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Heartstopper #3

Heartstopper: Volume Three

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Charlie didn’t think Nick could ever like him back, but now they’re officially boyfriends. Nick’s even found the courage to come out to his mum.

But coming out isn’t just something that happens once – there’s Nick’s older brother, and a school trip to Paris, not to mention all the other friends and family – and life can be hard, even with someone who loves you by your side. As their feelings get more serious, Charlie and Nick will need each other more than ever before.

380 pages, Paperback

First published February 6, 2020

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About the author

Alice Oseman

70 books89.7k followers
Alice Oseman is an award-winning author, illustrator, and screenwriter, and was born in 1994 in Kent, England. She has written four YA contemporary novels about teenage disasters: SOLITAIRE, RADIO SILENCE, I WAS BORN FOR THIS, and LOVELESS. She is the creator of LGBTQ+ YA romance webcomic HEARTSTOPPER, which is now published in physical form by Hachette Children's Books, and she is the writer, creator, and executive producer for the television adaptation of HEARTSTOPPER, which is set to be released on Netflix.

Alice’s first novel SOLITAIRE was published when she was nineteen. Her YA novels have been nominated for the YA Book Prize, the Inky Awards, the Carnegie Medal, and the Goodreads Choice Awards.

Alongside writing and drawing, Alice enjoys playing the piano semi-proficiently, Pokémon games, and purchasing too many Converse.

Find Alice on Twitter and Instagram @AliceOseman.

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Profile Image for Alice Oseman.
Author 70 books89.7k followers
October 15, 2019
This is Volume 3 (aka chapter 4) of Heartstopper!
- Nick and Charlie navigate telling people about their relationship...
- ...and learning more about each other!
- There's a big school trip to Paris...
- ...in which Tao and Elle face their feelings for each other...
- ...Tara and Darcy share more about their relationship...
- ...and Nick and Charlie discover some big new feelings.
- Plus: some romantic teacher tension :)
Really hope you enjoy it!

Read the comic online:
Profile Image for Kat.
276 reviews80.3k followers
April 27, 2022
ohhhh baby this was perfection. as the story continues, it only gets nearer and dearer to my heart and i genuinely don’t know what i’ll do when it’s all over
Profile Image for Ayman.
274 reviews114k followers
April 20, 2022
Profile Image for emma.
2,318 reviews77.8k followers
April 8, 2024
i treat these books like they're cheer-up prescriptions.

as it turns out, sometimes they're sad???

there were a lot of Serious Topics in this and i'm not super into the idea of using an eating disorder as a cliffhanger...

but otherwise this was as cute and nice as ever.

this series is so important to me. and my reading challenge. and my brain.

bottom line: fun!
Profile Image for Josu Diamond.
Author 9 books33.4k followers
November 21, 2020
Mi favorito hasta el momento.

Miss Alice Oseman me va a terminar matando, ya te lo digo. ¡No se puede hacer esto! Heartstopper en general me parece una experiencia: visualmente delicada, narrativamente cuidada, emocionalmente acertada. Tiene todos los ingredientes para ser el fenómeno que es y conectar con tantas miles de personas por todo el mundo.

No quiero hacer spoilers, por lo que no entraré en detalles, pero este volumen es para mí el más importante de todos. Muestra una parte de la realidad que no muchas veces se muestra, y he de avisaros de que se tratan temas delicados (autolesiones, TCAs). Los problemas de salud mental marcan al colectivo LGTB de forma global por vivir en la sociedad en la que vivimos, y creo que Oseman hace bien en enseñar que no todo es color de rosa, ni que el amor nos salva de nuestros problemas.


Un paso adelante tiene presencia de más personajes secundarios, con sus tramas más desarrolladas, que no solo aderezan la principal de Nick y Charlie, sino que aportan un mejor entendimiento de la juventud LGTB desde diferentes perspectivas. Recordemos que hay personajes gays, lesbianas, trans y bisexuales. Hay de todo y para todxs.

En cuanto a ritmo, creo que este es el volumen que mejor muestra la evolución de la pareja y del resto de situaciones. Se lee de manera muy sencilla, porque por fin tiene ese punto en el que no todo recae en los protagonistas, y al haber más presencia de subtramas es más fácil engancharte (si ya era fácil antes, imaginaos ahora).

