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The Code #2

Hidden Agenda

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The men of Pentabyte have raised their bid for my program—and my affection.
As the competition grows fierce I know the increasingly bad luck I've run into isn't coincidence. Someone is playing a malicious game with my life—striking out from the shadows, threatening me and the people I love at every turn. Jude, Jax, Gunner, Daniel, and Trigg seem to be everything I want and more. But can I trust my heart, or is it just another bargaining chip in this dangerous game?

The Code is a steamy reverse harem romance series of five full-length novels with heart, humor, irresistible chemistry, and a gripping, action-suspense storyline that builds in intensity with each book and will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The series is complete and all five books are available to read now! Hidden Agenda is book two.

Love without limits. #whychoose

328 pages, ebook

First published February 26, 2018

415 people are currently reading
197 people want to read

About the author

Bethany Jadin

21 books136 followers
Bethany Jadin is the pen name of two friends who write steamy, unconventional romance together. They love telling stories with humor, heart, and heat.

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Love Without Limits. #whychoose

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews
Profile Image for Anne .
405 reviews31 followers
February 13, 2019

I almost don't know where and how to start.

I freaking love the introduction to this series, Vested Interest. I'm pretty sure I have even declared that I am going to love the rest of the books in the series, no doubt.

Which brings me back to this one. What happened?

It pains me to say this but the moment the heroine mouthed off one of the heroes, being insensitive and just plain mean about his past...everything has started to spiral down for me by then. That's exactly on 63% mark of the read. I pause momentarily, trying so hard not to throw my e-reader and not to judge the heroine for that careless remark. For fuck's sake, the guy has shown her his private place, has opened up with her about some stuffs (brief but major stuffs)...then she goes off like that? I can cut a bitch. I swear. (Side note: I can't understand how people are able to be intimate with someone in one moment then claim to not know the very same person the next moment. Seems pretty cheap, imo.)

Such a shame that after that, it is becoming hard and harder to reconcile the Emma from book 1 to this Emma right now. First careless remark she has spouted off is that scene with Zoey, Cora and Callie. That remark is way careless, especially with the company of Cora and Callie but the two have been more gracious and kind to the heroine. It's definitely more than awkward, though.

And then there's the supposed issue with having sex with each of the guys. It's a recurring theme with her, too. Fuck the guy. Regret it. Be bitter about it and regret it some more. Then, to make it worse, she snaps at the guys because apparently she either doesn't even know them that well or because she has to maintain professionalism with them. Um, too late for that though? sarcastic

Now, I could care less if the heroine just owns it and not snap like a rabid animal at the next person. Instead, 1) she beats herself up, 2) ends up fucking the guy anyway, 3) regrets it and beats herself some more & 4) gets rude to everyone else. It gets tiring. Imagine reading that from Trigg, Jude, Gunner & Jax, and finally to Daniel. If she's so hung up on not being professional enough, she should have stopped with Trigg in the first place. Jfc. What a mess. And not the good way.

The plot kind of dwindles. And after the 63% mark, I just skimmed the pages. I'm still reeling at how my interest is gone just like that.

With all that said, I adore Gunner. If the review is for him alone, I'll even give him ten stars. He's the sweetest. I'm not sure the heroine even deserves him anymore. He's totally on point, every time. Plus, I hate it when he bares his soul just for the heroine to...what? Drag him through the mud then dump him? For all the love, respect and joy he has given the heroine...nope, she absolutely doesn't deserve him.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Profile Image for Brittain *Needs a Nap and a Drink*.
373 reviews483 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
May 30, 2019
I promise I like the book and I'll probably come back to it at some point but I am just really grumpy and not into it right now.
Profile Image for Autumn Miller ~ autumnbookreads.
1,230 reviews434 followers
August 16, 2018
3.75 Stars
I liked this book. While I did not enjoy it as much as the first one, I still had a lot of fun while reading it. There were many times that I was laughing my ass off and many times when my heart got warm and fuzzy from all of my feelings.
There are two primary reasons I did not enjoy this book as much as I wanted to:
1) Emma- Emma's whole attitude during this book rubbed me the wrong way. She was constantly doubting the guys and when they offered help, she wouldn't accept it. She was awfully suspicious of the guys' motives, but she wasn't willing to point the finger at anyone else that had greater and more likely motives. Because of her attitude and, to be honest, her stupidity, the whole ending happened and is going to cause unnecessary drama in the future books.
2) The time jumps between chapters- There were many times when a chapter would end on an exciting note and then the next chapter would skip to two weeks later. I found this annoying and extremely disorienting. It made the story hard to follow at times and I felt like my excitement between chapters became anticlimactic.
On the more positive side of things, I loved the guys in this book. Bethany Jadin went in more depth with each of their characters and I loved every second of it. Each of them is fascinating in their own way and I want to know more. In fact, I would say that the boys are the only reason I would consider continuing the series.
Profile Image for SJ.
2,119 reviews16 followers
March 5, 2018
Book two in this awesome series and I am seriously addicted, with a great storyline, fantastic characters and lots of danger intrigue romance and steam I just need to keep reading

