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The Spiderwick Chronicles #4

Spiderwick Gunceleri 4 - Gecenin Karanliginda

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Uc siradan cocuk, Jared, Simon ve Mallory Grace, gunun birinde kendilerini bir baska dunyada buluyorlar, tabii bu dunyadan ayrilmaksizin! New York Times'in en cok okunan yazarlarindan Tony DiTerlizzi ve yukselen yildiz Holly Black, bu carpici oykuyu gun isigina cikarmakla her turlu riski goze ldilar! Spiderwick Gunceleri yeni bir seruvenle devam ediyor: Lucinda'nin Sirri. Onlarin dunyasi sandiginizdan daha yakin. (Tanitim Bulteninden)

124 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2004

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About the author

Tony DiTerlizzi

105 books2,126 followers
#1 New York Times bestselling author and illustrator, Tony DiTerlizzi, has been creating children’s books for twenty years. From fanciful picture books like The Broken Ornament and The Spider & The Fly (a Caldecott Honor book), to chapter books like Kenny and The Dragon and The Search for WondLa, DiTerlizzi imbues his stories with rich imagination. With Holly Black, he created the middle-grade series, The Spiderwick Chronicles, which has sold over 20 million copies, been adapted into a feature film, and translated in over thirty countries. He teamed up with Lucasfilm to retell the original Star Wars trilogy as a picture book and his collaboration with celebrated author Mo Willems created the bestseller The Story of Diva & Flea. The Norman Rockwell museum’s retrospective, “Never Abandon Imagination”, featured artwork from the beginning of DiTerlizzi’s career as a contributing artist for Dungeons & Dragons and broke attendance records. He has been featured in Time magazine, USA Today, CNN, PBS, NPR the BBC and The Today Show.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews564 followers
July 3, 2019
The Ironwood Tree (The Spiderwick Chronicles, #4), Tony DiTerlizzi
The Ironwood Tree was published on April 6, 2004. The family attends Mallory's fencing meet at school. During the tournament, Jared finds a boy identical to him going through Mallory's bag. He transforms into a smaller child when Jared attempts to scare him with his pocket knife. When Jared and Simon discover that Mallory has disappeared, they search for her in an abandoned quarry, but wind up being kept prisoner by dwarves. Mallory is revealed to be sleeping in a glass-coffin dressed in medieval garb (similarly to Snow White), with the dwarves saying she is now immortal, so long as she stays in the coffin. Escaping their cage, the twins free Mallory and meet a strange creature, called a knocker, who tells them the way out by listening to the stones. They next see a huge metal tree, made by the dwarves, called the Ironwood Tree. After a narrow escape from the dwarves' mechanical dogs, they make their way out of the tunnel but have to hide before leaving. They secretly watch Mulgarath, a shapeshifting ogre who wants to rule the world, callously order the death of the dwarves for having been tricked into not getting the Field Guide from Jared. The dwarves are mauled to death by the goblins and Mulgarath reveals that he had the Guide the whole time. The siblings escape just after Mulgarath leaves with his goblins and the weapons made by the dwarves.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز پانزدهم ماه جولای سال 2007 میلادی
