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Doktor Gordon Digby kam nach Stone Ridge, um geretteten Wandlern zu helfen, sich nach der Gefangennahme durch Wilderer zu erholen. Einen Gefährten zu finden kam ihm dabei nicht einmal in den Sinn, doch das Schicksal macht ihm einen Strich durch seine Pläne in Form des sexy Tigerwandlers Grady Stryker. Der Mann bringt Gordons Blut in Wallung und seine Gedanken durcheinander. Doch Grady ist ein Cop, und der Arzt hat Geheimnisse, die er nicht lüften will, wie zum Beispiel die Vergehen seines eigenen Tieres.

Detective Grady Stryker glaubt, dass seinen Gefährten zu finden das größte Geschenk ist, das ein Wandler erhalten kann, also versteht er Gordons Zaudern nicht, bis ein Freund ihm ein wenig Einblick in Gordons Vergangenheit gibt. Fest entschlossen, ihn für sich zu gewinnen, ist Grady überzeugt, dass der beste Weg, sein Ziel zu erreichen, auch jede Menge Spaß machen kann: Verführung.

Gradys Pläne landen auf Eis, als weitere Wilderer in Stone Ridge auftauchen. Nur sind diese Menschen nicht wirklich Wilderer. Sie wissen über Wandler Bescheid, und wenn sie sie fangen können, vernichten sie sie. Kann Grady Gordon überzeugen, ihn anzunehmen, bevor die Menschen noch weiteren Freunden Schaden zufügen? Oder sind sie zu abgelenkt um zu sehen, was sich direkt vor ihrer Nase befindet?

Ein homoerotischer Liebesroman für Erwachsene mit explizitem Inhalt. Jeder Band dieser Reihe geht auf die romantische Beziehung eines anderen Paares ein. Um die gesamte Handlung sowie die Geschichte aller Figuren zu erfahren, empfiehlt es sich, alle Bände in der Reihenfolge ihres Erscheinens zu lesen.

Länge: rund 32.800 Wörter

141 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 15, 2011

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About the author

Charlie Richards

346 books836 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books770 followers
July 7, 2017
This is one of the more creative shifter stories I have come across. While the first two books in this series focus on more "traditional" werewolf/human couples in Stone Ridge, this volume picks more unusual animal counterparts. Since the town is known as a shifter refuge of sorts, I look forward to more inventive pairings like this. A tiger shifter isn’t all that unusual, but his mate (as you can see from the cover) is from such a rare species that even most shifters are surprised to find out about his existence.

Gordon is a doctor and as mild mannered and patient as anyone could wish for in a physician. Events quickly come to a head, though, and the other side of his animal nature comes out. I’m not going to say too much about his background because half the fun of reading this book (I think) is the slow exploration of what type of a shifter he is and what that means in terms of behavior and hang-ups.

Grady is a police detective and a tiger shifter. I loved how he was immediately focused on getting to know his mate, and how determined he was not to let anything stop him. Except – there are some external villains who keep both Grady and Gordon quite busy. The plot was an interesting one and kept me turning the pages.

If you like shifter stories with a twist, unusual shifters who show signs of their animal nature even in human form and enjoy a good plot with hints of a deeper conspiracy, you might like this novella. I definitely thought it was a good surprise to have something more unusual as part of a series that, initially, looked more focused on wolf shifters.
Profile Image for Danis  ❤️ MM.
653 reviews6 followers
October 30, 2023
Shifter Cop meets fated mate, shifter therapist.

It was fine. Much like the other books in the series. Fluffy. Doesn't take alot of brainpower to get through. Grammar and spelling errors here and there. Also by the end of the book, both MCs sounded so much the same in tone and dialogue that I had a hard time telling who was talking.

Good to borrow (I got my through my Library's Hoopla account). Would not buy.
Profile Image for Nikyta.
1,439 reviews264 followers
May 31, 2012
3.5 stars

This is probably my favorite of the series so far. I like the uniqueness of the shifters this time especially the combo they make. An elephant and a tiger would not be my first guess as to mates but these two were cute because Gordon wasn't perfect.

He's a far cry from the usual totally physically fit guy because his animal requires him to be fatty around the middle. I found that adorable. I also liked the fact Gordon was still emotionally traumatized by his past and how Grady was patient in trying to get Gordon to understand and accept his animal. Grady's aversion to technology though really made me chuckle because he seriously hates cellphones.

