One fateful, starry night, three friends embark on a secret camping trip but only two return home. Thirty years later, the body of a teenage boy rises from the depths of England’s biggest reservoir and threatens to expose a killer who has lain dormant…until now.
Detective Chief Inspector Ryan returns from honeymoon to face danger from all sides. In the depths of Kielder Forest, a murderer has escaped justice before and will do anything to protect the secrets of the past. Meanwhile, back at Northumbria CID, an old foe has taken the helm as Superintendent and is determined to destroy Ryan at any cost.
Who will prevail in Ryan’s most dangerous case yet?
Murder and mystery are peppered with romance and humour in this fast-paced crime whodunit set amidst the spectacular Northumbrian landscape.
LJ Ross is an internationally bestselling author, whose books have sold over 7 million copies worldwide.
Her debut, Holy Island, was released in 2015 and became an instant, international bestseller. Since then, a further eighteen of her novels have gone on to take the coveted #1 spot, some even before general release and whilst only available to ‘pre-order’. The Bookseller magazine has reported on Louise having topped the ‘Most Read’ and ‘Most Sold’ fiction charts, and she has garnered an army of loyal fans who love her atmospheric and addictive storytelling.
Her eleventh novel, The Infirmary, is a prequel story to the DCI Ryan series and is available as a major Audible Originals audio-drama starring Tom Bateman, Kevin Whately, Bertie Carvel, Hermione Norris and Alun Armstrong.
The first novel in her Alexander Gregory Thrillers series, Impostor, was shortlisted in the British Book Awards 2020: Crime & Thriller Book of the Year. The audiobook of Impostor, narrated by Hugh Dancy, was also selected as a finalist in the New York Festivals Radio Awards, Best Fiction Audiobook of the Year Category.
In May 2021, Louise was shortlisted for the prestigious Crime Writers’ Association ‘Dagger in the Library’ award, which recognises an author’s entire body of work having been consistently enjoyed by library borrowers around the United Kingdom, and an author’s longstanding support of libraries.
Louise was born in Northumberland, England. She studied undergraduate and postgraduate Law at King’s College, University of London and then abroad in Paris and Florence. She spent much of her working life in London, where she was a lawyer for a number of years until taking the decision to change career and pursue her dream to write. Now, she writes full time and lives with her husband and son in Northumberland and Edinburgh. She enjoys reading all manner of books, painting, travelling and spending time with family and friends.
To find out more about the many philanthropic ventures Louise has founded and sponsored through her publishing imprint, Dark Skies Publishing, please visit ‘Philanthropy’.
If you would like to connect with LJ Ross, she would be very happy to hear from you:
Dark Skies is the seventh book in the DCI Ryan series. I would personally recommend reading at least the last couple of books to get full enjoyment from this one.
After finishing Cragside, I couldn’t wait to read the next one as I was very interested to see how things would work out with Lucas, Ryan’s new boss, someone from his past. If my dislike wasn’t enough for Lucas in the brief time I knew them in Cragside, it certainly grew to be more in Dark Side. I really felt every much as frustrated as Ryan with some of the orders she was giving and boy did I want to give her a good slap.
You can’t help but be drawn in to the wonderful scenery within these pages. I know it’s a crime book and there are murders, but what a fabulous setting and I’m sure I probably mention it in every review of these books but it truly is fabulous and makes me want to jump in my car and see it all for myself.
The finding of a body and working out who it is, is probably the easiest part of this case. From there on in, it becomes a game of cat and mouse trying to lure the murderer out. To get away with it for numerous years though it certainly makes it very difficult for Ryan and his team, especially with Lucas being at the helm.
Another brilliant book in an unmissable crime series. Gripping from the off, I struggled to put it down and read in two sittings. Can’t wait for more!
My thanks to the author for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.
Don't know how Ms Ross does it yet another great book in this series. All the main characters develop with each book, revealing more of their respective traits good and bad. Really must get back up to Northumberland soon, and visit these places, hopefully getting away in one piece.
Another outing in DCI Ryan series. Fast pace, twisted criminal, interesting premise but just fell short on delivery for me. Not my favourite in the series but I'll definitely carry on with it. There are some interesting developments ahead so let's see what the next book brings.
