Considering that two years earlier, poisoned green mist had taken over the City of London spawning zombies that ate his parents and turned him into a half-zombie, Tremayne was doing alright.
True, moaning zombies and nightmares made sleeping difficult but as long as he kept away from the game hunters who paid to kill and scalp zombies, he could handle the apocalypse.
However, when a dangerous half-turned zombie called Red turns up, he loses what’s left of his heart. Unfortunately, she’s driven by a mission to save their fellow zombies that he just can’t ignore.
Instead of keeping out the way, Tremayne finds himself agreeing to take on game hunters in a vicious reality show televised live to millions. Surviving the few days before the cameras begin to roll becomes increasingly difficult as powerful enemies with a lot to lose want them dead before the show begins.
Mark Kloss may be a successful business and family man, but his innermost dream of writing and having others enjoy his stories was on the back burner long enough!
Now having dived into writing head first, he has an eclectic mix of poetry and adventure novels with many more to come.
Tremayne is adorable. He is so painfully awkward but also awesome. He is sort of stuck in his younger self. He is a complex character that was fun to follow. Red is spunky and tough as nails. They make a great team and are sickeningly adorable together—cute budding romance. There is a whole host of supporting characters. Although some of the bad guys are a little over the top they were still interesting and played their part well.
This is almost non-stop action. There are a few down time moments but it almost goes forward at a breakneck speed. I'm happy to say I was pleasantly surprised by most of what happened. Although some of the action did get a little repetitive most of it moves it forward. At times I'd forget this was a zombie book. I liked the aspect of being different doesn't mean you aren't still a person who deserves rights.
This book was a lot of fun! It was funny and didn't take itself too seriously. It starts off really strong but sort of languishes in the middle before circling back around and getting right back to being awesome. The characters are very well written and I liked nearly all of them!
4 Stars
A fun zombie romp! If you love zombie books with a coming of age plot and lots of action this is perfect for you.
If you like a Zombie genre read then this one is for you. The main characters are zombie-esque and the tale follows Tremayne's story as he attempts to sabotage the zombie hunters game as they are picked off as part of prime time TV entertainment. Plenty of suspense to keep you turning the pages and find out how the story pans out. Well drawn characters and the back story is well told. I am sure there will be a book two in this series and this will be one to look out for fr zombie fans.
Zombies are usually something that I’m not too fussed about. I picked up Game Hunter expecting the usual zombie-apocalypse tale—the predictable attempts of characters to survive or find a cure for said zombies—but instead found it follows MC Tremayne, a quarter-zombie making the most of life in the area of London sectioned off by Normals (non-zombie folk), as these Normals pay money to go zombie hunting, scalping and murdering dozens of Cousins (full-zombies), much like people trophy hunt wild animals in real life.
The book immediately explores things from Tremayne’s unique perspective as a zombie with a fully functioning intellect, raising ethical questions about hunting down zombies who, as described by Tremayne, clearly still have some kind of sentience. The picture is a sad one: zombies hanging around on train platforms waiting for the train that never arrived after the moment of their deaths, a newlywed zombie couple who are happiest doing nothing but holding hands, and the loss of all that was before the world of The Game Hunter. The Normals hunt these confused, slow and dithering zombies with firepower, drones and assistance enough to make it akin to slaughtering tortoises.
This book was fast-paced with a relatable MC, whose narration injected many lighter moments, and overall the book didn’t take itself too seriously. The story was definitely crazy and a little far-fetched, but this only added to the fun and kept me reading. Red was a great character and was allowed to hold her own and then some, and Rose was also intriguing, while Tremayne was a humble yet competent character. The baddies (Normals) were all a little interchangeable, and at the beginning there were a few things that were left unexplained for no obvious reason. At times it was not entirely clear who was saying what, and there were a few issues with grammar and repetition that stood out. I did wonder why water would be as ‘nutritious’ as blood to a zombie, and also at the number of old assault weapon shops sitting around in London, but such points hardly detracted from the overall fun of the read. This was a fast-paced, action-packed and easy to read book; and though entertaining it still raised some interesting questions and concepts. I was surprised to enjoy a book about zombies this much.