This ends on a bit of a cliffhanger and the action scenes were good but too short IMO. I also thought the story needed better editing considering there were a few name mix ups and missing words. But I liked the story a lot and as I've said before this series is addicting. On to the next one soon!
Profile Image for Ter.
414 reviews1 follower
September 8, 2011
Only have one question: How soon till book #4??
Profile Image for Phaney.
1,248 reviews22 followers
June 2, 2014
2011 Review:

Ah, it ends on a cliff-hanger for the next volume. Damnation!
Starting from the back here, I am interested in seeing the next book unfold. I already like the submissive half and the other guy is decent too.

Alright, now about this book.

Time is weird in this one. So Gordon is almost two-hundred years old but he remembers going to High School? And he was sold to a research lab as a teenager? And the police busted the place? In North America, two-hundred or so years ago? Really? Well, I usually dislike anachronisms but in this case I just go with the flow and it’s okay after the initial boggling.

It definitely was intriguing to have an overweight big guy there. Of course having a psychologist with self-image issues… Heh. I am not sure if it’s incongruous or ironic. It worked, though. Grady was cool too.

The evil scientists plot reminds me of several other books, but then again the subject matter pretty much screams for that angle so it’s okay.

And yet more gay people emerge to set up future issues, I’m sure. It’s not as bad (yet) as the “everyone’s gay” syndrome but bordering. XD

Finally, I noticed this before but now I am certain it’s not just a copy-editing issue: This author has problems with homophones. Ringing for wringing is just one example. Gate for gait. I forget the rest but they were plenty, and not necessarily the ones you see a lot everywhere.
Profile Image for Kelly (Maybedog).
3,192 reviews235 followers
October 3, 2015

What is with shifter books and the name Declan? I'd never even heard of it until I started reading then and I still haven't ever heard of a person in the real world with that name. I know I'm going to get comments saying, "I've known five," but I think it's still an uncommon name, at least in the US where most of these books takes place.

Cool that he's a little overweight.

Pretty awful to run a background check on your true mate, at least without telling him.

"Lie" is not the past tense of anything.

10" cock? Seriously? It's hard for me to take the rest of the book remotely seriously after that kind of thing. Now it's just thinly disguised porn.

If it's an overdose for an elephant, why did he shift to human?

Took away the drama! Saw the before and then an epilogue, no aftermath!

He rebelled against being in a relationship like ten seconds. His mate never admitted he'd delved into his past. It ended on a freakin' cliffhanger.


2.75 stars
Profile Image for Candice.
2,933 reviews134 followers
May 1, 2015
2nd Reading April 2015

First Read Dec. 18th 2013
3.5 Stars

I LOVED Grady and Gordon :) An elephant?! Are you kidding me right now?

I liked how Gordon was so skittish about mating, but when it came down to it he just went with it.

What happened with

There were a lot of errors in this one and switched names. It was hard at times to follow because a name would be messed up and I would have to read that part again.
Profile Image for Ro.
3,090 reviews16 followers
January 20, 2012
Elephant shifter! What more is there to say? This was so cute (he bugled when upset, come on!) It sends on a cliffhanger for the next book, but Gordon and Grady are all set. I like that the story arc continues through the series without making the cliffhangers irritating. And again, elephant shifter.
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
April 9, 2015
Much like Stormy Glenn, Charlie Richards infuses her stories with just enough intrigue and endearing romance to make it possible for to me overlook bad writing. Not great, but a pleasant way to pass the time if you're in the mood for some sappy m/m shifter fun. Be warned that Richards sucks at dirty talk. The sex scenes can be a little awkward at times.
Profile Image for Tana.
619 reviews212 followers
September 26, 2020
Accepting His Animal (Wolves of Stone Ridge #3) by Charlie Richards

