Jessica Reynolds hasn’t taken a vacation in five years. But when her tyrant of a boss forces her to take two weeks off—or else—right before Christmas, suddenly visions of beaches and piña coladas are dancing in her head.
Unfortunately for Jess, her family has other plans for her vacation. Before she can escape to Bermuda, Jessica’s mom has guilted her into coming home to run her injured sister’s booth at a Christmas market. Now, instead of sunshine, cocktails, and scantily-clad cabana boys, Jess finds herself back home in sleepy little Bright, Vermont—with no sun in sight.
After fleeing Bright eleven years ago, the last thing Jess wants is to be stuck shivering for days selling her sister’s nuts—roasted chestnuts, that is. Especially when it becomes clear that her family could have ulterior motives for Jess coming home. Motives that might just include the sinfully attractive, but arrogant newest acquaintance of the family.
But Jess’s family doesn’t know about her struggles at work, struggles that threaten to erupt in Bright. Will Jess dare to reach for the life she’s always wanted, or will this be her final Christmas in Bright?
This was my first book by this author and I was pleasantly surprised. I have to admit I was a tad bored in the beggining and the mistletoe kiss after the barf fest made me nauseated but after that I thoroughly enjoyed it. The banter between Ethan and Jess was 🔥🔥. I devoured this book in one sitting and found it to be a quick, enjoyable christmas read.
Fun facts about this book: 1. I wrote it while working at a booth in a Christmas market (which was an utter disaster). 2. Bright is a fictional place, but it will have plenty of characters in the future. ;) 3. I actually wrote this before I wrote Miss ManKiller (the second book in the Construct My Heart duet.)
I found myself enjoying this story, but there was something about it that wouldn't let me give it four stars. I think part of it was Jessica. She was just a little annoying. She got roped into coming home to her hometown instead of Bermuda (after not having a vacation in many years) and I get that it wasn't in her plans, but her attitude at home was that of a spoiled brat.
Jessica's mother has plans to set her up with Ethan, someone she hasn't met until her return home. There's a whole misunderstanding between Jessica and Ethan regarding her return home. She knew nothing about her mother's plans and parties. He thought she did. I also found their "love" for each other extremely rushed at the end. She was only home for a week! There is some humorous parts, though, where I had a good chuckle. Overall, a good read. (though the cover has absolutely nothing to do with it and kind of misleading.)
I wasn't sure what to rate this book since at one point I seriously considered it a DNF. I did finish it however and I had quite a few issues with it.
The book read like a Hallmark movie. I have to admit I outgrew those movies a long time ago. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE love and romance is my favorite genre, but the same issues I have with a majority of those movies I have with this book which is it conveys a message that a woman's life has no meaning until she is married with kids. I don't know if that was the message the author intended but it came across like that to me at least.
I understand it was supposed to be a fun Christmas read and for the most part it was, but not when it came to Jessica's family. Jessica is our heroine. She is on her way to Bermuda for her vacation over Christmas. Her mother manipulates her into visiting Bright, her hometown in Vermont, for Christmas week instead. On her arrival, her mother, without her consent, threw a party with her old classmates and several townspeople along with family members that she hasn't seen in 10+ years. This right here is what I was most upset about in this book. Her family is terrible. They look down on her for choosing to move to a bigger city and start a career. Like the goal of a woman is to settle down and have kids. Her mother being the worst of them. Every other sentence out of her mouth is that she's almost thirty, she needs a husband, she needs to have kids, she's not getting any younger. Then to top it off, her family fully expects her to drop her entire life in Boston to come back home and help them since she's single and alone as if her life, aspirations and feelings don't matter. Jessica wants all those things too but time just escaped her and yes, she's miserable at her current job, but she likes the career she studied in college. I can't really blame her for not coming back in 10+ years. I would have done the same.
The only thing I really liked about this book was Jessica and Ethan. Although, I wish we had more characterization when it came to Ethan. All I got was that he was really good looking, has dark hair and silver eyes. Oh! and that he has incredible shoulders. I feel like the book could have benefited from having dual point of views especially since Ethan was introduced in The Christmas Cadeau and we got a good sense of the direction his book was going to take. There was no question that they had chemistry and that they were good match for each other. The sexual tension was palpable and the few scenes where they finally acknowledged their chemistry for each other was steamy.
