The son of a proud naval dynasty, Gabriel Hawkins was born to command the sea, until he leaves the Royal Navy in disgrace and is disowned by his family. As captain of his own ship, he's earned his living in ways both legal and illegal, and his experience makes him the best choice to ransom an aristocratic beauty captured by Barbary pirates.
Having avoided the traps of convention and marriage, Lady Aurora Lawrence is horrified by the prospect of spending her life as a harem slave. Her only hope of escape is a quiet, steely captain who has a history with her captor—and who will do anything to free Rory. Together they undertake a dangerous mission through troubled waters—and encounter another kind of danger as attraction burns hot within the close confines of his ship. But even if they endure the perils of the sea and enemy lands, can their love survive a return to England, where the distance between a disgraced captain and an earl's daughter is wider than the ocean?
Mary Jo Putney was born on 1946 in Upstate New York with a reading addiction, a condition for which there is no known cure. After earning degrees in English Literature and Industrial Design at Syracuse University, she did various forms of design work in California and England before inertia took over in Baltimore, Maryland, where she has lived very comfortably ever since.
While becoming a novelist was her ultimate fantasy, it never occurred to her that writing was an achievable goal until she acquired a computer for other purposes. When the realization hit that a computer was the ultimate writing tool, she charged merrily into her first book with an ignorance that illustrates the adage that fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Fortune sometimes favors the foolish and her first book sold quickly, thereby changing her life forever, in most ways for the better. (“But why didn't anyone tell me that writing would change the way one reads?”) Like a lemming over a cliff, she gave up her freelance graphic design business to become a full-time writer as soon as possible.
Since 1987, Ms. Putney has published twenty-nine books and counting. Her stories are noted for psychological depth and unusual subject matter such as alcoholism, death and dying, and domestic abuse. She has made all of the national bestseller lists including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USAToday, and Publishers Weekly. Five of her books have been named among the year’s top five romances by The Library Journal. The Spiral Path and Stolen Magic were chosen as one of Top Ten romances of their years by Booklist, published by the American Library Association.
A nine-time finalist for the Romance Writers of America RITA, she has won RITAs for Dancing on the Wind and The Rake and the Reformer and is on the RWA Honor Roll for bestselling authors. She has been awarded two Romantic Times Career Achievement Awards, four NJRW Golden Leaf awards, plus the NJRW career achievement award for historical romance. Though most of her books have been historical, she has also published three contemporary romances. The Marriage Spell will be out in June 2006 in hardcover, and Stolen Magic (written as M. J. Putney) will be released in July 2006.
Ms. Putney says that not least among the blessings of a full-time writing career is that one almost never has to wear pantyhose.
I had quite a bit of fun with the adventure aspect of this story. This story took us from England to Algeria to Constantinople. It featured Barbary Pirates, abduction of an English lady, a too steep ransom, negotiation and rescue mission from our hero captain, transport by ship of a Pygmy animal menagerie that included Pygmy hippos, a villain who was only a villain because an even worse villain kidnapped his wife and kids, victory over another attempted pirate confiscation, a severe storm with water spouts, etc. There was also a secondary romance. What it didn’t feature was a convincing romance.
There was too much going on for one convincing romance, let alone two. But I would have been able to overlook this and go with the flow of this otherwise fun story if it wasn’t for one aspect that REALLY bothered me. The hero, heroine, lesser villain, etc. saw no other option but to try and appease the worser villain’s demands. No other ideas. None, even though they expected he would not deal fairly. As a result of that, the hero valiantly resists full consummation of his and the heroine’s love because the heroine must remain a virgin if negotiations fail and she is to be handed over to the worser villain. WHAT KIND OF HERO ARE YOU? Seriously, lay down your pathetic life before you allow your Lady Love be handed over. Refrain from intercourse for plenty of legitimate reasons, but not to save her for rape by an awful villain. Ugh. I was enjoying this so much up to this part and it just tanked for me with it. I kept hoping there was a trick up his sleeve, but sadly no.
I am not sure that I can recommend this, but I did think the adventure aspect entertaining, 4 Stars for that. Unfortunately, the romance was 1-Star disappointing.
*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Me ha encantado ya que nos encontramos con una historia llena de acción, piratas, animales, amor, amistad, esclavitud...
Todo empieza cuando a Gabriel Hawkins se le encarga la misión de salvar a la joven Lady Aurora Lawrence. El es capitán de su propio barco y se gana la vida con actividades tanto legales como ilegales, su experiencia lo convierte en la mejor opción para rescatar a la dama. Para aurora, que ha sido capturada y esclavizada teniendo que pasar el resto de su vida en un harén junto a su prima Constanse.
Juntos se emprenderán una peligrosa misión en aguas turbulentas para poder salvar Aurora y poder devolverla a su familia de regreso a Inglaterra.
Pero se encontrarán con los peligros del mar y los peligros que les esperan en tierra enemiga.
Una historia de amor que empieza a surgir en el momento más inoportuno.
Como os comentaba, es una lectura fresca, con mucha acción y mucho diálogo. Los personajes me han encantado, sobretodo los femeninos ya que Lady Aurora y su prima escriben novelas románticas en su tiempo libre.