Emma is getting to know the guys better, but things just keeps happening in the fight to win Emma’s software, confused she has no idea who to trust and who is the enemy and life is not easy for Emma
Profile Image for Jennifer G.
2,700 reviews52 followers
February 26, 2018
Hidden Agenda is book 2 of The Code Series. Emma has written a revolutionary security code and is being aggressively pursued and wooed by several technology firms particularly Pentabyte and BHC. Both firms are offering serious money and benefits, however, Emma has connected with the men of Pentabyte on a personal level. A very personal level! Normally this might sway her decision in their favor but after she was burned by Jack*** Jeremy while they were dating and he stole their joint project for his own personal gain, Emma is hesitant to trust mixing personal pleasure and business ever again. Even as she promises herself to keep the men at arm's length on a professional level, she finds herself falling into a deeper relationship with each of the men. The fact that she is attracted to, involved with and falling for all five men presents another problem altogether. How is she supposed to pick one company and one man? Add in the fact that Emma's "bad luck" is spreading to her best friend and family her life is more complicated than her program.

This series gets hotter with each book. I love it! Emma is confused, conflicted, scared, and angry but she's still strong. She's working to finish her program, trying to protect everyone she cares about, and attempting to do right by herself and the guys. This book offers a deeper look into each of the guys. Trigg's calming spirit, Gunner's zest for life and food (this man has a huge appetite for everything), Daniel's need to take care of everyone, Jude's hidden soft side, and Jax, the most complicated of all. His artistic torment, his acceptance of pleasure wherever it can be found. He's beautiful. We get more backstory, get to know their personal interests and see how they each care for Emma. Emma's sexy time with each guy is steamy, some incredibly so! She's one lucky girl despite the attacks focused on her finances and employment. The deeper look into the guys showed each to be more complex than even the first book showed. We already knew they were good guys with an extraordinary bond but now we have seen behind the beautiful faces. They are haunted, vulnerable. They have each healed so much from their pasts but they still have a way to go. Each wants unconditional acceptance and love. Emma is the right girl for them if everyone is willing to accept this unconventional relationship.

This book is a smart, suspenseful adventure on every level. It ends with a horrible scenario in place. I can't wait to see Emma's response, the guys' responses, and how everything plays out. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book.
194 reviews1 follower
March 4, 2018
I feel like I have to rate this book on two different elements romance and plot

So on the romance front, things moved along quite nicely. Relationship were developing with each guy, which connections formed based on who the guy was. Even if it seems a bit unlikely that she could immediately see to who the core of who each guys, but its romance so we'll go with it.

Then we have the software development and the plot. Actual mention of Emma working is next to nothing. She mostly worries about the guys and picking an offer. Though she does show some business sense finally in her questioning of the companies so yey! Then comes the stupid. Stupid to the point I want to hit them over the head. HELLO Emma, you are obviously being targeted. Don't you think you should make decisions based on that fact? I know seeming to be indebted to the guys goes against your morals but you are clearly in the cross hairs of people without any sort of scruples so you should be smart. And you five guys, I know you want to win the girl and you mixed business and pleasure but YOU clearly have some clue how far things could do. Do you think you might want to sit down and have a talk with Emma even if you feel it could hurt your chances with her if you value her that much? So you six are entirely responsible for that ending.

Based on the plot elements, I have to give this a three.
480 reviews6 followers
February 26, 2018
This is the second book in the series and things really heat up in this book, in many ways. Emma's relationship with the guys develops in different ways with each one in this book. I liked how the author is building the rapport between them all, she's putting them in different situations and their feelings are growing and developing through those scenes, it's interesting and fun to read.

