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Shadow of the Fox #3

Night of the Dragon

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Master storyteller Julie Kagawa concludes the enthralling journey into the heart of the fantastical Empire of Iwagoto in the third book of the Shadow of the Fox trilogy. As darkness rises and chaos reigns, a fierce kitsune and her shadowy protector will face down the greatest evil of all. A captivating fantasy for fans of Sabaa Tahir, Sarah J. Maas and Marie Lu.

Kitsune shapeshifter Yumeko has given up the final piece of the Scroll of a Thousand Prayers in order to save everyone she loves from imminent death. Now she and her ragtag band of companions must journey to the wild sea cliffs of Iwagoto in a desperate last-chance effort to stop the Master of Demons from calling upon the Great Kami dragon and making the wish that will plunge the empire into destruction and darkness.

Shadow clan assassin Kage Tatsumi has regained control of his body and agreed to a true deal with the devil—the demon inside him, Hakaimono. They will share his body and work with Yumeko and their companions to stop a madman and separate Hakaimono from Tatsumi and the cursed sword that had trapped the demon for nearly a millennium.

But even with their combined skills and powers, this most unlikely team of heroes knows the forces of evil may be impossible to overcome. And there is another player in the battle for the scroll, a player who has been watching, waiting for the right moment to pull strings that no one even realized existed…until now.

355 pages, Paperback

First published March 31, 2020

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Julie Kagawa

82 books25.4k followers

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Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,938 reviews12.8k followers
October 30, 2024
((me: ugly crying))

It's official, the final page has now been turned. My time with the Shadow of the Fox trilogy is complete.

Oh, my sweet babies. Why must you leave me so soon!?

((me: continues wailing))

I never ever wanted this series to end. I tried to drag it out as long as possible, but sadly, it is done.

My favorite YA Fantasy trilogy. It is time for me to leave Yumeko and the land of Iwagato behind, however, their spirit will live in my heart for a lifetime.

Julie Kagawa has blessed us all with the Shadow of the Fox triology and for that, I will be forever grateful.

Sure, I may be dramatic, but that doesn't make it any less true.

Have y'all started this yet?

As a conclusion to a series, this gave me everything I wanted and more. All the loose ends were tied up, important lessons were learned and so many feelings were felt.

The final few pages legit shattered my heart into a million pieces, while simultaneously putting them back together again.

The entirety of this installment is packed full of action. There was so much on the line and our protagonists did not have it easy. There was no easy way out in this story.

The world creation skills that Kagawa displays are simply top shelf. I was completely immersed in this world. I saw it all playing out in my minds eye like I was actually there. It was so impressive.

I don't know what else to say. I am speechless.

I loved all of the characters so much. I loved the world. I loved the quest. I loved the Japanese inspired folklore and the overall feeling of it. Just an incredible story from the first volume to the last.

If you have not given this series a shot, I really hope you do. For me, it's pure perfection, one I will be reading again.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Inkyard Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

It was easily my most anticipated YA Fantasy of the year and it did not disappoint!
Profile Image for jessica.
2,595 reviews45.7k followers
April 17, 2020
this final installment is exactly the conclusion i was expecting for this series (which i definitely recommend to fans of japanese myth/folklore and magically entertaining anime-esque storytelling)!

it continues the tradition of diverse and complex characters, exciting and culturally enriched world-building, fast-paced and engaging plot, and immersive and vivid storytelling. this is a culmination of everything i loved about the first two books come to an exciting and nail-biting finale.

and i really, really, really wish i could give this 5 stars like the previous two books, but man. im beyond annoyed with all the .

so while there is a certain aspect that i found unnecessary and disappointing, the rest of this story lives up to the high standards created by the first two books.

4 stars
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.6k followers
August 9, 2021
”Maybe in a different form, under a different name, but in some small way, our souls will always recognize each other”.

Después de dos libros llenos de acción, aventuras y muchísimos demonios, en The Night of the Dragon la batalla contra el destino es inminente. Para salvar a todos sus amigos de una muerte segura, Yumeko tuvo que entregar el último fragmento del pergamino, así que sus enemigos están a punto de completar el ritual para invocar al gran dragón que podría renovar o destruir el mundo. Además de tener que ir hasta la otra punta del imperio para intentar detener al Maestro de los Demonios, Yumeko sigue intentando entender sus sentimientos por Kage Tatsumi que, después del final del libro pasado, está más fusionado que nunca con Hakaimono, uno de los demonios más poderosos del mundo.

