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Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest #1


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『FAIRY TAIL』の新たなる物語が開幕! 
ナツ、ルーシィ、ハッピーたちは、魔導士ギルド創設から百余年、誰一人達成した者がいない伝説の依頼<100年クエスト>に挑む事を決めた! 初めての大陸で出会う“不可思議な街”、“不可解な神”、そして“不気味な敵”…。完結したはずの545話目からそのまま続く、心躍る“妖精の尻尾”の大冒険ふたたび!!!

『FAIRY TAIL』の新たなる物語が開幕! ナツ、ルーシィ、ハッピーたちは、魔導士ギルド創設から百余年、誰一人達成した者がいない伝説の依頼<100年クエスト>に挑む事を決めた! 初めての大陸で出会う“不可思議な街”、“不可解な神”、そして“不気味な敵”…。完結したはずの545話目からそのまま続く、心躍る“妖精の尻尾”の大冒険ふたたび!!!

192 pages, Paperback

First published November 9, 2018

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Atsuo Ueda

193 books26 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews
Profile Image for Molly™☺.
859 reviews64 followers
February 17, 2022
The continuation of the Fairy Tail story, focusing on a seemingly throwaway? line by Gildart's in the original series; The 100 Years Quest. Whilst Mashima returns to write the story, he doesn't illustrate the series this time around, with Ueda doing a very good Mashima impression that's almost identical except to the very well trained eye. All of the fan favourites return, with some new faces as well, but I already hate Touka and am prepared to pretend she doesn't exist for the foreseeable future. Familiar, fun and all things in-between, it's a good start to a new chapter for the Fairy Tail guild.
Profile Image for Dea꧂.
467 reviews
March 23, 2022
I feel nostalgia for this bunch of "our bonds are everything so we power up when needed" morons. Nevertheless, I missed all of the funny characters from Fairy Tail guild and it's good to come back.
Profile Image for Just.
155 reviews
July 12, 2021
WOW! For those who have read/watched the original Fairy Tail series, this is the sequel that Hiro Mashima didn’t plan for! Dang, was the first volume good though!
It’s been a while since I watched the original series of Fairy Tail, and I’ve had the 100 year quest volume 1 sitting on my shelves for a while. I recently played the Fairy Tail game which rekindled my love for this series, and made me finally open and read this book.
We still are part of the gang - Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza and Wendy, as well as our two cat companions Carla and Happy, in the endeavours of the 100 year quest- a quest that had not been completed for a century. This book was amazing from start to finish, with battles and mystery, as well as some Fairy Tail flair on the side. Definite must read for Fairy Tail lovers, and a 5 star read from me
Profile Image for Doc.
1,931 reviews31 followers
September 1, 2019
New continent, new dragons, new foes, and new adventures await as Fairy Tail's strongest team decides to take on the legendary 100 Year Quest. The original Fairy Tail manga is still one of my favorite series even if the ending lacked any real consequences and felt like a lead up to a sequel even though Hiro Mashima said he had no plans for one. Well he wasn't planning on doing a sequel but that's too bad as he was asked to do the story and the layouts for the 100 years Quest leaving the art to artist Atso Ueda. :)

I for one am glad to see Fairy Tail is continuing in this new series and am looking forward to see how long it will be and how the guild members will grow as the story progresses. :)
Profile Image for Iqra.
69 reviews22 followers
April 22, 2023
I'll never admit to reading this in public to anyone, but ....for nostalgia's sake 😔😔😔
Profile Image for Noah.
30 reviews5 followers
January 27, 2021
Look. I really don't think I'm the best to review this or Edens Zero. Nostalgia Lens is STRONG since this was a series I first started reading in MIDDLE SCHOOL (the original Fairy Tail). So be prepared for all of this and Edens Zero to be a 4 or 5 star.