I just don't think this book was for me. But if you enjoy Hallmark Christmas movies, then I think you would enjoy this. It was a quick, romantic read and if nothing else, it does get you into the Christmas spirit.
Dieses Buch habe ich als Rezensionsexemplar von der Autorin zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen. Hierbei möchte ich mich dafür noch einmal herzlich bedanken, dass ich dieses Buch lesen und rezensieren durfte.
Das Buch ist das erste richtige Buch, dass ich von der Autorin lesen durfte. Ich habe davor erst eine kleine Kurzgeschichte gelesen, aber diese hat mir bereits ziemlich gut gefallen. Und anlässlich zu Weihnachten durfte ich nun dieses Buch ebenfalls lesen. Ich war wirklich begeistert, denn es ist unteranderem auch eine Enemy to Lover Story und ihr wisst ja, so etwas LIEBE ich.
Wie ihr vielleicht gesehen habt, ist das hier eine englische Story aber ich kann euch sagen, dass das englisch ziemlich leicht zu verstehen gibt und es absolut kein Grund zur Sorge gibt, falls ihr euch dafür interessiert aber eben angst habt, weil es englisch ist.
Die Handlung baut sich so gut auf und es ist eine tolle Umsetzung der Geschichte. Die Story war so unfassbar süß, tolles Enemy to Lover, hatte richtig guten Humor und auch ziemlich heiße Szenen waren dabei.
Die Geschichte muss man einfach lieben. natürlich ist es in einer gewissen Weise eine typische Weihnachtsgeschichte und somit nichts neues aber dennoch ist es nicht 0815 und hat etwas besonderes an sich. Die Protagonistin wollte eigentlich nicht zu ihrer Familie an Weihnachten und sich einfach nur erholen und dann trifft sie auch noch auf einer Feier den Typen, der sie über alle Maßen nervt und sie begegnet ihm auch noch immer wieder.
Es ist, wie gesagt nichts unglaublich neues und baut sich auch auf wie eine gewöhnliche Weihnachtsgeschichte aber dennoch hat es so viel Spaß gemacht zu lesen und man weiß ja, dass nicht alle Geschichten immer gleich sind. Also falls ihr eine Enemy to Lover Story sucht und auch noch eine tolle und süße Weihnachtsgeschichte mit toller Entwicklung und Charakteren, dann solltet ihr zu dieser hier greifen und auch zu der Autorin.
Auch die Charaktere haben mir wieder einmal super gefallen. Sie wurden wie die Handlung, realistisch und authentisch dargestellt und man muss sie einfach ins Herz schließen. Man lacht mit ihnen und ist genauso berührt wie sie. man fühlt einfach mit.
Der Schreibstil spricht ebenfalls für sich und ist absolut toll. Man kommt so gut in die Geschichte rein und es ist locker, luftig und perfekt für Weihnachten. Es hat wirklich super viel Spaß gemacht das Buch zu lesen und hat mich auch sehr in Weihnachtsstimmung gebracht.
Alles in allem, ein tolles Weihnachtsbuch mit super gutem verständlichem Englisch, dass ihr UMBEDINGT lesen sollte, wenn ihr ein tolles Weihnachtsbuch sucht. Die Story war so unfassbar süß, tolles Enemy to Lover, hatte richtig guten Humor und auch ziemlich heiße Szenen waren dabei. Ich möchte auf jeden Fall noch weitere Bücher von der Autorin ausprobieren und ich kann es euch auch einfach nur empfehlen. Perfektes Weihnachtsbuch.
This book is amazing. Poor Jess, she never gets a break. When she finally decides to takes one, or is gently forced to, she gets a call that her family needs her. A family she hasn’t seen in forever. Guilted by her mother, Jess knows how stressed and busy her life is, but caves to go home. Once home, her mom and sister need Jess to run their Christmas booth. It would only be temporary until her sister gets better. Jess ends up rocking the booth and they look to her to now take over said booth. Poor Jess, she just was trying to help, she never feels like her family takes her or her needs into consideration. The other piece that will have you wicked swooning in this book is Ethan. Ethan has been told about the Jess for a while. Matter of fact, thinking Jess would be greeted by her family who requested her home, she finds a handsome stranger who intrigues her but also makes her angry.