Para seguir con mis comparaciones de anime, si los anteriores libros se sentían como episodios sueltos en los que los protagonistas iban cumpliendo misiones, acercándose más unos a otros y dejándonos pistas del gran destino al que tendrían que enfrentarse, The Night of the Dragon es como el final de temporada más épico que nos podríamos haber encontrado. En este libro no hay una sola página que no sea una batalla, en la que no haya revelaciones que cambien la dirección de todo y, sobre todo, en la que no temamos genuinamente por la vida de los personajes. La verdad es que el nivel del peligro está por fuera de este mundo y, de hecho, nunca mejor dicho, pues se están enfrentando a profecías, dioses milenarios, criaturas poderosísimas y demonios que quieren reinar sobre la tierra.

Creo que una de las mejores cosas de este libro fue ver a Yumeko creciendo tanto, tomando decisiones difíciles y, sobre todo, entendiendo la cantidad de poder que tenía y cómo usarlo realmente. Además, también me fascinó sentir la fe infinita que tenía en Kage Tatusmi, incluso cuando él dudaba de sí mismo, de si seguía siendo humano, conservando su esencia. Amé que Yumeko siempre lograra sacarlo de esa espiral de dudas y, obviamente, que no tuviera miedo de actuar sobre sus sentimientos por él. Los amé.

Por supuesto, otra cosa que adoré de este libro son los lazos de amistad (y algo más) que se desarrollan entre todos. Es precisamente por eso por lo que el final de este libro duele tanto. Joder. Es un final que, evidentemente, cuadra un montón con la mitología, la cultura, el sentido del honor y las creencias del antiguo Japón, pero, a pesar de todo, nada me preparó para esos momentos. Hace muchísimo tiempo no leía un libro en el que la autora se atreviera a ser tan cruel, así que se me había olvidado el sentimiento de traición y de vacío que te queda cuando… pasan ciertas cosas.

Y sí, luego el final final da algo más de esperanza, pero la sensación de soledad que queda le gana por muchísimo a la de una aventura en la que lograron derrotar al destino. Creo que si leyeron este libro me entenderán.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,117 reviews398 followers
March 30, 2020
You know those series that are so well written, so captivating that you've been invested in from the very first chapter? Those stories that you think about long after you've put the book down and those stories that, you can't wait to get the next book of because you need to know what happens next? You need to know that all is well. That some how, it will all work out. That your beloved characters will have a happily ever after. Those stories in short, that speak to your soul and change you. Make you wonder about things you've never thought about before and see things and legends and lore different. Books that put you in a book hang over when you are done because how could anything else possible live up to this masterpiece you've just read?

The Shadow of the Fox trilogy, has been that trilogy for me and I'll be honest, that passion, that urge to read quickly and devour, yet stop and savor at the same time hasn't happened for me in a YA series, heck in a YA trilogy, in a really long time.

And I did both devour and savor this. It was everything I was hoping it would be. So many emotions, thoughts, and feelings coursed through me throughout this whole last story. I cried, I laughed, I smiled, I got angry, and I cried again. I couldn't of asked for a better ending, a better story, or a better tale.

Beautifully written, detailed, and told, this was everything I was looking for and everything I didn't even know I needed and wanted.

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
151 reviews39 followers
January 22, 2021
devastating and bittersweet but so, SOOO good.

this might be the first (perfectly-paced) trilogy that i wish was a longer series just so i don’t have to say goodbye to this world or these characters so soon.. which is really saying something because i don’t like long fantasy series and YET!! i would gladly read ten more books featuring these characters if i could. :( 5 sad stars
Profile Image for Anna Bartłomiejczyk.
176 reviews4,328 followers
November 15, 2024
Alexa play Die with a smile

> Jak jesteście fanami Sophie i Hauru z powodu ich „backgroundu” (staram się nie spoilowac) to ostatnie akapity Was zmiotą z powierzchni ziemi.
Profile Image for Ashley.
847 reviews589 followers
December 11, 2023
Star Rating: —> 4.5 Stars

I don’t know... I have to think on this one. Sigh. It was an amazing book but jeez. 😭😭😭


Edit// Oct. 3rd, 2019-

Damn it... I was just recovering! ;-)


Edit: July 17th, 2019- yay! It IS called Night of the Dragon! AND THAT COVER THO! BEAUTIFUL! I would die for an arc of this book. Realistically: legitimately faint, probably. SO EXCITED! Lord Help Me.