عنوان: درخت چوب آهنی: کتاب چهارم از سری ماجراهای اسپایدرویک؛ نویسندگان: تونی دی ترلیزی؛ هالی بلک؛ مترجم: محمد قصاع؛ تهران، افق، واحد کودک، کتابهای فندق؛ 1388، در 140 ص؛ مصور، شابک: 9789643694289؛ چاپ دوم 1388، چاپ سوم و چهارم 1389، چاپ ششم 1391؛ چاپ هفتم 1392، چاپ هشتم 1394؛ چاپ نهم 1395، در 112 ص؛ موضوع: داستانهای کودکان از نویسندگان امریکایی - سد 21 م
عنوان: درخت جنگل آهنی: کتاب نخست از سری ماجراهای اسپایدرویک؛ نویسندگان: تونی دی ترلیزی؛ هالی بلک؛ مترجم: بابک تختی؛ تهران، قصه، 1385، در 125 ص، شابک: 9789642647057؛
نقل از متن: «موجود گفت: «هیس‌س‌س‌س.» چشم‌هایش را بست و سرش را برای صدایی که «جارد» نمی‌توانست بشنود، تکان داد. بعد بغل «جارد» پرید و دست قدرتمندش را دور گردن او حلقه کرد. «جارد» به عقب کشیده شد...». پایان نقل
زنی به نام «هلن گریس»، که به تازگی از شوهرش جدا شده، به همراه پسران دوقلویش: «جارد»، و «سیمون»، و دختر بزرگش «ملوری»، به خانه‌ ای قدیمی، در املاک «اسپایدرویک»، متعلق به «عمه لوسیندا»، اثاث کشی می‌کنند. در شب نخست اقامتشان در خانه ی تازه، «ملوری» ��شت دیواری کاذب، یک آسانسور کوچک، و یک کلید عجیب پیدا می‌کند. «جارد»، با استفاده از آسانسور و کلید، به اتاقی مخفی، راه پیدا می‌کند، که متعلق به صاحب قدیمی خانه «آرتور اسپایدرویک» است. «جارد»، با استفاده از کلید، صندوقی را باز کرده، و نوشته‌ های «اسپایدرویک» را، می‌یابد. کتابچه‌ ای که حاوی اسرار سرزمین پریان است، و «اسپایدرویک» طی یادداشتی، از یابنده خواسته، نگاشته های خطرناک کتاب را نخواند. اما «جارد» هشدار را نادیده گرفته، و مهر از کتاب برمیگیرد. مدتی بعد، «جرد» با موجود کوتوله‌ ای به نام: «تیمبل تاک»، برخورد می‌کند، که از موجوداتی کوچک، و معمولاً نامرئی، با وی سخن می‌گوید، و اینکه موجودی پلید، به نام: «مولگارث»، در صدد دستیابی به کتابچه ی «اسپایدرویک» است، تا بر تمامی سرزمین پریان، حکمرانی کند. «اسپایدرویک» سال‌ها پیش، ناپدید شده، اما پیش از رفتن، حصاری جادویی، پیرامون خانه، برای حفاظت از دخترش تعبیه کرده‌ است. «جارد»، موضوع را با برادر، و خواهرش، در میان می‌گذارد، اما آنها حرف‌های «جرد» را، جدی نمی‌گیرند. تا اینکه «سیمون»، توسط بختک‌های شرور «مولگارث» دزدیده، و به اسارت گرفته می‌شود. همزمان «جارد»، با بختکی خوشدل، و دشمن «مولگارث»، به نام: «هاگسکوئیل»، آشنا می‌شود. «مولگارث» نیز، «سیمون» را رها می‌کند، تا کتابچه را برای وی بیاورد. اما «جارد»، و «ملوری»، او را از آن کار برحذر می‌کنند، و در نتیجه، با یورش گسترده ی بختکها به خانه، روبرو می‌شوند. به نظر می‌رسد، تنها کسیکه می‌تواند به آنها یاری کند، وارث خانه، یعنی «لوسیندا» دختر سالخورده ی «اسپایدرویک» است. اما «عمه لوسیندا» به آنها می‌گوید، تنها راه نجات آنها، یافتن «آرتور اسپایدرویک» است، اما او نمی‌تواند، به آن‌ها یاری کند. «مولگراث» سه صفحه از کتاب را می‌دزدد و …؛ دنیایی پر از جن و پری و بختک و موجودات عجیب و غریب؛ سه‌ بچه‌ ی معمولی یعنی «جارد»، «سیمون» و «ملوری» را به سوی خود میکشاند. هر رخدادی در این دنیا رخ میدهد، اما برای هیچکس حتی برای مادرشان نیز باورکردنی نیست. در کتاب چهارم: «جارد و سیمون تمام عزم خویش را برای نجات خواهرشان به کار می‌گیرند و سرانجام جادوی او را باطل کرده، و زمانی که قصد فرار دارند، درمی‌یابند که مولگراث، کتاب جادویی دایی آرتور را یافته و اکنون خود را برای حمله‌ بر پری‌های جنگل و انسان‌ها و به دست گرفتن حکومت تمام دنیا آماده می‌کند. بچه‌ها به سختی راه فرار را می‌یابند و زمانی که به خانه بازمی‌گردند همه‌ چیز را آشفته و درهم می‌یابند». ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Reem Alkhalaf.
258 reviews215 followers
March 23, 2017
ممتعة لأقصى حد لا أريد الإنتهاء منها ولكن بنفس الوقت متحمسة لقراءة أخر جزء منها

