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Confucius: A Smile from Eternity

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“When Tsze sat himself down upon a big rock, he said to the ‘Why is it that you are always so hard to manage?’And the Earth said to ‘Because the Great One created me so that you might learn your lessons.’”Confucius is the Latin name of the great Chinese philosopher Chung-Fu-Tsze. As the Chinese empire was crumbling, Confucius used his erudition and great wisdom to establish order amidst the political and social chaos.He believed in the integrity of law and tradition, and that inner knowledge had to be activated so that virtue, order, and harmony could be suffused into society. For centuries his philosophy has been the foundation of Chinese society.His wisdom is reflected in this series of channelled quotes that capture the humour, profundity, and exquisite simplicity of existence.“The greatest lessons are learned in the stillness of one’s own self.”

86 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 16, 2018

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9 books1 follower

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Profile Image for Goddess of Chaos.
2,708 reviews12 followers
September 8, 2017
Quick worthwhile read

This short / quick read is a collection of wisdom from Confucius... I grew up with "Confucius says..." as the preamble we kids out on anything we thought up, and felt was profound , witty, or clever. That use of "Confucius says" shows both how knowledge of his wisdom has permeated culture, but in a way it also reveals how little we truly knew of what he had said.

Each Kindle page contains a separate quote / saying from Confucius, and much of his wisdom from over 2000 years ago remains relevant today.
Profile Image for Maryann Gestwicki.
Author 15 books16 followers
January 6, 2022
Confucius has great aphorisms that are inspiring and uplifting to read. Food for thought of Wisdom.

Aphorisms I liked: 1,3,7,8,9,10,12,13,17,19,23,27,28,31,32,33,37,38,40,41,44,48,52,53,60,62,64,68,70.
Profile Image for Ruchika Pahwa.
Author 38 books13 followers
July 16, 2024
Confucius' thoughts and philosophy presented through this book are valuable to be learned and admired. Refined knowledge is a timeless treasure.
Profile Image for Helen Hnin.
1,002 reviews37 followers
December 16, 2024
I gave this "poet" another shot. No dice. This time, most of the book is confucius' quotes, accompanied with extremely scarce words by the poet, which are of very little value and impact. But then the descriptions on other books claim this poet is an international bestseller because of this book. Me? I think the "international bestseller" title is because all of ATEM's books are free on google play books. One star because even Confucius quotes couldn't make me feel more aggreable about this.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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