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The White Ring

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The wizards of Akken are hiding a terrible secret. People are disappearing. Nobody can remember them. Vani Brattle gets into trouble with the law. Parn Trippers learns that working for the wizard police comes at a price. They both uncover more than just missing people. Come untangle the mystery alongside our heroes in the Akken Chronicles!

302 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 6, 2018

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About the author

Cy Tidd

8 books6 followers

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
Profile Image for Michael Miller.
30 reviews
April 24, 2023
well worth reading

This serious started out slow, but that was mere introduction of the characters. Once we knew who the people were, and what they do, the story took off and became quite interesting. It even had an interesting ending that could lead to a bunch of other fun stories, whether it will or not remains to be seen. Five stars that is not common for me.
36 reviews1 follower
June 7, 2023
oh my gosh… This is a must read!

This is one of the most amazing books I’ve read. It has novel concepts and true detective work and while you did see the end coming a little too early. It was phenomenal overall. I can’t wait for a book 3.
94 reviews
April 14, 2020
Loved it!

Very enjoyable series ( which I hope will continue) Unusual plot and characters. Very much out of the common way.
Profile Image for Anthony Milton.
158 reviews2 followers
May 15, 2020
Even Better

I honestly don’t know how I’m going to wait for the third book in this series.I feel like this one ended far too soon.
2 reviews
January 5, 2023

While the characters were presented a bit simply, the mysteries were not. I'm going for the next book with anticipatory glee.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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