لا أريدها ان تنتهي سأفتقد هذه السلسلة الرائعة
Profile Image for Haniye.
136 reviews60 followers
December 28, 2019
هم چنان که این مجموعه تخیلی و فانتزی رو میخونم به این فکر میکنم که چرا هیچوقت از علاقم به اینجور کتابا کم نمیشه؟
هرچند که کتاب خفنی نیست ولی خوندن داستان های تخیلی همیشه برام لذت بخش بوده.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews344 followers
August 30, 2015
ตอนช่วงผจญภัยในถ้ำคนแคระสนุกดี แต่ภาพรวมทั้งเล่มเราว่ายังเรื่อยๆ ไม่มีอะไรน่าตื่นเต้นมากนัก จาเร็ดกับไซม่อนเวลาแท็คทีมกันก็ดูเท่ห์ไปอีกแบบ เอาจริงๆอ่านมาสี่เล่มแล้วเราว่าเนื้อเรื่องเบาโหวงไปหน่อยนะ การเคลียร์ปมในแต่ละเล่มก็ง่ายมาก แต่ถ้าคิดว่าหนังชุดนี้ก็คล้ายๆกับนิทานอีสปเล่มบางๆเหมือนของบ้านเราก็ถือว่าสนุกใช้ได้เลย

Profile Image for Evelyn (devours and digests words).
229 reviews603 followers
May 22, 2015
There are huge chunks of new scenes in this fourth instalment that were not in the movie. So it's like reading a different storyline. I'm really warming to Mallory and Simon, too.

As usual, the drawings by Tony DiTerlizzi are as breath-taking as ever.

Profile Image for Melcat.
347 reviews25 followers
August 5, 2024
The fourth book of The Spiderwick Chronicles is as charming as the rest of them. It’s great to read something nice and fun, and great memories as well ! It’s a bit dark and sinister as well, I’m sure a lot of children would actually really like these books.
Profile Image for Bekah.
432 reviews44 followers
November 28, 2015
Read as part of #ReadKidsLit

Things are getting creepy and tense, but still loads of fun. Excited for the Wrath of Mulgarath...I mean, not really...excited for the book...not so much the actual wrath. That can remain within the pages, please.
Profile Image for Cami L. González.
1,336 reviews553 followers
February 20, 2023

Este es mi favorito de la saga. Partió con un evento cotidiano que luego se transformó en toda una aventura para los hermanos Grace. Me resultó muy divertido por eso mismo, se sintió más como una historia completa que los demás que son como fragmentos de una más grande.

Todo comenzó en un torneo de esgrima de Mallory que termina saliendo mal y eso llevó a los hermanos Grace a lanzarse al mundo de los enanos. Me gustó todo el tema de las máquinas que construían, la tecnología y la aventura en sí de esta entrega. Fue el más divertido de leer de todos, además, se sintió como el más oscuro.

El árbol metálico es el libro que más se siente como uno completo, a pesar de que sigue siendo solo un fragmento de la gran historia. Un libro divertido y lleno de acción que lleva a los hermanos Grace a enfrentarse a unos nuevos enemigos.
Profile Image for Simona.
147 reviews27 followers
March 7, 2018
It’s all coming together now.
I can feeeeeeel the battle coming :D
Profile Image for Steven R. McEvoy.
3,480 reviews148 followers
January 4, 2023
The further I get into this series, the more I like it. These are great books, wonderfully written and illustrated. Black and DiTerlizzi have done an amazing job. These books in some ways are like C.S. Lewis's Narnia books, and in other ways like J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, but they are not overtly religious the way Lewis's are and they are not as dark as Tolkien's. They will introduce children to the concept of wonder, and believing in things unseen, or at least unseen by most. As the series progresses, the relationship between the three Grace children solidifies. They grow closer together as they struggle against those forces that wish to take Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide, and they grow in character through the trials they encounter.

