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ブルーロック [Blue Lock] #7

ブルーロック 7 [Blue Lock 7]

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勝者が敗者を引き抜く二次選考「奪敵決戦(ライバルリー・バトル)」にて、TOPストライカー・糸師 凛たちに敗れた潔と凪は、蜂楽を失い、再起と成長を誓い次なる戦いへ。極限の“個”の力が試される2vs.2の決戦で、戦う相手は旧伍号棟得点王・馬狼照英。敗北すれば脱落の崖っぷち。潔は、王様・馬狼との1対1を制した先にある“天才側”を目指す!

195 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 17, 2020

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About the author

Muneyuki Kaneshiro

310 books173 followers
Muneyuki Kaneshiro (金城宗幸, Kaneshiro Muneyuki) is a Japanese mangaka.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 203 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren Lanz.
830 reviews299 followers
July 27, 2023
This is a formal request for Kaneshiro to stop penning in backstories for characters i hate or don't care about, because they are always so good and always make me change my mind about them and i am WEAK!!! I could not care less about Naruhaya until right before his departure, when his short backstory almost made my cry..... (HE'S SO SWEET ARGHHH)

Anyways, I really can't wait for the next matchup. Isagi reuniting with Chigiri and Kunigami for a face-off is good enough, but Reo vs Nagi added to the mix makes me really hyped. Every day (especially today) I get closer to starting a Blue Lock binge.
Profile Image for Norah Una Sumner.
876 reviews511 followers
February 10, 2022
4.5 stars

The way each volume keeps getting better and better, I'm so glad I decided to continue with this series. Also it pains me so much whenever a new match occurs because I like everyone and I hate seeing them lose and get separated. I know what's coming but still. Also love how dramatic everyone is lol. Same.
Profile Image for Angel (๑❛ᴗ˂̵)〜☆.
256 reviews58 followers
October 20, 2022
damn, for the entire half of this volume, I've been hunting for the flame to appear in Isagi, but it just didn't, it was so frustrating when he looked basic af. When it finally appeared, I couldn't help but say "...finally", and ngl I felt bad for Reo, but ig it will do smth for his character development
Profile Image for hope [mostly-hiatus].
401 reviews247 followers
September 16, 2024
AHHHHHHHHHHH THIS VOLUME GAVE ME SO MUCH ANXIETY. my heart was in my throat the whole time.

a few notes:

- nagi & isagi 🔛🔝
- poor baby reo is so hurt by nagi. i just want them to make up already 😭
- rin, the other poor sad baby. he always looks so sad and he's such an assole but i really can't be mad at him about it 💔
- this has officially became my #1 favourite manga. i haven't read many but i've read a good amount to know that this is my top one. i gave all volumes 5 stars so far, so ofc this volume is also 5 stars. i'm not even surprised at this point. i'm a romance reader, so who would have thought i'd love a series that has nothing to do with it and is solely focused on soccer (also a sport i do not watch AT ALL) ???? 😂😂 it's really nice to be taking a break from romance though because it do be pissing me OFF lately.
- plzzz give me more of reo and nagi I NEED IT I'M BEGGING YOU 🧎‍♀️
Profile Image for Mizuki.
3,200 reviews1,338 followers
August 13, 2023
(1) Since I don't know a damn thing about football, so now the manga becomes difficult to understand...

(2) Okay....I am glad they are living in the same dorm room with at least one guy who is keen on cleanliness. You can't imagine how important it is. LOL

(3) As I had already stated, I don't know anything about football but so far the latter part of the series offers a lot of team-building among characters to keep me entertained and focused.

Will read the next volume soon!
Profile Image for laura.
153 reviews169 followers
August 1, 2023
the author is SICK for giving us naruhaya's backstory right after e wording him
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bianca  Lara.
387 reviews25 followers
July 27, 2021
This volume was absolutely incredible. Every volume I read leaves me wanting to read more and more.
Profile Image for Mr. Cody.
1,630 reviews28 followers
November 17, 2024
Such tension! (One of the best volumes: excellent the second time around)
Profile Image for Afi  (WhatAfiReads).
576 reviews396 followers
February 15, 2023

Chapters in Volume : Ch 50 - Ch 58

I just love everyone's interactions in here and REO IS SO JEALOUS PLEASE KAH KAH KAH.

This volume is Isagi trying to understand Barou and its interesting because he's already accustomed to Nagi and Barou's training regime as well.

Super interesting and I definitely can't wait for the next volume cause THE MATCHES WILL BE SUPER INTENSE DAMN.

Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,181 followers
December 2, 2023
Blue Lock continues to be highly entertaining.

Isagi has to prove himself here more than ever. With a 2 vs 2 match it's not a whole team to rely on, giving the pressure all to the main man. He also has to decide to take out a former teammate, leaving us with a intense and a bit more emotional match than I expcted.

Overall the manga shook things up here and broke regular formula but in a smart way.

A 4 out of 5.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
310 reviews35 followers
December 8, 2022
This whole rivalry battle thing where you steal opponents to advance is just genius. There’s so much drama, the stakes are high, things are being shaken up!!! The conflict!!?!!! Once I start a volume I can’t stop reading until it’s over.

Listen I’m seeing lots of spurned lover bitterness coming from Reo concerning Nagi and Kunigami & Chigiri concerning Isagi. I’m here for the pettiness and the lashing out. Give me the drama!!

Also everyone has an adorable quirk, Barou’s insistence on things going his way all the time is really cute.

I’m not looking forward to the inevitable face down with Itoshi because he seems like the Blue Lock version of Sasuke and I don’t want it.