But I thought the title was Night of the Dragon? Hrm. Maybe not? Either way hell to the yes.
Profile Image for Iasmina.
Author 1 book948 followers
April 23, 2020
Now THIS is how you end a series. I will miss all of these characters and this world deeply, but damn, what a ride!
Profile Image for Darcey.
1,231 reviews290 followers
September 9, 2020
You know a book deserves 5 stars when you spend the entire last 30% of the book sobbing into your pillow.

This book BROKE me. I love the characters with all my heart, and then 70% into the book it was just boom boom boom let’s break Darcey’s heart! But honestly there were some happy tears as well, and it was a really satisfying conclusion to the series. Daisuke, Okame, Yumeko, Tatsumi, Reika - I love them all so much, and the romance between Daisuke and Okame made me swoon even more that the romance between Tatsumi and Yumeko!

All up I’m SO GLAD I finished this series and I really loved it! Prepare to cry when reading book 3 though ;)
Profile Image for Sara.
211 reviews150 followers
July 15, 2020
This was kinda amazing but also not that amazing 🤔, I missed the character development and I can't believe i'm saying this but I just wanted less action and more scene's like book 1 and 2 , there was also not enough romance for me , but the ending realy saved the book for me , 3 ⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Ali Mohebianfar.
229 reviews157 followers
October 24, 2023
خلاصه ای نمی نویسم چون اسپویل جلدهای قبل میشه.
جلد سوم، تمام کننده سفر دور و دراز یومکو، تاتسومی، اوکامه، دایسوکه، سوکی و ریکاست. شخصیت هایی که همه مهره هایی در یک بازی بزرگتر بودن.
این مجموعه واقعا برای من خاص و دوست داشتنیه. استفاده از اساطیر ژاپن در جای جای قصه، مخصوصا استفاده از اساطیری که برای کسی که انیمه می بینه آشناتره(روباه نه دم و...)، واقعا جذاب بود.
اینکه کل مجموعه در حال پیشبرد دو پلات به طور موازی بود رو دوست داشتم. پلات مربوط به طومار و آرزو جنگ شیاطین و پلات مربوط به شخصیت مرموز مجموعه، لرد سجیتسو... توی این جلد بالاخره متوجه می شیم که لرد سجیتسو کیه و چه قصدی داره.
از جمله مواردی که در قصه سرایی جولی کاگاوا دوست دارم، نترس بودن این نویسنده در قربانی کردن شخصیتای اصلیه. توی کتابای کاگاوا نمی تونی بگی چون این شخصیت اصلیه یا یه شخصیت فرعی جذابه قطعا تاآخر مجموعه جونش در امانه! هر آن ممکنه ورق برگرده و بلایی سر شخصیتا بیاد. همین باعث شد که بعد از مدت ها(آخرین بار سر درباری از شعله های نقره ای بود!)اشکم دربیاد🙂چپتر ��یلی غمگینی بود که خودتون می خونید و متوجه می شید...
سایه روباه اولین مجموعه فانتزی با تم ژاپنی بود که من خوندم و برای همین یه مدل دیگه برام عزیزه.
شدیدا دلم برای شخصیتاش تنگ میشه. برای زیرکی یومکو، برای کشمکش های درونی تاتسومی، برای خل بودن اوکامه، برای شرافت دایسوکه، برای مظلومیت سوکی، برای بی اعصابی ریکا... دلم تنگ میشه و امیدوارم جولی کاگاوا باز هم مجموعه ای در این جهان برامون بنویسه.
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,154 reviews6,450 followers
June 21, 2020
1.) Shadow Of The Fox ★★★★
2.) Soul Of The Sword ★★★
3.) Night of the Dragon ★★★.5


representation: own voices all asian cast (Japanese), m/m side relationship.

