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The Bible in 52 Weeks: A Yearlong Bible Study for Women

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A yearlong journey through the Bible to strengthen women’s faith

When you need to lift your spirits or tackle life’s challenges, the Bible is always there to offer guidance. This inspiring approach to Bible study for women combines a daily reading plan with weekly opportunities to reflect, discuss, and explore how God’s wisdom can be applied to your daily life.

Go beyond other Christian books for women

Themed readings―All verses for a given week tie together with themes that relate to modern women, like persevering through challenges, moving on from mistakes, and more.Your favorite translation―The included reading plans work with any translation, allowing you to use your favorite Bible to connect with God more deeply.Ways to study―Explore the interactive questions, Bible journaling prompts, and prayers on your own or in a group setting of any denomination.

Get to know the Word in a new light and strengthen your relationship with Christ in this Bible study for women.

210 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 28, 2020

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About the author

Kimberly D. Moore

6 books10 followers
DR. KIMBERLY D. MOORE is the senior pastor of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church in Gastonia, North Carolina, and the founder of Kimberly Moore Ministries, a nonprofit outreach ministry that aims to empower others through classes, mentoring sessions, and scholarships.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews164k followers
December 9, 2020
4.5 stars

You're not helpless; you're not hopeless. You are a strong and powerful overcomer, and you deserve everything God has in store for you.
Let's face it - the Bible is intimidating.

It's long.

The language is unfamiliar.

The interpretations can be confusing as all get-out.

It has become the great white whale for many a person - something that you've always wanted to get but just can't grasp.

Dr Kimberly D. Moore is a pastor at Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church and has spent much of her life reading (and rereading) the bible. And she gets it how tough it can be to read the Bible.
It's easy to be skeptical when the odds are stacked against you.
And so she's written this book to help out Christian women who want to learn and understand.

Whether you read it alone or with a bible study group, this guide will help you through the entire Bible in a single year.

She selected readings for six days per week - each about about 15-20 minutes - and wrote introductions to those sections as well as guiding questions designed to enhance your understanding of the readings.
Not everyone is equipped to do all the same things you do. You bring a little, and I'll bring the rest...
Overall - I really liked this book.

I was sent a review copy, so I didn't follow the book quite as instructed (aka, I didn't power-read the Bible in order to match every weekly section of this book) but I did read Moore's book from cover to cover.

I was pleasantly surprised regarding this book.

Each week's theme was different and provided a unique interpretation of that week's readings.

I feel like so many books like these can come off as preachy or judgmental - but that was not the case at all. It ended up being so much better than that.

I loved the tone and the way the author wrote the introductions for each week - I felt (dare I say it) empowered by this book.

I really liked it - and I look forward to going through it again - this time while reading the Bible and following along with this book once I have more time.
So tap into your girl power and be who God created you to be.
With thanks to the Callisto Publisher's Club, Rockridge Press and the author for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

YouTube | Blog | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Snapchat @miranda_reads
Profile Image for Becky.
5,924 reviews278 followers
February 5, 2020
First sentence: I HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN MINISTRY for as long as I can remember. I was born and raised in the church.

The Bible in 52 Weeks is a bible study for women intended for individual use, small groups, and large groups.

1. Go around the room and allow each person to share their favorite chapter and/or verse from the week’s readings.
2. How do you interpret this particular text? What do you hear the author saying?
3. Are there any companion scriptures that you know will complement this text?
4. As you read the text, do you see more of God’s love, His mercy, or His anger? Explain.
5. How can this text be applied to your life?
6. Can you identify with any particular character within the text? Can you see yourself in this text in any way?
7. After reading the weekly commentary, what will you do differently as you go forward?
8. How have this week’s readings encouraged you to do better and be better?
9. After reading the scripture and commentary, what principles have you acquired that you might teach others?
10. After reading the text, take a moment to encourage the person sitting next to you based upon something you have read in the text."

Essentially this is a year-long reading plan--there are many of these that are free and available for download--with a built-in devotional study. The reading plan does not go from Genesis to Revelation straight through. It switches back and forth between Old Testament readings and New Testament readings.

The study will choose a reading from one of the days that week to "focus" on. Each week concludes with points to ponder--questions to be answered, an activity or prayer. (Sometimes in place of an activity or prayer there is a key verse shared.)

I hope everyone who honestly and earnestly wants to read the Bible for themselves--perhaps for the first time will be encouraged to do so. But YOU DO NOT NEED THIS BOOK TO HELP YOU DO SO. There are dozens and dozens of FREE READING PLANS. Many Bibles have a reading plan or two in the back. (Though not all Bibles.) Search for bible reading plans online, and you will find plenty to choose from. There are many places to find a reading plan--all for free.