Another superlative episode of the DCI Ryan appreciation society! (Although it looks as if there is one evil little naysayer, who I SO hope gets her timely comeuppance in the future)
Labai džiaugiuosi, kad detektyvo Rajeno serija neišsikvėpia, o su kiekviena dalimi, bent man, tampa geresnė. Visa Rajeno komanda jau spėjo tapti sava - įdomūs ne tik bylų tyrimai, bet ir asmeniniai veikėjų gyvenimo užkulisiai.
Šį kartą, Rajeno komanda tiria jauno vaikino nužudymo bylą. Kūnas daugiau nei trisdešimt metų išgulėjo po vandeniu ir leido ramiai miegoti jo žudikui, kuris dabar bandys padaryti viską, kad ir toliau liktų nenubaustas.
Autorė visada paperka be galo įdomiais apylinkių aprašymais - skaitydamas lengvai nusikeli į nepažintus Anglijos kraštus ir istorines vietoves.
Patys L.J.Ross detektyvai lengvi - juose nerasite ypatingų žiaurumų, nusikaltėlius dažnai atspėsite ankščiau, nei tyrėjų komanda, bet skaitymo malonumo, tai nei kiek negadina. Nes kaip minėjau, viską atsveria Rajeno komandos gyvenimas, šalutinės pasakojimo linijos ir kelias knygas besitęsiantys nusikaltėlių gaudymai. Iš gale palikto kabliuko aišku, kad taip bus ir su šia dalimi 👌
It’s book number seven in the DCI Ryan series and although it can be read as a standalone, you really do need to have read the previous books if you want to get the most from the characters Louise Ross has created here. There are snippets sneaking into Dark Skies from previous books and these will also add to your curiosity so you may as well give into temptation and read the series from book one!
I adore this series and for many reasons. I love that L.J Ross combines the police thriller genre with the romantic and personal lives of the main characters whilst setting the entire series in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK. Each book is a complete crime story but the lives of the police team continue on, just like in real life. Ryan and Anna have now returned from their honeymoon and Ryan is back to face his new boss, the formidable Jen Lucas, who sent shivers down my spine with her devious ways. I don’t think we have seen the full extent of her fury yet and I can’t wait until the culmination of her slowly developing personal crusade to wreck Ryans life!
The prologue to Dark Skies, introducing the murder victim and describing how he comes to die, was a dark and disturbing opening and one that grabbed my attention immediately, feeling the fear and shock experienced by the victim at his fate. Once his body was found, there was even more of a shock and not least for the lovely Anna too! I have actually been to Keilder Forest and Water and its such a stunning area of natural beauty that I almost couldn’t bear for it to be tainted by since a vile act of violence and murder.
Ryan and Anna are a total match made in heaven and I love watching their relationship develop-they are one of those couples that everyone aspires to be like as they are so sickeningly perfect for each other! And they are just so lovely that no one is even jealous of their relationship or their personal life! Although I have to admit to being a little bit shocked about the direction Jack Lowerson has gone down as he has always had such a huge admiration for his hero Ryan! My protective mothering instincts went into overdrive with his plot thread here!
This is such a brilliant series and I can’t recommend it highly enough. You will become totally immersed in the lives of Ryan and his team and be cheering them on all the way through their investigations. L.J Ross writes like a dream, drawing you into a wonderfully described setting and leaving you wanting MORE as soon as you read the final page. I just love, love, LOVE this series and can not wait for the next book to be released!
Seria aceasta s-a metamorfozat si m-a trecut prin toate stilurile posibile. A inceput ca un thriller dark, pe o insula engleza, cu usoare tendinte mistice, legate de solstitiu si un cerc religios ocult, a continuat puternic cu prinderea tuturor celor din cerc. In volumul 4, a continuat cu aspecte religioase, desi intreg cercul mistic fusese prins. Apoi am avut un remember, cel mai mare inamic al lui DCI Ryan evadeaza, ca in volumul 6 sa avem un fel de Agatha Christie adus in prezent, cand DCI Ryan trebuie sa isi puna la treaba celulele cenusii si sa rezolve o crima la conac. Acest volum 7 mi-a adus aminte de intriga ultimelor volume din seria Helen Grace. Da, seria nu prea are tente originale, dar este suficient de buna incat sa o continui ca pe un serial.
