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Rainbow in the Night: A Journey of Redemption

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Vivacious Jane “Goldie” Winn is a talented musician with a beautiful voice, who also plays a mean sax. Deeply caring and fiercely loyal, she is a sensitive life coach and counselor as well as a committed friend who truly knows how to listen. Yet what would probably strike you the most about Goldie is her unquenchable joy. And it would probably shock you to learn that years ago she was a very different person – deeply troubled, persistently self-centered, and profoundly depressed.In Rainbow in the Night, she unveils the secret to her joy. She unravels the mystery of how the Lord gently but firmly lifted her up and out of that place of darkness and into the multi-colored rainbow of His love. When Goldie learned how the King unquestionably loves her, she couldn’t help but be transformed into His image by the greatness and the beauty of that love. And because of the great measure of His love for you, He invites you to take this adventure with her as you read her open-hearted and compelling book.

194 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 5, 2020

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Profile Image for Terri Gillespie.
Author 11 books184 followers
November 2, 2020
Rainbow in the Night—A Journey of Redemption is a page-turning memoir of and by Jane “Goldie” Winn, MSS. But where this book shines, is as a beacon of hope to those who are troubled by the pain, disappointment, trauma, and shame of the past.

Her candid introspection and compassionate retelling of her life of abuse and foolish searches for “love,” culminate in a journey to true love and freedom.

Winn’s life is a testimony to God’s redemptive and restorative love. One might want to pity the woman who suffered through such difficulties; however, they would be missing a powerful, healing message that any person would benefit from. The message that God can indeed bring a rainbow in the darkest night. That nothing in our life is wasted. That God’s comfort to us, can comfort others.

The only thing I wished is that Ms. Winn would follow up with a companion workbook for individuals and counselors. Her message is needed for this hurting world who are hurting others.

I highly recommend this book as a chronicle of one woman’s beautiful journey to joy, and who then has brought joy to others.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a rainbow and believes that their life is too dark for God to paint such beauty in their life.

And, finally, I highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a starting point for their own journey to freedom and joy.

Profile Image for Vixie.
12 reviews2 followers
February 25, 2022
I have known Goldie for many, many years and knew much of her story before I picked up the book. However, as I read her compelling story I realized that what I knew only scratched the surface. "Knowing" these facts and reading her story from her heart is completely different. Goldie's background and childhood were full of pain yet I detected no bitterness as she told her story.
One of the highlights of this book is its format. Goldie's heart is to help others learn to live their lives with joy and vitality, finding their healing through a robust and transformative relationship with God. Each chapter ends with a section where Goldie shares her thoughts about the material within that chapter and asks the reader a gentle question to probe the reader's thoughts and background. Reading this book also serves a double-edged function of assisting the reader to realize there is hope for whatever situation the reader might find himself in.
Goldie's story is an interesting read for anyone yet those who suffered abuse from a parent or who are experiencing the after-effects of abortion will find her story especially compelling.
1 review1 follower
February 23, 2022
Most exciting & heartwarming bio I’ve ever read!

You will be holding onto every word of every page and hungry for the next! I read this book on my kindle and couldn’t put it down!

As a Jewish believer in Yeshua, this books paints a perfect picture of what life is like for Jewish women who disobey parents in an effort To please God and seek the real truth about Messiah. (Described in the Jewish scriptures in Isaiah 53)

You will love this story and experience Goldie’s life changing journey with her as you read!
Michelle gold
Author, FINDING GOLD (lessons from a little Jewish girl from Brooklyn)
2 reviews
January 31, 2020
I absolutely adored this book! I feel as though every single person can connect to this book on one level or another. Goldie is unashamedly transparent and there is much healing to offer everyone through the reading of it. It is truly a book of redemption. I finished it within 2 days- couldn’t put it down! I loved it so much I even purchased an extra copy for a family member to read. I highly recommend this book to anyone.
Profile Image for Shimrit Hanes.
Author 4 books12 followers
October 2, 2021
Wow! What a life! I enjoyed this book tremendously. This is the story of the author’s life. It’s beautifully written and a fascinating journey. Worth your time!
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