4'5 Estrellitas. Me ha encantado éste libro, hasta la fecha, el que más de la serie de los Calaveras Redimidos. Si no le pongo las 5 estrellas es porque me ha resultado corto y todo se resuelve demasiado rápido y fácil, me ha faltado desarrollo.
Sus puntos fuertes han sido sus personajes, sobre todo Aurora y la historia de transfondo, la auténtica aventura que viven los protagonistas y todos los obstáculos que se les ponen por el camino. Mary Jo Putney es una autora que siempre ha optado por historias originales y ambientadas en lugares exóticos, y éste libro no es la excepción.
En "Érase una vez un canalla", tercer libro de la serie Calaveras Redimidos, Gabriel Hawkins Vance es un intrépido capitán de barco, capaz de saltar bloqueos navales, de comerciar y traer mercancía de contrabando. Su aristocrática familia esperaba que siguiera sus pasos, pero debido a un acto imprudente fue expulsado de la Marina Real y desheredado por su abuelo. Desde entonces han pasado doce años y Gabriel acepta una misión difícil, pero no imposible para un hombre como él.
Lady Aurora Lawrence, o como la llama su familia, Rory, es la menor de ocho hermanos. Rory fue la beldad consentida, pero si algo ha sabido Rory es lo que quería hacer con su vida, y tras debutar con dieciocho años sabe que no está preparada para el matrimonio y no quiere casarse, todavía. Así que tiempo atrás convenció a su familia para una última travesura, viajar a la India a ver a su tía. Éste capricho le fue concedido, no sin muchos impedimentos, pero Rory quiere viajar y ver mundo hasta que tenga que volver a Inglaterra y asentarse. En su viaje, necesita una acompañante y por eso se lo pide a su prima ilegítima y viuda Constance.
Han pasado unos años y por fin Rory y Constance vuelven a Inglaterra por el Mediterráneo, con el consiguiente problema de que su barco es apresado por piratas argelinos y ella y su prima son llevadas al harén de Malek Reis, el jefecillo del lugar. Malek pide un rescate imposible de pagar por ellas, y mientras que el padre de Rory se niega a aceptar ésa suma que no puede pagar, lady Lawrence contrata los servicios de Gabriel Hawkins para que traiga a su hija a casa.
Gabriel Hawkins tuvo una historia con Malek Reis tiempo atrás, se respetan, pero no son amigos. Aún así, cuando Gabriel conoce a Rory en el harén de Malek Reis, está dispuesto a hacer lo imposible por rescatarla. De modo que Gabriel llega a un acuerdo con Malek. Malek debe viajar a Constantinopla para llevar un soborno en forma de baratijas, animales exóticos, y si hace falta, las dos inglesas de su harén, y necesita un barco rápido, el de Gabriel. Éste acepta a cambio de que las dos inglesas y la tripulación del barco en que viajaban sean liberados, pero Malek no da garantías, su situación es desesperada.
Ahí será cuando empiece la aventura por el Mediterráneo lleno de peligros y piratas berberiscos, para llegar a Constantinopla. Durante el viaje, Gabriel y Rory se enamoran, pero lo suyo no puede ser, ella es una esclava destinada a acabar en un harén, y además debe llegar pura, o las consecuencias serán terribles.
A pesar de su delicada situación, tanto Rory como Constance son unas jóvenes llenas de vida y de pasión, que no se dejan avasallar por su situación y siempre buscan soluciones a sus problemas. Su forma de pasar el tiempo es imaginar aventuras y escribir libros sobre mujeres escandalosas, independientes y aventureras, como ellas mismas. Si algo me ha gustado de ellas, es que en el fondo no hace falta que las rescaten, pues pueden resolver sus propios asuntos... con algo de ayuda masculina. Sí, puede que no resulte muy realista, pero me ha encantado ver a una heroína llena de valor y que sabe lo que quiere.
Lo único que le achaco al libro es que es muy cortito, la autora lo resuelve todo para mi gusto demasiado pronto, y no me hubiesen importando cincuenta páginas más con un poco más de desarrollo.
El romance me ha gustado mucho. No diría que es exactamente un instalove, aunque desde el principio se gustan, pero su historia condenada al fracaso irá poco a poco surgiendo. También tendremos un romance secundario entre la prima de Constance y el segundo de a bordo de Gabriel. Pero como digo, todo ocurre muy rápido. De haber tenido más desarrollo y un par de capítulos o tres más para reflejarlo, habría sido un libro de 5 estrellas.
Espero que Titania no tarde mucho en continuar con ésta serie, pero por lo visto publican uno por año, a pesar de que ya está entera publicada en inglés. Tengo muchas ganas de conocer la historia de Ramsay y de los siguientes Calaveras Redimidos.
That was so bad it verged on being good. It nearly defies description.
Like an earnest 50s sitcom with a Golly-Gee mentality and a plot line that included rape, kidnapping and human trafficking. Some of the lines (particularly during the more passionate moments) were so bad/good that I said them aloud to myself. It also made me laugh til I cried - unintentionally.
If you're a fan of MST3K and have dreamt of something akin to the Babysitters' Club or an episode of Gilligan's Island where Ginger and Maryanne end up in a harem then boy do I have the damn book for you.