I also liked the plot twists that are starting to come out, as I was reading I was pretty sure I knew who was behind it all, but it's not actually confirmed until the very last few sentences of the book. Yes, the book does end on a slight cliffhanger, but it's not really very long a wait between the releases for all the books, and for me cliffhanger endings are part of the fun of reading.

This book definitely gets five stars from me. I thought it was intriguing, sexy, has a good story behind it and has great characters, they all have depth to them and make you want to know more about them (even the side characters) I'm really looking forward to reading book number three and seeing what will happen next and what Emma will do!
Profile Image for María.
606 reviews25 followers
April 20, 2019
Los problemas se acumulan y Emma empieza a darse cuenta que la venta de su programa puede no ser tan simple como esperaba: no solo ella es la que empieza a tener problemas después de que le roben dinero del banco y la echen injustamente de su trabajo por robar. Ahora Zoe, su mejor amiga, es victima de robo de identidad y se le acumulan las deudas por tarjetas de crédito que ella no pidió. Y lo que es peor, entran incluso a la casa de los padres de Emma y destruyen su habitación.
Los chicos de Pentabyte quieren ayudarla pero ella les pone límites...
Profile Image for ꒰ dani ꒱.
143 reviews12 followers
September 5, 2022
⌠ ★★☆☆☆ ⌡

this book could have been shorter or just scrapped because i honestly don’t see what the point of it was. it was entertaining and it included some cute moments however i found myself annoyed with emma. she spends most of the book in an endless cycle of 1) hating herself for sleeping with these men 2) claiming to stop doing that and be professional 3) sleeping with them regardless 4) giving them the cold shoulder afterwards 5) hating herself for doing all the above before repeating the cycle all over again. as a result of this, the men kept feeling guilty of what they’d done and beat themselves up about it because she completely ghosted them after they did the forbidden tango. the only interesting thing that happened in this book was the ending, other than that the plot is horrible.
Profile Image for ReaderMelodie.
535 reviews57 followers
July 24, 2021
I really really like these men

And I am sure that when I finish the last book that I will be in love with them 💕
It's rare that I like all the guys but for now, I do, but I love the relationship between Jax and Gunner 🥵😍

Plot-wise I'm more interested in how they will fall into a reverse harem relationship than how far the 'villain will go to ensure they will win

Vested Interest, ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Author not followed !
65 reviews1 follower
October 7, 2019
The first chapter starts out pretty hot and heavy, and it only continues from there. I swear. Each sex scene gets more and more erotic. This girl is having a whole new world introduced to her, and I gotta say she is owning it. At least...she is in the moment.

Emma begins to doubt herself. She is selling software that could be worth millions, so she doesn’t want to mess it up by mixing business with pleasure. Plus, multiple unexplained instances are occurring that suggest someone is trying to push her to sell soon. That coupled with the fact she has already been stabbed in the back before, it isn't hard to see why she might feel a little conflicted.

She really doesn’t want to stir up trouble for the boys. She is worried about them fighting because of her. She has no experience with polyamorous relationships. Having a one night-stand threesome is very different from an actual relationship with multiple men.

The guys handle her well when she is in extreme emotional moments. Whether it be anger, sadness, stress, or happiness, they know just how to talk to her and comfort her. These men are perfection with flaws. Meaning nobody is perfect and everybody has flaws, but I see these guys as pretty close to perfect. Have they done crap in the past? Oh Yes! But they are owning up to their mistakes, and they have good hearts. Loyalty is one of the most important qualities someone can have, and these guys bleed it.

In this book, Emma also finds out a bit of some of the guys' pasts. She handles them beautifully and never tries to make them feel lesser than. She isn't a selfish person. She is constantly thinking about the boys and her best friend. She never wants to be a burden in any sense, but this stubbornness can also get her into trouble. Zoey is the kind of friend everyone needs in their life. She is beyond loyal and uplifting. Plus, she doesn’t mind chewing out two-faced backstabber when needed. Cora and Callie also seem like amazing girls.

Overall, I loved the book. The ending was quite the cliffhanger. It seems book three will start off with quite a bit of action.
1,114 reviews
May 25, 2019
I loved how the duo of Bethany Jadin set the stage for this series in book 1 and they did not disappoint in book 2!! I definitely fell more for the guys than I did in book 1 (check), we learn some background about Emma and the different guys so we connect with them more (check), more stuff goes down in terms of the code and business offers that made my heart pull for Emma (double check), and we finally get to see Emma and the guys take the next step in their relationships (OH MY GOODNESS, THE STEAM AND HEAT WAS PERFECT AND AMAZING)!!!

