove, questo villaggetto dell'Inghilterra rurale!), nè quella romance e spicy, che in questo capitolo della saga diventa forse di maggior rilievo e più esplicita, ma la parte di primo piano, stavolta, è quella fantasy.
Devo dire che secondo me sarebbe stato meglio chiuderla qui, lasciare che Mina continuasse la sua vita e pubblicare qualche racconto breve qui e la (cosa che l'autrice fa spesso), piuttosto che programmare altri tre libri...già questo romanzo mi è piaciuto ma mi è sembrato un pò "tirato", un brodo un poco alungato per arrivare al numero richiesto di battute. Scorre, ha i suoi momenti spicy (quelli divertenti decisamente meno) e l'idea rimane originale ma sembra che nella conclusione di questo romanzo trovino risposta tutti i quesiti ed i misteri aperti fino ad ora. Ho trovato il personaggio di Mina meno riuscito rispetto ai precedenti romanzi, mentre fino al libro precedente era una ragazza un pò impaurita dal mondo circostante ora è diventata davvero una dura! Ho adorato (come sempre) i personaggi secondari quali Grimalkin, la signora Ellis e Jo. Anche i personaggi maschili sono ben riusciti, mostrando lati dei loro caratteri che secondo me ci si aspettava di già ma che finora non erano stati affrontati. Mi aspetto che i prossimi romanzi vireranno maggiormente sulla parte romance della vicenda, mentre il fantasy rimarrà solo come contorno ed il "giallo" sarà, come in questo caso, un mero accessorio allo svolgimento della storia centrale. Ma vedremo.
Leggendo l'inizio di questo sesto volume pensavo che niente ormai avrebbe potuto sconvolgermi (anche perché mancano tre libri all'appello prima del gran finale) e invece...
E invece sto ancora cercando la mia mandibola che è caduta per terra...
I nostri protagonisti ne passano di tutti i colori , dalla cecità di Mina ai rimorsi di Heatcliff fino ad arrivare alla crisi tra Quoth e la famiglia allargata che non fa altro che espandersi sempre di più...
Socrate, Puk, il Cavaliere senza testa, Vicktor Frankenstein e niente meno che Robin Hood, arrivano in pompa magna ad aiutare il nostro strambo quartetto nella lotta al grande e temibile Dracula. i siparietti comici si sprecano, gli indizi sparsi qua e là per risolvere il mistero del serial killer che attacca le ragazze di Argleton danno ritmo alla narrazione fino ad arrivare a una serie di colpi di scena che mi hanno spiazzato e si...mi hanno anche fatto versare qualche lacrima...
La Holmes entra nella lista delle autrici che mi fanno scalpitare per l'attesa di una nuova uscita, adoro i suoi personaggi, il suo umorismo e la fantasia con cui incastra elementi conosciuti della letteratura classica alla sua visione di scrittura, sempre fresca e originale.
Questa serie a puntate è una piccola chicca di mistero, fantasy e romanticismo poliamoroso...un mix vincente, almeno per quando riguarda i miei gusti!
Dover aspettare aprile per la prossima uscita è una tortura ma non ho alcuna intenzione di mollare la serie...anzi...non vedo l'ora (soprattutto dopo questo finale in cui tutte le carte si rimescolano e VERAMENTE non so cosa aspettarmi)
Ci sarà un festival su Shakespeare... già non sto nella pelle🫠🫠🫠🫠
Se vi va di dare una possibilità a questa sicuramente Ve la consiglio!
I've enjoyed this series, but I was more than happy to wrap it up. I've always preferred the mystery of the bookshop to the book by book murder mysteries. And though I appreciate the character growth Mina has had accepting her failing sight, it really irritated me that she kept doing things where she was more a burden than a help. Like breaking and entering while looking for something. There are a few more books with these characters, but now that the main mystery has been solved I'm moving on from the Nevermore Book Shop. 💋💋💋💋
I had this book on my Kindle for quite some time already, but for some reason I never got to it, even though the characters in this series are my favorite characters in the whole wide world. However, last week I wanted a few paperbacks from and the more I order the less shipping costs per book, so I decided to add the paperback for this book too and it seemed that as soon as I could actually touch the book, I couldn't wait to read it anymore.
I have to admit that for me the fantasy elements took over a little too much. What I enjoyed so much in the first books, a few magical elements in our world, has changed into a lot of magical elements and characters desperately trying to hide it from the non magical people in our world. I have nothing against fantasy, I love it, but in this case I think the focus of the books shifted a little too much. It's still a great book, just not as amazing as the first books were.