If you're a fan of the series or the author, you're going to probably enjoy this. If you hated the original, I'd say you'll hate this. For me, I love it.
Profile Image for Marlene.
329 reviews
March 21, 2020
After finishing the anime, I wanted more and discovered this. I love it already.
Profile Image for ursula ❦.
191 reviews19 followers
February 22, 2022
i find it funny that i’ve had this manga for a good 8 months and am just now reading it ;)
Profile Image for Harumi.
34 reviews
April 20, 2023
Una nueva aventura en el gremio de Fairy Tail! Dios echaba tanto de menos esto que tan solo ver cómo fluctúa la magia se me pone la piel de gallina!
Profile Image for Nishii.
53 reviews
April 13, 2024
Lucy qui porte l'écharpe de Natsu 💕💕

Profile Image for aspho’.
36 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2024
Eh, je suis mitigée pour l’instant, je suis super heureuse de retrouver mes favs mais en même temps je suis pas convaincue par l’histoire. Peut-être c’est seulement le premier tome et faut attendre un peu que ça décolle ? Et puis par pitié, on en peut PLUS de voir Lucy sans ses vêtements, give the poor girl a break??
Profile Image for Roobie.
688 reviews89 followers
Shelved as 'read-manga-manhwa'
March 28, 2020
Completed Series Rating
⭐️? stars⭐️
Profile Image for Enairolf.
2,144 reviews18 followers
December 22, 2021
Comme j’ai aimé retrouvé la guilde de Fairy Tail dans ce spin off! J’apprécie énormément tous ces personnages et les retrouver fait beaucoup de bien. Quand on tient à des personnages et à un univers comme celui ci, les retrouver fait toujours beaucoup de bien! Et puis ce premier tome du spin off est très prometteur!

On va donc retrouver les différents membres de la guilde partir pour la fameuse quête de cent ans. Personne jusqu’alors ne la réussit. Mais Natsu lui compte bien y parvenir! En parallèle, on se retrouve à Fairy Tail et on nous présente trois nouveaux personnages qui vont intégrer la guilde. Une en particulier attire l’attention puisqu’elle parait extrêmement louche. On va donc suivre en parallèle deux histoires, celle de la quête de 100 ans et « l’enquête » sur cette mystérieuse Touka..

Je trouve ce premier tome vraiment très intéressant! L’univers est toujours aussi plaisant et nos personnages sont toujours aussi fidèle à eux mêmes. On va les suivre dans cette quête assez particulière. Elle consiste à arrêter cinq dragons. Cette quête personne ne l’a jamais réussi alors la question que l’on se pose est évidemment vont ils la réussir eux! Le moins que l’on puisse dire c’est qu’elle s’annonce très compliquée!

J’ai beaucoup aimé avoir une autre histoire en parallèle de la quête de la guilde. Je trouve que ça permet de changer un peu et de ne pas avoir cet effet redondant. Surtout qu’à la fin, on découvre qu’en fait les deux histoires sont liées entre elles. Je pense que le deuxième tome sera encore plus intéressant à découvrir puisque l’action sera déjà lancée. Ici on est plus sur un tome d’introduction en quelque sorte. J’ai vraiment hâte de lire la suite, une série que je vais suivre avec grand intérêt!
Profile Image for Ray Flores.
1,510 reviews244 followers
October 4, 2021
Tenía años que no leía nada de FT y afortunadamente esta secuela tiene a Mashima (guión) y a Ueda-sensei (ilustrador), lo cual me parece excelente.

Con todo y que hay un montón de fan service innecesario, tiene un potente inicio. Mi corazón se hincha de felicidad de ver a todos los chicos del gremio, en especial al Team de Natsu embarcados en una misión que se supone jamás ha sido completada –ni siquiera por el poderoso Gildarts.

Con este primer volumen nos introdujeron a otra generación de Dragon Slayers: los dragon eaters, quienes heredaron sus poderes tras haber consumido los cuerpos de sus víctimas, así como de 5 dragones que han sido vistos como dioses. La misión, de manera muy ambigua, dice que deben encargarse de ellos así que el Team no está seguro de si eso signifique terminar sus vidas.

Por lo pronto, puedo decir que esta secuela promete todo lo que me gusta de Fairy Tail: aventura, peleas, villanos interesantes, momentos enternecedores de esa familia maravillosa y claro, plot twists que me vuelan la cabeza.

¡No puedo esperar a leer el siguiente volumen!