This book is funny, and warm hearted. Jess is a mess but also a wonderful person who just wants to help her family, but more so wants her family to take her and her life seriously. Get ready to swoon over Ethan though. The chemistry and hilarious banter between her and Ethan is amazing and so entertaining to read. This book is steamy too, the heat between Jess and Ethan flies off the pages. I wasn’t sure where their relationship was going to go. I was routing for them the entire book.
This is an awesome read, and an amazing love story. The couple works hard to push each other away, when they need each other so much. I am new to reading K.D. Elizabeth’s books, and I am sure glad I found her. Can’t wait to read what else she has coming her way.
Thank you to K.D. Elizabeth for gifting me a review copy of her book The Season Bright. This is the second book in The Bright Series.
Our heroine, Jessica, is a serial workaholic. She hasn’t taken a vacation in over five years and is trying to make a name for herself at her marketing firm, despite her @$ of a boss. Eventually, it’s becoming so apparent that she’s burned out that she is forced to take some time off, so she books herself a tropical vacation. But just as she’s about to board the plane she gets a message from her mother that there is an emergency in her home-town and Jessica has to come home to Bright, Vermont, instead.
It becomes clear as soon as she arrives that her mother has manipulated her into coming home, and had planned it for some time. She even throws a surprise holiday party in Jess’ honor, which is the last thing she wants to deal with. Her mom is kind of terrible in my opinion…I mean, who does that?!
And if that wasn’t bad enough, her mom tries to set her up with a guy Jess can’t stand, AND they’re much thrown together because Jess has to step in for her sister and work the annual holiday markets in town.
The loathsome, but super hot, Ethan is just in town visiting his family (his mom and Jess’ mom play bridge together) and he’s working the holiday markets too…right next door to Jess. Naturally, they start a market rivalry to see who can out-sell the other.
I really enjoyed this book, and y’all know that enemies to lovers is my favorite romance trope. There was really good tension build-up and their relationship felt like it moved at the right pace. I also really adored both main characters, although I wanted to slap Jess’ mother and most of her family members a few times.
My only complaint is that we don’t really find out why Ethan is so grumpy towards Jess until about 80% of the way through the story. I think that could have happened a little earlier. Also, I don’t want to give any spoilers but I feel like the ending went a little far, we didn’t need them to do quite so much.
This book was steamy y’all, like whoa my glasses were fogging up kinda steamy. I would have liked a mention of safe sex in there, I like my fictional characters to be safe and responsible while they’re getting it on in naughty locations. ;) Otherwise, it was hot, hot, hot!
Plus, who doesn’t love an adorable holiday market?! If you’re in the need for a sweet and steamy holiday romance, definitely check this one out.
Thank you to the author KD Elizabeth for sending me a free copy in exchange for an honest review. 4/5 stars. I was loving everything about this book up until the ending. I felt like the ending was too neat, too simple, and like it was saying that in order for Jess to be really happy she needed to have a man and give in to her family. This was a bit disappointing because I thought Jess was a strong character throughout and her family was was very overbearing and not willing to listen. I liked Ethan’s character a lot. He was a total dick in the beginning because of a miscommunication between him and Jess, but he was also flirty and sweet. I did feel like there wasn’t very much depth to him however because we don’t really learn anything about him. The relationship between Jess and Ethan gave me all the enemies-to-lovers tension that I wanted. It was hot and cold for a while, but the tension between them was the best part. Jess’s family was awful to me. They didn’t listen to her, they treated her like she should be grateful they screwed up her Christmas plans, and then they proceeded to be rude to her because they believed that her moving to a big city meant that she thought she was better than them. It was so frustrating, but I think the author did a really good job of showing these relationships and the issues in them. Overall, I enjoyed this one quite a bit! It was a fun and fast Christmas read with some great enemies to lovers tension and some not so great family members.
I have no words. This book was a 5 star for me! I absolutely LOVE Ethan. He is one of the best male romance characters I have come across in a long time! Can you say, book boyfriend? I got serious Bennett and Chloe (Beautiful Bastard) vibes. And the fighting between the two of these one minute they are fighting, the next they want to tare each other clothing off! You could feel the connection just pouring off the pages! I am so ready to dive into book 3!