Perhaps I’m the only reader who finds this series frustrating, although it is very easy light mystery reading. The books read more like a continuing television series that never wraps up ... not even the crime, the victims, nor the perpetrators. The ensemble cast is enjoyable but each book would be better labeled Part I, Part II, Part IX, etc. Unless you begin with the first book and continue through in order, you’ve no idea what’s going on because it never wraps up a crime in one book. Perhaps I’m just not the audience the author is writing for, though I’m an avid mystery fan.
Vieną lemtingą, žvaigždėtą naktį trys draugai slapčia leidžiasi stovyklauti, bet namo grįžta tik dviese. Po trisdešimties metų paauglio kūnas iškyla iš didžiausio Anglijos dirbtinio ežero dugno, sukeldamas grėsmę žudikui, kuris ramiai gyveno... iki šiol."
Mano vyšnia ant torto neabejotinai L.J.Ross detektyvai 🍒 Dar viena dėmesį prikaustanti ir atsitraukti neleidžianti serijos dalis 👏 Įtampa, žudikas, nusikaltimas, paslaptys, romantika, draugystė, drama. Viskas ko reikia, kad laikas su knyga taptų maloniausia dienos akimirka ❤️ ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 ir su nekantrumu skaitau sekančią serijos knygą 🤭
dark Skies takes us into a part of England our Author is very capable of writing about . I wish I had more time to sit and read the book in 2 sittings nevertheless the time it took to read was enjoyable . the author never fails to give us a top read as has been the case with all the DCI Ryan Mysteries idont want to give anything away i am looking forward to the DCI Ryan Mysteries #8 as we will have to wait till then to catch the Villain pleased to say that this read is a top read like the whole series
This is a gripping read with DCI Ryan and the team trying to track down a murderer. Once again Anna is drawn into the scene of the crime as she’s there with a group from university when a body is found in the reservoir. DCI Ryan is called and it soon becomes clear that the body has been mummified and the person dies over thirty years ago. The next morning another body is found, but this time it’s identified that the person was killed early that morning. Jen Lucas is Ryan’s new boss and due to her behaviour towards a Ryan and the team, she’s not well liked. All except for Lowerson who can’t see past her manipulating ways. It’s down a race against time to find the killer but this one is a slippery one.... This is a great read and I can’t wait to get stuck into the next book.
'Dark Skies' is the seventh book in the fantastic DCI Ryan series by L J Ross, and like the others, it's an atmospheric, well-written, captivating read that had me hooked from page 1. Once again, the author took me to a breathtakingly beautiful location in Northumberland - this time to Kielder Waterside, where she literally immersed me into a bone-chilling mystery spanning decades.
"Secrets, he thought. There were secrets to uncover in this little corner of the world."
1981. Three teenagers are together in some desolate area, among the rubble of some demolished building. Something happens and one of the youths ends up brutally murdered.
Fast forward three decades and the mummified body of a young man is accidentally dislodged from its resting place in the depths of Kielder reservoir. The injuries displayed by the surprisingly well-preserved remains indicate suspicious death.
DCI Ryan is just back from his honeymoon when news of the body reach him, and together with his sidekick, DS Phillips, rushes to Kielder Waterside to start the investigation into what will evidently be a very awkward case. Who was this boy? When did he die? Who killed him? And why? How did he end up on the bottom of the reservoir and for how long has he been there? How can they identify him, let alone his killer?
Back at the station, Ryan watches his close-knit team being literally dismembered by the new Superintendent, a ghost from his past who's vowed to invade and destroy the new life he has built. How will Ryan cope at work, taking orders from the same person he's escaped from years earlier?
Well, I've said it many times before, but I'll say it again, the DCI Ryan series is absolutely one of the best mystery series I've ever read. Every time I finish one of these fabulous books, I feel the urge to shout about it from the rooftops and start yearning for the next one. Reading the terrifying prologue of 'Dark Skies', I knew that this would be another unputdownable book, and in fact I found myself gripped from the get-go, following Ryan and the others as they embark on a deadly hunt for a demented, shrewd killer who's been enjoying freedom for decades, hiding in plain sight. With numerous suspects, I couldn't for the life of me work out the killer's identity, and when I thought I had guessed, I was proved wrong at the end.