I am voluntarily reviewing this book. I thank the author for sharing a copy of the book with me.
This book follows MC Tremayne, a half-zombie making the most of life in the City of London, which was sectioned off after an event that saw the population either turned (or half-turned) into Zombies. Outside the cordoned off exclusion zone life continues as normal, with the exception of the ‘Game Hunter’ channel, which broadcasts zombie hunts - where Normals (non-zombie folk) scalp and murder Tremayne’s zombie Cousins (full-zombies) for sport and for the entertainment of others.
This book is a rewrite of the original, which I also read and greatly enjoyed. However, this version is much more fast-paced, with elements taken from all three books of the original trilogy, fast-forwarding the plot. There was less exploration of ‘zombie rights’ than in the original novel, an aspect which, at the time, I found to be the most interesting. However, the author has created a new version that is exciting, fun, and faithful to the original, and is just as much worth the read.
Tremayne is a relatable MC, whose narration injects many lighter moments, and Red is a great character who is allowed to hold her own. Rose is an intriguing character and I look forward to seeing how the plot develops in the upcoming two books. There was a few too many ‘all will be revealed later’ moments, but the pace, action, and characterisation kept me reading to the end.
I received an ARC of this book and am reviewing it voluntarily. I thank the author for sharing it with me.
I'm not a big fan of the zombie genre but this was enjoyable and engaging, with enough originality to keep me reading to the end - and rooting for the main characters, teenagers Tremayne and Red. I was a little worried about the 'part zombie' description but it turned out not to mean one of Tremayne's grandparents was a zombie, rather that he was only partly affected by the deadly incident which altered London and its inhabitants forever.
The book had plenty of action, humour, a budding romance and a guessing game as to who was the nasty informant / betrayer.
The tone and writing style is probably best suited to young adults, but anyone who enjoys originality and looking at things from a different perspective would probably enjoy this book. I will look out for part 2.
I loved this wild romp with Tremayne and Red, two young zombies - or rather partial zombies. While they struggle a bit with limitations of their condition, they are smart, brave and very appealing. For those of us who read and watch the more typical zombie stories, the twist here is that one's sympathies are with Tremayne and Red are they cope with the horror of being hunted for human entertainment. I began to feel a bit guilty at how I cheered zombie killing stories before I met Tremayne and Red. This book is full of laughs and excitement. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
This book is an interesting tale of two teenage half zombies Tremayne and Red. I really enjoyed looking at their zombie world from a different perspective than I have ever seen or read before. It's not often you cheer for the zombies and not the humans trying to kill them for tv entertainment.
I really enjoyed this book, it's definitely worth reading. I look forward to seeing what comes next.
This is the first of a series of 3 books. Brilliant characters and storyline. You can really visualise what it happening whilst you read. Well worth getting a copy
Sometime in the future, a chemical is released in London, causing those unlucky enough to inhale it to mutate into zombies. The city is closed off to the rest of the world, and becomes the scene of a dreadful safari, where Game Hunters pay loads of money for the privilege of hunting zombies and taking their scalps, all of which is televised for the entertainment of the rest of the world. However, not all the zombies in the city are fully mutated, and Tremayne is only a quarter zombie, still completely oriented and mostly human. Since mutating, he spends the majority of his days hiding out, trying to sabotage the game, and reading romance novels, but now he has a quest. To rescue another half zombie, and ultimately bring about the destruction of the evil men who hunt the infected citizens of London.
“You have an angel’s gift for bringing life and the devil’s gift for taking it. How and why are a mystery to us all, a mystery no one could begin to figure out.”
I really enjoyed this YA zombie novel. It was a fresh take on the zombie apocalypse with a societal structure that I’ve never seen before and brand new rules for zombies. I’ve grown bored of “The Walking Dead” style stories, and this is not that. It brings something new and fresh to the table.
The internal and external dialogue was funny and charming, the characters are very likable and easy to root for. The story telling was fast paced and never boring.
“I bared a single ironic laugh; what I’d give to be bored now.”