What is great is that as each book progresses, the story moves faster and faster. In this book they encounter goblins again, and dwarves and an ogre. They soon realize that the world of fairy is far more dangerous than they had experienced so far. In this book we have riddles, a kidnapping, capture and an escape. We encounter mechanical animals and a few hidden surprises even the children could not expect. It is a great novel and leaves you wanting the 5th and final book of the first series.

Read the review and with links to other reviews of books by the authors on my blog Book Reviews and More.
Profile Image for Michael Sorbello.
Author 1 book310 followers
October 1, 2020
At school, someone is running around pretending to be Jared, and it's not Simon. To make matters even worse, now Mallory has disappeared and something foul in the water is killing off all the plants and animals for miles around. Clues point to the old abandoned quarry, just outside of town. Dwarves have taken over an abandoned mine there. And the faerie world's abuzz with the news that a creature with plans to rule the world has offered them a gift to join with him: he's given them a queen

Mallory gets kidnapped by mischievous dwarves and gets turned into a parody of Sleeping Beauty. Simon and Jared scheme up a clever plan to get their sister back by offering them a fake copy of Arthur's Guide. During the operation however, the Grace kids finally come face-to-face with Morgarath for the first time and he's a scary and ruthless ogre. Most of the story felt like filler but in such a short book that didn't bother me too much. I'm looking forward to seeing Morgarath in action in the final book.


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Profile Image for Aly.
3,005 reviews
March 12, 2022
After brothers Jared and Simon have both been kidnapped by magical creatures, it's now Mallory's turn. This time she's been taken into a quarry by dwarves, who are holding her hostage in hopes of getting the Spiderwick guide. We meet the big bad in this one, Mulgarath, and lead up to the finale of the series.

Though the siblings fight sometimes, they really do care for each other and do whatever they can to help when one is in trouble. I know that if the kids unite and work together, they can stop Mulgarath and maybe get their uncle back too!
Profile Image for holden.
602 reviews10 followers
September 10, 2020
Nemam problem sa tim da neke knjige epske fantastike pozajmljuju elemente iz drugih knjiga, ali prevelika sličnost u nekim delovima sa “Družinom prstena” i bajkom “Snežana i sedam patuljaka”, kao i činjenica da je ovaj deo samo u tragovima povezan sa ostatkom priče, čine četvrti nastavak najmanje originalnom i najmanje zanimljivom knjigom u “Spajdervik” serijalu do sada.
Profile Image for Mariann.
748 reviews124 followers
April 3, 2022

Olen ammu mõelnud, et võiks tasapisi uuesti lugeda vanu lemmikraamatuid ja selleks, et see ei jääks ainult mõtteks, valisin #kikael2022 väljakutse kolmandaks teemaks lapsepõlve lemmikraamatud. Mul on neid palju, aga seekord jäi sõelale viiest raamatust koosnev sari, Tony DiTerlizzi ja Holly Black "Spiderwicki kroonika" - "Välimääraja", "Võlukivi", "Lucinda saladus", "Rauast puu" ja "Mulgarathi raev".

Kui nende vanemad lahku lähevad, kolivad kolm last - 9-aastased kaksikud Jared ja Simon ning nende 13-aastane õde Mallory - koos emaga Spiderwicki mõisa, kuna neil on kiirelt uut elukohta tarvis ja vanatädi Lucinda maja seisab juba mõnda aega tühjana. Häärber on vana ja lagunenud ning juba esimesest päevast peale sünnib seal imelikke asju. Lugu kisub eriti pööraseks, kui Jared leiab Arthur Spiderwicki "Välimääraja", mis tutvustab haldjate maailma. Tuleb välja, et seda raamatut on ohtlik omada, kuna leidub ohtralt olendeid, kes ihkaks seda enda küüsi saada.