In book 1 my favorite guys were Trigg and Gunner, but after reading this one, I think Jude is making his way up to the top ranks as well! I loved Daniel and Jax too, but I connected more/the other guys exude some of my dream guy(s) personalities/behaviors haha. Jude and the puppy rescue (swoon!), Gunner and his softer side and reading books, and Trigg keeping a level head/thinking about Emma's feelings from all angles/putting her first. And did I mention the heated moments in this book are amazeballs?? The lingerie scene was probably one of my favorites, definitely unexpected!! Loved the hilarity with the strip poker and anything involving Gunner and food 😂. I won't spoil it for anyone, but there is definitely more than meets the eye with some of the characters. Did I mention that I totally have a thing for M/M romance 🤤.

I really liked the pace in book 2. We got some flashbacks which provided some details and explanations for some of the guys (like Daniel's need to provide for others and their relationship with other people in Emma's life) and we got to see how Emma dealt with blow after blow of hardships yet kept it together (even though she definitely let the guys help her out). I don't know how I would act if my work was causing others pain and not being able to help make it better. I would be devastated and so angry. I like that Emma hasn't made her decision and is on the fence about things. I think its more realistic that everything isn't butterflies and unicorns, and she has a lot of doubt and is being overly cautious. I mean, after what happened with Jeremy it makes sense! Be aware that the ending is unexpected and would totally be a cliffhanger if the next book wasn't out already haha. Thank goodness it already is out!

Ok enough of my rambling. Go read this book and series, you will fall for the guys of Pentabyte like I have! On to book 3 to see how Emma and the guys handle the drastic ending of book 2 and to hopefully read more sexy time with the guys and Emma ❤️
114 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2018
This is the second book in a series of five. I enjoyed the first one enough to borrow this book through KU. The story is about Emma who is writing a new and complex security code. She is near completion of the code but it isn't complete yet. She has several companies making offers to buy her code. One such company is Pentabyte, a group of five guys, most of whom served in the military together. The only one that didn't is the identical twin to the CEO of the company. These guys have had their eye on Emma for a while. Immediately after the offers for her code start coming in bad things start happening, such as her bank account being drained right before she has to pay rent. The guys at Pentabyte find out and offer her and her roommate an apartment in the same building they live in. They also help her however they can. But, Emma had written a code for drones with her ex boyfriend when they were still together. But, he took the code and sold it for a lot of money and dumped her at the same time.
Emma has a difficult time trusting the guys even though we, as readers, know they can be trusted. The guys are still trying to help her figure out who is messing with her life. They believe they know who it is by now. In this story, bad things, such as her roommate having her identity stolen, have escalted to things that are definitely illegal affecting her family and friends. Emma still isn't sure who to trust and is starting to feel smothered by the guys at Pentabyte and that she will owe them for their assistance, which is not comforting. There was a lot of innuendo and desire between Emma and the guys in the first book. This one has a lot of sex for Emma. Again, it does end on a cliffhanger, which is not my favorite. I really liked the story though and would recommend it. Because of the cliffhanger, nothing is resolved by the end. The readers have more knowledge of who may be behind everything. Also, there is a clear antagonist in this one. I wished I didn't have to wait until the end of the month for the third book.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,287 reviews9 followers
June 24, 2021
It's a Madhouse

This was a steamy read, but also made me mad. It reminded me of all the times I did stupid things back when I was in my partying stage. Just dumb stuff and stupid, when you are so absorbed in your own good time that you don't see how you're affecting others? And it ends up in some sort of drama? Yeah, I'm a reformed drama queen party girl. And this book reminded me of why I'm so happy to have left those days behind me.

Now, Emma isn't a party girl. She's super smart and fairly straight laced, but when she wants to let go of some steam she seems to really step in it. Whether it's getting freaky, cooking everything in the house, or boozing it up. And girl, there's no one stopping you. It all hit too close to home. I tossed my Kindle away from me and said, "You've got to be the dumbest girl I've ever read!" Hahaha, but seriously, a mirror. Naive. Smart yet stupid. Emma and I could be the same person (without her coding experience, because my coding is non existent unless it's color coding books), just in different dimensions.

