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328 pages, ebook
First published February 26, 2018
I almost don't know where and how to start.
I freaking love the introduction to this series, Vested Interest. I'm pretty sure I have even declared that I am going to love the rest of the books in the series, no doubt.
Which brings me back to this one. What happened?
It pains me to say this but the moment the heroine mouthed off one of the heroes, being insensitive and just plain mean about his past...everything has started to spiral down for me by then. That's exactly on 63% mark of the read. I pause momentarily, trying so hard not to throw my e-reader and not to judge the heroine for that careless remark. For fuck's sake, the guy has shown her his private place, has opened up with her about some stuffs (brief but major stuffs)...then she goes off like that? I can cut a bitch. I swear. (Side note: I can't understand how people are able to be intimate with someone in one moment then claim to not know the very same person the next moment. Seems pretty cheap, imo.)
Such a shame that after that, it is becoming hard and harder to reconcile the Emma from book 1 to this Emma right now. First careless remark she has spouted off is that scene with Zoey, Cora and Callie. That remark is way careless, especially with the company of Cora and Callie but the two have been more gracious and kind to the heroine. It's definitely more than awkward, though.
And then there's the supposed issue with having sex with each of the guys. It's a recurring theme with her, too. Fuck the guy. Regret it. Be bitter about it and regret it some more. Then, to make it worse, she snaps at the guys because apparently she either doesn't even know them that well or because she has to maintain professionalism with them. Um, too late for that though? sarcastic
Now, I could care less if the heroine just owns it and not snap like a rabid animal at the next person. Instead, 1) she beats herself up, 2) ends up fucking the guy anyway, 3) regrets it and beats herself some more & 4) gets rude to everyone else. It gets tiring. Imagine reading that from Trigg, Jude, Gunner & Jax, and finally to Daniel. If she's so hung up on not being professional enough, she should have stopped with Trigg in the first place. Jfc. What a mess. And not the good way.
The plot kind of dwindles. And after the 63% mark, I just skimmed the pages. I'm still reeling at how my interest is gone just like that.
With all that said, I adore Gunner. If the review is for him alone, I'll even give him ten stars. He's the sweetest. I'm not sure the heroine even deserves him anymore. He's totally on point, every time. Plus, I hate it when he bares his soul just for the heroine to...what? Drag him through the mud then dump him? For all the love, respect and joy he has given the heroine...nope, she absolutely doesn't deserve him.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.