Accepting His Animal is so far a favorite of mine, I love that their are different shifters in this story. This one is a bit unusual which was great to read. Love this series.
Profile Image for Gomawoyo.
267 reviews1 follower
July 13, 2018
I soooo wanted to like this series. I liked the idea of unusual animal shifters. I also told myself that the book I'm currently reading will be my last of the series because I just can't wrap my head around instant relationships and then I get to the end, which turns out to be a freakin' cliffhanger, and I want to find out what happens in the next book. And even though I'm tempted to read the next one I don't feel like going through the whole process again.
Profile Image for  ☔️ Stormy Day Reader .
1,177 reviews41 followers
May 29, 2021
This was okay. I’m kinda disappointed. I’d expected the detective’s book to be better. The whole *shock* Gordon’s an elephant would have been great if there wasn’t one on the freaking book cover! This one had so much sex I swear I skipped half of it. The whole “lab experiments” thing is so overdone in this genre. Regardless, I’m going to give the next book a try.
Profile Image for Kim.
191 reviews
May 16, 2022
I don't know why but sometimes the writing doesn't make much sense, it's weird
Profile Image for Deirdre.
1,570 reviews16 followers
January 21, 2016
I Love You and I Love Your Animal

I really enjoy the larger shifters. To find two as the MCs in this story was great. Despite trying not to I keep getting sent further back in Charlie Richards various series to get the beginning story of sets of mated couples. I read the last few chapters of Stone Ridge #2 which I previously reviewed in preparation for the storyline in Book #3.

There was a lot of poignancy in this story. Abused (experimented on), beaten, caged, and finally rescued shifters who still continued to live very sad anxiety filled lives, prompted Declan the Stone Ridge Alpha to seek out help for them in the form of a shifter psychiatrist. Dr. Gordon Digby was a big guy, not toned & buff like most big paranormals, a shifter whose smell didn't identity his animal.

Digby had years of experience to hone his trade. At nearly 200 years old he had a lot of time to think about his less than idea past. He was able to empathize with the rescued tormented shifters since many decades ago he'd been one. He truly felt their pain since he had experienced it. That made him perfect for his new job
even though his personal life was a mess.

Gordon made himself even more miserable by spending much of his life suppressing his animal, ashamed & guilty of its actions. But an animal can only be forcefully held back for so long. One sure way of insuring that animal insists on being set free is when he unexpectedly meets his mate. A very persistent and self assured mate that doesn't take "No" for an answer.

A mate who is also a very large 500 pound Bengal Tiger shifter and a tough police deter, Grady Stryker who gets what he sets his mind to. He can be a patient man when necessary, but he is also a man of action. If his mate needs to know what is behind his mate's reticence. Luckily he has some contacts to help him find out.

Unfortunately Grady's mate's self esteem is so low he doesn't even deem himself worthy of a Matt. But it is not wise to fool Fate. Fate makes some seemingly crazy pairings, but they turn out to be best for each other. So with this proven track record Dr Digby doesn't stand a chance. When Gordon begins to open his up to others: his mate, new friends, patients, and pack members he realizes the world is not as dark a place as in the past.

A mate is so important. He will do whatever it takes to care for his mate. Despite his mate's initial resistance. When the love is finally reciprocated fireworks go off. Misunderstandings are set aside. Showing Gordon a way to enjoy his animal, and that he is not afraid of him. Grady wins his mate's heart and devotion.

But the poachers and shifter experimenters are still out there. And now they are creating super Humans...Who is behind all of this?
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books385 followers
August 24, 2012
This was a great third installment in the Wolves of Stone Ridge series although neither member of this couple are from the wolf pack. Gordon is a shifter psychiatrist who has been brought in to see to the newly freed shifters from the previous story. He tentatively feels at home living in Declan's pack territory and is made welcome by the wolf alpha so he plans to put down roots. Gordon has secrets the greatest is his fear of his own animal half.

Not far into the story when Gordon decides that he must see the location where all the imprisoned shifters were held, he is introduced to the police officer in charge of the case and realizes immediately that Detective Grady Stryker is his mate. Gordon plans to do nothing about this because he is terrified to have a mate who would learn all his secrets and he's frightened that his mate might reject him or be harsh with him when Grady finds out what Gordon's animal is and about his past.

Grady is a great Bengal tiger shifter with a dominant streak. He recognizes that Gordon is his mate and is thrilled about the idea until he discovers that the husky man plans to reject their mating. Grady is determined so does not give up on Gordon.

The two men quickly discover that the trouble for the shifters in the area is far from over and their discoveries lead to frightening results. A near death event is what it takes for Gordon to change his mind about Grady. And they tentatively move toward matehood even as they must fight to protect each other and the other shifters.