No quiero decir más. Quiero que lo leáis. Esta entrega ha sido un viaje, he conectado aún más con la historia y me he sentido increíblemente involucrado en ella. Gracias, Alica Oseman, por escribir e ilustrar esta joyita. Nos vemos el año que viene con la continuación. Me muero de ganas literal.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.6k followers
June 26, 2021
Efectivamente, morí de amor leyendo este tercer tomo. Aquí nos encontramos con que Nick y Charlie están explorando mucho más su relación, pero todavía están esperando a sentirse más seguros para poder contarle a sus amigos nás cercanos. Sobre todo porque Charlie no quiere que Nick pase por todo el bullying por el que él pasó cuando todo el mundo se enteró de que era gay. Así que, a su manera, lo está protegiendo y eso me pareció precioso.

Ahora, a pesar de que en este tomo nos encontramos con momentos súper lindos de la relación (¡incluso hay un viaje a París y conocemos un montón más a los personajes secundarios!), también se mencionan problemas de salud mental, de hacerse daño a uno mismo y de no comer cuando las cosas se ponen mal. Y me gusta mucho que hayan sacado estos temas a la luz en esta novela gráfica porque, aunque todo puede parecer muy bonito en el exterior, es importante saber que todos siempre estamos lidiando con cosas un poco más adentro.

En serio, no sé que tiene el estilo de narrar de Alice Osman que me encanta y siento que después de leer estos tres tomos en un solo día quedé con muchísimas ganas de leer sus novelas. Obviamente también me muero por leer el cuarto tomo. Espero conseguirlo pronto y seguir viendo cómo evoluciojna toda la historia de amor de Nick y de Charlie.
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,220 reviews3,238 followers
November 16, 2024
15th November 2024: REREAD 💌

"Sorry to interrupt your very obvious flirting, BUT..."

(That's so me 😅)

*Okies, that is one perfect kissing scene there! Make me feel single all you want. Nick and Charlie, I give you two the whole galaxy kinda permission.

And that bum booping though ☺️

✨Alice Oseman, you're saving the world and ME!

What's new?

Nick's coming out.

I love their parents.
They are so understanding except the "hanky panky" parts 🤣

But then *groan* Nick's brother. I wish David would just F.O.

And yes, I love Tara Jones and Darcy Olsen. Perfect OTP. EVER.

This volume is as super cute as the last volume but this one is more intense and there's more stories than just Charlie's and Nick's.
This particular volume describes about a Paris trip.

The series has become more intense in the sense that both the main characters are becoming more mature, taking things in their stride with much understanding and they come out much braver.

This series is becoming more and more interesting because of the fact that it showcases very important issues related to the generation today regarding mental health issues where one of the main characters is dealing with eating disorders and depression with suicidal tendencies. It also shows how a person can deal with homophobia and how important it's to have the support of the people who we trust no matter how few they are.

I seriously cannot wait for the next volume as it seems it will become more intense and I am sure it will mainly deal with eating disorders and the characters becoming more open and honest with each other.

Damn my damn heart. It's all so soft and vibrating at the moment.
Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
January 29, 2021
“There's this idea that if you're not straight, you have to tell all your family and friends immediately, like you owe it to them. But you don't. You don't have to do anything until you're ready.”

I adore everything that Alice Oseman writes and Heartstopper is no exception. Obviously. It's so wholesome and heart-warming, so cute and lovely. It's a feel-good read, for sucky days and happy days alike. Something to make a sunny day brighter and something to hide under the covers with when you can't stand anything else. Heartstopper is a lifesaver.

I am so proud of Alice. I was really excited when I first heard of a book called Solitaire that was going to be released soon, by an author barely older than myself. And I've devoured everything Alice published since then. I liked Radio Silence even better than her debut, and I fell completely in love with I Was Born for This. Then, of course, there are Nick & Charlie. When I saw that Hearstopper: Volume Three had snatched a place on the British Children's bestselling list, I felt so proud. Not only is this Alice's 6th book, it's also a) a graphic novel about b) queer teens and c) the third book in a series. The chances of a book like this to land on the Sunday Times best-selling list isn't very high. But with an ever-growing, super devoted fandom and Alice's loveliness and talent, anything is possible. I hope that the studio that bought the film rights to this series will take this as a sign and hurry up with finding a screenwriter, director, cast, etc. and just give us what we deserve.