However, Holmes does an amazing job solving all the issues of all the previous books. Especially in the previous book, the fifth book, a lot of things happened and everything is wrapped up quite nicely in this book. Holmes thought about every small detail and the moment I closed the book I really felt like everything made sense. Well, within this world at least. As already said, a few twists were too much for me, especially at the very end.
Luckily the characters don't disappoint at all. Most of the emotional growth has been done in the previous books, which means that in this book it's mostly about preserving what's already there and working through the few issues that arise, but by now we know these characters so well that it's nice to see them work together like this. Especially because Mina is really getting more blind every book and she now literally needs her boyfriends and dog to guide her.
* Datemi un caminetto in uno squallido appartamento al piano superiore, un gatto sulle ginocchia, un libro in mano e dei fantasmi nei muri, e io sarò perfettamente felice. * La Nevermore sembrava sempre meno una libreria e sempre più un centro di riabilitazione per malvagi della letteratura. * Di tutti i cattivi presagi che abbiamo ricevuto questa mattina, il fatto che mia madre sia d’accordo con te è quello che mi preoccupa di più. * Ogni satanista che si rispetti sa che Lucifero è stufo di mangiare capre e preferirebbe di gran lunga la pizza. * Ti amo come uno scrittore ama una storia che si rifiuta di uscirgli dalle dita. Ti amo perché sei esasperante, e prezioso, e sempre un millimetro oltre la mia portata. Non voglio che tu mi salvi dall’amarti. Voglio gettarmi nel tuo fuoco e bruciare. * Ciò che non ti uccide ti dà dei malsani meccanismi di sopravvivenza e un malvagio senso dell’umorismo. * Morrie si avvicinò a me, tendendo una gamba della sedia e una torcia fatta con un romanzo di Dan Brown in fiamme. Finalmente, un buon uso del Codice Da Vinci. * «Come puoi essere qui? Dracula ha detto di averti ucciso.» «Il tempo, amore mio.» Agitò una mano con aria malinconica. «Guarisce tutte le ferite, anche la morte. * A cosa serve una vita se non puoi viverla secondo i tuoi tempi? * Sono le storie che creano il mondo. Lavori in una libreria. Conosci il potere delle parole. Le storie sono ciò che ci collega, ci plasma, ci fa nascere e ci cancella dalla storia. * I vecchi narratori non muoiono mai. Semplicemente, scompaiono nei loro racconti. * I buoni avevano avuto il loro lieto fine, e i cattivi erano finiti con un paletto nel cuore. Era così che funzionava la Libreria Nevermore. * C’era qualcosa di sacrilego nel guardare un libro che bruciava.
Nevermore returns! I enjoyed this book as much as I’ve enjoyed every other in this series. This one was fairly magical, the others have elements of magic obviously with the characters coming to life straight off the classics shelf, but this one was a bit more magic oriented. Between the time-travel room, Dracula, the Waters of Mele, this book was steeped in it. Nothing bad about that, it just held a different feel than some of the others. I still thoroughly enjoyed it. This one is a murder mystery just as much as any of the others, there’s just more to it. This is the culmination of all the other books. I know it was originally meant to be the last book and, in many ways, you feel that. We finally get to meet Mina’s dad, and finally come face to face with Dracula. It was done really well. The adventure, the cast of characters, the steam, the relationships – all done really well. I do feel like I got a bit gipped, because where was my foursome scene, where was my Morrie/Heathcliff scene?! Mina’s eyesight continues to deteriorate. Oscar, Mina’s seeing eye dog is back – she finally gets to take him home. Mina’s relationships with the guys are still a work in progress, but they’ve all come together to rally behind her. There’s some heartbreak and uncertainty with one of the guys as disaster strikes and it all comes down to the wire. All the questions we had are answered. It’s thrilling, action packed, steamy, with angst and so much more. There’s a great sense of closure with this book. I thought it was done really well, and if you’ve liked the series so far, this is a must read. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next for this crazy bunch now that everything’s been wrapped up. There’s never too much Nevermore for me! 🖤
A Novel Way to Die Argleton a small village in England, has an enchanted/cursed bookstore called the Nevermore Bookstore. Literary characters come to life in bookstore, literally. Mina Wilde is the manager of this bookstore. Unfortunately, Mina is losing all of her eyesight. She has a seeing eye dog named Oscar. Mina has three boyfriends. Heathcliff, the moody hero of Wuthering Heights. James Moriarty (Morrie) from Arthur Conan Doyle’s books and Quoth, Poe’s Raven. Mina and her three men are trying to find all of Dracula’s hidden dirt deposits around Argelton. Then he cannot be resurrected when they finally kill him. Things are weird even for this quirky household. Heathcliff is moodier than ever, Quoth is focusing on his paintings and Morrie is looking for more space for all of them. Socrates is cranky and they get a new visitor in the Headless Horseman who bunks with Socrates. Mina’s father, Homer left a message to her “Bring the Wine”. What does that mean? Come along with Mina and her three handsome and sexy men to chase down the killer in Argelton. It’s Halloween Festival in Argleton. So, all the new fictional arrivals will not seem too out of place, will they? This was a really fun read, romance, mystery and lots of humor. Great characters, good world building. Fall in love with some of the interesting characters from fiction as they work through mysteries, betrayals and relationships.