Of the three that I have read so far, this one has the best and strongest plot with its blend of action and steamy romance. I enjoyed the dynamics of Grady and Gordon's characters and what they needed to work through together to help Gordon overcome his past. The two are a wonderful couple and great to see together. It was nice to bump into characters from the previous books and I loved the mystery of who Todd's mate was and the twisty cliffhanger at the end of that story thread.

Solid addition to the series!
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,775 reviews28 followers
January 5, 2017
I’ve not reviewed a lot of these books in this series and some of them are ones I read and re-read over and over so I thought I’d take the time to review and share them as recommendations for any of you who might not have been exposed to this fantastic series!

While books one and two are good, they aren’t my favorites, and I don’t find myself craving to re-read them very often. This is book three and in it we are still meeting some of the main characters that show up time and again. (Interestingly enough, book one’s MCs hardly play a role in things much beyond the first few books. Book two is Declan and Lark’s story and it’s pretty good and those two are characters we see frequently so it’s definitely worth reading and – like I said – it’s a good book, just not one of my favorites.)

One of the main themes we see in this series is a battle between scientists who want to experiment on and/or torture the shifters they come across for various reasons. This time, Dr. Gordon Digby has been called in to help some of the shifters recently rescued with their psychological troubles as a result of their torture. He meets his mate, Detective Grady Stryker in his efforts to learn more about the torture.

What I love about this story: 1) Gordon is not your typical shifter and his animal’s unique nature makes his human different as well. This is one of the best aspects of the series – all the unique animals Charlie uses. 2) He and Grady are super hot together! Charlie’s couples are usually highly combustible and some are more-so than others. Grady and Gordon are not only hot but so sweet with each other. It’s really sweet and sometimes cute, too.

I highly recommend the whole series (I’d start with book one and read them in order, though if one or more don’t interest you, it’s probably okay to skip them without losing much of the main story’s theme.)
(Though they've gotten a lot better over time, you do have to look past the covers!)

Profile Image for Jeanne 'Divinae'.
994 reviews17 followers
October 13, 2013
This is the third installment to the series, Wolves of Stone Ridge. This story continues with the focus on the doctor that was brought in for help, Gordon. Gordon is very secretive about his animal. Though, if you look at the cover it isn't much of a secret.

Gordon isn't a skinny mini or trim and fit. He is what I could consider average build. He doesn't look like he just walked out of magazine which more accepting in my opinion. Because despite not having that six pack, he is still a sexy man. He catches the eye of another man(his mate) Detective Grady. They are both quite 'aware' of how they affect one another, but Gordon does his best to deny it. Because by accepting his mate means he trusts him enough to let him know what his animal is and he has had some bad experiences in the past because of his animal.

But not to far into the story, Gordon goes against his best judgement and shifts to be able to save his mate. He is willing to accept the consequences later. By letting his animal out, he learns who he can trust and he might even realize that he has more people who he can rely on then he knew. Perhaps he has finally found a place that he can call home.

But even if that isn't enough, we still have the poachers to deal with. This is an ongoing thing thus far in the series. We find out more about the poachers and that isn't necessary a great thing. The more that comes to light about these poachers the more we realize that there is more to it... and Gordon might have a direct link to them... and a personal vindictive against them.

Just as we think all is okay at the end of the story, we get left with a cliffhanger of sorts....
446 reviews19 followers
October 17, 2011
I've really enjoyed this series and have especially liked the two main characters of this one...Grady and Gordon. The pairing in the other two books was typical shifter mates but this one caught me totally by surprise with the creative mating of two unexpected species...an Bengal tiger and a never seen before Asian elephant. I loved that Ms. Richards even had the other shifters in the book surprised by what Gordon's animal was...it was a nice touch.

Gordon is a sweet, mild mannered man with a troubled past that makes him reluctant to get too close to others, but his feelings haven't stopped him from being a good and caring doctor. I appreciated his willingness to be uncomfortable for the sake of his patients and that his human physical characteristics resembled those of his elephant...a little thick in the middle for example. His fear of hurting others with his animals size and greater strength is handled well, as is his attraction to his mate...which he initially fights.

Despite Gordon's fear, Grady isn't giving up on his mate and is willing to do whatever it takes to claim the one he's been waiting so long for. But they have other problems as well and Ms. Richards has nicely integrated some nasty poachers into the plot that they and the others we've previously met have to deal with.