Este volumen contiene los capítulos 1 – 9.
Profile Image for Qnghi.
16 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2022
Boom, done, easily THE best anime in the world, no questions asked. Favorite character? Gajeel. Other favorite character? Juvia. Goodnight GoodReads. I will be back when I can afford to purchase another book (as opposed to reading pirated copies online :D)
Profile Image for Oussama .
130 reviews9 followers
October 1, 2024
Myyyy fairy tail, my comfort and fav manga, with such nostalgia and love and magic and dreams.
I wish the guild was real, its characters are everything to me..
I wish I have the chance to watch it and read it again and again
this part is so exciting! made my summer.
بالنسبة لي يمثل حيز كبير من طفولتي و ذكرياتي.. مميز جدا عندي.. أضعه بنفس رتب ون بيس و هانتر x هانتر و ناروتو و بليتش و دراغون بول..
شخصياته كلها تقع في حبها، جيلال و لاكسوس و إيرزا و ستينغ و ناتسو و زيريف و مايفيس و العديد... من أفضل الشخصيات الكتابية.. و هابي أكيد.
عادة المشاهدين العرب ينقصون من قيمته بسبب فكرة قوة الصداقة.. لكن يساء فهمها دوما.. في الحقيقة هي قوة الحب و الإرادة اللي موجودة فينا كلنا كبشر، التي تعتمد على إيقاظ شعلة الحياة بداخلنا. بإيماننا بمشاعرنا كلها، حينها فقط كل أرواح الأسلاف قد تتجسد فينا.. هي من تقودنا نحو أي شيء نبذل الجهد من أجل تحقيقه بغض النظر عن مدى صعوبته..!
It is a miracle only given to people who believe in light.
المشاعر و كلمات التفاؤل و الأمل و مشاركتها مع الغير تجعلك تتخطى كثير آلام و صعوبات.. قوة الحب هي اللي تخليك تشوف العالم فيه كثير بوابات لتحقيق أي شيء تريده، و أي بوابة بإمكانك فتحها بقوة إرادتك و مدى إصرارك و مشاعرك و أكييييد رفاقك و نقابتك.. جميعها من أجل صنع عالم أفضل، مظاهرة ضد بؤس العالم في أمل تغييره، بعيد عن العالم اللي يجبرك قادته و سياسياته أنك تتقبل أحزانه..
فيري تيل يجعلك تؤمن بالخيال و أحلام الطفولة و إرادتك الخاصة.. و يعزز قيم الحرية و الصداقة و العائلة تصير هي العالم كلو، بكل اختلافاتو بعيدا عن الحدود الضيقة..
أظن أنها ميزة رائعة أن تكون حرا و مستقلا مع امتلاكك لروحية دائمة و خيال نابض.
و الأهم، يوصلك رسالة أن تكون حالما متطرفا، و أن تتطرف في الحلم و المقاومة و الحب. و أنو ما تستسلم حتى تتأكد أنو كل رفقاتك بخير.. و أنو تؤمن أنو النضال قائم حتى يصير كل العالم بخير و يشرق النور..

“Comrade isn't simply a word. Comrades are about heart. It's the unconditional trust in your partners. Please, feel free to lean on me... and I too, will lean on you as well.” - Mavis Vermillion

“Even if I can't see you... Even if we are separated far from each other... I'll always be watching you. I'll definitely watch over you forever.” - Makarov Dreyar
Profile Image for Riski Oktavian.
441 reviews
March 5, 2024
Kembali aku membaca komik dari seri Fairy Tail, dan kalau yang di seri ini ceritanya bisa kubilang lebih kompleks karena kita akan mengikuti cerita dari dua setting tempat yang berbeda.

Bercerita tentang "anggota" Fairy Tail dengan kekuatan-kekuatan super yaitu Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, Gray, dan Juvia yang melaksanakan sebuah misi yang cukup ditakuti oleh hampir sebagian besar orang di Fairy Tail, yaitu mengenai misi 100 tahun, yang mana singkatnya misi ini harus mencari, menemukan, dan "mengamankan" 5 naga yang dianggap cukup berbahaya.