Questa sarà una recensione generale dei primi sei libri, che sono tutti collegati. Ho letto il primo libro perché incuriosita dalla trama: una libreria che porta in vita i personaggi dei libri e poi del giallo e così sono andata avanti a seguire le avventure di Mina, Heathcliff, Morrie e Quoth; ammetto di aver letto la saga più per queste due cose che per il romance, che per me è stato proprio di secondo piano. Ho adorato Mina e la sua determinazione ad avere una vita normale anche con la vista che la sta abbandonando, la capisco e ammiro. Non si trovano molti romanzi dove la protagonista ha una disabilità e questo è stato sicuramente un fattore positivo che mi ha fatto continuare la storia. L'altro fattore è dato dagli omicidi, anche se molto semplici da risolvere mi hanno appassionata! Infine l'amore tra Mina, Morrie, Quoth e Heathcliff è stato molto particolare: non credevo che si potessero amare allo stesso tempo così tante persone contemporaneamente. Per me è strano, ma comprensibile, anche se molte scene di sesso le ho saltate perché ripetitive. Per il resto niente: leggerò sicuramente i tre romanzi rimasti. Holmes ha uno stile semplice, non impegnativo, ma che tiene incollata alle pagine. In generale quattro stelle!
Aw man. After 6 books, Moriarty and Heathcliff's slow burn Feelings for each other are resolved OFF SCREEN. Heroine literally leaves them alone to chat about it while she goes and does plot stuff and comes back to find it all sorted. I feel cheated. Where are my impassioned declarations of undying affection and laying bare of vulnerabilities??????
And then we don't even get a group orgy scene with all of them in it.
(Also poor Quoth. He is not wrong about being the third (fourth?) wheel in this relationship.)
I did enjoy all the hilariously quirky random fictional characters who pop up in this book, and particularly Socrates joining TikTok and getting into arguments on Twitter.
We finally find out why fictional characters keep popping up in the bookshop, and the explanation is cool and makes sense!
This is the end of the main series arc, although the afterword promises a new 3-book arc. Overall I've had a fun time with this wild mash up of literary characters with cosy murder mysteries and steamy romance that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Dracula and his minions cause havoc in Argleton, Quoth is hardly ever home, Mina’s mum is selling portable vampire slaying kits, Mrs Ellis is provoking everyone too scared of the occult to drastic measures (book burning, witch hunts, etc.) because of her Halloween celebrations, and the bookshop is flooding – from burst pipes and new fictional characters come to life.
Oscar is so brave and cute – such a perfect dog.
Of course Mrs Ellis with the members of the banned books book club and Mina’s mum start a whole new group bent on hunting ghosts and other supernatural monsters…
I had a problem with the italics as it messes with my eyes and head, making it difficult to read and enjoy the book. Authors and publishers: please consider the neurodivergent when making decisions about italics so books are accessible to all.
Loads of fun to read with chills and thrills throughout. Loads of lava hot scenes. It ties up all the questions from the previous books.
Wow, I loved it! Mina and her men, Morrie, Quaoth, and Heathcliff have done their best to stack the odds in their favor when it comes to their final showdown with the enemy determined to take over the world. Unfortunately, the being they are up against is diabolically clever and won't hesitate to use anyone or anything to achieve his objective. Fascinating, unique, and I think realistic characters even though many of them have stepped out of the pages of great classic novels. I adore the interactions between Mina and her men, and her relationship with her mother cracks me up. Sizzling hot scenes with Mina and her boys, some exciting action, suspense, a mysterious murder that isn't like the others, and surprising as well as unexpected twists in the plot kept me engrossed in the pages from the first to the last. I love this series!
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
Mina has her hands full in this one. She and Morrie are on a search and destroy mission for all of Dracula's dirt stashes. Heathcliff is acting weird and standoffish towards both her and Morrie. Quoth is spending more time with his painting than with her. More fictional characters keep appearing in the shop - from Robin Hood to Socrates and even the Headless Horseman. Her father's last message still means nothing to her (Bring the wine??). And now Dracula is killing women in the village, including Jo's friend Fiona. The plumbing is on the fritz at the bookstore and oh, and there is a big Halloween festival planned which is stirring up the anti-anybody-having-fun group. It is going to take a miracle to straighten this mess out. Nothing an almost blind bookseller, a service dog, and some fictional book characters can't handle. Right?