The author's crisp prose and detailed, vivid descriptions brought this beauty spot to life in HD. Even though I've never visited Kielder Waterside, I could clearly imagine this huge man-made reservoir with its water rippling gently in the breeze, glittering in the sunshine, the ferry taking its passengers from one side of the lake to the other, the boats moored to the jetties, the surrounding dense forest and the small visitor centres, lodges and businesses scattered around the area. I really wish I could visit this place one day.
Suspenseful from start to finish (oh that ending! Made me experience all sorts of emotions but above all desperate to read the next book, now!), but also peppered with humour and romance, and with a clever, intricate plot weaved around believable characters and breathtaking scenery, Dark Skies is yet another brilliant, engaging addition to the series and I highly recommend it.
This series is just AMAZING!!! Bring on the next one!
With thanks to the author for an ARC of this book which I voluntarily accepted to read and review.
LJ Ross brings us yet again another top quality whodunit Ryan Mystery story with Dark Skies which is the seventh book in the series. I have to say what a stunning cover, which has buy me written all over it. I do love all the cover’s in this series but I particularly like this one and it is very fitting to the story.
With an OMG Prologue that leaves you wanting more we catch up with Ryan who is back off his honeymoon and finds himself on a case after a body has been found in the reservoir from thirty years ago.
One of the things I love about this series is how LJ Ross always takes a beautiful location and throws a crime scene in it sending shivers down my spine. Transporting us to Kielder forest and waterside the author’s writing is absolutely stunning and atmosophopic making you feel right there in the story. Visiting Kielder is certainly on my bucket list after reading this.
Now that we are further into the series we have snippets from previous stories so those of you that have followed Ryan will know the characters that are mentioned. Even though it can be read has a standalone it is to good a series not to miss. LJ Ross has created some brilliant characters and I really feel like I know them personally now. Can’t say I am jealous of Anna much NOT! Only because I have a crush on Ryan myself haha. But they do make a lovely couple.
I cannot begin to tell how well crafted this story is, not only is it a crime story that is full of mystery and suspense, but I love the hint of romance that is woven in. There is nothing not to like about this book and series it is absolutely brilliant!
Like I have said before LJ Ross is without a doubt the modern day Agatha Christie. Did I mention... I cannot wait to find out what is in store next with THAT ending!!
I cannot recommend this enough giving it 5 well deserved stars.
Another great read in the DCI Ryan series. I just love this guy, as well as his new wife Anna, his partner Phillips and his fiancé MacKenzie, and I’ve always liked Lowerson until this book. He always struck me as a fun-loving good-ole-boy even if this is in England. Unfortunately, Jack Lowerson kind of lost his mind in this one and he still hadn’t come back around by the end of this story. That’s so sad.
This story was about a 30 year old murder of a 16 year old, committed by other teenagers. One of those teenagers had mental issues throughout life so the other killer had to commit another murder before they could say the wrong thing once the body of Duncan Gray was found. And another murder was committed out in the wood of a 21 year old student of Anna’s. AND another killer was found out and there was a chase on horseback to catch him, by Ryan and MacKenzie. Just one exciting this after another.
There never any sex in these books and the F-bomb is never used.
Of course, the killer got away so there’s the opening for the next book. And I sure hope Jennifer isn’t in too many more books. I cannot stand her, she’s evil.
As to the narration: Jonathan Keeble is amazing really. Could his women’s voices use a little practice? Yep, they sure could, but only a little. But his men’s voices are awesome and the distinction between them is incredible. You don’t even need to have the book tell you who’s talking, you just know by the voice Jonathan Keeble gave them in all 7 books.
LJ Ross takes us on episode 7 with Ryan and it isn't getting any easier for him. Life just loves throwing curve balls at him, although he is settling in to married life with Anna and it should be rosier than it is. We were introduced to Lucas in the last book, and she is very much conquer and divide, we start to see how this affects the lives of those around Ryan, he is aware of ripples, but I am unsure he is ready for the waves that these will cause.
The setting for Dark Skies is Kielder and is a place that I yet again haven't heard of and Ross yet again has brought a corner of the North alive within her pages, even if all her characters aren't so lucky to stay so. A brilliantly written read of the past catching up with the present and quite a few spanners being thrown in to the works to deter Ryan from the result he requires. I am unsure what the future holds for our Hero, but I can't wait for the next read to find out.