When I saw this was a Mary Jo Putney book I just had to read it. Now, I have to admit that I should have read the description more carefully and I really didn’t care for any of the characters. It took me three days to read the book because I kept putting it down and only reluctantly picked it up again. I won’t say much about the story itself in this review because if you read the book blurb, you pretty much know the story. What I’ll talk about is the characters and why I did/didn’t like them.
My least favorite character in the book is Rory’s father. He’s only mentioned a couple of times – but – well – he supposedly loves her. If he loves her, how can he NOT at least make an effort to come up with the ransom to save her? He doesn’t even look at options or speak to friends – nothing – just decides he can’t come up with the money and she’s in trouble she made and he washes his hands of it. Say what! His wife can come up with half the ransom by selling her jewels and borrowing from friends – yet he cannot contribute anything. He had enough money to come up with a dowry for Constance at the end, but he couldn’t contribute to his daughter’s ransom. Then, at the end he hugs Rory, welcomes her home and all is right with the world. No way!
My next least favorite is Gabriel’s grandfather. Supposedly he was redeemed at the end – but not to me. He sent his grandson into the Royal Navy at twelve years of age and at eighteen, his grandfather disowned him, kicked him out of his house and told him that it would have been better if he had died in battle. Then, when Gabriel is captured and enslaved by Barbary Pirates, he refuses to pay a very modest ransom to save him. Fast forward twelve years when Gabriel has managed to rescue Rory and they are engaged – she wants Gabriel to mend his relationship with his grandfather. So – what is one of the first thing the old reprobate says? “I suppose that only a scandalous girl would accept you.” Later, “I couldn’t bear that you threw that away to save the life of a young man who was a nobody.” Then he proceeds to tell Gabriel that he is welcome because he is now the heir to the barony as his two cousins have died. Grandfather is much older and frailer now and this is supposed to redeem him. I don’t think so. I have to wonder what kind of reception Gabriel and Rory would have gotten if the two cousins hadn’t died and if Gabriel wasn’t now the heir.
Rory, Constance, Gabriel and Jason – I liked all of them okay, but they all seemed so blasé about the possibility of Rory and Constance ending up in a harem. There wasn’t any late night plotting sessions about how to best Gurkan and save Malek’s family without risking Rory and Constance. Nothing. I can assure you that if someone I loved was in that kind of danger, I would NOT be quite so laid back as they were.
"I requested and received this e-book at no cost to me and volunteered to read it; my review is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher."
This is one of those books I absolutely loved despite it not being remotely representative of the title. There is nothing whatsoever scoundrelly about the hero in this story; on the contrary, he may be the nicest, most gentlemanly hero I’ve ever read in a historical romance. With a title like Once A Scoundrel, I was fully anticipating a reformed-rake story, but Gabriel Hawkins doesn’t have even a touch of the rake about him. Indeed, when confronted by the almost-naked heroine on their first meeting, he heroically keeps his eyes on her face. With intentions that were never less than honourable, he was a hero to die for.
Lady Aurora ‘Rory’ Lawrence is unconventional to say the least. The pampered - not to say spoiled - daughter of an earl, she declined to settle down into marriage with any of the gentlemen who offered during her Season and instead took off on a series of adventures around the world with her cousin and best friend, Constance. Visiting India, Egypt and Greece, they were on their way home to England when their ship was captured by Barbary pirates and Rory and Constance taken to Algiers, an exorbitant ransom demanded for their release.
Commissioned to negotiate their return, Gabriel has to use every bit of his guile, cunning and contacts gained in years of sailing the seas. From Algiers to Constantinople, this is a swashbuckler of a story, with bloodthirsty corsairs, treachery, and two love stories - Constance gets her own happy ending, too.
I loved Rory and Constance together too; their friendship was beautifully written and the idea of them writing Lady Adventurer novels on their travels was absolutely wonderful. Neither of them were prepared to sit about and wait for rescue, either, taking matters into their own hands when the crunch moment came.
In short, this is an absolutely fabulous Regency romance. Just don’t expect it to be remotely representative of the title.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.
Once a Scoundrel by Mary Jo Putney is book 6 in the Rogues Redeemed series. This is the story of Gabriel Hawkins and Aurora 'Rory ' Lawrence. I have read the previous books, but feel you can make this a standalone book if you wish to do so. Rory was taken hostage by pirates when she was sailing. It appears that she will be sold if her family doesn't come forward with a ransom. Gabriel is sent to rescue Rory who not so long ago was in a similar situations. But when he sees her, he knows that he must save her. Gabriel learns why Malek took Rory to save his own family, Gabriel offers to help in exchange for Rory safety. This put them on an adventurer that leads them to love.
2.5 This was a decent, albeit short, read. I've been following the Rogues Redeemed series, so I was intrigued to see what would happen next.
I really liked the hero. Gabriel has a sense of duty and a moral compass that while, maybe not aligned with the Navy's, is always heading in the right direction. I liked that he wasn't all torn up and tortured about his decisions. He just does what he feels is right. Now that I think on this, the book really does ride heavily on Gabriel and his decency.
