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Watching the news, Takemichi Hanagaki learns that his girlfriend from way back in middle school, Hinata Tachibana, has died. The only girlfriend he ever had was just killed by a villainous group known as the Tokyo Manji Gang. He lives in a crappy apartment with thin walls, and his six-years-younger boss treats him like an idiot. Plus, he’s a complete and total virgin … At the height of his rock-bottom life, he suddenly time-leaps twelve years back to his middle school days!! To save Hinata, and change the life he spent running away, hopeless part-timer Takemichi must aim for the top of Kanto’s most sinister delinquent gang!!

192 pages, ebook

First published March 17, 2017

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About the author

Ken Wakui

222 books487 followers
Ken Wakui (和久井健, Wakui Ken) is a Japanese mangaka.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 827 reviews
Profile Image for lu.
92 reviews14 followers
July 3, 2020
draken te amo wtf
Profile Image for Irish.
50 reviews12 followers
March 14, 2024

Tokyo Revengers is one of those series which receives a lot of hate for some reason. I think it's a trend nowadays. So, let me tell you what I thought about this series.

✔time travel with a different twist
✔badass gangs (makes you want to start one)
✔has a solid start
✔the drip (just look at the manga covers)
✔intense plot twists (has a great antagonist too)
✔lovable characters

✘pacing towards the end was rushed
✘introduced too many characters who were basically forgotten
✘you just won't get the logic (literally taken from the manga)

I started reading this manga as soon as the first season of the anime finished airing. Those who have watched that cliffhanger would definitely understand me. I think that was one of the best anime finale I've ever seen. It is such a shame that the series started really great but falters a little bit towards the final arc. Tho, I still consider Tokyo Revengers close to my heart.

P. S. It was not Mikey's fault.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,181 followers
March 3, 2021
This was WAY different than I expected.

So Takemich is just some 20 somewhat old loser who is unsure of what he's doing in life. One day he sees on the news his girlfriend from way back in middle school died. So the next day he somehow almost dies on the train tracks, or well he does die, but then gets brought back in time from when he in middle school but remembers everything in his last 12 years...so he wants to change/do things different and meets his girlfriends brother who he warns what will happen and so then her brother saves him 12 years into the future and he decides to go back into the past to now save his girlfriend from dying in the future.

Confused yet?

Anyway, it's fairly interesting story. The fights are very yakuza fist to fist based. If like GTO early years and things like that you'll enjoy this. The storyline itself moves quick with plenty of "What will happen next." And I do enjoy the pacing. I wasn't sold on the characters yet, none really pop out to me. I also think the storyline feels like it's really going to stretch if his main mission is to somehow save his girlfriend.

But it is on Comixlogy Unlimited so I'll keep reading. A 3 out of 5.
Profile Image for Emi.acg.
606 reviews221 followers
December 20, 2021
No me gustó, de plano no me interesó la historia. Se trata de un tipo fracasado, tiene como 26 a 28 años y no ha hecho nada con su vida. Un día cae a las líneas del tren y de repente pum, vueleve 12 años en el tiempo y tras un par de sucesos, entre ellos que en su vida escolar era un "delincuente" ahora tiene como misión evitar que la chica que era su novia en esa epoca muera en el futuro.

Sinceramente, para mí, una historia sin fundamento no me gustan los saltos en el tiempo cuando son usados de forma de tan simple . Los personajes tampoco me gustaron y los dibujos eran feos xd es una historia que olvidaré fácilmente.
Profile Image for Rodrigo.
1,375 reviews747 followers
December 25, 2021
No ha estado mal, trata sobre bandas callejeras, mezclado con un suceso trágico y con un viaje en el tiempo.
Parece bastante introductorio, pero creo que se pondrá más interesante en los siguientes.
Profile Image for ale (taylor's version) everett.
487 reviews14 followers
April 17, 2022
releer tokrev sólo está reforzando mi amor por takemichi y por todo lo que es tokrev también

Estuve postergando comenzar este manga pero fui seducida un montón.