I do recommend with all my heart that EVERYONE reads the Bible for themselves. I recommend the Bible for men, for women, for children, for teens, for any AGE, any background. The Bible is the Word of God--the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God. God's Very Own Revelation of Himself to His People. It is ALL ABOUT HIM. But it speaks truth into our lives as well. It may not be about us, but it is for us.

If I recommend the Bible, does that mean I recommend this text? this commentary? this devotional? this bible study? this whatever-it-is? NO, NO, a thousand-times no.

The text accompanying the reading plan is...at its best fluff with about as much nutritional value as cool whip. There were a handful of weeks that weren't all bad. The questions were worth asking and the activities seemed genuinely connected to applying the text. If only all 52 weeks met such a standard.

At its worst the text is just bad theology: bad theology, really bad theology, super-bad theology. Of course those descriptions are subjective. To those that lean towards prosperity, health-and-wealth, name-it-and-claim-it, word-of-faith, TBN-esque theology, then two thumbs up. This level of Bible "study" may just be your cup of tea. To those that actually want to read the Bible with spiritual eyes and handle the word of God correctly, then this is a disappointment.

Profile Image for Jessica Dudok.
105 reviews5 followers
January 12, 2024
Reading the Bible in a year is personally not for me. With the outline, it says you will only need 15-20 minutes to read the given chapters. I enjoy taking notes and really understanding what I am reading. I felt I wasn’t able to do that with the amount I was supposed to read each day. I feel like I didn’t get much out of it compared to if I went through the Bible at my own pace, with a study Bible. It felt too structured and I felt pressured to read a certain amount each day. The plan’s order confused me sometimes because some chapters weren’t in order of how the Bible is written. For example, Ezra and Hebrews were out of order and randomly placed. Some of the discussion questions were helpful, but a lot I had the same answers for. Some of her commentary in the book is straight forward and others seemed to be interpreted to meet the prompt. Overall, would recommend to someone who likes this style of reading, but it wasn’t for me, and I wouldn’t go through it again.
Profile Image for Kailey (Luminous Libro).
3,428 reviews516 followers
February 12, 2020
This Bible reading plan guides you through an entire year of reading the Bible! There is a list of Bible chapters to read for 6 days, and you can use the 7th day in the week to catch up if you fell behind. Each week has an encouraging few paragraphs to point out Biblical truths and lessons to look for.

Then there are "Points to Ponder" with some questions you can answer in a journal style, writing in your thoughts about the reading for that week.
Each week ends with "Actions for the Week" that gives you prompts on how you can apply the lessons you read to make your life more joyful, peaceful, and positive.
Some weeks have a "This Is My Prayer" section, with a prayer written out that you can pray for yourself.

I love how this book talks about going after your dreams in faith, relying on God for every need, trusting His purpose for your life, and releasing stress and bitterness to embrace peace and joy. The writing prompts and action for the week are really thoughtful and help the reader to be more mindful with their reading. It's really inspiring, and makes me want to pick up the Bible and read and pray!

I also like that the reading selections don't go in chronological order, but jump around from Old to New Testaments and the Psalms, so you get a little of everything each week, but organized loosely by topic.

The illustrations are done in this beautiful watercolor style and they show pretty plants, clear skies of sunshine, people raising their arms in praise, strong trees growing by a river, a warrior maiden who holds up a shield of faith or plants a seed of happiness. Or sometimes the illustration is just an everyday object like a clock or a cup of coffee. I love the color scheme and the gorgeous designs!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone.
Profile Image for Kathleen Kelly.
1,379 reviews130 followers
February 18, 2020
The Bible in 52 Weeks is a perfect workbook for any woman wanting to learn more and get more out of the bible. Each week there is a different topic with a story, points to ponder with spaces in the book to work on and what actions to do for each week. In a short period of time each day, makes it easier to tackle the bible in 52 weeks. Of course on the 7th day, time is given to take a break or catch up on the readings. A time for reflection while taking a bit of time for yourself.
I like this workbook, which makes it simpler for me to tackle the bible.
Profile Image for Briana Stelling.
79 reviews
December 19, 2023
This is a really great book for anyone that is interested in reading the entire Bible!!! The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because I would have liked more explanations to parts of the Bible!
Profile Image for Renee Knoblauch.
332 reviews12 followers
February 6, 2020
Are you looking for a way to read through your Bible in a year? The Bible in 52 weeks might be a way for you to accomplish that. This book is set up for 6 days a week with the 7th day being a catch up day. The author says that you will need to devout 15 minutes a day to this. She recommends a Bible, any translation of your liking, pencil, notebook, iPad (for note taking), and this book of course.