The heroine on the other hand...oy. Rory is kind of an overly bright fool. I'd kinda be okay with just leaving her in the harem. Her attitude was all "I am what I is--you can't stop this hurricane. YOLO!" in a way that was so annoying, because it disregarded all the sacrificing that was made on her behalf. While everyone is trying to impress upon her how important her virginity is as a commodity (and what might save her life), she's all, "But Gabriiieellll, (I'm hearing this in a nasally vocal fry) "You're just so haaaawwwwt. I want to give you thiiiiiis." (Points down to her crotch and smiles). Ugh.
I really enjoyed the secondary romance with Jason and Constance. It was rushed (but then so was the whole book) but charming. I even liked Malek and his family. Malek could be ruthless, but you could see and sympathize with his motivations.
Stylistically, clunky dialogue makes frequent appearances, and there are some gut-churning lines like the one on p. 246: "She loved the deep sound torn from his throat as the seeds of life spilled from his powerful body into her yearning womb." I almost jump-started a vomit just typing that.
You can tell that Putney is making a concerted effort to be respectful to the Muslim characters. I will definitely give her credit for avoiding a lot of "Look at these exotic brown people!" cliches. The characters speak of non-Western cultures in a way that you'd expect for the 19th century, and I can appreciate that there aren't 21st century sensibilities plopped in.
Stars taken off for all the "Rory and Constance are writers!" nonsense. There are few things that annoy me more than when writers have characters who are writers. It's just too much navel-gazing, and it generally adds nothing to a book except for making the writer feel clever. As such, go ahead and just skip chapter 5, and any pages that start with, "I have the power of imagination" or "I could add this to my book!"
The pace felt rushed; another reviewer noted that another 50 pages could've been used, and I agree with that assessment.
I am cranky with this review, I think it's due to the fact that with a better heroine, Gabriel could've had an amazing book. The pieces were definitely there for something great.
When Lady Aurora "Rory" Lawrence's parents learn their youngest daughter has been captured by pirates and being held for an outrageous ransom, her father washes his hands of her, but her mother isn't willing to let her be sold into slavery. She contacts Lord Kirkwood, who is referred to Gabriel Hawkins by a mutual friend (Gordon).
Gabriel is familiar with the Barbary Pirates, having been captured and escaped himself. He agrees to try and rescue the girl. He is shocked when he finds the man holding her is none other than the man he escaped from years ago. Malek Reis wants 50,000 pounds for Rory, which is an astronomical sum for one woman, but Gabriel learns that she refuses to be released without her cousin, Constance and the entire crew of the ship she was traveling on. When Rory and Gabriel see each other for the first time, she is nearly naked and being displayed to potential buyers. There is an instant connection between them and Gabriel knows he will do whatever is necessary to free this woman.
When he learns why Malek needs so much money, he offers his services to help him get back his wife and children who were taken by Malek's evil cousin Gurkan. Malek doesn't have the full ransom, but hopes to tempt Gurkan with exotic animals and if necessary Rory and Constance. Malek promises Gabriel that if they are successful, he will release all his captives.
They set out for Constantinople, with high hopes, but both knowing that Rory could end up enslaved in a harem if things do not go well. Gabriel and Rory grow closer, but neither can make promises for the future, nor can they fully explore what it between them without endangering Rory's life. When they arrive in Turkey, things take a really bad turn and Gabriel calls upon the British Embassy for help. He is delighted to find one of his "Redeemed Rogues" is working at the embassy and is willing to help. But when Gabriel learns the women have been taken, it might be too late and Rory may be lost to him forever.
This was a good story, well written and action packed. The characters are likable, the imagery is well done, there are tense moments, a little heartache, a charming secondary romance and happy endings all around. The heat level of the book is on the low side, but as you read, you will understand why. I don't really know why Gabriel was considered a "Scoundrel", because in my opinion there was nothing "scoundrelly" about him, he was an absolutely wonderful hero and I was delighted for him at the end. This is the third book in the series, but it can easily be read as a stand alone title with no problem at all.
*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher."
A delightful story that takes the reader far and wide! Lady Aurora Lawrence has been captured by pirates and is being held as a slave. Her frantic mother contacts Gabriel, Lord Kirkwood, to try to rescue her. Gabriel had been captured by the Barbary Pirates once himself and agrees to find her. But with shock he recognizes the pirate holding Rory is the same one that held him years ago. Demanding a large sum of money for her rescue or she will be sold in an auction, Gabriel realizes the pirate needs money badly. Of course as Gabriel and Rory meet, there is definitely and attraction. This adventure takes them on a journey to far lands in Turkey and things do not seem to turn out well. Can He get her out of this situation and can they make it back home? A good story that is part of a series but can be read as a standalone. Prepare yourself for a fast paced journey that will have you turning the pages as fast as you can!
I picked this up because of pirates. Of course it should be exciting? Right? Eh.. No, found the story with the woman being kidnapped by a pirate, her family having to pay ransom or she becomes a harem slave and the love interest jumping in saving the day to be rather underwhelming. Okay fine I know this is a romance but I wanted more action, more suspension and more excitement and a lovely romance to go along with it. But what I got what a rather tame novel. Maybe I was asking to much
Amor, aventuras y una lucha encarnizada por la libertad.