[trigger warnings are listed at the bottom of this review and may contain spoilers]


this definitely isn't my favourite series of all time or anything, but it was a lot of fun! i really enjoyed the ending, however,

trigger warnings: gore, violence, death (like, lots and lots of death), murder, self-harm (blood magic), war themes, loss of loved ones.
Profile Image for Laurie.
Author 21 books4,044 followers
January 19, 2020
Thrilled to have this spectacular book as my first full read & review of the year. It's rare for a fantasy series to start out strong and just continue to get stronger, but this series never fails to thrill and surprise. Once again, Author Kagawa had me falling in with our band of heroes - fox-shifter Yumeko (whose powers are on exciting, cinematic display in this book), swoon-worthy samurai Tatsumi, cheeky shrine maiden Reika, the hilarious rebel Okame, powerful noble Daisuke and gentle ghost-girl, Suki. I had so much fun travelling with these friends & lovers (the romances in this book were a delightful surprise and beautifully done - I adore a uniquely romantic setting for a kiss, and Julie Kagawa crafts several lovely scenes) as they battle demons in a race against time to reach the dragon god Harbinger of Change (to basically save the world). This really needs to be an animated film. Julie Kagawa, once again, had me googling Japanese mythology to find out more about various terrifying demons that make an appearance along with the powerful, ethereal creatures like the Kirin (an ancient Japanese unicorn-dragon). Very highly recommended - bravo, Julie. #TeamKirin
Profile Image for Taylor.
536 reviews144 followers
January 22, 2022

Across the river, bathed in light, the samurai smiled. “I’ve finally found you.”


Night of the Dragon surprised me, broke my heart, and effectively concluded a soulful, delightfully adventurous YA fantasy trilogy. Conclusions usually don't stick the landing for me, but this one was so good!

After the emotionally intense ending of Soul of the Sword, Night of the Dragon began with our characters in dire straights. The stakes couldn't have been higher, and I was continuously bemused by how Yumeko and her band of lovable misfits were going to pull through and save the day. The Great Kami Dragon - a Harbringer of change - presents himself to humanity every thousand years, and whomever possesses the Scroll of a Thousand Prayers will be granted an all-powerful wish. In the wrong hands, this wish could be cataclysmically devastating.

As always, I was immediately sucked into the story by Julie's beautiful writing and charming characters. While I usually don't love journey books (they can be pretty monotonous), the Shadow of the Fox series excels in its episodic format. I find so much enjoyment in these books, thanks to the creative, vibrant world-building, lovely prose, and well-paced storytelling.

The world of Iwagato continues to shine in this conclusion, and I loved learning more about Japanese culture and mythology. The monsters and magical creatures leapt off the page, and I honestly could read a hundred more books set in the world of Iwagato. I hope Julie doesn't plan on saying goodbye to this world just yet.

The heart and soul of this series, though, is its characters. Yumeko is a dear, wonderful main character, and she's grown so much throughout these books. I've always admired Yumeko's cheerfulness and overly kind, trusting heart - honestly, we need more YA fantasy protagonists that aren't afraid to emote - and her friendships with the rest of the cast warm my heart. The side characters in this series are excellently crafted. Reika, Okame, and Daisuke are all spirited, dynamic, and completely lovable. They hold a special place in my heart, and I'm still thinking about them. Don't talk to me, okay? I have a lot feelings.

Also, Okame is just hilarious. I adore him.

“So, it’s the old kick down the door and slaughter anything that moves approach, after all, is it? Seems to be our favorite.”

Tatsumi continues to be one of my favorite characters in this series. His character arc was so cathartic for me, and Tatsumi and Yumeko's romance was tender and unbearably sweet. Their connection felt substantial, and even though some of the quotes between them were a little sappy, I couldn't get enough of it. I've been frank about my cold, dead heart in the past, but DAMN, I loved these two so much. I'm a total sucker for the fated lovers trope, okay? I'm a simple girl.

While I found some aspects of this book's ending to be a little rushed, I was knocked completely flat by this conclusion. Who gave Julie the right to so thoroughly break my heart? The amount of pain I was put through should make me eligible for financial compensation. Wild, emotional, and bittersweet, Night of the Dragon was a wonderful conclusion to a fantastic fantasy series. Please, if you haven't read Shadow of the Fox, do yourself a favor and read the entire trilogy. You'll be thoroughly satisfied!

And maybe a little heartbroken.


“Maybe in a different form, under a different name, but in some small way, our souls will always recognize each other.”
Profile Image for Mogsy.
2,182 reviews2,721 followers
April 5, 2020
5 of 5 stars at The BiblioSanctum https://bibliosanctum.com/2020/04/05/...

