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Advanced Studies in Understanding Yourself

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Full of practical examples and real-life wisdom, Elizabeth Clare Prophet's commentary on the spiritual classic "Understanding Yourself" leads you on a journey beyond the limitations of personal psychology. Find out how to be free of the burdens of the past and live your life as it was really meant to be. - Understand why you do what you do - Escape from the tyranny of trying to be perfect - Experience a deeper integration of Body, mind and spirit - Lead a more spiritually balanced life

388 pages, Paperback

Published January 1, 2015

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About the author

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

561 books102 followers
Elizabeth Clare Prophet was an American spiritual leader, author, orator, and writer. In 1963 she married Mark L. Prophet (after ending her first marriage), who had founded The Summit Lighthouse in 1958. Mark and Elizabeth had four children. Elizabeth, after her second husband's death on February 26, 1973, assumed control of The Summit Lighthouse.
In 1975, Prophet founded Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT), which became the umbrella organization for the movement, which she expanded worldwide, and which has been described, including by Prophet, as "New Age". She also founded Summit University and Summit University Press. In the late 1980s Prophet controversially called on her members to prepare for the possibility of nuclear war at the turn of the decade, encouraging them to construct fallout shelters. The failure of prediction was a setback for the church, resulting in a loss of membership. In 1996, Prophet handed day-to-day operational control of her organization to a president and board of directors. She maintained her role as spiritual leader until her retirement for health reasons in 1999. As of the 2020s, videos of her sermons play an important part of the church's religious work.
During the 1980s and 1990s, Prophet appeared on Larry King Live, Donahue and Nightline, among other television programs. Earlier media appearances included a feature in 1977 in "The Man Who Would Not Die", an episode of In Search of... She was also featured in 1994 on NBC's Ancient Prophecies.

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