Érase una vez un canalla de Mary Jo Putney es un romance abocado al fracaso que Gabriel y Rory sabrán rescatar dejándose llevar por aquello que sienten, luchando contra peligros inciertos y acérrimos enemigos, donde su fortaleza y tenacidad serán las mayores espadas contra todo a lo que tendrán que enfrentarse si desean un futuro en común.
Swashbuckling 1815 Regency romance filled with exciting adventures on the high seas
Thirty-year-old Gabriel Hawkins Vance, known to the world as Gabriel Hawkins, is the disgraced grandson of a British admiral. He was cashiered out of the British Navy at age 18 after six years of service during which he worked up the ranks from a cabin boy to an officer. His stiff-rumped grandfather disowned him, refusing to allow Gabriel to justify an act that the Navy labeled dereliction of duty (it would be a spoiler to reveal what Gabriel did that got him into trouble). As a result, Gabriel has spent the past 12 years attempting to redeem himself by captaining his own merchant ship and using it to run blockades during the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812 in America, both of which have recently, in 1815, come to an end. His most recent mission took him to America to rescue a stranded English widow (a previous book in a series of books that this novel is part of which is called, "Rogues Redeemed"). At loose ends with the declaration of peace in Europe and America, Gabriel is pondering what he will take on as his next challenge when he is approached for an errand of mercy, rescuing the daughter of a British Earl from captivity in Algiers, where she is being held by Barbary pirates.
It seems to be a nearly impossible mission, because the ransom demand is an extortionate 50,000 pounds. The woman's family have scrounged together less than half that amount, and worse, Gabriel has a dangerous past history with Barbary pirates and has no desire to go anywhere near their strongholds. Thus, Gabriel is on the verge of refusing to help, until he is presented with a miniature portrait of the captive and feels such an immediate, powerful attraction to the golden-haired, young beauty, that he cannot bear the thought of leaving her to a terrible fate. If no one rescues her, she will be sold as a slave and live out her life imprisoned in a harem.
Twenty-two-year-old Lady Aurora Octavia Lawrence, is called "Rory" by her friends and family, and is notorious among the British ton as "Roaring Rory Lawrence" due to her unconventional, hoydenish ways. She has spent the past four years traveling the world with Constance Hollings, a widowed female relative, as her sole companion, utilizing an inheritance from a great uncle to fund her adventures. In addition to traveling, Rory and Constance have written multiple romantic novels together, featuring intrepidly self-sufficient female protagonists. Unfortunately, as they were heading back home to England, they and the entire crew of the sailing ship they were on were captured by pirates. Months have passed since their captor sent a ransom request to England, and Rory and Constance have almost given up hope of rescue when Gabriel Hawkins arrives.
To Gabriel's dismay, he has a dubious history with Rory's captor, Malek Reis, known as "master of the Middle Seas." And it is initially dangerously unclear whether the pirate will kill Gabriel for a past transgression against Malek or make a deal with Gabriel for Rory's release.
This is a fast-paced and engaging read. For readers who love stories involving brave sea captains fighting off pirates, this book will be a real treat. The pirates are Barbary corsairs from the Ottoman Empire, operating out of North Africa and based primarily in the ports of Tunis, Tripoli, and Algiers, an area referred to in Europe at the time as the Barbary Coast. The setting is colorful and authentic and extremely well drawn.
Overall, the plot poses a series of story questions that keep the reader racing forward through the pages to discover the answers. The odds seems impossibly stacked against a positive outcome in this story--a vital element of any well-done action-adventure plot--and the ultimate resolution of the action-adventure plot is extremely satisfying and well written.
As for the romance portions of the book, Rory and Gabriel are sympathetic, admirable and very strong protagonists. They are well matched as to integrity, compassion, intelligence and backbone. I loved this classic, romantic conflict dramatically stated by Gabriel to Rory soon after they meet:
"Whatever is between us may be fleeting and sparked by circumstance, but it is real. And it is impossible for us to act on it."
There is a lovely, secondary romance between Constance and Jason Landers, Gabriel's 26-year-old, American first mate. These two are also extremely sympathetic and admirable characters.
For romance fans who prefer non-raunchy, slow-burn sexual relationships, this book fills the bill. The sex scenes for both of the romantic relationships are tenderly sensual.
I particularly enjoyed a delightful subplot involving a gaggle of exotic, miniature animals, and Gabriel's affectionate and hard-working, rat-killing ship's cat, Spook, is also a terrific addition to the story.
All in all, this is an extremely enjoyable historical romance.
I loved the beginning and enjoyed the author's wit. Then it got a little slow between me. Even though I would typically appreciate the conversations, there wasn't enough sexual tension to keep me interested. Not sure, but I thought about DNF-ing. I saw that I had DNF-ed my first book by her back in 2021. However, I'm glad I stuck through with this one (I told myself, Audrey, c'mon, it's short!!) because the plot became very exciting, especially when their ship arrived in Constantinople and Rory and Constance became harem slaves.