Tengo que decirlo y me pareció demasiado atrayente la idea de viajes en el tiempo, pero lo que más me está gustando de todo son, claramente, los personajes. Y definitivamente también LA ILUSTRACIÓN.
Soy muy débil a cuando me atrae demasiado el estilo de ilustración del artista porque si me atrae desde el comienzo es posible que sea feliz en el resto de la obra. Y si no me gusta un estilo de ilustración simplemente no lo leo no me importa que la historia sea buenísima.


Afortunadamente me gustó el estilo de Ken Wakui y estoy amando la historia y como se está desarrollando todo. Ya le estoy agarrando cariño a los personajes y no quiero que pase algo FEO porque no lo soportaría

Profile Image for Karen's Bookshelf.
208 reviews9 followers
May 2, 2022
Don't mind me.
I'm just here reading the manga after I finished season 1 of the anime.
The cliffhanger was just illegal and I need to know (っ °Д °;)っ
Profile Image for not my high.
343 reviews1,222 followers
March 28, 2022

Bardzo spoko, zabawna kreska. Chaotyczna fabuła i dużo przemocy - chyba nie moje klimaty, ale się nie poddaję.

PS zakończenie było super <3
Profile Image for Greg.
720 reviews39 followers
June 8, 2021
4/5 Tokyo Revengers was not what I expected, mainly because I went into this one completely blind. Our Lead Takemichi lives a bland life where he never amount to much of anything. Then he sees on the news that the only girlfriend he ever had in his life was killed in a gang conflict.

Shortly after that Takemichi falls through time and winds up 12 years in the past when he was still dating the girl who was killed, in middle school. Takemichi has problems with the gangs growing up as well.

Through certain events Takemichi decides to try and save his exgirlfriends future by changing the past.

I really do enjoy these types of stories. The premise here is pretty unique in a Back to the Future meets The Departed kind of way.

I read this one as a buddy read but I may continue on with it the only thing putting me off is the length, 22 volumes and counting. At the very least I’ll take in the new anime. The over use of the “Manchu” swastika is a little weird though.

Our boy Takemichi on the cover of volume 1.

Read 6/8/21
Profile Image for Rosava Doshchyk.
396 reviews66 followers
January 23, 2022
- Люблю троп "виправити минуле". Завжди затягує.
- Хлопець чемненько стояв за жовтою лінією, але все одно вилетів під потяг. Отак і довіряй жовтим лініям!
- Давно не читала шьоненчиків зі шкільними бандюками. Нацукашіііі.
- Але чому молодші брати завжди виростають такими гарячими в манзі?
- "Уже навіть пересмикнув на кілька фото". Де б я ще дізналася, як можна розмовно називати цю дію українською. Дякую. ХД
- "Сано Манджіро не схожий на чувака, який організує масові вбивства і очолить жорстоку кримінальну банду". Такемічі, сонце, роззуй очі. Він при тобі перебив усіх старшокласників, тільки щоб витягнути тебе з уроків погуляти. Як мінімум, він психопат. Ех, я справді дещо підзабула логіку хуліганських шьоненів...
- Наото, я покладаюся на тебе. Тільки ти зможеш вбити здоровий глузд у голову головного героя.
Profile Image for L Ann.
633 reviews137 followers
August 15, 2022
Great start to the series. My only question is what the hell are these grown ass looking kids eating? 😨 Kiyomasa looks even older than 26 year old Takemichi from the future! 3.5 stars, rounded up
Profile Image for Silvia Shika.
16 reviews1 follower
February 8, 2021
Sono felice che questo manga meraviglioso sia finalmente arrivato in Italia 🖤
Profile Image for Alexander.
18 reviews4 followers
January 26, 2022
Good, facial expressions still are creepy. Mikey is defintley my fav character tho :D
Profile Image for Jon Ureña.
Author 3 books116 followers
November 7, 2020
Three and a half stars.

I'm going to comment on the first four volumes or so. This is a story about a guy in his twenties who goes back in time to his school years to save a girl; in particular, the only girlfriend he ever had. The premise is very close to Kei Sanbe's manga "Erased", of which I initially watched the anime and I absolutely loved. As I wish more stories featured that time leap concept, I should have been all over "Tokyo Revengers", but I ultimately wasn't, and I don't plan on reading further.