No ending is perfect, but damn if Night of the Dragon doesn’t come close. For once I felt the hype was well deserved, and I’m really glad I picked up this trilogy because Julie Kagawa’s talent continue to explode with creativity and new insight.

But if you are not caught up with the series yet, be aware that this book is the concluding volume of Shadow of the Fox and picks up after Soul of the Sword. The unlikely duo of kitsune shapeshifter Yumeko and Shadow Clan samurai assassin Kage Tatsumi have nearly reached the end of their adventure, but not without having faced much danger and challenges along the way. In their quest to protect the Dragon Scroll and keep it out of enemy hands, Tatsumi was possessed by the demon Hakaimono, and while he has regained control of his body, the evil presence within him still fights to get out. It has made him wary to be around his friends, especially Yumeko, whom he has grown to care about. She’s the only who can keep him anchored now, and the last thing he wants is to see her get hurt.

However, their journey is not finished yet, and with the Master of Demons now one step closer to calling upon the Great Kami dragon that will destroy the world, Yumeko and Tatsumi must travel with their companions to the sea cliffs of Iwagoto in a desperate attempt to seek potential allies. Meanwhile though, another powerful and mysterious force with designs on the scroll watches and waits, ready to spring its trap when our heroes least expect it.

I’ve really enjoyed the books of this series so far, the first one for its quest narrative and rollicking adventure, the second one for its character development and heart-wrenching drama. But this third volume handily became my favorite by combining all these elements and a whole lot more, tying everything up in a stunning conclusion. Fans of far east Asian-inspired mythology will also delight in the way legends and creatures from Japanese folklore heavily feature in this story, as readers will encounter everything from terrifying sea monsters to elusive forest gods and spirits. The action never lets up for our characters as they continue to fight for their survival, and Yumeko herself also discovers much about her kitsune heritage and where she comes from.

Speaking of which, kudos to Kagawa for some of the best characterization and relationship building I’ve seen in a YA series. Night of the Dragon spends a considerable amount of time shining the spotlight on Yumeko and Tatsumi’s growing bond, which is not surprising, seeing as it has been in development since the first book. And the results, my friends, are completely worth the wait. Watching this slow burn romance finally come to fruition was extremely satisfying, made even more heartwarming by the deep connection now shared between our two characters. At first, I was concerned about the potential angst and unnecessary drama that Tatsumi’s demon possession would introduce into the mix, but I was glad Yumeko shot that down right quick.

Things culminated in a conclusion that was utterly magnificent and unforgettable. In general, I am on the fence when it comes to bittersweet endings, but only because I think so few authors can actually pull it off. But to my astonishment, here we have an ending that truly manages to hit that perfect spot between the bitter and the sweet, and I’m not going to lie, but tears were in my eyes by the very last page. I don’t know how else I can describe it, other than it was deeply touching and incredibly beautiful.

In sum, Shadow of the Fox might be one of my favorite YA series in a long time, and much of it is due to Night of the Dragon capping it off so damned exquisitely. I’ll admit I haven’t always been impressed with Julie Kagawa’s work, but this trilogy has undoubtedly shown how much her skills have grown over the years. This book was everything I’d hoped for, and the whole experience has made me feel energized and excited for YA again.

Audiobook Comments: Once more I was fortunate enough to receive an audio copy for review, and narrators Joy Osmanski, Brian Nishii, and Emily Woo Zeller reprised their roles. Again, I was blown away by their performances, which wonderfully complemented the storytelling and characters. If you’re considering picking up these books, know that the audio format is a fantastic way to experience this series.
Profile Image for Mariana.
648 reviews3,615 followers
August 3, 2021
La vida es equilibrio. Antes de la primavera, debe de haber invierno. Antes del sol, debe de haber oscuridad. Lo que es, debe ser.

Esta tercera parte estuvo devastadora, pasaron tantas cosas al final que hubo un momento que entré en shock. Nada en esta trilogía fue casualidad, nada fue un mero hecho, todo tenía un porqué. Casi todo el libro es la batalla final, y eso me gustó bastante porque no siento que haya sido un final abrupto.

Es un libro que da un gran cierre a esta historia, que me cautivó desde su primer libro ¿Qué si me rompió el corazón? por supuesto que sí. No saben lo que sentí con todo lo que paso y con ese final... ESE FINAL.