So, Emma is trying to finish up this awesome security programme and sell it to a technology firm, but there's some crazy stuff happening. Some people are out to get her content and her hot boy team can't seem to figure out how to stop them. Plus, she's feeling weird about all her...feelings...about the hot boys. It's a madhouse. There's too much testosterone. Will Emma survive the digital attacks from the strangers? Will she survive the affections of 5 hot boys? Guess I'll have to read book 3 to find out.
Profile Image for Brittney.
180 reviews20 followers
February 27, 2018
These books just keep getting better and better! This book picks up right where the first book left off and I am really glad it did, especially because of the scenes that followed right after.

Emma is such a strong character and is much more multidimensional than most of the characters I have been reading in books currently. She is scared, angry, and confused but manages to hold her own in a world dominated by men. This book definitely gets more in-depth with the guys as we begin to learn more about why they are the way that they are as well as some of their personality quirks. I have to say that my current two favorites are definitely Gunner and Daniel after this book but you will have to read to find out why!

This book does get a little more intimate between the main characters but it is done in a tasteful way that leaves you wanting more. I love when an author is able to seamlessly add in those scenes in a way that flows with the plot and this author definitely does that.

I feel like I need a friend like Emma (especially one who stress cooks!) after reading these books. I absolutely cannot put this series down and I want to throw my kindle every time I finish another book. My only complaint is that this book ends on a major cliffhanger but I can not even be too mad about it since the author is amazing and is releasing these books very rapidly.

Bring me more Emma and the guys ASAP!
Profile Image for Raecharmed.
9,142 reviews66 followers
February 26, 2018
Emma has a software they everyone wants but she wants to make sure whomever she sales it to doesn't use it for bad things. This is what has kept her from taking any deals she's been offered. There's still a threat after her and its starting to get dead serious yet she feels safe around the men from Pentabyte. Emma is confused when it comes to the guys she's attracted to them all but isn't sure of they are with her for the right reasons. Emma's ex keeps popping up wherever she goes causing trouble and she's worried that he might be after her work again. When her parents place gets broke into it becomes real to her how serious her situation has gotten. The guys know that Emma doesn't want to be indebted to anyone so they start to take steps to show her that she can trust them however when she is removed from the protection of their secure building can she and her friend remain safe? Can the guys continue to keep them safe at a distance? Who is behind all of the attacks against them?

I loved this story!!!! As the drama unfolds you learn a little bit more to draw you in and keep your attention all the while leaving you wanting more. I can't wait until the next book to find out what will happen next. The chemistry between Emma and the men is explosively hot. This is an amazing series.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Cassandra Cobb.
189 reviews4 followers
February 25, 2018
OMG! Bethany Jadin has done it again.

Hidden Agenda picks up right where Vested Interest: A Reverse Harem Romance left off. We kick off with an amazing chapter from the perspective of one of Emma's lovers, Trigg, as he finally has some one-on-one time with Emma. Needless to say, this chapter left me hot and bothered!

The rest of the book follows along with Emma coming to grips with the reality of her situation - featuring questions like who can she trust, is it possible to love multiple people at the same time, will she ever be able to make a decision about her career/love life? While I don't want to give anything away, I can say that it's great that we get to see her respond with feelings and questions like anyone would IRL.

With a cliffhanger at the end (ARGH!), Bethany Jadin has left me wanting more and I cannot wait for book #3 - Broken Process - to be released on March 26!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for BookLover89.
344 reviews
March 1, 2018
I really enjoyed the storyline in the first book even if I didn’t care for the MM innuendos. I love slower burn contemporary RH.
This second book was definitely NOT slow at all. She sleeps with all the guys.
And the MM was definitely very prevalent throughout the book. There was a major sex scene that I skipped over. But there was also a bunch of talk about the two guys and what they’ve done and like to do. It was hard to skip the MM when it was thrown in so much.
I also felt like the story was lacking a bit in this one and it mainly revolved around sex which isn’t so bad, it was just different then the first book.
But what bits of non sex story there was, were very good and kept you reading. I will continue to read the series and just skip over the MM parts.