Seda sarja ei ole võimalik üksikute raamatute kaupa lugeda, kui juba esimene käsile võtta, tuleb teised ka läbi lugeda. Iga osaga lisandub tegelasi haldjate maailmast: sookollid, õhuhaldjad, vetevaimud jne. Lapsena tundusid raamatud palju pikemana, nüüd sai lugu liiga ruttu läbi. Raamatud lausa lendasid käes, köide on pisike, font on suur ja lisaks on tohutult pilte. Fantastilised illustratsioonid on kindlasti selle sarja trumbiks. Üldse on sari kogu kujunduse poole pealt äärmiselt meisterlik. Ma ei mäletanudki, et igas raamatus on lisaks piltidele, veel illustreerivat materjali, tegelaste joonistusi, ajaleheväljalõikeid. Üks äge detail on veel see, kuidas tagakaane tutvustus on igal osal eri moel varjatud. Haldjarahvas kohe üldse ei taha, et keegi neid raamatuid loeks!

Lapsena olin täielikult haaratud raamatute müstilisusest ja maagiast. Olin üksjagu unustanud, näiteks selle, kuidas lõpuks Mulgarathist võitu saadi või kui palju on raamatus juttu vehklemisest. Nüüd täiskasvanuna nägin taustal argisemat lugu, teadvustasin, et kogu lugu algas sellest, kuidas isa perekonna maha jättis, kolimine toimus olude sunnil ja maja oli õige kehvas seisus. Peategelasega on lihtne samastuda - poiss, kes tunneb, et keegi ei mõista teda. Jaredil on keeruline isa lahkumisega toime tulla, ta satub alatasa pahandustesse ning tajub, et teda süüdistatakse ülekohtuselt. See on üks neist raamatutest, kus lapsed peavad üksi toime tulema, neil on pöörased seiklused, samal ajal kui täiskasvanud ei usu ega toeta neid.

Joonealuse märkusena panin tähele, kuidas poole sarja pealt said härjapõlvlastest pöialpoisid ja mõnes kohas oli tõlkeerinevusi illustratsioonide allkirjade ning teksti vahel, aga kuidagi lugemiselamust see ei seganud.

Mind paeluvad endiselt vanad majad, kus on avastamist ootavad pööningud ja salatoad. Ma ei olnudki varem teadvustanud, et olen selle temaatikaga üksjagu raamatuid lugenud, "Narnia lood" tulevad kohe meelde ja E. Nesbiti "Viis last ja tema". Lasteraamatutes peidavad iidsed häärberid tavaliselt midagi maagilist, täiskasvanute kirjanduses kipuvad aga luukeresid varjama. Ma ei pidanud "Spiderwicki kroonikas" pettuma, see oli ka nüüd ülelugemisel haarav lugu.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,809 reviews592 followers
October 12, 2014
I can honestly say that this series is one that was really let down by the film adaptation. Back when the film was released I found myself excited for what was to come, only to be extremely disappointed with what we were given. If you’re someone who enjoyed the film then I really do suggest that you read the books to find out just how great they actually are rather than taking the film standpoint on it.

The fourth instalment of the series follows in the footsteps of the three previous books as it is another well-paced read which keeps you interested from the start until the end. As always the children find themselves dealing with the new world around them, finding that things do not always go as planned, and that there is more at work than what it first appears. Throughout this book there is real build-up to the events that are due to take place in the final book.
Profile Image for Jaya Michelle.
12 reviews
April 8, 2012
i loved this book it is so discripted and detailed it is such a good book!! that's why i love the book.
Profile Image for GRIS.
467 reviews100 followers
March 24, 2016
"You can never get away from your own self."
Profile Image for Kelsy.
128 reviews5 followers
October 11, 2016
This one's the best yet in the series so far. I'm excited to see what happens in book 5!
Profile Image for Петър Панчев.
856 reviews141 followers
February 7, 2020
Джуджешки проблеми
(Цялото ревю е тук: https://knijenpetar.wordpress.com/202...)