This is a unique "regency romance" as it takes place mostly at sea (I could tell Mary Jo Putney did her research!) and deals with people of other cultures, namely Muslims from Algeria, instead of only your typical English. Even though I knew this, it was still crazy to me how barbaric practices were still taking place in the 1800s and how people could be captured and enslaved in a harem or lands far away.
There is a secondary romance between Rory's cousin and companion, the widow Constance, and the ship's second mate (??). I thought Jason, Constance's hero, professed his feelings and an offer of marriage way too soon for the romance development on paper. I liked how Jason was an American and how he said that Americans were more optimistic than the British. Something like that, lol. I also took pictures of the book as there were relatable lines.
The sex scenes were disappointing as they were slightly flowery and too classy for my tastes, lol.
I felt that this book's plot was far superior to the romance. If you're looking for a romance that isn't super romancy but excels on the adventure front, pick this one up! :)
This is the second book of Putney's that I have tried and I am still not a huge fan. I thought the story dragged in places although I see other reviews stating that it wasn't long enough. I did not care for the main character of Lady Aurora at all. I found her to be self centered and foolish without any thought of the consequences of her actions on the people involved in her life. I did like the characters of Gabriel, Jason, and Constance and felt they like their characters were more developed and real. It seems to me that Putney includes too much descriptive violence for these supposed romance stories. I would like to read all the stories of the Rogues Redeemed and what happens to them but if they are all as disappointing as this story I will have to pass. I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was much too plot-driven for my taste, and that made the whole thing feel both rushed and kind of dull. Everyone's issues seem too easily managed.
Rory rarely showed any concern for the seriousness of the situation. Other characters kept praising her for her relative stoicism, but to me her outlook came across as naive. She kept shrugging off the thought of being sold into slavery, which I guess is just something I can line up with all her other adventurous, cool-girl virtues. She's also outspoken and fun and creative and unconventional and flirty and smart and shameless and brave and good with animals, and okay already, we get it. There's very little beneath that badass exterior though, so Rory's great at everything except holding my interest.
Excellent book with plenty of action to go along with the romance. Aurora, aka Rory or "Roaring Rory" was touring the world with her cousin Constance, avoiding marriage and satisfying her need for adventure. They were on the way home from Greece when their ship was attacked by Barbary pirates, and they were taken hostage. A demand for a huge ransom was sent to Rory's family. Unable to pay the ransom, Rory's father washes his hands of his troublesome daughter, but Rory's mother doesn't give up so easily. She calls upon a friend who helps her find someone to negotiate Rory's release.
Gabriel is the captain of his own life and boat. A humane gesture caused him to be booted out of the Royal Navy and disowned by his family. Since then, he made his own way in the world doing things that were both legal and illegal. He played a significant role in the previous book, Oncea Rebel, using his skills to assist in the rescue of a British woman. Now his experience along the Barbary coast is called on to rescue another woman. His memories of the coast are not good ones, and he is reluctant to accept the charge until he sees a miniature of Rory. Something about her draws him in.
I liked both Rory and Gabriel. Rory is unconventional, independent, and intelligent. Knowing that she was not ready to get married, she used an inheritance to travel the world. She and her cousin Constance use their adventures to write stories about intrepid female explorers. When they are captured by the pirates, Rory's sense of honor makes her insist that any ransom include her cousin and the crew of their ship. Rory is also practical in that she knows she must cooperate with their captors until they are ransomed. Gabriel was also fantastic. He is determined, honorable and cunning. He will do whatever he must to return Rory safely home. I loved seeing him use his experiences to get them out of trouble.
I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Rory and Gabriel. There were sparks between them from the moment they met. I was very impressed with Gabriel and the way he kept his focus in spite of Rory's state of undress. Beyond the sparks, there was also a deeper connection that was immediately apparent. I loved the way they spoke honestly of what was developing between them, and also realized that there was a chance that things would not go their way. The scenes on the ship from Algiers to Constantinople were sweet and sexy as they used the time to get to know each other. The attraction between them also grew. Gabriel's strength and honor were in full force as he resisted the pull in order to protect Rory in case everything went wrong. The resolution was exciting, and I loved how they came together at the end. There was a satisfying wrap-up with both Rory's family and Gabriel's that brought the book to a wonderful conclusion.
The story was packed full of action from beginning to end. The descriptions of the time in the two harems were vivid, and I could effortlessly picture what Rory and Constance experienced. Their fears and frustrations were easily understood. The tension mounted when Gabriel arrived to find that he had a history with Rory's captor. Malek became a slightly more sympathetic character as his reasons for the vast ransom were revealed, but his intentions remained unchanged. I was wholly invested in the story as it moved from Algiers to Constantinople. The pirate attack was vividly described and kept the tension high as they dealt with the unexpected complication. Their arrival in Constantinople was met with treachery and deceit, putting them all in extreme danger. I was on the edge of my seat as Gabriel worked from his side to effect a rescue, and Rory and the others declined to play the victim and fought back. There were exciting twists and turns and an unexpected surprise for Gabriel.
There was also a secondary romance between Constance and Gabriel's second-in-command, Jason. I enjoyed seeing the quieter and more practical Constance emerge from a bit of a shell and find a love she had given up on. I liked Jason's steadfast support of Constance and acceptance of her past. I especially enjoyed the scene as Constance sketched Jason with the goats; it was fun and sweet with an underlying simmer of attraction.