The volume itself was really cute. Overall it's fantastic that we get so much queer rep, even if some narrow-minded people might call it unrealistic. It makes me happy to see ace, trans, gay, bi, lesbian, and more characters living and loving and flourishing. It makes me happy to see a healthy discussion about sexuality, relationships and mental health. I love that these books are on bookshelves in stores and libraries and teenagers have access to them, can learn from them, see themselves in them, find hope in them.

I do feel that, while it's all cute and funny, some moments are somewhat exaggerated. I mean, that much drama about a single hickey? Then again, maybe I'm forgetting what it was like to be 16 (and while I personally would have been o v e r d r a m a t i c should I have had a hickey, I doubt anyone else would have given a single...well).

I so look forward to Volume 4, but my most anticipated release is Loveless. I'm honestly so excited.

Find more of my books on Instagram
March 15, 2022
Just when I think I can’t fall in love with this series anymore, Alice Oseman pulls this one out of the bag!

Heartstopper volume 3 returns to the lives of Charlie and Nick. Shortly after their school exams are over they take a school trip to Paris! Giving them the opportunity to spend more time together and to be more open with their classmates.

These graphic novels make me feel so incredibly nostalgic. Reading this one brought back happy memories of school trips I’ve been on over my school years. I do love a book that is based entirely/partly in another country, so I really enjoyed that aspect of this story. I found myself having to keep putting the book down because my emotions kept getting the better of me whilst I was reading!

I will always be shouting about these books! Every single book has incredibly important representation for the LGBT+ community and discussions of bullying. What I particularly loved about this book was that it tackled other important topics that teenagers may face, Including eating disorders and a nudge at consent too! Yes, there is some bad language in these books, but I think that can add to the relatability to young people. I honestly cannot rave about the importance of these enough!

I recommend this series to young adult readers or anyone who fancies reading a graphic novel with LGBT+ representation!
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,587 reviews29k followers
April 12, 2022
Ahhhhh, this shit was so precious. This series just warms my heart. It’s so freaking cute. I especially loved the Paris trip in this book, it was so fun. I feel like Nick and Charlie got really real with each other in this book and their relationship grew so much more because of it, and they shared so many great moments, I think this is my favorite book in the series so far! I just love these two so much 🥺

Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,447 followers
December 31, 2023
In this volume, the author is trying to discuss more serious mental health topics like self-harm and eating disorders. She delineates the steps in the support, healing, and recovery of it. The author also breaks many myths associated with sexuality.

My favorite three lines from this book.
“It really surprised me how many people are still homophobic.”

“The bullying was really bad and I started to believe what they were saying.”

“I can’t believe all of this happened because you gave me a love bite.”

The concept of homophobia and how we should tackle it are relevant topics everyone should know. The author also tries to explore more profoundly regrading the life of LGBT individuals. The author attempts to discuss all these through an exciting Paris trip involving Charlie, Nick, and his friends. We can see most of the tourist spots in Paris in this volume. This series is getting stronger and stronger as it progresses.

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Profile Image for Carolyn Marie.
335 reviews8,400 followers
August 15, 2023
Re-read* still amazing!

This volume dealt with so many important topics in such a stunning way!
Alice Oseman has a way of tackling very difficult issues like mental health and bullying in a way that will break your heart...and then put it back together again!
The representation in this series is FLAWLESS!!!
I think any reader can find at least one character they can relate to, and that is simply beautiful!
Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews8,258 followers
April 10, 2022
I don’t think this series will ever not be a 5 star when you love the characters so much. Again, another volume that deals with some tough issues and I’m looking forward to seeing how those issues are dealt with going forward. Love Nick and Charlie so, so much!

Recently I re-read all four volumes of Heartstopper that have been released so far to celebrate the release of the Netflix TV show. Filled with spoilers and squealing at my favourite couple in my favourite graphic novel series ever: https://youtu.be/5uAcHjS54NE
Profile Image for Charmel.
186 reviews403 followers
January 12, 2023

i would die for nick. i would die for charlie. i would die for nick and charlie. i would die for everyone having an awesome trip to paris. i would die for tao and elle. i would die for darcy and tara. i would die for tori. i would die for everyone. i would die for all of them. i would die for this graphic novel. i would die for nick. i would die for charlie. i would die for nick and charlie. i would die for everyone having an awesome trip to paris. i would die for tao and elle. i would die for darcy and tara. i would die for tori. i would die for everyone. i would die for all of them. i would die for this graphic novel. i would die for charlie. i would die for nick. i would die for nick and charlie. i would die for tao and elle. i would die for darcy and tara. i would die for tori. i would die for everyone. i would die for all of them. i would die for this graphic novel. i literally would. die. for. this. graphic. novel.


two years after and i would still die for nick and charlie
Profile Image for Ashley Nuckles.
190 reviews7,025 followers
March 11, 2021
If it was possible to be even better than the first two, this one would take the cake y’all. SO cute and SO heartwarming and SO mushy, I love love so MUCH.