Di satu tempat, datang tiga kandidat baru yang mengajukan diri sebagai calon anggota Fairy Tail yang baru. Namun dua kandidat tersebut belum apa-apa sudah "tereliminasi" yang menyisakan satu wanita bernama Touka. Awalnya tidak ada yang aneh dengan kemunculan Touka sampai-sampai anggota lain dari Fairy Tail mulai menyadari ada yang tidak beres dengan Touka, dan memutuskan untuk mengikutinya.

Terlebih Touka mengenal salah satu anggota Fairy Tail yang pada saat itu sedang melakukan "ekspedisi" dalam misi 100 tahun itu, Natsu. Hal itu tentu membuat beberapa anggota Fairy Tail menjadi semakin curiga terhadap siapa Touka ini.

Overall aku suka banget di sini, porsi antara scene yang menyoroti Touka dan juga scene yang menyoroti perburuan 100 tahun itu cukup balance, bahkan keduanya mengalami konflik yang juga nggak kalah rumit. Terus kemudian aku juga suka dengan ide mencari naga itu yang mana juga memasukkan unsur action di dalam sini.

Mungkin ini kali pertama aku bener-bener dikenalin sama hampir semua tokoh "manusia" yang ada di sini, setelah kayaknya sebelum-sebelumnya yang sering aku lihat tuh cuma Happy doang, alias si kucing biru ajaib.

Dan yang bikin komik ini makin keren lagi adalah di sini ada plot twist di bagian akhir yang jujur bikin deg-degan dan bikin penasaran juga! Sepertinya Fairy Tail akan menjadi seri baru yang mulai aku sukai...
Profile Image for 寿理 宮本.
1,609 reviews10 followers
July 11, 2024
Huh! Thought I left a review for this one. Luckily, the anime just came out, so I can give a fresh review of both!

The anime of the original run has actually been fairly close, as though using the manga as a storyboard but with adjustments for episode length (looking at you, Tartaros Arc with EIGHT MINUTES OF RECAP before the "actual" episode). There are some similar minor tweaks here, with things like adding in that Natsu and Happy get attacked by the "pig with antlers" they're excited to check out.

On the whole, it's a very good replication of Mashima's style by Ueda—I know Mashima did the storyboards, but if I didn't know better, I'd say it was all Mashima's work! (adjusting for the fact that big name mangaka ALWAYS have assistants)

I do still like the series, but it has just a touch of "creator intended to be done but fans/editors had other ideas in mind" to it, as well as some jokes that just fall a little flat (the jellyfish). It's great for fans who wanted more, though!
Profile Image for Marianna Rainolter.
1,627 reviews22 followers
January 31, 2021
Pensavamo che Fairy Tail fosse finito, ma Natsu, Lucy, Elsa, Gray e Wendy hanno deciso di intraprendere una nuova avventura con la leggendaria missione dei cent’anni. Una missione che è rimasta incompiuta per ben 100 anni e loro si accingono ad intraprende a costo della vita. Nel mentre nella Gilda ci sono nuove leve, ma Gajil e Lluvia pensano che qualcuno di loro nasconda qualcosa di losco, avranno ragione? Che dire questa nuova missione sembra interessante e credo (o meglio spero) non venga tirata troppo per le lunghe anche se parte con un buon ritmo. Mi piace inoltre come la storia si sposti tra i due scenari e i diversi personaggi all’apparenza in maniera casuale, ma sul finale vediamo che esiste un legame tra queste due storie che scorrono parallele in un certo senso. Visto che il finale di Fairy Tail non mi aveva soddisfatto al cento per cento devo dire che spero che alcune cose siano dette/spiegate/mostrate in questo sequel che promette bene. Inoltre, cosa mia, ma lo stile del disegnatore è davvero uguale a quello di Mashima e devo dire che solo a metà volume, notando alcune differenze, ho iniziato a rendermi conto che non è la stessa mano però lo emula molto bene, creando un forte senso di continuità che non si trova a mio parere, ad esempio in Boruto.
Profile Image for Brian Wilkerson.
Author 5 books30 followers
July 6, 2024
First, I must say that I am excited to read the continuation of Fairy Tail. I watched the series through twice and then read some of the manga, just to compare the two. Thus, I realize that all the plot threads were resolved at the end of Fairy Tail, save for the titular "one hundred year quest". With all that said, the start of this sequel series is underwhelming.