She does it again! Another amazing read. Every book you learn something new about the characters. Every book there is a gripping murder. Can't wait to start the next book.
Another quick enjoyable novel from L.J.Ross. Set in areas I am very familiar with, I really like this series. The characters have developed well with each book, including Mr Perfect aka Ryan, and his now wife Anna. It is a typical murder case, which turns into more than one and included a cold case or two. The interaction between the main detectives is very believable and I enjoy the Geordie references !
Back in March this year I read my first DCI Ryan mystery, Holy Island. Little did I know back then when I started that I would end up being totally hooked on this series and eagerly awaiting the next instalment, desperate to get my DCI Ryan fix. As with the previous books, Dark Skies is set in a beautiful part of the country, Northumberland. We’re taken to Kielder Forest this time and if you have never been before, don’t worry. Ross describes the place beautifully, its so easy to sit back and imagine yourself there surrounded by all the beautiful scenery. Opening with a chilling prologue, we’re taken back to 1981 where a young teenager sets off on a secret camping trip with friends never to return home again. Jump forward to over thirty years later when Dr Anna Taylor takes a group of students on a residential to Kielder Forest after returning from her honeymoon. On arrival they are met with the discovery of a body in the reservoir and the hunt for a killer is on. One of the things I love about these books are the characters, Ryan and Anna are a match made in heaven and it’s been wonderful watching the relationship go from strength to strength even if I am a wee bit jealous due to my little crush on the handsome Ryan The whole team are great bunch, Phillips, McKenzie, Yates and Lowerson all work together and really seem to care about one another, so it’s lovely to catch up with them, it’s like visiting a bunch of friends. I have to say though I was a bit surprised by the path Lowerson takes in Dark Skies and I can’t help but worry about him. One character that is set to try to break the team is new boss DCS Jen Lucas, oh she’s a nasty piece of work. Holding a grudge against Ryan I think she’s set to cause some real trouble ahead. This really is another fantastic instalment in the series, it’s chilling, engrossing and even though I told myself at the beginning I would take my time with this story I couldn’t help but devour it. I was totally swept up and immersed in the story I forgot where I was most of the time. If you haven’t read any of the DCI Ryan mysteries before I would say that Dark Skies could be read as a stand alone, but to be honest, you’d be missing out on so much. There are references to past cases mentioned and the character building through-out the books is so beautifully done you’d be mad to not start at the beginning. I promise you wont be disappointed. So I think it is safe to say and if you haven’t guessed already, It’s all about the books highly recommends Dark Skies. Another absolute cracker of an instalment and I can’t wait to read more.
Buvau šiek tiek apleidusi šią seriją, bet ir vėl skaitydama prisiminiau kokia ji gera. Kaip įdomiai nužudymai, paslaptys susipina su romantika ir humoru.
Vieną naktį trys draugai slapta leidžiasi stovyklauti, bet namo gryžta tik dviese. Po trisdešimties metų iškilęs paauglio kūnas sudrumsčia viso miestelio gyvenimą, o kartu sukelia grėsmę žudikui, kuris iki šiol ramiausiai gyveno.
Spėkit, kas kimba nagrinėti bylą? O atrodo galėtų žmogus ramiai pailsėti po medaus mėnesio.🤭 Bet kur tau, tenka ieškoti ne tik praeities žudiko, bet dar ir saugotis senos priešės, naujosios vyriausiosios detektyvės, kuri pasiryžusi bet kokia kaina sunaikinti Rajeną. Kaip visada veiksmas greitai rutuliojasi, įtampa sparčiai auga, įtariamųjų tik daugėja, asmeninis gyvenimas maišosi lygiagrečiai su darbu, komanda darniai pasiskirsčiusi, Ana visada šalia.
Tik pabaiga kaip mane nustebino.🫣 Dabar jau tikrai ilgai nelauksiu ir imsiu sekančią dalį.