Mark Kloss is a brand new author to me and I am so glad that I have stumbled upon his books. I normally have not been one in the past to choose a zombie book, ok more like NEVER. However, this one just really jumped at me with the overall packaging. The cover was pulling me in and the blurb had me having to open it up and see what could possibly be a new twist to the whole zombie up-sweep we see in our entertainment culture now. I have to say, THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL ZOMBIE BOOK! It is so much more. Kloss has interwoven elements of science fiction, drama, romance, zombies, and human relations together to create this new look at what a future that could quite possibly be just that, possible. I have found in the past that I just couldn’t vibe with the ‘science’ or ‘explanation’ of the zombie apocalypse and how it came to in the novels that I have read including zombies, etc. This one covers all its basis and makes so much sense. Prepare to jump into the world that could be in a faraway future London City. Watch how the premise of survival of the fittest is introduced in a ‘Hunger Games’ way, and mainly, expect to be taken on the adventure right along with the main characters. Especially, Tremayne and Red!
“These days only rats and maggots were able to thrive on the ready supply of dead human meat inside the City of London’s large buildings and over its ancient streets.”
Tremayne is a zombie, but not your typical zombie. He is only quarter, part-zombie. We see things in this different view, through the eyes of an actual zombie. Quarter or full, he still has feelings, they are not animals and simply are a new human breed trying to survive in a world that was destroyed by fellow humans. Red by his side makes for a great team, and budding romance that is fun to read, as well as some much needed comedic relief when necessary.
“We are not animals.” Red’s voice choked with emotion. “We are exactly the same as you, only sick with the chemicals blown into the air by the irresponsibility of others who are no doubt now living peacefully in the countryside somewhere.”
The Game Hunter is where we see some of that Hunger Games type stuff incorporated. It is a TV show that gives full humans a chance to pay to step into the quarantined area that the Zombies have been put in in London. They are also paying to basically get to hunt zombies. Tremayne, Red, and his fellow “cousins” (what other zombies use to refer to their kind.) find themselves in the middle of a massive battle for their lives. Will they be able to make it, or will they even stand a chance against the strong and fully stocked opponents, the Normals?
““Game Hunters.” I spat the two words onto the carpet and trod it in like it was a hunter’s beaten-up face.”
“I gave a slow sigh and watched my condensed breath in the increasingly cold air. This kind of tenseness was because this new world, just across the water and beyond the all imprisoning net, had become alien to me. I kept a careful eye on a small boat passing and thought how vigilance and suspicion- and death- had become such a major part of my everyday half-life that it had become normal. Normal! So there was no way I could just easily and instantly adapt and relax to enjoy this surrounding abundance of freedom. In fact, being so close to how things once were, was now bringing back unwanted memories from a ridiculously simple life, when the biggest “danger” was my tendency to get bored in a hurry. Bored with school; bored with playing the guitar; bored with a girlfriend. Bored with life.”
I loved the fast paced and unique spin on things that are brought to life in this novel and find myself anxiously ready to devour the second book in the series, Showtime.
“I knew the future looked stacked against us. However, for the moment, with Red by my side, life didn’t seem so bad.”
If you are missing TWD and want your zombie fix. This is it!!!!! It not a review giving you most of the story I hate those. You will see zombies from their point of view with lots of characters you will love, hate and just don't trust. You can't help but get invested in the characters.Its got a great story line if your not interested in zombies. Anyway all in all a great read and leave you ready for the next instalment! Enjoy ;-)
It isn't often that you come across a zombie novel that has something completely different about it. Usually zombies tend to be brain-dead, shambling, rotting corpses wandering round trying to sink their teeth into whatever hapless human they come across. Not here. Oh, there are the shambling corpses, don't get me wrong, but there are also zombies with intelligence.
Of course, the fact that there are intelligent quarter and half zombies who are at various stages of zombification doesn't mean that they won't sink their teeth into a tasty looking human. In fact blood is a necessity in order to avoid limbs stiffening up and bodies slowing down. It also aids in healing.
The Game Hunter television programme is perhaps the main reason that zombies haven't been wiped out. Human participants in the show pay hefty fees to enter the quarantined area of London in order to hunt zombie. Lately though things have been getting a little too...easy. Groups of noisy humans come in with high powered weapons and kill a lot of shamblers, scalping them as trophies to show off to their friends and family.
