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في الأول من نوفمبر عام 2008، أرسل مبرمج حاسوب بالاسم المُستعار "ساتوشي ناكاموتو" بريداً إلكترونياً إلى قائمة بريدية مُشفَّرة ليُعلن أنه أنتج "نظاماً نقدياً إلكترونياً جديداً يعمل بشكل كامل كنظام نظير إلى نظير، دون حاجةٍ لوجود طرف ثالث موثوق به". وقد تم نسخ ملخص المستند الذي يشرح التصميم، وتم وضع رابط له على شبكة الإنترنت. ففي جوهره، قدَّم البيتكوين شبكة دفع بوساطة عملته الخاصة، واستخدَم طريقة متطورة ليتحقق الأعضاء فيها من جميع التحويلات دون حاجة للوثوق بأي عضو من أعضاء الشبكة. وتم إصدار العملة بمعدل مُحدَّد سلفاً لمكافأة الأعضاء الذين أنفقوا طاقة المعالجة للتحقق من صحة التحويلات لِتُؤمِّن بالتالي مكافأة لهم على عملهم. والأمر المذهل في هذا الاختراع هو أنه خلافاً لل
302 pages, Kindle Edition
First published March 23, 2018
If society were a little girl in that marshmallow experiment Keynesian economics seeks to alter the experiment so that waiting would punish the girl by giving her half a marshmallow instead of two, making the entire concept of self-control and low time preference appear counterproductive. Indulging immediate pleasures is the more likely course of action economically, and that will then reflect on culture and society at large. The Austrian school, on the other hand, by preaching sound money, recognizes the reality of the trade-off that nature provides humans, and that if the child waits, there will be more reward for her, making her happier in the long run, encouraging her to defer her gratification to increase it.
It is an astonishing fact of modern life that an entrepreneur in the year 1900 could make global economic plans and calculations all denominated in any international currency, with no thought whatsoever given to exchange rate fluctuations. A century later, the equivalent entrepreneur trying to make an economic plan across borders faces an array of highly volatile exchange rates that might make him think he has walked into a Salvador Dali painting.
‘Blockchain technology,’ to the extent that such a thing exists, is not an efficient or cheap or fast way of transacting online. It is actually immensely inefficient and slow compared to centralized solutions. The only advantage that it offers is eliminating the need to trust in third-party intermediation. The only possible uses of this technology are in avenues where removing third-party intermediation is of such paramount value to end users that it justifies the increased cost and lost efficiency. And the only process for which it actually can succeed in eliminating third-party intermediation is the process of moving the native token of the network itself, as the code of the blockchain has no integrated control over anything taking place outside it.
[V]irtually all altcoins have a team in charge; they began the project, marketed it, designed the marketing material, and plugged press releases into the press as if they were news items, while also having the advantage of mining a large number of coins early before anybody had heard of the coins. These teams are publicly known individuals, and no matter how hard they might try, they cannot demonstrate credibly that they have no control over the direction of the currency, which undermines any claims other currencies might have to being a form of digital cash that cannot be edited or controlled by any third party.
bankers perform two highly pivotal functions for economic prosperity: the safekeeping of assets as deposits, and the matching of maturity and risk tolerance between investors and investment opportunities. Bankers make their money by taking a cut from the profits if they succeed in their job, but make no profit if they fail. Only the successful bankers and banks stay in their job, as those that fail are weeded out. In a society of sound money, there are no liquidity concerns over the failure of a bank, as all banks hold all their deposits on hand, and have investments of matched maturity. In other words, there is no distinction between illiquidity and insolvency, and there is no systemic risk that could make any bank ‘too big to fail.’ A bank that fails is the problem of its shareholders and lenders, and nobody else.