The episodic aspect of this series didn't used to bother me. I actually would save installments of this series to read in between other shorter series. It was all well and good until the annoying ex of the H was introduced into the story line. While it would have been easy for L.J. Ross to make the nature of his past relationship sordidly detailed, she smartly veered away from that course, painting it all with very subtle brushstrokes. I'm grateful for that because I don't like intimate details of either MC with OP, and had that been the case here, I would have dropped this series. However, it does beg the question: why not just avoid the ex-anything trope altogether? Next thing you know, we'll be introduced to an ex of the h and he'll make drama. (Please don't do that to us, Ms. Ross.)
Anyhoo, the mystery in this book wasn't as compelling as in previous installments. It was interesting and I was surprised, but I didn't find myself at the edge of my seat until the conclusion. Personally, I found the mystery not so much mysterious as more along the lines of: "Surprise! I knew you didn't know it was me even though you met in the first couple chapters!" There was very little leading up to the actual identity of the perp. All in all, I still enjoyed the writing, the fun banter between the characters, and the love between the MCs. I just need the ex to go away in the next book, preferably in spectacular fashion.
I don t normally read alot of crime fiction but these books by L J Ross are the exception. Think they are getting better and better with each book. Really enjoyed this one so on to the next.
Likau maloniai nustebinta. Pirmoji mano pažintis su šia rašytoja ir inspektoriumi Rajenu.
"Kadaise buvau lygiai toks pat kaip jis. Naivus idealistas, tikintis, kad pasaulyje gyvena geri žmonės, retkarčiais padarantys šį tą blogo. Dabar jau geriau žinau. Pasaulyje egzistuoja blogis, Frenkai, ir jis dangstosi įvairiomis formomis."
DCI Ryan and the team face another foe and not just the newly promoted Jennifer Lucas. It is a capturing story from beginning to end with all the endearing characters and, of course, beautifully acted by Jonathan Keeble. A page turner that has me pressing download on the next instalment!
Crime Mystery set around KIELDER Waterside, Northumberland, UK
Dark Skies is the 7th mystery in the DCI Ryan series, created by L J Ross. All the novels are set in and around Northumberland and this one is set at Kielder Waterside. They can be read as a series or as a standalone novel.
It is in general true to say that this part of Northumberland is a very rural area with a low crime rate, but for the purpose of fiction it morphs into a wild a crime-ridden territory in the north of England. The Hacker was an early criminal who has left some of the main characters emotionally and physically scarred to this day, and his evil legacy certainly still reverberates long after his death.
Dark Skies opens with the murder of a young man in 1981. His body is discovered in 2016 during a diving trip in Kielder Water, a “bog body” remarkably preserved due to the highly acidic conditions, low temperatures and lack of oxygen, lying undiscovered in the water for nigh on 35 years. Duncan Grey was definitely murdered. Could he have been a victim of The Hacker? Thus begins Operation Stargazer (alluding to the clear skies above Kielder, which now can be observed in detail at Kielder Observatory).
DCI Ryan has finally married Anna, his long term partner, and she just happens to be in the vicinity with a team of University students when Duncan’s body is retrieved. But after only one night, one of her students, Guy, goes missing. His body soon turns up and it is clear that he has been murdered. Is there a link between the two deaths, separated by 3 decades? DNA at the time of Duncan’s murder was only on the cusp of becoming mainstream, but now, with its benefits, the investigators are better placed to determine who might be involved in the killings both past and present.
Jennifer Lucas is now up North heading the unit in which DCI Ryan works, but they have considerable history and she is seemingly determined to annihilate him. A shark just biding her time and stirring the waters.
As the book closes, some of the plot lines are left open – this may feel like an unsatisfactory ending to some readers – but it is clear that some threads will be picked up in the next episode. And I consciously choose the word episode, because the series feels like a satisfying literary equivalent of the box set: the characters develop, the relationships evolve and at the core of each story is a gruesome murder (or two) that needs solving by DCI Ryan and his team. As a reader one can dip in and easily pick up the thread on a standalone basis or take pleasure in seeing how each novel builds on the previous one by reading the books in order.
As to location – Kielder Waterside – the author herself says in her Author’s Note at the end: In my fictional story, I wanted to convey some of the enormity of the sky, water and forest, although it is no substitute for visiting the area and seeing the beauty for yourself. I have tried to remain as faithful as possible to the friendly atmosphere of Kielder Waterside and the villages surrounding the reservoir.