Tremayne is the main protagonist of the novel; a teenage quarter zombie with a lot more to him than initially meets the eye. He, along with several other part-zombies and mad-cap humans who live in the quarantine zone, end up in one heck of a battle to save both their own lives and the lives of their "cousins" (zombies).
I loved Mark Kloss's characterisation. All the characters are fit to purpose, with the main characters having depth and interest as you read and find out more about them. Mark writes with intelligence and humour. This is an incredibly enjoyable novel with sufficient darkness and depth to add realism. Just when you think you have everyone and everything figured out another little twist pops up and surprises you. I admit there were some things I didn't spot coming until they were there on the page. I can't wait for the second one. I am impatiently waiting for the time it pops up online.
Yes, I was lucky enough to receive the book free of charge, however that makes no difference to my opinion of the novel.
As a big adventure fan I really enjoyed this book. Starts with a bang and continues on at a very fast pace. Zombies being the main characters, and the ones you are rooting for against the normals is certainly unusual and gives a nice twist to the zombie genre.
I also felt that there was a great comparison there and something to learn about unfair discrimination just because someone looks different and is not understood. Definitely interesting.
Definitely a different take on the zombie genre. So you can be a full zombie, a half-zombie or less but no matter what type of zombie you are you at least need blood to survive. Yes, you can happily survive on blood not brains but if you go too long without feeding you will worsen your condition and can drive yourself to becoming a full on non-thinking zombie. A chemical attack on London causes an unusual disease outbreak - zombieism. London is walled off and unfortunately not everyone was able to escape before A company has created a high stakes game called Game Hunter - a safari in the zombie zone. The hunt the full and the thinking zombies equally not caring that these are still people who just want to survive another day.
This is the first book of the series I have read and when I realized that it jumps right into the middle of an adventure I went back and read the previous synopses and a few of those reviews that retell the whole story. I will absolutely go back and read the first 2 and have added then to my TBR list.
Wow, what a fast paced gripping adventure this is. The whole "teenage half zombies are going to save the world from the oppressive leaders" genre is popular again and this story has an extra twist or two which made it fresh and new.
I liked the way the story was told, how it flowed, how it was written in a visually appealing way. While it could totally be made into a move (think maze runner meets running man while dating the girls from night of the comet) I did not feel like I was reading a screen play.
I also like the way the covers subtly changed with each story. There was a lot of thought that went into this whole series (IMO) and would absolutely recommend it.
Game Hunter by Mark Kloss is the first in the Game Hunter series. It tells the story of a teenage half-zombie called Tremayne who is trying to survive in the City of London after it has been turned into a zombie- and rat-infested hell. He teams up with Red, another half-zombie, to rescue his sister, get revenge on the game hunters who treat zombie killing as a sport and generally save the day. Tremayne is a great character. He doesn’t particularly want to be a hero but when the circumstances call for it he proves himself brave and capable. With special powers and strength that sets him apart from the other zombies, he’s got a bit of a Chosen One feel to him and the story does more or less follow the Hero’s Journey narrative. He’s got a soft, caring side which comes across throughout the story. The description is very vivid, making it not necessarily a great book to read while you’re eating but otherwise totally engrossing! I really felt like I was there. I loved how the London setting allowed Kloss to reference and draw on previous London plagues, which really enhanced the world of the story. It’s a fast-paced, action-packed story with an air of mystery as flashbacks gradually fill in the background and events that led to the whole zombie situation (a post-apocalyptic trope I particularly like!). For me, this is a five-star book. I enjoyed reading it, more than I expected as I’m not usually a huge fan of zombies. Would definitely recommend it to young adult fans of dystopias and zombies!
Game Hunter (Game Hunter #1) By Mark Kloss Rated 5 stars
I really enjoyed this look at “life” on the other side. I really have never read a zombie book so this is my first go at one. It sounded interesting and I liked the whole “survivor type game”. This story is full of adventure, loss and friendship. I enjoyed the attention to detail and the descriptions the author wrote. I could easily see the people, places and “ other “ things in my head. Great world building and character base. The writing was engaging and kept me interested. The characters are smart, quick-witted (shockingly for zombies) and gun wielding. I enjoyed this insight into the zombie world and look forward to reading the next in the series.