(Read this on webtoon, so thanks to y’all who recommended to go there! Definitely buying a physical copy when it releases in the US)
Profile Image for Léonie.
109 reviews3,234 followers
June 12, 2021
the eating disorder passages were definitely harder to read, so this one was not AS fluffy as the other 2, but non the less, it was as GOOOOOD OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER 🥵❤️🥺 this thing is so freakin pure
Profile Image for Snjez.
912 reviews858 followers
July 18, 2022
This is just as sweet as the previous two volumes and Nick and Charlie are still being their cute and adorable selves. They are getting to know each other better and I just love how supportive and caring they are.
Their trip to Paris is so much fun and it also gives us an opportunity to learn more about other characters, as well.

Another great thing about this volume is that it touches on some more serious subjects and I really like how they are handled.

Re-read 1/2021
Re-read 7/2022
Profile Image for Andrea Ashwood.
187 reviews54 followers
April 9, 2020
Literally, I think I have a problem with this two... I'm terrible obsessed with them.

Seriously I HAVE A PROBLEEM...
Well 2 problems, cause' I have to wait til' 2021 to read the Volume 4...

*dying inside*

I would need some psychological help, thank you Alice.

Review coming soon...
Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
605 reviews35.2k followers
July 19, 2023
”I just want people to know who I am and know that you’re my boyfriend and I know that not everyone will like it but I’m ready for that. We’re probably gonna have to come out hundreds more times in our lives!!”

This is such an important volume and I really love how Alice Oseman tackled all those different topics. I think it’s safe to say that the focus of this story is on Charlie and Nick coming out to their family and friends. Of course they are also on a trip in France but considering the many things that happen there, their school trip is definitely in the background and makes for a good setting to address the character’s troubles.

”And if any of the other boys do or say anything spiteful to you or Charlie, you just come straight to me, okay? I’ll sort them out.”

One of the many things I love about this series is that the adults aren’t only supportive but that some of them are even queer themselves! I mean we have Coach Singh-Stevens who has a wife and knows how hard it is to come out to the world and we have the two teachers that accompany the students on their trip to France. Their slowly forming romance was probably one of my favourite subplots. XD I mean how am I not supposed to ship them?

”Probably a bit late for me to have any youthful moments of discovery.”
“Hm... I don’t think there’s an age limit on those, to be honest.”
“Ha. You flirting with me?”

What I really liked was that Charlie finally spoke about the many horrible things that happened to him and that both of the boys decided that they wouldn’t take shit of haters and homophobic people anymore. No matter if it’s the way Nick stood up to a guy who wanted to bully Charlie for having a love bite or if it’s Charlie actively confronting Harry for his stupid and horrible behaviour, our boys are finding their voice and I lived and breathed for it! <3

”People either thought that I was a novelty or I was just gross. It ... it really surprised me how many people are still homophobic. They’d tell me I was disgusting. Right to my face.”

”What, I’m not allowed to be sceptical when you’re randomly deciding you���re gay?”
“No! You’re not! God, I KNEW you’d react like this!”
“Like what?”
“Like a homophobic piece of shit!!”

”You said all that homophobic stuff to me, but it’s okay, because you’re sorry? I’m glad you’ve realised the error of your ways – but it’s not my job to give you a gold star. People like you made my life hell last year. And I shouldn’t have to forgive anyone for any of it.”

It makes me sad to know that Nick’s brother David is another one of those homophobic fools, because to have them in your own family isn’t just horrible, it hurts as well. I’m glad Nick addressed the issue directly though and that he didn’t let his brother get away with it. Also can I say how much I hate it when people automatically assume you’re gay or a lesbian just because you’re a boy dating a boy or a girl dating a girl. UGH! I’m so sick and tired of this stereotype and I wish people would finally accept that the LGBTQ+ spectrum is huge and that there are other definitions like bisexual or pansexual, etc. as well!