The book starts out with Genesis and works its way to Revelation. The Psalms, Proverbs, and the Gospels are added into varies locations throughout the 52 Weeks.

Each week it listed the daily readings, a devotional portion that is no more than a page long. Next, you have “Points to Ponder” which is 3 questions for you to answer. They each end with an “Action for the Week” or a “Verse for the Week.”

Overall I like this book and the doctrine looks pretty sound from what I have looked over so far. Do I thing this should replace your daily Bible reading? No, it’s only 15 to maybe 20 minutes of your time. This is an addition to your own daily study time.

I love that this takes you through the Bible in a easy and engaging format.

I received a copy of this product from the Publisher's in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review.
Profile Image for Julie Powers.
68 reviews1 follower
December 22, 2023
I started this book 1/1 and finished a week early before Christmas. I loved how it laid it out along with a short devotion and journaling.
I paired this is YouTube videos of each book of the Bible from Bible Project to give more insight and history and I’m so glad that I did. Have a wider picture of the history and backstory.
Profile Image for Morgan Reed.
43 reviews1 follower
June 7, 2024
I started this on the morning of our wedding, with the intent to read the Bible in our first year of marriage. I am so glad I did this!! Each morning was such a special time with the Lord. This book was an excellent tool to make the reading manageable daily and provided a weekly devotional to go along with the reading. 11/10 recommend!!
341 reviews2 followers
January 31, 2020
The Bible in 52 Weeks: A Yearlong Bible Study for Women is a contemplative Christian devotional by Dr. Kimberly D. Moore, the pastor of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church in Gastonia, North Carolina. One of my favorite lessons was Week 18, "God Has Not Forgotten." Another favorite lesson was Week 45, "Waiting on God." The lesson for each week includes a devotional reading based on specific Bible passages, along with reflection questions (which Moore refers to as "Points to Ponder") and "Actions for the Week." The devotions are thoroughly and thoughtfully written, and the Actions for the Week provide fun ways to incorporate these devotions into your everyday life. For example, one of the Actions for the Week is, "Make a commitment to yourself to intentionally respond to your doubts with declarations of faith." This is a book I would be very interested in using for a Bible study. 

I received this book for review.
Profile Image for Amy Rabjohn.
36 reviews
January 22, 2024
Not really what I expected for a bible study for women. Didn’t seem to focus on the female perspective which I was hoping for. Seemed quite generic still but a handful of examples about being a mother - doesn’t apply to me?
Profile Image for Kristin Wickham.
112 reviews1 follower
December 28, 2024
I did it again!!! So happy I did it, but I like a little more detail in my devotional. Next year I’m going to do one with daily readings instead of weekly.
Profile Image for Pi.
1,196 reviews22 followers
December 8, 2022
Przyznaję, że miałam zupełnie inną wizję tej publikacji. Myślałam o rzeczowym opracowaniu, dobrym teologicznym tekście, który ukaże mi kobietę w Biblii... a dostałam taki cóż... przewodnik? Pozmyślania Kimberly D. Moore, która jest pastorem i faktycznie czuć, że jest to taka właśnie filozofia religijna - amerykańska. Jest w tym niestety duża powierzchowność i nastawienie na wiarę "hip hip hurra", które to podejście nie przemawia do mnie - jednak...
Jednak są też plusy. Rzeczywiście idąc tropem i za wskazówkami autorki czytelnik pozna Biblię. To dobry sposób naczytanie Pisma Świętego w sposób konkretny, ze sprecyzowanym nastawieniem i chęcią poznania konkretnych zagadnień. Ma to na calu umocnić kobiety i tu właśnie nie wiem, czy faktycznie działa. Ja jednak skupiłabym się na jej roli edukacyjnej.
Pastorka przygotowała dla czytelniczek konkretne zadania, więc przyda się wam długopis. Jest to z jednej strony interesujące, ale z drugiej (jak już wspominałam) powierzchowne. Już samo słowo wstępne jest aż nadto natchnione i mnie np. nie przekonuje. Uważam, że o wierze można mówić bardziej konkretnie i rzeczowo, a mniej emocjonalnie.
Trzeba przyznać, że książka została bardzo ładnie wydana. Mamy śliczne ilustracje Agnieszki Żylińskiej, a całość została udanie zaprojektowana. Myślę, że jeśli tak książka pomoże choć jednej osobie, to to już jest warte zauważania. Ja nie jestem dobrym odbiorcom i miałam zupełnie inną wizję tej książki.