Volume 8, here I come!
Profile Image for  ⛅ Sunny (sunnysidereviews) ⛅.
352 reviews110 followers
April 21, 2021
Why do they keep sexualizing Anri?? It's so unnecessary. People won't even listen to her. :( Aside from that, this was quite a hard hitting volume. I'm also starting to like Shoei. At first I thought he was annoying, but I've come to admire his self-discipline.
Profile Image for em.
443 reviews10 followers
July 30, 2021

I have no idea who to support rn because i love them all sm!!! can they all win please thanks!

chigiri and kunigami teaming up tho <3

also uh can the committee pls stop with the constant comments at the only female character tho they're kinda not necessary :/
Profile Image for mar.
18 reviews
January 9, 2023
if you see me removing this from my shelf it’s because i feel like it’s illegal to have a manga here
Profile Image for zara.
834 reviews249 followers
January 28, 2023
nagi and isagi 🛐 can't wait to see the match between them and the other 3
Profile Image for bibi.
51 reviews
July 27, 2020
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,576 reviews42 followers
March 9, 2024
La pelea dos contra dos le da una nueva visión de sis debilidades a Isagi , una decisión esperada pero aun así no deja de doler al saber cuál es su motivo.

La siguiente fase es una batalla tres vs tres...y la verdad no sé a quién apoyar, todos ellos me caen muy bien
Profile Image for Mark.
2,400 reviews215 followers
September 25, 2021
Isagi and Nagi fight to stay alive in Blue Lock against the egomaniacal Barou and Naruhaya, one of Isagi’s former teammates. Can Isagi overcome his shortcomings to be the star that he wants to be? And could the theory behind Blue Lock get any worse?

Come for sports action as boys step all over one another to be the best, stay for questionable life lessons and hologram goaltenders. I pretty much read this series to see what sort of bonkers nonsense is going to happen next and it rarely disappoints.

I mean, you wouldn’t read it for the horrible ideas it seems keen to impart. I cannot imagine this book wants to position Ego as the hero, but it seems to be game to try, just by dint of making the other people around him that much worse. The lone female is just a source of breast jokes, to indicate the chauvinism, to be fair, but you can imagine how into that I am (spoiler: not much).

Barou ends up being a monstrous egomaniac that has skills, but is also incredibly annoying to put up with, so naturally we have him hanging around for the entire volume. One thing I did like is that the book doesn’t sugar coat it when somebody does get bounced from the program - these kids had their reasons and dreams and they are being destroyed if they can’t perform.

Of course, this reminds me more of Battle Royale in that instance and there’s no safety net or compensation and they’re banned from football. So it seems not unreasonable to also designate this a horror manga.

Isagi is, fair to say, more of a lead than a protagonist at this point. It’s beyond the pale to think that this book wants to label him a hero, as his major action in this volume is basically allowing himself to be destroyed so he can rebuild himself into the kind of player who wins games. Who needs that pesky sense of self, right?

I’m fascinated that this series appears to have the (a)moral compass of, essentially, Death Note, while still being about a lousy game of football. Of course, with the powers and abilities flying about, this is rapidly turning into My FIFA Academia more than a sensible portrayal of a sport (even for manga).

I can see why somebody would like this, but for me this is the definition of car crash entertainment, it’s just that one of the cars is full of fireworks and the other is shooting fish into the air. It’s a goofy mess, but one that certainly holds the attention.

3 stars - you’ll never see that rating go higher while this is such a catastrophe of a story. Again, I think this story actually thinks it might have a valid point, terrifyingly, but if it finally decides to be a little more introspective about what it’s inflicting on some poor kids I might think more of it.
Profile Image for Adriana.
983 reviews86 followers
May 31, 2024
I don't know why I was so surprised but I have so many mixed emotions on Isagi's choice. I get why he did what he did but it just threw me for a loop. This didn't have the most exciting round of competition mostly because Nagi scored the most while it took forever for Isagi to adapt to the players on the field. Saying that, I do like that even though he doesn't score as much as the others he is continuously racking up skills that I'm sure will be all shown in one perfect game. I am not happy with who he's playing against for the next round. I want all of Team Z to go through to the end! But it does make it more nerve-racking and interesting when he plays against his former teammates. It looks like he will play against Bachira's team soon. The question is if he will choose Bachira. I don't see why, except for getting the top player to be in their team, but they would already win by getting five team members, would they not? Lots of questions up in the air. The next match should be fun!
Profile Image for malena.
164 reviews28 followers
Shelved as 'manga'
February 23, 2022

AMO LOS REENCUENTROS, aunque no quiero que se enfrenten pero me emociona mucho igual aaaaaaa me da algo si alguno se tiene que ir /llanto.

Naruhaya me dio mucha pena, ver las razones por las que luchan los que van :c

Me dio mucha risa al final como Wanima paso de cero palabras a ser MUCHO TEXTO, jamxjsmxj ojalá podamos ver más de esos tres.
Profile Image for Brenda.
Author 9 books41 followers
September 17, 2023
"Crearé un prodigio en Blue lock y me jugaré mi futuro por demostrarlo"

En este tomo tenemos nuevamente el partido 2 vs 2 en donde Equipo Nagi/Isagi salieron victoriosos y obtuvieron un gran miembro para su equipo... Así es como Gran Rey Barou se unió a sus armas.

Ahora es momento de llegar al 3 vs 3, y el gran partido entre sus antiguos compañeros Z estará por poner muy explosivo. Eso sí contar que también tendremos la gran venganza de Reo.
Profile Image for Danielle's Books.
347 reviews71 followers
July 21, 2021
This is beginning to get a bit more interesting. I like the concept of Red Robin where the winning team gets to steal a team member. It makes things more intense.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 203 reviews

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