There were some cute moments between the two main characters. Red was smart and more of the weapons guru. Tremayne is a quick-thinker, kind and a good shot. Both are half zombies. Together they have some fierce and lovely moments between them. It was kinda cute watching these two practice trying to act like a “normal” so they could fit in. I also liked how they joke around about their zombie side. They often say “activate your brain side” and get thinking. Haha.
The others characters in the story complimented the main characters perfectly. Some were kind some were brash and some were just downright mean. A few hung around to help them along the way. The camaraderie between some of them was great and made me smile or just shake my head.
Throughly enjoyable book! This is my first Mark Kloss story and as said previously I will be reading the next book.
The story Game Hunter by Mark Kloss is a YA/Dystopian book. This is a story that has action, danger, and zombies. This is a book that has a different and interesting take on them. The City of London has become both the residence and a prison for zombies. A live TV show called Game Hunter is played in the city. It pits humans against zombies. The city is a ruthless and deadly place in which other strange mutant creatures roam free. It is in this city that we meet Tremayne and Red. They are both teenage zombies who have a dangerous task to complete. They gain assistance and help from some who they meet along the way. Others hunt them and want only to end their existence. Will Tremayne and Red be able to successfully complete their task? This is a book that had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. Both Tremayne and Red constantly find themselves in situations of danger and must use their wits and all the tools that they have available. I was rooting for them to overcome all the odds that are against them and succeed in the task they have been sent on. Not everything is what it seems to be. Tremayne and Red must quickly discover who is on their side and who is not. This is the first book that I have read by the author and I found that he has created an amazing story with wonderful characters. This is the first book in a series and I can’t wait to read the next one.
Game Hunter by Mark Kloss is a dystopian, action, adventure story that will keep you reading until the end. This is my first book by this author and I enjoyed it. This book reads like a game in a sort of way. This author created a story that is creative and engaging. His characters are connectable and relatable. They will take you on a journey of zombies and adventure. Tremanye and Red are two young adults who are half zombies. They each have their own power sort to speak. Tremanye the ability to drain and feed life. Red has the ability of careless bravery of someone who is condemned. They are tasked with saving their zombie cousins. The twist comes in with them doing this on a TV game show. They will play against the Game Hunter's toughest players for three shows. What will the end result be? Will they be winners or losers? Will they be able to save their cousins before it is too late? There is a lot of characters in this book. They are all enjoyable and make the story flow. Tremanye and Red are two tough characters that work well together. They are cute together on top of it. I found it interesting that the characters were zombies which I don't normally see when reading paranormal. All of the characters make this story interesting and made me want to read this book. I highly recommend this book. Find out what happens as these two play a game of life and death. Can there be a winner?
Game Hunter (Game Hunter #1) by Mark Kloss was a action packed, fun thrill ride, full of zombies, that aren't all that bad.
I'm not big into the zombie genera, but this had a bit of a Warm Bodies feel, so I gave it a shot. So happy I did. Because this was one of those action-dark-light-hearted sort of comedies that made you giggle and had your heart racing at the same time. It's one of those quirky books that you can't help but love. The writing had this off beatness to it that seemed to switched around depending on the scene. Once the action got going it was hard to tell that our MC's where the zombies fighting the normals. It was a nice switch.
I have to not that the action is this book was choreographed beautifully. It was like a action moving playing in my head.
Our MC Tremayne is quick witted, a romantic, and not afraid to show it. He is also the main reason why I love this book so much, his narration was almost child like, showing us that he was stuck in time. But, under all that, when he got determined, mad, or backed into a corner he was a machine. Red had some kick to her, and at times I did support the ship, but with the fast moving and the dangerous plot, I'm not fully on board yet. When I get my hands on the next book, I see where these two go.
Overall this book was a delight to read, I highly recommend you get yours hands on the unique, engaging story that will having you looking as zombies in a different light.