”There’s this idea that if you’re not straight, you HAVE to tell all your family and friends immediately, like you owe it to them. But you don’t. You don’t have to do anything until you’re ready.”

Also can we appreciate Aled Last as the voice of reason!! I love it so much to see my beloved Alice Oseman book characters in the “Heartstopper” series as well. It’s always so nice to see them in the comic books and ahh when Aled spoke about Daniel my heart warmed so much. Everyone who read “Radio Silence” will know what I mean. XD

”Well, I have this friend. I’ve known him since we were really small. And it’s becoming something ... romantic.”

So while Charlie and Nick find their voice, a lot of things happen with the other character’s storylines as well. We find out how Darcy and Tara got together and which kind of obstacles they had to overcome in order to become who they truly are and we see how Tao and Elle’s journey begins. =) (Loved that one btw and I can’t wait to see more of it, because it’s just too cute.) And because it needs to be mentioned: Nick finally addressed the big elephant in the room and asked Charlie about his eating habits. That Alice is going for an eating disorder rep is brave and I’m sure she’ll be as careful and sensitive as always when she approaches the topic and dives deeper into it.

”I don’t know why I do it. I don’t know why I get so stressed out about things. But the eating... sometimes it feels like the only thing in my life I can control.”

This said I really enjoyed this volume and I just love how Alice Oseman goes for the important and serious topics, but still manages to balance them out with cute and fluffy scenes. Oseman has a rare talent and I’ll always be a fan of her books and comics! And last but not least in order to close this short review you get one of the most iconic quotes of this series:

”Oh. You’re being gay. Good job. Carry on.”

I think everyone who’s in the LGBTQIA+ community should listen to Darcy’s words. *lol*


Okay, this is still one of the cutest things ever!
I just love all the diversity and the many different LGBTQAI+ characters! XD
Also that trip to France! <333

Best quote:
Darcy: "Oh. You're being gay. Good job. Carry on."

Full and short RTC soon! =)


I don't really have much to say to this except of:

"Heartstopper: Volume 3" here I come! =)
Also I'm very glad I can read this as a paperback now! XD
The details come out so much better when it's on paper.
Bless my library for acquiring all the paperbacks! <3
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,863 reviews29.6k followers
March 24, 2020
Volume 3 of Alice Oseman's amazing Heartstopper series hit me square in the feels, just like the last two books!

Nick and Charlie and their friends return in this, the third volume of Oseman’s amazing graphic novel series about young love, struggling with your identity, and finding the courage to be who you are and be with whom you choose.

Nick has just come out to his mother and he and Charlie take tentative steps toward becoming boyfriends. But both are nervous about how everyone—their friends and other classmates—will react to their being together, especially Charlie, who remembers being bullied horribly when he came out last year.

On a school trip to Paris, Nick and Charlie become more comfortable with their relationship and each other—and being open about it with their friends. And Nick and Charlie aren’t the only ones feeling romantically inspired in the City of Love!!

This series is so wonderfully drawn and is so beautifully heartfelt. Volume 3 touches lightly on mental illness and eating disorders and I imagine Volume 4 will address those issues more. (I hope I don't have to wait a long time for Volume 4. I don't know what I'll do!)

Even in moments of seriousness this book is so full of joy and love and wonder. I’ll trot out my broken record and say I wish books like these existed when I was younger, but I’m so glad LGBTQIA kids have them now.

This series doesn’t stop my heart, it makes it grow 10 sizes larger!! Kudos to Oseman for another beautiful, meaningful book.

Check out my list of the best books I read in 2019 at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-best-books-i-read-in-2019.html.

Check out my list of the best books of the decade at https://itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com/2020/01/my-favorite-books-of-decade.html.

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Patricia Bejarano Martín.
442 reviews5,610 followers
August 2, 2023
Alice Oseman está creando una de las historias de amor más bonitas que he tenido la oportunidad de leer en toda mi vida. Estoy amando conocer cada vez a estos personajes e ir descubriendo todo junto a ellos.
Estos cómics siempre consiguen sacarme un montón de sonrisas, y este ha sido el que más me ha gustado de los tres. Siento que se tocan temas muy importantes y de una manera ideal.
Siempre diré que el dibujo no es el más bonito del mundo, pero yo que sé, leyendo la historia me parece que no puede haber nada más precioso.
Termino diciendo que AMO A MIS NIÑOS. Adiós.
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