The protagonist has hit a dead end at twenty six. He never went to high school, and can't perform properly any part-time job he's ever had. You could pity him from that, but he's not a good guy either. He used to be a gang member during his school days, and in the present he does infuriating stuff like keying cars of "rich people".

One of those days ends up being far more miserable than the rest, as he sees in the news that the biggest local gang, which for some reason has a swastika in its name, had driven a truck into some fair, killing the protagonist's former girlfriend as well as her brother. As the protagonist was attempting to handle that revelation he also gets pushed to the train tracks when the train was coming, only to "wake up" twelve years ago as he was hanging out with his delinquent friends.

We learn that this guy had had to flee from his original Tokyo district due to the events that happened that very afternoon. While in many mangas some characters are labelled as being delinquents but usually just look a bit menacing, these guys are thugs that are hunting students from another school mostly for kicks. However, they end up getting jumped by older students from that school and beaten half to death. This manga is set in a Japan far more dangerous than it actually is, so not content with having given the main characters such a beating, those other thugs enslave the main characters into becoming fighters for an underground fight club. To break that enslavement is the reason why the protagonist had fled from his former life and ended up as a twenty six year old with no prospects for the future.

In the process of fleeing he had also abandoned his former girlfriend to her eventual fate. Although beaten half to death, he staggers to his former girlfriend's apartment (her parents' apartment, more accurately), and is overwhelmed with emotion realizing that he was given the chance to see her one last time. At that point he believed that he was seeing his life flash before his eyes, and that this was God forcing him to confront his shame. After he says goodbye to this former girlfriend and he wanders the streets for a bit, he comes across some younger punks accosting a weak-looking kid. The protagonist has had enough of people tormenting others. He intervenes and knocks out the leader with a savage punch, and then threatens the others with a broken bottle. After they flee, the weak kid thanks the protagonist. He learns that the kid is none other than his girlfriend's little brother. They hang out for a bit; might as well. The protagonist, believing that this is some complex hallucination as he was dying, opens up about being from the future, and just in case he warns the little brother that in a certain day both he and the kid's sister were going to get killed, and that he should prevent it at all costs.

After they shake hands, however, the protagonist wakes up in the present. He's resting on a hospital bed, and waiting for him to come to his senses is none other that the grown up little brother. He had believed him; both because of the protagonist's heroics against the punks that had accosted the little brother, as well as the wish to save his sister from a terrible fate, he had become a police detective. However, he informs the protagonist that despite knowing the date of his sister's demise, she had gotten killed anyway. Excuse me? How do you fuck that up, knowing the date so far in advance, as well as being a police detective? This revelation, which feels more like a plothole than anything else, is accompanied by the revelation that both men shaking hands is the trigger for the protagonist to both travel back in time and return to the present. Why? It just is. After the little brother, now a policeman, informs the protagonist about the data he has gathered on those possibly responsible for killing his sister, who belong to the worst gang in maybe all of Japan, the protagonist goes back to the past again in order to push former events in the proper direction.

I won't say more about the plot, which goes back and forth between past and future. My main issue with the story is that most of the characters are related to gang activity, which I can neither empathize nor sympathize with, and ultimately I read fiction to connect with the characters. The police detective having failed to prevent his sister's death, which should have been as easy as just keeping her at home for a SINGLE DAY, is ridiculous, and that is the first in a long series of plot conveniences, characters acting weird (not quite human), etc. And the time travel in this story follows what I generally consider the "Terminator" rules: when the past changes, the events get rearranged into producing pretty much identical results somehow. There were two points in the story in which we saw the present version of a character from the past; in one he was the manager of some hostess bar owned by the gang. Tangled to the gang for life, he said and did certain stuff. After another long sequence of events, the protagonist's present gets changed: he now seems to be working happily as a hair dresser, having moved away from all the gang stuff. But some scenes later he says the same stuff and does some egregious shit as if changing the past hadn't worked at all, although it had changed that character's present circumstances. At that point the story felt too artificial for me, and I figured that I should simply move on to something else.

So that's that, I guess. DNF.
Profile Image for Paloma orejuda (Pevima).
575 reviews62 followers
December 19, 2021
Pues... no me ha gustado nada, ni la trama ni el dibujo.