Perdónenme, déjenme lo reformulo QUE PINCHES FUERON ESAS DOS ÚLTIMAS CUATRO PALABRAS. ¿Me querían asesinar? ¿Me querían hacer llorar? Felicidades a la autora, lo lo había logrado hasta que leí esa última línea. Me hizo feliz pero me destrozó al mismo tiempo.

Este libro es el que más romance tiene de los tres. Entonces mi corazón romántico, también fue muy feliz con esa parte.

Un gran libro con un gran cierre. Recomiendo esta trilogía en serio. El mundo que construyó la autora estuvo perfecto, muy bien pensado al igual que la historia. Mi corazón se va a quedar un tiempo con Yumeko y Tatsumi.

Escribo sus nombres sin haberlos buscado en la sinopsis, y eso habla increíble de la historia ¿saben por qué? Porque soy de las que se le olvidan el nombre de los protagonistas en un instante, pero al no olvidar sus nombres, y no son nombres así que digas fáciles, me hace darme cuenta de lo mucho que disfruté de esta historia.

Éste no es el final. La muerte no es un eterno adiós.
Profile Image for Lamaleluna.
333 reviews1,231 followers
September 14, 2021
El mejor de la trilogía, sin duda 😊😝

Empecé estos libros hace ya más de dos años y leerlos fue un viaje. Es libro terminar con la trilogía con tan buen final, quedé súper conforme.

En la noche del dragón tenemos el final del recorrido de nuestro hermoso y diverso grupo de amigos. Se acerca la noche del deseo y uno solo podrá unir las piezas del pergamino para hablar con el dragón.
Me gustó mucho, fue un libro muy emocionante, hubieron alrededor de 5 escenas de lágrimas y llanto. Y el final me gustó, se me hizo real. Es un final malo y bueno a la vez y me encontré con sentimientos extraños. Creo que todos los libros de fantasía, guerras, héroes deberían tener finales como este.

Recomiendo mucho esta saga, voy a extrañar a los personajes y el vinculo entre ellos es hermoso. Además este libro fue el que más romance tuvo y me hizo sufrir. También lo recomiendo si buscan un enemies to lovers 🙈💕

Yo leyendo la noche del dragón: 😭😍😭😍😭😍😭😍
Profile Image for Blue Butterfly.
221 reviews76 followers
June 24, 2020
I wasn't expecting much from this book because the last book was such a disappointment. The only reason I even read this book was to finish off the series as a have a problem of not being able to leave series unfinished even if they are bad. However I was pleasantly surprised with this book as it was much better than I was expecting it to be. This book did justice to the series and was a nice way to end things.
Profile Image for Bookish Pengu.
442 reviews167 followers
May 22, 2020
Wow finished this 13 hour audio book in three days - learned literally not one hour for my exams next week... Oof.

The last two sentences of this book really made me tear up I didn't expected to be hit that hard in the feelings :'(

Sadly the last fight (or should I say fights?) took way too long. I like that it took it's time to be more realistic but 40% fighting is a bit much even for me who enjoys a good fighting scene (and Kagawa can really write those)

The whole book was a good ending and so many things happened but sometimes I felt overwhelmed. As weird as it sounds but I had to check that I didn't accidentally skipped a chapter multiple times because I had this " Wow shit is going down that's going to be end" moment very very often.
I liked that but it was also a bit much.

Nevermind that I got really teary eyed most of the time anyways :((
Profile Image for Roobie.
688 reviews89 followers
July 11, 2020
⭐️4.5 stars⭐️

You know, ever since I met you people, I've seen a lot of weird things.

Hungry ghosts, demons, giant centipedes that want to eat you. I thought it couldn't get any worse, that I had seen it all.

Apparently I was very, very wrong.

My babiiiiiiies! I'm gonna miss you so much!!
Profile Image for Izabela Górska.
235 reviews1,535 followers
November 23, 2024
uronilam łzę… lub dwie 😭

baaardzo słodko gorzkie zakończenie, ale miejscami mimo wszystko mi się dłużyło
Profile Image for Mary Rayne.
330 reviews83 followers
February 5, 2022

Me after finishing this book. MY POOR HEART😫💔

To be honest I was kinda disappointed with this one and I was sure this would be 3 stars BUT NO. IT HAD TO RIP MY HEART OFF MY CHEST AND CAUSE ME AN EMOTIONAL DAMAGE.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
186 reviews254 followers
June 19, 2020
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Profile Image for Fiebre Lectora.
2,127 reviews655 followers
April 7, 2021
Buf, es que no sé ni por dónde empezar, porque leer este libro ha sido una completa montaña rusa de emociones, ¡y no sé cómo puedo haber tardado tanto en leerlo cuando hace tiempo que no me encuentro con una historia tan completa y redonda y de todo! Si es que no puedo encontrarle ni un defecto, porque desde el minuto uno volví a sumergirme en la trama, a alegrarme por el reencuentro con los personajes y a sufrir porque está claro que se les viene una montaña de desgracias encima.