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Yet another thrilling adventure with more characters from classics coming to life at Halloween time, with a good old count Dracula sniffing around to get immortality. The stakes are higher than before, and the challenges become now very personal for Mina and her men. Not to mention all the havoc that is caused by the newcomers, Dorothy's madness, Helen's get-rich-quick schemes with a surprising enlightening moment only to backfire at her later, or new era of philosophy (damn I love that part of the story, the scenes are hilarious). In the total chaos and stress, all relationships are undergoing hard times, when only the true love can help overcome all obstacles and bring the people back together, heal the wounds, and repair broken hearts. There is never a dull moment at the Nevermore Bookshop or in Argleton, and I am very much looking forward to the next dose of mischief that is to come with the next book.
I'm in awe of this author and the knowledge she instills into this series. Let's face it, most reverse harem novels are fun and sexy but not a whole lot of depth yet Steffanie Holmes adds a whole other level to her story.
Mina and her men are up against a true villain, who might be even more than they can handle. There are many new fun and entertaining characters added to the mix and of course Mina's mom is right there in the action.
The bits of knowledge the author adds into this series has been part of my favorite things along with all the action in my favorite bookshop. This is so much more than just a reverse harem paranormal romance, it's history and knowledge loaded with a lot of fun in one of the most interesting and outstanding series I've ever read. I highly recommend this series more than any I have ever read!
I really liked this others but this was not good at all. It was beyond cliché and was over dramatic in so many ways. I ended up skimming through it after the 3rd chapter or so because of how over the top it was. I don't understand what went wrong. The pacing in previous books had all been OK. They had their moments but they still sounded as though an adult wrote them. This played out more like an angst-filled 12 year old got ahold of their parent's manuscript and sent it in once done. There was barely any redeeming moments to it. Which is sad because Healthclif and Morrie are in it and they are finally together. It's overshadowed by the boring "my heart is like coal with how it burn for you" BS they got going on.
Phew! As the six-book plot arc comes to an end, we find our gang desperate to find all of Dracula's earth boxes so they can save the world past, present, future, and fictional from literature's most awful bloodsucker (I know I am biased, let me be). This was slightly less climatic than I expected, since there was too much going on at once for my brain to keep up, and I was a little sad to see that Grimalkin didn't really become too important. All the stunts leading to the final fight were breathtaking, and so was the scene with Dante, but I personally would've loved to see a bit more of a battle between Dracula and the gang. Then again, in the original the polycule plus Van Helsing did finish him off before he could rise, so it might be Holmes' way to pay tribute to Stoker's classic.
Normally there is only a few odd characters from novels coming to life, something has happened and now they are escaping in greater numbers. Although that's not the only thing that Mina and her novel boyfriends (Heathcliff, Morrie and Quoth), will have to deal with, they also have to face off with their greatest enemy. Will anyone be left standing when the dust settles? I loved the romance, the humour, all the challenges they faced, the drama/suspense, the new interesting novel characters coming to life and Mina's determination.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This is the final book in the Nevermore Series. I am sad to see them all go. Well everyone but Mina's mother. I really just want to slap some sense into the woman. at least there is a man hanging around that seems to be keeping her under control. There are new characters literally coming out of the wood work. It is almost Halloween so the witches and the crazies are out in force. Oh, and there has been another murder. What is wrong with Quoth? He is working very hard on his paintings. Will Mina and the guys be able to figure out the dead people and the undead people. In summary, yes I liked the boo
I originally started this book right before my KU subscription ran out. Finally got a copy for myself and zipped through it. It is amazing how different a book can be based on where your brain is at.
This book shows that, indirectly, because of people's interpretations of what is going on based on how THEY are feeling.
As with the earlier books, there are fantastical situations held together with love (not just romantic but community) and a mystery to solve. We get a few more answers to the mysteries of the bookshop.
I enjoyed the book but the refrain "a stitch in time, saves nine" kept running through my head. I know life is a struggle but call another plumber sooner.
The action and the suspense. . . Wow! Of the books so far in the Nevermore Bookshop series this one went all out with the fantastical and paranormal literary world brought into Argleton by the Nevermore Bookshop. Of the books though, this wasn’t my favorite of the series, not to say I didn’t love it. The expanded cast of literary characters that pop out of the pages into the real world was so entertaining. . . The Father of Western Philosophy had me laughing out loud. Facing one of the most evil of evils from classic literature and to finally solving the big mystery, why are these characters popping up, was definitely a twist I hadn’t foreseen.