Jess is burnt out working for a marketing firm in Boston. She finally decides to take a vacation for herself. Jess wants nothing more than to just relax on the beach and take a much-needed vacation. The last thing she wants to do is go back home, especially when she will not be relaxing while she's there. As she is about to get on the plane her mother guilt trips her into finally coming home for Christmas to help her sister at the Christmas Festival. As soon as she arrives she is thrown into a party that her mother has set up, where everyone thinks that Jess had been the one to specifically invite them. Frustrated Jess lashes out and stranger Ethan when he tries to talk to her. Ethan is in Bright to visit his mom. After Jess blows him off, he decides he wants nothing to do with her. As fate would have it, Jess is stuck working next to him at the festival for a week. Ethan is in on a secret, their parents have been scheming to set them two up. Will Jess and Ethan make it work or will stress take over her life?
I liked many things about this story, and it was certainly worth the read, but there were a few things that I had some problems with. Mainly, I didn't care for Jessica's mother, Martha. I've read manipulative parents in other stories, I've even known a few, but Martha's brand of manipulation just irked me to no end. I completely get missing your children, but Martha goes too far in my opinion, and it wasn't helped that some things about that manipulation were never addressed. Jess just seems to decide to be okay with it all and let it go. That aside, the romance does have its moments. There were scenes that were absolutely hilarious and a few that were as sweet as the treats they're selling at the market. At first,. it feels like it's going to be a slow burn, but then it picks up considerably, especially when you consider the time these two actually spend together. Of course, that is one busy week even without the romance, so even though it happens fast, the author makes it feel like more time has passed - and not in a bad way. In the end, I did like the romance, and I couldn't help but like Ethan right from the start. Jess took me a bit longer, but once you see everything she's been going through, it's a bit easier to understand some things about her. What it all comes down to is I didn't love this one, but I did like it, and I don't want to give it all away, but the ending really pulled this one out for me. It's hard not to swoon under those circumstances.
Christmas is always a hectic time of year and somewhat stressful, with trying to fit in shopping and baking with your responsibilities at work. Jessica really needed a vacation, but not one that included snow and cold weather. She would have preferred the sun and sand of a tropical island, where she could relax and forget about life. But her family had other plans for her. Jessica was shocked to learn that her friends and family held it against her that she left her small hometown for Boston, so she could pursue her career. I was surprised at how manipulative and pushy her family was to her, and they never gave her a chance to explain how she really felt. Ethan came on a bit strong and was rude to Jessica when they first met, and I couldn’t figure out why. He didn’t even know her!! The dynamics within the family troubled me and I was uncomfortable with how they ganged up on her. Jessica had her own life and they had no right asking her to move back home. The finger pointing became too much for her and she couldn’t take it anymore. She found herself anxious, nervous and running out of patience.
Will Jessica escape to her tropical paradise or stay and fight for her rightful place in the family?
One of my new favorite authors! This book involves Ethan, who we meet in the previous novella, and his travels to the US to stay with his mother and run a Christmas business in town. This year, the business he usually partners with has a new worker – Jessica. Jessica is a workaholic who left town years ago with no plans to return. But when she has essentially a breakdown at work and is given required time off, she is guilted back to town by her mother to help run her sister’s business. I can’t lie, I was a little turned off by Jessica’s attitude, but I also understand a pushy parent and being expected to do things for the family like she did. Thankfully, Ethan is extremely patient and finds himself attracted to Jessica, and she feels the same. In the end, Jessica realizes and understands what’s truly important in life and gets her HEA that she has always wanted with him. I liked that this book was a full novel, as with the novella I was a little confused because there was no backstory with the characters. Can’t wait for the next book! I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
4 Star review of The Season Bright (The Bright Series 1) by KD Elizabeth K.D. Elizabeth is a relatively new author to me but as I found with the first book, this was well written with characters whose story I could not help but for fall. This is Jessica (Jess) and Ethan’s story and although a quick Christmas novella, I was hooked from the first to the last chapter. I love holiday stories, add in it’s in a small town romance and I was invested. The writing was descriptive and I could easily see myself in Bright, Vermont. Finding herself back in her small home town is the last thing Jess was expecting for the holidays, after all she has done her best to avoid Bright for years. Even more annoying is that her family appear to have ulterior motives for getting her to come home, in fact plans are afoot to set her and Ethan up; a shame Jess knows nothing about the plans though. The banter between Jess and Ethan was witty and had me smiling and it was entertaining to watch their relationship develop.