Типично за семейство Грейс е, че проблемите им идват сякаш от нищото. В това поне е сигурна майката на тримата хубостници, без да предполага, че са се забъркали в невероятна история, включваща всякакви митологични животинки и… естествена страст към приключенията. Хлапаци, какво да ги правиш… 😄 Ако питате мен, тези проблеми изникват, когато се шмугват в шубраците и се ровят там, където не им е работата. Е, освен ако разни гоблини и джуджета не са решили да властват над света чрез прословутата „Книга за духовете“. Обаче колкото и да твърдят, че са ги „преметнали“ още преди време и книгата вече не е у тях, на разните там същества хич не им пука. 😅 За капак на всичко Мелъри се оказва поредната жертва. В „Желязното дърво“ („Фют“, 2004, с превод на Екатерина Латева) със сигурност трябва да бъде организирано търсене, иначе мама страшно ще се ядоса. И изплаши. 😱 С няколко думи, трябва отново да се влиза в шубраци. Този път ДиТерлизи и Блек ще поразсеят читателите и с малко училищни главоблъсканици, за да не се окаже, че тази институция не влиза в плановете на едно почти образцово семейство. 🤓
(Продължава в блога: https://knijenpetar.wordpress.com/202...)
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,394 reviews
November 7, 2020
Well I thought it was about time I finished this series (its about time I finished a lot of series I have started over the years but that is another story) and so I went back after reading the first 3 of the 5 book series.

Well I have to say that picking up number 4 - the Ironwood tree I did have to go back and check that I had not missed out a book but no the series was correct.

So why the jarring sensation going from one to the other - well I guess the book had an intentional gap in time - ironically I didnt realise this till I went back and checked however it is here that the books and film diverge - now I will not give away any spoilers but there is enough of a divergence that to be puts a whole new tone to the books.

Do not get me wrong I think the books are better (I would not be on this site if I didnt think that anyway) but this books not only sets the story in a different direction but also that it takes a different tone as well. Interesting to see how film makers interpret a story and decide on what they want rather than following the books.
Profile Image for Nijat Azimov.
80 reviews5 followers
August 13, 2022
Sanki filmi çəkərkən bu kitabı unutmuşlar. Kitabdan bjr səhnə belə filmdə yer almırdı 😁🤷‍♂️
Profile Image for Josie.
111 reviews60 followers
January 21, 2022
This installment felt a bit sloppily done, but still solid.
Profile Image for Jamal Ahmed.
77 reviews
August 18, 2023
Wieder einmal sehr spannend und aufregend. Ich bin gespannt, was es mit Mulgarath auf sich hat und in welcher Verbindung er zu den Spiderwick-Geschwistern steht.
Teil 5 kann kommen!!!
Profile Image for Abigail.
7,565 reviews235 followers
April 3, 2019
Mallory is kidnapped by dwarfs in this fourth installment of The Spiderwick Chronicles, and Jared and Simon must rescue her from the little creatures' quarry stronghold. Spirited away after a fencing match, Mallory is encased in a glass coffin, much as Snow White was. Jared, once again in trouble, this time for threatening a fellow student - really a shape-shifting faery of some sort - and Simon set out in pursuit, but quickly find themselves captured by their dwarfish enemies as well. After the twins escape and wake their sister, the Grace children flee, running from the dwarfs' mechanical hounds. Before heading for home, they witness the arrival of the ogre Mulgarath, of whom they had been warned in the previous book, and are horrified to see his goblin army slaughter the dwarfs...

The story-line in The Ironwood Tree, whose title refers to the beautifully ornate metal tree constructed by the dwarfs, is highly reminiscent of the second entry in the series, The Seeing Stone , although here it is Mallory who is kidnapped by magical adversaries, rather than Simon. Although not as emotionally resonant as the previous title, Lucinda's Secret - here no family secrets are revealed, and no emotional traumas are dealt with - this penultimate story does set up the concluding volume rather nicely, highlighting at its conclusion the truly horrific nature of Mulgarath, who slays his own allies. It also demonstrates, through the shape-shifter that appears at the beginning of the story, the great power and cunning of the ogre, whom, it is hinted, was the 'boy' that Jared confronted. Although not the equal of the third in terms of story - thus far, Lucinda's Secret is my favorite of the series - this was still an engaging tale, one with plenty of excitement and adventure for young readers. The artwork is every bit as lovely as in the previous titles - these are really such beautiful books, physically! - making this an engaging reading experience. Recommended to anyone who read and enjoyed the previous three installments of The Spiderwick Chronicles.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,249 reviews

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