**Alerta Spoiler!!

Parte de una premisa interesante pero poco novedosa, que no viene ni a cuento (viaje en el tiempo).
El prota es un llorón y la parte de los delincuentes juveniles no me llama y me pareció de lo más aburrida.
Tras leer este primer volumen me quedan cero ganas de seguir con la historia.

Lo mejor sin ninguna duda, Hina.

En fin, 1 insignia sobre 5 porque hacía tiempo que un manga no conseguía no despertar mi interés. De hecho, creo que nunca antes me había pasado.
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,187 reviews118 followers
June 12, 2021
I wasn't completely blown away by anything in this, but it was alright. It's definitely an interesting concept, and I'm interested to see how Takimichi matures with his do-over.
Profile Image for Yukino.
1,072 reviews
August 12, 2021

Ho letto recensioni entusiaste e la trama mi ha incuriosito, così l’ho comprato.
Adesso capisco perché piace tanto. L’ho semplicemente adorato.

Takemichi è un ragazzo solitario, che fugge da tutto. Lavora in un negozio. è il classico sfigato che non sa far nulla. Che non ha carattere.
Un giorno mentre ascolta il telegiornale scopre che la sua ex fidanzata delle medie (ovvero l’unica che lui abbia mai avuto) Hinata, muore con il fratello Naoto in un attentato organizzato dalla Tokyo Manji Gang. Questa notizia lo scombussola e mentre va al lavoro cade sui binari in metro, proprio quando arriva il treno. E...si ritrova a pensare a lui alle medie. Ma scopre che non è un flashback: è tornato indietro nel tempo. Rivede i suoi amici, che ha abbandonato. E rivive le sue giornate. incontra Hina e per caso aiuta suo fratello Naoto con due teppisti. Ritorna nel presente e con Naoto decidono di salvare Hina: Takemichi dovrà tornare nel passato e intrufolarsi nela gang per smantellarla e cambiare così il corso della storia.

Ho cercato di spoilerare il meno possibile, perché questo manga è da leggere. Io me ne sono innamorata per la storia, per i personaggi e per i disegni. Insomma per tutto. Mi piace l’evoluzione di Takemichi il senso di squadra e di amicizia con i suoi compagni delle medie. Mi piacciono Hina e Naoko. Davvero mi piace tutto.
Divertente e allo stesso fa molto pensare.
A me il prossimo!

Profile Image for paula ☁️ ·̩͙✧.
229 reviews22 followers
October 4, 2021
Me he dado cuenta de que en el anime han pulido ciertas escenas, pero el manga es igual de genial. Tenía muchas ganas de empezar a leer Tokyo Revengers. 🥺

Also, podemos hablar de los caretos que hay??? Soy muy fan.
Profile Image for sparkling almond blossoms.
1,147 reviews153 followers
March 9, 2022
I devoured this shit. It's that good. It feels like Stephen King's 11.22.63 all over again. This better not make me sob too though. Nah, who am I kidding? I'm already in tears just after 33 pages...
Profile Image for Анна Полегенько.
254 reviews14 followers
May 6, 2024
Це прямо ОГО! Сюжет несеться зі швидкістю світла, тут головному герою 30 років, а тут він знову підліток і проживає свої найкращі роки. Ну як найкращі, з бандами токійських мафіозі та табуном проблем.

Але тим не менш читати дійсно цікаво і захопливо. Мені знадобився час, аби не плутати героїв між собою і хоча б якось запам'ятати їхні імена, але це було того варте.

Цікаво, якими будуть наступні частини, бо перша хоч і була хорошою, не дуже вразила
Profile Image for Rafa Araujo.
396 reviews14 followers
February 14, 2022
el dibujo me gusta y lo poco que hemos descubierto de la historia también pero no se si lo seguiré leyendo por estas razones:
1.Si no me explican el como de los viajes en el tiempo "me da ansiedad" al seguir leyendo.
2.No se si pueda soportar seguir viendo golpizas en MUCHOS paneles.
Profile Image for Yunebooks.
389 reviews42 followers
December 3, 2021
Buen primer tomo. Si bien para mí lo mejor del manga no llega hasta pasados un par de tomos, Tokyo Revengers te engancha desde el principio. La edición de Norma es espectacular.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 827 reviews

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