This book! When Jess's vacation plans are diverted home instead to work on her sisters company booth at the holiday fair, she comes across the path of Ethan, her moms friends son. The first impressions are chaotic because everyone Jess wasn't cued in to everything her mother had planned and Ethan takes offense. Miscommunication is a huge theme in this book.
First of all how did Jess survive her family? They're all so awful to her. No wonder she never goes home! I would not put up with any of that shit they do to her. Her mom plans a party and tells all of her old friends they want her there, and doesn't clue Jess in so she is confused the whole time and everyone is so rude to her. No wonder she doesn't come home more often!
The only thing I didn't like is that i feel like Jess and Ethan went from being enemies to I love you in the span of 10 minutes. 90% of the book they hated each other and then in the epilogue all of a sudden they're happily ever after. I would have loved to see more of the actual relationship and less of the drama.
I am definitely a holiday season romance groupie, I loved them all! This was charming, and just downright entertaining read. Jess and Ethan were drool worthy to say the least, the tension? Oh my! It steamed up the pages from start to finish. What can I say, I am a hate to love junkie and this was my cup of tea because Jess and Ethan were amazing!
My only thing that irked me was for the life of me I could not wrap my brain around Jess’s family. The build of their family drama and dynamics felt awkward, I can’t really put my finger on it, but something just irked me about the sister and the mom, they were odd.
Overall, just a great read. I devoured it so quickly, I laughed and swooned. I cannot say enough how much I loved the chemistry between Ethan and Jess, it was smoldering hot. Probably one of the most enjoyable hate to love tropes I have read in a good while in the Insta-love (erh rather lust) spectrum.
I absolutely loved this story, and devoured it in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down, I had to know what was going to happen next, what snarky comment Ethan or Jessica were going to make, or what lust filled moment was going to come next! These two started off on the wrong foot, and watching them navigate through what they thought was dislike to come out on the other side was perfect. There were a few times where I wanted to kick Jess and Ethan both, but I think that only added to the story overall.
This is the second book I’ve read by K.D. Elizabeth, and I have to say it’s definitely enticed me to check out her other stories! I wasn’t sure what to expect from Ethan, after the little tidbit we got about him in ‘The Christmas Cadeau’ but I loved him. The back and forth between Ethan and Jess goes from funny to steamy and their chemistry is out of this world! This was a fun read that will have you ready for the holidays if you aren’t already!
Enemies to lovers romance with Jess and Ethan not hitting it off when they meet and it continues through the story but there is chemistry between the pair and when they let it take over it is passionate. Jess is struggling with her life, her work is overwhelming and her family just make it worse, not listening to her and twisting her to do things they want. The more time she spends at home it shows her how much her life is a mess and it doesn’t help that she has this crush on Ethan and that he slowly becomes to understand her and wants to help her.
It's full of chaos, banter, arguing, simmerly passion, families causing trouble and then of course Christmas. Crazy Christmas parties and markets to help you get in the holiday spirit.
4 out of 5
(Please note I was given this book for a honest review)
This was painful to finish . The family and entire town suck. They are awful people . The h is awful because she wants a career. She’s horrible because she’s almost 30 without kids or a husband because without those she has no purpose Then the sisters husband gets mad at his wife because she starts a business and she’s supposed to be a stay at home mom. There isn’t one likable character. If I was her I wouldn’t come back to this town for ten years either. The family wants her to quit her high paying job to take over her sisters but business. They treat her like shit when they don’t get to make her life choices. Omg this family is trash. Then her mom puts her personal phone call on speaker at the dinner table for everyone to hear her get chewed out by her boss. Like no respect or boundaries
This is a fun and witty romance that takes place in a small town in Vermont.
What I liked: Ethan was the perfect leading man The setting of the Christmas market provided a backdrop for some funny scenes The witty banter between Ethan and Jess Steamy scenes Enemies to lovers plot
What I struggled with: There is a big miscommunication in the beginning of the story that went on a little too long for my taste. I honestly didn’t get Jess for the first half of the book
If you are looking for a fun Christmas romance with an enemies to lovers trope, this is the book for you.