Once a Scoundrel is the third book in the Rogues Redeemed series by Mary Jo Putney.
Lady Aurora Lawrence isn't your usual rich lady with her mind on marriage. She loves to travel and to experience adventures. She gets a little more than she bargains for when she and her cousin and companion, Constance, are kidnapped by Corsairs and taken to live in a harem! A ransom demand is sent to Aurora's parents for an impossible amount to raise making her father resolved to leave her where she is and her mother deciding that that was just not going to happen. She manages to raise enough for half the ransom, plus engages the help of a man who is known as a great negotiator.
That man is Gabriel Hawkins. Formally of the Royal Navy he now is captain of his own ship. He's earned his living doing both legal and illegal jobs, he's a strong capable man and he is perfect for the job of trying to rescue Aurora and her cousin.
The rescue, of course, isn't straightforward, in fact, it involves a whole other sea voyage and taking on an even more dastardly enemy one that Gabriel has dealt with before and one that one normally wouldn't want to cross. He also lives in a veritable fortress, so not so easy for rescuing damsels in distress.
This book has it all, the swashbuckling adventure at sea, the drama of the women being taken hostage not once but twice, and all the suspense of trying to get them free and back home safely. The battles at sea were fabulous and the author described them so well that I could easily picture the scenes. Of course, there was romance too with some fabulously passionate moments between Gabriel and Aurora. The lust between them was palpable at times especially when they were trying not to give in to temptation fully. There wasn't a dull moment in this story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I couldn't read it quickly enough to find out how it would end.
I received this novel from net galley and the publisher. Thank you! I enjoyed this novel by Ms. Putney. It contained adventure and romance. I greatly enjoyed the characters and the subplot that went along with the story. Lady Aurora Lawrence, aka Roaring Rory, has avoided marriage and enjoyed her travels with her cousin, Constance. Both are working together to write stories about heroic woman and hope to one day publish them. However, when their ship is attacked and they are taken as hostages, a huge ransom is demanded. However, Rory's father cannot pay the amount and her mother gathers what she can and seeks help to save her daughter. Gabriel Hawkins "Vance", was dismissed from the navy based on the choices he made. He runs his own ship, doing both legal and illegal dealings. He agrees to the task of rescuing Rory from Barbary pirates. Gabriel is an honorable man and knows he will do what he can to save Rory even though he has not met her yet. Both are instantly attracted to the other when they meet. Gabriel meets with a man from his past and agrees to a deal with him in exchange for Rory and Constance as well others from their captured ship. Still, nothing ever goes according to plan. As they travel by sea, feelings become more complex. Rory will sacrifice herself if it means Gabriel stays alive. When the one who planned to use the women is betrayed, Gabriel will risk all to save Rory from being in the harem. A delightful read!
Okay, this one was just a little too far over the top. Disgraced Royal Navy man, Lord Gabriel Vance, now goes by Gabriel Hawkins after he was drummed out of the Navy. Now, he is a blockade runner and privateer who plies his trade in the Mediterranean and the waters around the brand-new United States of America. He is tasked with recovering Lady Aurora Lawrence who has gotten herself imprisoned in a harem, along with her cousin, Constance. Malek Reis holds Rory and Constance prisoner, but wants to sell them to his greedy cousin, Ghurkan, in Constantinople in hopes of freeing his wife and children, who are prisoners. Gabriel agrees to take Malek to Constantinople, hoping to free Rory and Constance and the crew of her ship. Blah, blah, things happen and everyone lives happily ever after. Putney always writes an entertaining book with charming characters, but this one was rather formulaic. I much preferred the secondary characters in this one. And, the set-up for the fourth book in the series, which will undoubtedly feature Ramsey, one of rogues in need of redemption, who assists Gabriel and Malek escape in Constantinople.
❤️❤️❤️❤️ 💋💋 I haven’t read much by this author before , and admit that this is the first in this series to have caught my eye . That being the case I can honestly say I missed little by not reading the others in The Rogues Redeemed series first . The is an enjoyable adventure set everywhere from London to the Barbary Coast and some places in between . Aboard ship or on land the story never takes a breather and continues at a phenomenal pace, Great characters and relationships, amusing and terrifying in equal parts . An adventure not to be missed I received an advance copy of this book and chose to submit a review
I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley, thank you for this. All opinions are my own.
Once A Scoundrel takes the reader to an exciting adventure at sea. I really liked the hero, Gabriel Hawkins. He's a decent guy with an interesting background (the redeemed rogue part). Rory (the heroine), though, didn’t seem that bright and I couldn’t make myself care about her. The story is full of action - and I like that in a romance. It felt a bit rushed like the whole book, but overall this has been a decent read.
Once again, It lacked connection. The book read like a movie, not only in respect to the crazy plot, which was highly enjoyable, but also in the manner that while I was in the characters shoes I was not inside their minds. It would have been the same as sitting in a chair watching a installment for the first time. You may be entranced but you are not immersed into the story. Which is a pity because I truly read for that type of out of body experience. Getting to be some place else surrounded by things I cannot only imagine but feel as well.