Biblia w oku kobiety
Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka
Profile Image for Alyssa Edwards.
62 reviews1 follower
February 27, 2020
Good addition….

This book is good for any woman who wants to learn more about the bible. It’s set up for 6 days and gives you a 7th day to catch up if you fall behind. It says all you need to go along with this book is a bible of your choosing, a pen or pencil and a notebook or ipad for notes. Then all you have to do is spend 15 min. a day studying with this book.

The book starts with Genesis and finishes up with Revelation. It also adds in Psalms, Proverbs and the Gospels. At the beginning of each week it lists the readings for each day and a devotional. At the end it gives you 3 questions under the heading “Points to Ponder” and some are followed by “Action for the Week” or “Verse for the Week.” Overall I’d say that this book would be a good addition to your regular bible study. Especially if you have a group bible study.

I received a free copy of this product from Callisto Publishers in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Profile Image for Mel.
65 reviews30 followers
January 2, 2022
I’m going through this #Biblebuddyread on Litsy and I’m just really disappointed by this book. It’s super shallow. The first week we read through all of this amazing stuff - creation of earth and man, temptation and great fall, Cain and Able etc and the discussion at the end of the chapter is mostly all focused on Sarah laughing. Like what??? And the author just wrote a short blurb about the week.

I get that to keep a 52 week study guide short enough for a book she had little space; but I would have loved to have had a question for each day. And something the dived deeper. I went ahead and read through the rest of the book to see if it improved and it did not.

I will finish the buddy read since I’m going through the Bible this year anyway. But I think Gods given me a great idea to write my own as what I wanted to see!

But this book is just not worth it. It’s a glorified reading guide that you could find anywhere online for free with the authors shallow attempt to write a book for discussion along side of it.
Profile Image for Dawn.
15 reviews
March 23, 2020
This book has 6 assigned readings per week with a "catch up day" scheduled for the 7th. This is a big plus for me as my life gets busy and if I get to far behind on things that are not required I usually want to give up. Having the "catch up day" every week will keep me from getting behind and I will be more likely to continue the study plan.

There is a commentary based on at least one of the readings for the week with some questions to answer. Some weeks have actions of the week, verse of the week or a prayer.

This is a good book that keeps things simple with the focus on reading the bible with a little digging into your own personal relationship with your faith. Sure you could get the same thing from an app, but this is great for those that prefer to use a book as our lives are already so wrapped up in electronics that it is nice to get away from it.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for SOMDReigel.
1,061 reviews
February 28, 2020
As you read this book alongside the bible, you are encouraged to think about how to apply it your own circumstances and to be your best self. This book will help you read and learn from the bible (written to complement any translations of the bible) in very manageable portions. Laid out to be read in a years’ time, spending approximately 15 minutes a day. This bible study outlines daily scripture readings for all 52 weeks of the year. Readings for six days of every week. The seventh day is to catch up any readings that you may have missed during the week. You will find questions to inspire you to think about your own journey, as well as a prayer, a highlighted verse, or action steps. Beautiful, calming, colorful illustrations.
Paperback ARC provided by the publisher/Callisto Publishing Club
Profile Image for Melissa.
162 reviews
November 7, 2024
This isn't awful.

Man I just hate the layout, the decisions on how verses are sectioned out.

I've read through the Word cover to cover in 18 weeks but this has taken 3 years to get through. I just keep it around and occasionally flip back to wherever I was so I have something pre-planned to read when I'm between other studies or plans I care more about.

The devo content is not great. There's only one devo supplement per week even though there's a passage a day and whatever it's going to be written from, while it does always go with one of the passages from the week, is hit or miss. Some of it is ok. A lot of it is pretty shallow. Some of it is just theologically weak.

Due to the theology I'd struggle to endorse this to a new believer.

I wouldn't really recommend using it beyond how I have... As a filler suggestion on what to read in the between days.
Profile Image for Morgan.
334 reviews7 followers
February 19, 2020
So I've used this book for a couple weeks to read the bible in 1 year and its great. I'm not all the way through about 5 weeks and I feel like it helps motivate me to keep on top of my reading. I liked that this book has where you have readings for 6 days and 1 day to catch up on missed reading and after you've done all your reading their is a recap of what you read and a few questions. I have flipped through all the reading sections to make sure it has you read all of the bible in the 52 weeks.