Reseña completa: http://fiebrelectora.blogspot.com/202...
Profile Image for Grace A..
444 reviews40 followers
November 11, 2024
Authors like Julie Kagawa are what makes fantasy my favourite genre. The richness of the imagination of the world-building for this series is beyond brilliant. The horrors of demons, the deception of ancient beings, the love and hate of humanity, hope against hope, and victory against all odds, the list goes on. The brilliant crafting of each scene made it impossible to put the book down. Hats off to Julie Kagawa, she's earned her place among legends.
In the Night of the Dragon, the final instalment of the Shadow of the Fox series, the fox girl and her band of misfits faced even greater perils, but it was either that or let the master of demons take over the world. But, imagine their surprise when they found out who was pulling the strings. The so-called master of demons, as formidable as he was, was nothing compared to the true enemy.
I have a new bar for five stars for my fantasy reads, Night of the Dragon by Julie Kagawa. I had a great time with this book.
Profile Image for Sahitya.
1,134 reviews246 followers
April 2, 2020
My most highly anticipated YA fantasy finale of the year is here and there was never any doubt that I would read it on the release day itself. And now I’m a sobbing mess and I don’t know what to do. Why did you do this to me Julie 😭😭😭

We pretty much know where the plot is going because there is only one path forward, so the author had to make sure that we enjoyed the journey, and I can tell you she did exactly that. This series has always been full of adventure and action sequences and this finale took everything to the extreme. There were very few moments where the characters or we readers were allowed to breathe, otherwise it was mostly a breakneck pace with the characters having to face one big hurdle after another before they reach their final destination. The action scenes are thrillingly executed, and the monsters which show up are bigger and badder one after the other and it just creates this whole sense of doom throughout the book. This kind of also prepares us for the fact that not all of our favorite characters are gonna make it to the end, and despite having this heads up, I ended up bawling when things happened.

But this series has always been about the characters and their bond with each other and despite the fast pace, we also get the quiet and vulnerable moments which show us how far they all have come. Yumeko may have discovered much more about her powers but she is still the same pure at heart kitsune and I love her with all my heart. We finally learn the truth about her past and it was such an explosive revelation that I never saw coming. Tatsumi is forever changed now after the end of Soul of the Sword and it really showed in his character. He is scared how much of himself is left within and doesn’t want to let Yumeko get close to him, but her trust is implicit and their relationship progress is written beautifully. She is the light to his darkness and I loved watching them together every step of the way.

Okame and Daisuke have been my favorites since the beginning and it’s always so much fun seeing them banter with each other. There were also a lot of heartfelt dialogue between them this time and it filled my heart with joy. But I still wish we had gotten atleast one of their POVs and I think that remains a missed opportunity. I felt Reika got much less page time but that doesn’t in anyway diminish the importance of her character or the way she supports Yumeko both during fights and as a best friend. Suki also has some very important moments and I was delighted, but not at all surprised by the choices she makes because she maybe a ghost, but she is still the same sweet girl who fell in love with a Taiyo. However, it was Hakaimono who surprised me again and I totally dig the ending he got. We are also introduced to a couple of new characters and get some fantastic reveals about returning characters, which make for a highly entertaining read.

To conclude, this was a perfect finale and despite all the moments that I sobbed at, I understand that it probably had to be that way. So if you are a fan of the series, I know you’ll be reading this finale anyway but just be prepared with tissues because this is gonna stomp on your heart and break it into pieces. And if you are someone who has never read this series before but enjoy delightful ensemble casts, amazing relationships, great adventures and action sequences, and a cool dose of Japanese folklore and mythology - this trilogy is perfect for you and I would highly recommend it. The last line of the book is what I’m holding onto for now because it gave me some joy back, but I won’t be forgetting these heartbreaks anytime soon.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,693 reviews

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