What a great idea for a book! I am not a huge zombie book reader for they tend to be similar. But this one peaked my interest. And I was so pleasantly surprised at just how good and unique it was. It put me in mind of the movies The Running Man, Mad Max, and Escape from New York, but with zombies.
Tremayne and Red are half zombies thrown together in a world that hates all zombies. Not only do they have to survive, they are put on a seemingly impossible mission. Along the way, they have to avoid the cameras, the zombie hunters, and other creatures all trying to just survive.
This was such an original idea to me and it seemed like a throwback to the older cult classics that I love. The main characters are 17 and 18, so this is probably technically a YA book. But really, it is for all ages. There really isn't any teenager polarization, which is so refreshing.
The characters were great, both the main ones and the ones they meet along the way. There are some surprises along the way and much suspense as they try to complete their mission.
It is a wonderful story that I highly recommend and cannot wait to read more about these wonderful characters.
Game Hunter is the first book in the Game Hunter series by Mark Kloss. This is an intriguing Dystopian/paranormal Zombie story- with some sci-fi elements, action, drama, and more. The story is very original- it’s definitely not your typical zombie story. It has a fun, ‘Hunger Games’ meets ‘The Running Man’ meets ‘Warm Bodies’ feel to it that quickly grabbed my attention and kept me turning the pages to find out what would happen. Mr. Kloss is a new-to-me author and I am really pleased that I took a chance on this book. The blurb was intriguing, and the story promised to take me on an action-packed adventure which lured me into purchasing it, and the author certainly delivered the goods. Mr. Kloss takes zombie lore and gives us his own spin on it. He weaves a great story, easily holding my attention from the beginning, till the end. He has crafted interesting and well-developed characters that really made this story even better. The book has a great pace and a smooth flow, although the story did seem to lag in the middle for a while, before picking up again for a strong finish. Overall, it’s a great read and I look forward to book two!
a great read about making the best of a bad situation. Tremayne is a quarter zombie living his life in the City as best he can. When a fellow zombie gives him cryptic instructions to find a rogue zombie named Glink to help save them all, Tremaynes life is turned upside down. with the help of a new friend named Red, he faces dangers and darkness and enemies, but will they be able to find Glink in time? a great read. I usually don't read this kind of book but this one captivated me with quick action and fast paced events in a plot of twists and turns I just couldn't put down with relatable characters struggling in a hard world. the use of humour was brillaint, creating a sense of optimism and worked well with the dark world around them. I loved the visual detail of the destruction and dust of the city that was full of life was emotive. I also loved the detail of the church standing against time. the use of running against time and the watch was a nice touch.I also loved the twist in adding to the zombie genre by using a perspective from a zombies point of view . Overall, a brillaint book and I would give it five stars
Game Hunter by Mark Kloss is an incredibly original zombie dystopian read! I stepped out of my comfort zone with this one and I’m sure glad I did! It’s the first book in the Game Hunter series, it’s also my first book by this author but it certainly won’t be my last, I can honestly say that I’m looking forward to continuing with the series. This storyline is fast paced, action packed, intense and so detailed. It’s also surprisingly funny and quirky so it was a really well-rounded story. Plus, all of the detail, both big and small, made it so easy to picture everything playing out in my mind, which really added to my reading experience.
These characters took me on an unforgettable journey, one that had me sitting on the edge of my seat many times. I found myself captivated by the storyline from the very beginning until the very end since it was unlike anything I had ever read. I would definitely recommend this book to others.
Game Hunter by Mark Kloss attracted me from the blurb, although I don’t like zombie books as a rule, it ticked all my other boxes: dystopian, teenagers fighting a game to the death, so I thought id give it a try. It was full of action from page one and the zombie description was not too much to put me off. I really liked the idea that the characters could be part zombie and remain that way and not fully zombify. I liked the idea that Tremayne had a back up team of part-zombies to help him out too. I think the premise behind this book is really good, the characters are well-developed, and the excitement was pretty much non-stop. I liked the fact that it was set in a post apocalypse London rather than a nameless American city as they normally are. It also had humour in it which appealed to me and telling the zombie story from the zombie point of view made a refreshing change. I look forward to seeing where the author takes the story next in part 2. A good 4 star fantasy read.