I really hate Jackass Jeremy.
Emma also kind of got on my nerves in this book. She sleeps with every guy and after each one, she distances herself from them and is kind of rude to them cause she doesn’t want to be getting distracted from the business relationship. She should have thought about that BEFORE sleeping with all of them...or maybe even after the first or second guy she slept with. But no, she does it with all of them and then acts like a whiny, hormonal pain in the butt.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
6 reviews1 follower
February 26, 2018
This book picks up right where the first book ended, and oh what a glorious way to start the book it was!
Really liked the way in which the romantic developments between Emma and the guys didn’t seem like they were rushed and felt quite naturally in the way each encounter happened. Also the steam factor that was not present in the first book is certainly made up for in this one.
I thoroughly enjoyed the humour, in particularly some of the things Gunner says... think he may be my favorite out of the guys.
I really liked the multiple POVs, particularly as there are more chapters from the guys perspective this time round, meaning not only did I get to see what they were thinking and feeling, but were also given glimpses into their personalities, interests and backstories.
The progression of the plot was great, moved at a nice pace and some of the unexpected twists that came about definitely kept me wanting more. Can’t wait for the next book especially after the way this one ended... talk about leaving me on the edge of my seat!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Goth Gone Grey.
1,146 reviews47 followers
March 9, 2020
Great read, great series. Actual plot and smut.

It looks like pron. (I'm not being judgy; look at the cover). It reads like a full, complete story that happens to have some delightful smut included. (Yay, smut!). Five muscled, smart men with a variety of interests (including each other, to some degree, and yes please to that) become close to one intelligent, smoking hot woman.

It's written from all of their POV's, with distinct persomalities. An example:

“I’ve wanted to see your tattoos for so long,” Emma confesses. She traces the ink from my wrist up my bicep to my shoulder and across my chest. “I didn’t know you had so much. Ohhh... it’s… it’s the oil painting.”

My chest seizes. I’ve drawn and sketched and painted that abstract over and over for half my life, but no one has ever made the connection.

This woman… she’s too clever.

She has this way of seeing different pieces of me and connecting them all together in a way no one else has. "

I'm not normally into book boyfriends, but Gunner! 💕
Profile Image for Beth C..
1,663 reviews15 followers
February 24, 2018
This series is awesome! Emma's relationship with the five sexy tech gurus is getting closer and closer and much more intimate. But is it really a good idea to mix business with pleasure? While they are taking care of Emma and her roommate Zoey, more and more trouble comes knocking at their door. Things are getting dangerous. All the while, Emma still hasn't decided to who sell her program to.
I love how the relationships between Emma, Jude, Jax, Trigg, Daniel and Gunner are developing. True RH scenario, thank goodness. Each of the gusy has their own unique personality (and proclivities) that make Emma feel special. But as inexperienced as she is, can Emma really handle them, all of them, as well as try to keep her life from completely spiraling out of control?
The books keep getting more exciting, more informative (lots of great background info in this one🙂) and much, much steamier. Loved it!
Profile Image for Rena.
183 reviews5 followers
February 28, 2018
Hidden Agenda is the second installment of the Code series and picks up where the first ended.
Emma is wooed by different companies to sell her program, she is confused and doesn't know what to do or really who to trust. At the same time her feelings toward Jude, Daniel, Trigg, Gunner, and Jax are growing as their relationship grows more intense and hotter by each page -adding to her confusion.
In this book, we get to know the guys better and I love their POV's. Emma is still working on her program and more mysterious events threaten her. As she spends more time with the guys from Pentabyte, the series grows steamier. I really enjoy slow burn romances and I loved the first book because Emma and the guys seemed to take it slow(ish). This book, however, starts hot and doesn't let up -so if you like your romances hot and with man on man action you will love the way this story goes.
I voluntarily offered to review this book with no obligations and my opinions are honest!
Profile Image for Meghann Alford.
806 reviews12 followers
February 28, 2018
This is book 2 in the Code Series and follows Emma and the guys in their lives. Note, if you haven't read Book 1 (Vested Interest) please read that first. This book will not make sense. On that note, loved Book 2! Emma deepens her emotional connection with each of the men and the guys in turn begin to feel even more for her. Each relationship is different and special and truly beautiful. But problems are still on the horizon for Emma and she still has big decisions to make. Changes are on the horizon and the book ends on one heck of a cliffhanger that leaves your heart pounding! I CANNOT WAIT for Book 3!!! I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book.
Hero, Gunner, Jude, Jax, Daniel, Trigg = 5/5
Heroine, Emma = 5/5
Chemistry = 5/5
Sex = 5/5
Plot = 4/5
Mystery = 3/5
Action =  3/5
Darkness = 3/5
Humor = 3/5
POV = all 6 mains
Would I recommend this book = yes
Would I re-read this book = yes
Would I read future books by this author = yes
Profile Image for Shana Pare.
868 reviews5 followers
March 3, 2018
This is such a fun series.