"Seal the five dragon gods" sounds like a Gotta Catch 'em All sort of plotline, and something just as long term a goal. Thus, we can't expect it to complete soon, and I fear myth arc stall.

Next, some plot elements sound like Mashima is eating his own tail: Dragons comparable to Acnologia and a "white witch" who is older than most and as dangerous as "black wizard" Zeref? I actually like the idea of Fifth Generation dragon slayers, because it sounds interesting, and also because the "fourth generation" are from the Dragon Cry movie; I like that movie so I'm glad it is getting a nod in manga canon.

So why did I give it four stars? Because the plot develops beyond this premise. "Sealing the five dragon gods" does not appear to be so simple as finding them and fighting them, and this white witch is thus far nothing like Zeref.

And I like the town of the fish-people. It's fun.
Profile Image for Ashe Catlin.
877 reviews6 followers
February 14, 2020
I've had a little bit of experience with Fairy Tail before this, I watched the first episode before Netflix removed the series. I watched the Dragon Cry movie, where Cineworld screwed up and shows it in Japanese without subtitles. Then I've also tried 2 of the spin off series Fairy Tail Blue Mistral, Vol. 01 and Fairy Tail Zero , this is infinitely better. It is a sequel but it works the same way as Dragon Ball Z, you need no prior knowledge going in.

Natsu and his crew have set off to complete the 100 year quest, which no one has completed in over a 100 years, hence the name. Along they way they are informed, that the quest is to seal the 5 powerful dragons.

All in all I really enjoyed it, it doesn't take itself too seriously but at the same time it's not a joke. There is a nice little twist a the end as well.
Profile Image for Monika.
170 reviews10 followers
March 1, 2021
Due to the recent lockdown I have re-watched all of Fairy Tail anime with my friend. Clearly, I loved it, with loveable characters, great fights and a positive outlook and message I was sold on the 300+ episodes very easily.

So, when we finished watching the anime a few weeks ago I wasn't ready to let go of the characters that easily and decided to check out the 100 Year Quest and it's just as good as the anime! It was great to see all of the characters again, getting up to their usual hijinks and seeing set up for great fights to come. The manga's art style is so pretty as well, which makes me so happy that I decided to buy a paperback copy rather than reading it online.

I genuinely don't think I can express how much I love Fairy Tail and this volume hasn't disappointed as I already ordered the next 3!
Profile Image for Christina.
1,444 reviews
January 31, 2020
A continuation of the long-running manga and anime series, the entertaining and distinct characters and blend of humor and action make it apparent why Fairy Tail is so popular. Author and illustrator Hiro Mashima had declared that after 63 volumes, the series was over. However, by the time the last volume was released, he’d had a change of heart, or mind. He did the storyboards for this new storyline that picks up at some point after volume 63, but brought in Atsuo Ueda to do the illustrations. Granted, my discernment when it comes to manga art is hardly refined, but I couldn’t tell the difference in this volume and enjoyed revisiting Mashima’s world of magic and familiar characters.

Profile Image for Dedul Faithful.
Author 7 books23 followers
May 18, 2021
Mungkin akan aku kasih 5 bintang kalo gak banyak saltik sama kata-kata yang miss dari versi aslinya. But reading this makes me feel so ecstatic. Fairy Tail ini anime pertama yang aku tonton sampe tamat dengan bela-belain maraton berjam-jam, for me it's so funny. Makanya pas baca sekuelnya dalam bentuk komik, aku merasa excited banget.

The story line is still smooth. Tiap-tiap karakternya masih dijaga sih kekhasannya. Hiro Mashima masih ngebawa cerita ke arah misterius tapi tetap mengedepankan petualangan. Joke-joke masih seger, tapi yang vulgar masih bertebaran, maklum boys comic dan emang itu ciri khas kreatornya.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews

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