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462 pages, Hardcover
First published November 1, 2018
“Who dared break into your chamber? Tell me his name and I shall have him gelded, tortured, and strangled with his own intestines.”
“Father, I believe it was the King of Heaven himself who came to me.”
“You are telling me—will someone please shut that baby up!—that it was Zeus?”
“Father, I cannot lie; it was.”
“A likely story. It was the brother of one of these damned maidservants of yours, wasn’t it?”
“No, father, it was as I said. Zeus.”
“If that brat doesn’t stop screaming I’ll smother him with this cushion.”
“He’s just hungry,” said Danaë, putting Perseus to her breast.
"The heroes cleansed our world of chthonic terrors—earthborn monsters that endangered mankind and threatened to choke the rise of civilization. So long as dragons, giants, centaurs and mutant beasts infested the air, earth and seas we could never spread out with confidence and transform the wild world into a place of safety for humanity.
In time, even the benevolent minor deities would find themselves elbowed out by the burgeoning and newly confident human race. The nymphs, dryads, fauns, satyrs and sprites of the mountains, streams, meadows and oceans could not compete with our need and greed for land to quarry, farm and build upon. The rise of a spirit of rational enquiry and scientific understanding pushed the immortals further from us. The world was being reshaped as a home fit for mortal beings only."