Each book, so far, builds on the prior one in a logical, well-organized way especially since the chapters periodically jump to a different point of view of one or another of the five men. There is actually a plot line that is being carried forward at a reasonable pace. There is a small cliffhanger that leads you on to the next book.

Although I think you can probably read this book out of sequence, you going to definitely want to find the other books surrounding it just so you will know what is going on.

I like the way the way each member of the harem is being explored, their psyches opened for us to definitely understand what makes man tick. I love the easy camaraderie and acceptance between them and how they extend those same qualities to Emma and her friend.

Book Three is supposedly going to be out within the next couple of weeks, and I can hardly wait!
Profile Image for Jordan.
306 reviews
March 6, 2018
YAAAASSSSS!!! WOWZA I love this series!
This was such a great book to follow Vested Interest. Emma and the guys are getting closer... a lot closer ;) but she's getting a little worried about it. She doesn't know who is targeting her (until the end ;P) so she isn't sure if she should trust the guys, even as she's developing feelings for them and she's stressing about how to deal with all the guys. She's such a realistic character, not too easily trusting but still putting herself out there.
There was much more romance and steam in this one *eeekk* and wow was it great. There was even a bit menage in here... and it was great to see that some of the guys don't limit themselves to just the girl in the rh (I'm definitely not against a little mm in the harem if you couldn't tell *laughs*).
Again, the book ends on a cliffhanger just like the last *sighs* but Jadin is a quick writer so book 3 should be out soon!!
1,072 reviews2 followers
August 14, 2021

Wow even book two is so damn hot to handle hehe

These 5 yummy men and Emma are heating the whole book up, Emma is getting her claws into each one of these serious sexy ex military business men and she’s finally having some fun but seems like not everybody wants her to have these guys attention or her not giving her coding she’s working on to the company who are so desperate for it.
She’s lost trust especially with men after her Ex stole their work they did together
So as you can imagine she’s finally seeing these 5 guys as genuine and she’s torn with how it can work between them
Not only that but things have happened in some of the guys past that could cause problems for Emma, both business and pleasure

You can’t help but love these characters
Emma is living a life some of us ladies can only dream about.
Can’t wait to see how book 3 goes ☺️

Another must read from me
Profile Image for Ann.
329 reviews5 followers
February 26, 2018
Lots of spoilers ahead.

I liked Emma in the first book because she was smart and independent. In this book I felt like she was inconsistent. She was suspicious of the guys being behind all of her recent bad luck and then she sleeps with them. Then gets suspicious again and sleeps with a different guy. I don't mind that she has sex with different guys because it's rh and I know that happens. It's just that she is so hot and cold. Then after Emma sleeps with each of them she avoids that guy making them feel terrible. And she never tells them that she already slept with their friend but cries to Zoey and one on The guys enough now she doesn't want to come in between them. No communication. The story was good besides the relationships. Ended on a cliffhanger.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Esmeralda Felan.
160 reviews1 follower
February 26, 2018
The second installment to the Code series is everything & a slice of pie! From the first page you read it has you hooked. Emma is understandably frustrated with all that is happening in her life. The Pentabyte men are working hard on helping her. With everything going wrong for Emma, she doesn’t know who to trust. The heat in this book is scorching but believe me, it is so worth the burn! I cannot wait for the next installment and to read more about Emma & her men! Absolutely just LOVED this book. It is very well written and if you have not read the first, Vested Interest, then go and read! You will not be disappointed :)

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Bec.
157 reviews20 followers
February 25, 2018
Steam! My god the steam! What was not quite there in the first installment was more than made up for in Hidden Agenda.
It picks up right where the first book ended which was a great place to start (wink wink). There is good, believable development of her relationships with all of the guys but there are a few instances where the chapter ends with sex then it's a week or few dates later and I want to know what happened/was said after the sex. Was it awkward? Did she hid in the bathroom? (Side note: condoms people!) We're they all lovey dovey after?
While I like the story line and even she says, lots of movies have plots like this, it's frustrating that she's just letting it all happen, would you seriously not to to the police?
So cliffhanger alert! The next one better be or soon!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 132 reviews

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