I received a complementary copy of this e-book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
4/5 For the most part, I do not read “seasonal” books. But The Season Bright stood out to me. Jessica decided her purpose in life was to work her life away. Too busy on working toward a promotion, she forgot to live. She was strong-willed and determined. There was something about Ethan that I didn’t like in the first part of the book. But I knew he would turn around, so I kept reading. It was nice to see an imperfect character. I know that my friends and me don’t always make the best decisions, and it’s nice to see that in books as well. Together, Ethan and Jessica were able to work through the barriers that separated them to be together and be true versions of themselves.
The holidays shouldn’t be a stressful time, it’s a time to celebrate with your family. Too bad for Jessica being with her family gives her nothing but stress. When she is guilted out of her Caribbean vacation, Jessica comes home to help her family and her life takes a turn.
Ethan has known about Jessica for years but never thought he would meet her, until this year and his world is turned on its axis.
This is a wonderful story about two people but it’s also a story about family and being there for each other. KD Elizabeth has done an amazing job with this holiday story, it will definitely put you in the holiday spirit!
I enjoyed this book. I will say that I felt it was more of the MFC’s personal journey than romance but it did have romance through out and a super sweet HEA that made me swoon. We met Ethan in the Bright series book 1 and I read book 3 already and Ethan and Jess make an appearance so I already really liked them, especially Ethan. This book was very Christmasy. Make sure you stock up on food before reading because it’ll give you all the Christmas food cravings.
As far as steam goes, there’s very few steamy scenes, but they were hot.
I really enjoyed all the books in this series and will continue to read them
Okay so here's the thing. I am Christmas romance trash I love it. Gimme gimme gimme. So I was super excited to read this book. I liked most of the characters. Jess's parents were the worst. That mother my goodness I don't blame her for leaving her small town and not returning for 11 years.
I famously dislike hate to love stories and as much as Jess claimed to hate Ethan I took it more as they got off on the wrong foot and so yeah I liked this. This read was fun, easy to read and put some joy in my Christmas heart.
I really love the heck out of this book! Not even kidding. OMG! This is not your classic Christmas romance, it’s so much more. This will melt the snow off your doorstep yet give you chills. The banter will make you laugh while leave you hanging at the same time. The chemistry will keep you going until you’ve spent all day and night to reach ‘The End’. I couldn’t get enough. I could go on, but I won’t. You simply must read for yourself. I can’t wait to read more of this new to me author. This comes highly recommended
I give "The Season Bright" a 4.7/5...I loved the Enemies to Lovers aspect of Ethan and Jess's relationship. I honestly wasn't expecting it, so it was quite a nice surprise. When it came to the point where the whole family had a talk, I was in tears. Even though I would have really liked some of the story to be from Ethan's point of view, and the beginning was a bit slow. The book was still a very good read. The plot of the story was very interesting, and I just really like how this book was written.
The Season Bright is an enjoyable holiday read with a decent amount of steam and not much wooing romance. I found myself annoyed with Jessica’s family for making her feel like crap, but I was also equally annoyed with her for being cold toward them. Ethan was likeable, but I don’t really feel like I knew him other than the fact that he made great poutine and had fantastic shoulders.
Still, the book is worth a read if you like a sexy holiday romance!
*this book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
This is a nice Christmas romance, with the perfect amount of steam.
If I'm honest, as much as I enjoyed the storyline. Jessica and her family kind of annoyed me. Their lack of communication with each other, also how they made Jessica feel. Jessica is no saint either. She can be quiet childish at times.
Ethan was amazing, I loved their chemistry and their banter.
This book is very well written and can be read as a standalone.
Thank you to the author for providing me with this ebook in exchange for an honest review.
This was such a great read! I so enjoyed the a Christmas setting and how the characters were so bold in their own way. Enemies to lovers is always my favorite trope because of their chemistry, and The Season Bright had plenty of that!
The story had many different facets and isn’t all about the steam. This was more of a slow burn 🔥 🔥 with certain parts being more on the steamy side.
This story was so well written and the pacing was right on the mark.
This was a great enemies to lovers holiday romance. It has a slow burn instead of instant burn, it will make you laugh and it will make you want to reach in and slap someone at some point. The chemistry between Ethan and Jessica may have started off on the wrong foot but ended perfectly.