This book isn't needed to read the bible in a year but it is nice to pair with reading the bible in a year and help hold yourself accountable ( at least for me). Even though some of the questions are generic.
#TheBiblein52Weeks #NetGalley
Profile Image for Jackie.
162 reviews5 followers
July 30, 2023
This was such a great Bible study. I started it last year in June of 2022 l and just finished it in July of 2023. This book helped me to learn the Bible better by doing daily lessons, journaling and listening to daily scriptures. I loved this study because it gives you daily exercises to do after each reading, questions to answer and things for you to ponder and work on yourself in the upcoming week. I also paired it with YouTube Bible readings that I listened to which was very helpful. It’s a great way to read the Bible and very helpful in learning all of the scriptures. Excellent study! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Emily Roman.
7 reviews
January 6, 2023
This plan jumped around a lot without much reasoning (for example, if it jumped around because it was going in chronological order).

I also found a lot of the devotional portions to be very “you are amazing, God will bless you and make you prosperous” (prosperity gospel).

I wouldn’t give this to a new believer to read. I could filter this out and still glean good truth. I wish the book was more focused on who God is, the context around the Bible passages discussed, and truly solid life application.
Profile Image for Alyssa Kramer.
16 reviews
December 8, 2024
I’ve always wanted to finish the Bible, but the Old Testament had made it hard to read all the way through with full attention. I searched for guidebooks that could help make breaking up the chapters relate to modern times, and stumbled upon this one! This is a really great guide book to really understanding and fully grasping each bit of scripture per week. Gives you the perfect baseline to be able to pace yourself while reading. Each week has questions based on your readings that week, and it’s a great way to apply the verses to modern times. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Hannah.
165 reviews4 followers
March 20, 2020
Thank you NetGalley and publishers for an ARC. All opinions are my own.

I'm always looking for a great Bible study. This is a well organized and thoughtout plan. It gives daily reading verses based on books in the Bible and gives an overarching theme. There is also a short teaching and reflection questions as well as a prayer. I feel like this is doable and not overwhelming. I appreciate the care and thought that was put in to creating this study.
Profile Image for Tessa Bunn.
21 reviews
November 2, 2024
A good basic guide to reading the Bible. I liked the structured aspect though the order didn’t make much sense to me. The devotional part was ok … easy to read and understand but I didn’t feel like they added much substance or increased my understanding of the Bible. There were two devotions that I connected with. I’d recommend this to someone who is trying to read through the entire Bible the first time. The theology was a bit to prosperity gospel for me.
Profile Image for Tessa Trow.
10 reviews
December 7, 2024
Oof. I'm only giving this two stars because it did successfully provide a plan to read the entire Bible. But the writing and the prompts were terrible and useless. The author repeats herself week after week. Life is hard - don't give up! And the same questions each week - have you ever been in a dark place and how did you overcome it? It's insanely repetitive and lacking any actual insight. Really bad.
Profile Image for Lesley Hernandez.
147 reviews13 followers
April 11, 2020
i love the layout of this book and how they set up the readings its a couple of chapters but so well worth reading the devotionals that accompany each week. With the devotional parts you get such an understanding of how we can relate to each of the apostles Disciples and prophets, She leaves you with questions so you can reflect on your own personal journals and notebooks.
Profile Image for Christi Spicuzza.
47 reviews3 followers
January 15, 2021
Great overview

I liked the weekly reading and questions for Sunday. The author did a wonderful job of making this easy so someone who doesn’t want to spend much time digging in. I liked the book overall, I would not recommend it if you are looking to go deeper into the Bible. This book is 100% for beginners or would be great for teenagers!
1 review
January 2, 2022
It wasn’t a good women’s study. Didn’t focus on the women in the Bible. Questions were very juvenile and the same questions were ask several times. It is a good study for a young girl or teen but not a woman. The book is too basic and not really a study guide. However, it is a good way to get through the Bible in a year. I did it in a group and we completed the entire Bible and book. Thanks
Profile Image for Michelle Rene.
Author 15 books202 followers
December 28, 2024
I purchased this as a gift for my mom and myself, Christmas 2023. As a single woman, it was refreshing to find a Bible study focused on women and not wives/mothers. The structure of the study made it easy and enjoyable to read along with commentary. Ladies, if you are looking for a guide, I highly recommend this one.
84 reviews
December 29, 2024
I have tried several times to complete the bible in a year and with this book I was able to maintain a schedule and complete the bible. Thank you to the author for making this possible. It has a reading plan and a place of reflection each week. Some weeks were tougher to get through then others but I did it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews

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