The conspiracy to eliminate the shifters is found to be widespread and looks to be a continuing problems in upcoming releases. They have some dangerous men to deal with, so expect the action here to carry over to the next release as they hunt for Grady's kidnapped partner. Enjoy.
Profile Image for Bubbles  Hunty Honest & Direct Opinions .
1,314 reviews278 followers
September 9, 2011
Okay how can the detective not have a phone? Seriously out on investigations or needs to be reached when there is a murder, how could he possibly not have one? Seems like it would be a requirement for a homicide detective.

Then he can't work the phone when he gets it? But earlier he did just fine on a computer. Login into the protected site, knowing how to download and save the secret files, but he can't answer a ringing cell phone?

So this pretty much contradicts the first book. Where Cliff is tranquilized and sold to the zoo. Here they aren't poachers but researchers and are capturing shifters deliberately to experiment on them. They seem to have money and resources and want shifters. So why then did they sell cliff in book one? Why would they sell cliff and risk leaving a trail like they did? Why not experiment on him like the others?

What happened to the girl that moved in with the alpha and Lark? She's mentioned once at the very end as going to be home in 20 minutes but they might as well have just killed her off since she was apparently a useless plot tool only valid in book two and would get in the way of all the sex and adult stuff
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews514 followers
November 29, 2013
So far this is my fave of the series. I like the fact it's two shifters - one of whom is insecure in his animal and worried about it getting out of control. It was different - and the fact his mate is larger was also appealing given the size differential of their animals. I am enjoying the plot line that is growing as each book progresses. It is quite like Lora Leigh's Breeds Series or Laurann Dohner's New Species - and I've always had a huge weak spot for this kind of story. It could be more descriptive at times and the books are shorter but each new one brings more to the combined story so they never feel quite as short and unsatisfying as reads of this size can be. These are great easy reads for a quiet day that don't have any huge amount of depth to them - the hardest thing is keeping track of all the people and that's about it. I get absorbed in them and really love sitting down and finishing a couple at a gulp :)
Profile Image for Sadonna.
2,683 reviews48 followers
July 25, 2012
This story brings together the shifter psychologist, Gordon, that Declan has brought in to help the shifters who had been captured in the first and second books, and our resident tiger shifter detective, Grady. Grady recognizes right away that Gordon is his mate and he knows Gordon is aware of it too, but Gordon tells him straight out that he is not mate material. Because of Gordon's animal, he cannot shift just anywhere so he keeps his animal bottled up which makes him more aggressive and irritable. Grady vows to help him past these hurdles and he won't give up on him. We also continue to delve into the mystery of who is kidnapping and possibly experimenting on shifters. This is particularly troublesome for Gordon given his past treatment. There is a huge cliffhanger at the end of this story that will hopefully be resolved in the next.
Profile Image for Fay MMBookworm.
2,911 reviews55 followers
July 9, 2017
Okay I'll start by saying I'm defiantly hooked by this authors series.
Another fantastic book of the story of psychologist Doctor Gordon when he helps some shifters after being abused. But Gordon has a secret that he himself is a shifter. ha but what kind of shifter?? lol
Detective Grady is a tiger shifter and once they meet they both feel the mate bond attractions. But Dr Gordon is determined to fight his animal and the bond,, but fate has a way of stepping in.. I loved this book and totally couldn't put it down. Loved these two guys as laughed at their antics and got sad when they got into trouble.. Highly recommended another great book by Charlie Richards, I'm fast becoming a huge fan. Note this book ends on a cliffhanger you'll want the next book too.
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,330 reviews353 followers
September 11, 2011
I continue to really enjoy this series...I like how they're picking up and building on one after the other. I really enjoyed this couple. My one complaint was that two main characters whose names both start with the letter "G"...it took a while for me to figure out who was who some times. :D Otherwise, I liked this series and I'm looking forward to the next one! I think that this book set up the next one well.
Profile Image for Sui Lynn.
Author 16 books122 followers
September 9, 2011
I have to say I'm really enjoying this series. There are errors, which I suspect have something to do with the publisher and the formatting of the work. It doesn't seem to matter which format I download from the retailer, there are sentences that are so messed up you can't decipher what the author even wrote. That aside, it only happens 3 times and although highly annoying I can't fault the author or the story. I really am enjoying this story and I'm looking forward to the next book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews

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