———————————————————————————— RATINGS:
Plot : 4 📚📚📚📚
A lot of plot
World Building(Immersion): 3.5 🌎🌎🌎💫
(I liked that the book was set in so many different places, mainly Turkey, it was and is a very beautiful country even if not the most welcoming to women).
Angst : 2 👹👹
Having your arm pinched
(It would have been more given the themes, but once again I lacked connection with the characters).
Funniness: 1 🌝
There was a joke, but I didn’t even twitch
Scariness: ❎ not scary
(Unless you are afraid of the human capability for evil)
Romance: 💖💖💫
It was there but it was underwhelming.
Spice: 🌶🌶
Hot, descriptive but most culminations goes to a fade to black style.
Goriness: 2.5🫀🫀
Someone died and I kinda witnessed it.
(The Main death was gory but it was also satisfying in the way the people who died had it coming + battles + wounds)
Sadness: 1 🥲
I know the author intended for me to feel something, and I almost did
Overall star rating : 3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
It was good, it was almost great.
———————————————————————————— 🚨🚨🚨MILD SPOILERS 🚨🚨🚨
The Good Place: ▫️The main Hero (we have 2) Gabriel was stead fast. A good captain but a bit too passive for my taste. He was still a good man so I guess he can stay on the good place. ▫️ The second hero was cute. Jason was from America, completely besotted with the heroines cousin (Constance). Yet he was also more off an addition you would see in a Disney movie which was completely weird given the dark setting and themes explored. ▫️The heroine Rory was amusing enough. She liked to write stories and had an overactive mind. She failed to stand out like Gabriel’s and Jason. And Constance. ▫️The cousin was there to be the less shinny contrast to the cousin. Yet she was sweet enough for me not to send her to the bad place. It is not her fault all the main characters failed to entertain me. ▫️Malek. Now, here was someone that finally caught my attention. I don’t particularly like the guy, he did some terrible things, which I can understand why he did it, it is still sort of unforgivable in my eye. Even than,one cannot overlook his devotion and willingness to get his family back no matter what. Already having a tainted soul, he did not mind sullying it a bit more for his family. That made him interesting, which in turn made me enraptured. ▫️I thought it was a really smart thing to do seeing the pirates off without their sails or weapons. Idk why that stuck out to me, but in the case you would not like to kill all the people it was a good option. ▫️the pacing was alright. ▫️The whale bone was a stroke of genius. ▫️The non demonizing of Islam. I liked that the author did her research and was very objective about it. (My family is very mixed, my father’s stepfather came from an Islamic family so I can understand all the terrible stereotypes in writing out there. I was glad it was not present here). ▫️Siçan may be called the street rat but from the little I saw of him, he seemed like a man of honor. I always can appreciate that.
The Bad Place: ▪️The dad. What kind of father goes “welp she got herself captured and I got other children”, after the ransom is too high to pay? The mother had the right state of mind but the dad deserved a whacking. ▪️The themes were too dark and at the same time were too brightly handled. I think all the traumas, such as the prospect of sex slavery and rape, would leave certain realistic marks. The book lacked that. ▪️the reunion scene with Malek and his family. Where was the emotion? I was looking forward to it. ▪️Gürkan and his captain of the guard. May they find torment in the fires of hell. Amen. ▪️The “virginity examination” even if not detailed- was inhuman. Along with the full body “analysis” to see if the merchandise was “good”
———————————————————————————— 🚨🚨🚨🚨 SPOILERS 🚨🚨🚨🚨
Some ( Very Random) Moments of Notice Along With (Sometimes) My Very Live Reactions Straight From My Notes App to You:
📌“Will you like being so close to your family? Many people prefer a bit more distance.” “They’re some of my favorite people,” he said cheerfully. “Why would I want to settle anywhere else?”
📌“After the examination, they were given light robes and returned to the quarters of the Valide. The old woman ordered, “Take clothes off!” Constance flushed, so Rory whispered, “This will be over soon.”
I can’t imagine the humiliation, the feeling of self-worthless that it probably came with it. To imagine treating women like this was common practice AND still is in some parts of the world makes me sick.
📌“Laughing, he swept her up in his arms and kissed her for all of Mayfair to see. “I look forward to being ravished, my lady bright!” He leaned his forehead against hers, vastly content as he added softly, “And I rejoice in knowing that I’m the luckiest man in Britain.” “I’m glad you think so,” Rory said with matching softness. “But I am surely the luckiest woman.
Aurora lleva toda su vida viviendo como le dicta su corazón y su gran espíritu aventurero que le ha llevado a recorrer multitud de países. Durante uno de sus viajes la joven es atrapada junto a su prima por piratas berberiscos quienes prometen liberarla si su familia paga la gran suma de dinero que han solicitado por su rescate. Aurora no ve muy claro su rescate ya que ha sido un gran quebradero de cabeza para su familia y sabe que sus padres no disponen de mucho dinero en efectivo así que la joven empieza a resignarse ante la nueva vida que se le plantea como miembro de un harén. Cuando sus esperanzas empiezan a flaquear la llegada inesperada de Gabriel, un hombre inglés que ha sido contratado por su madre para devolverla a Gran Bretaña a salvo, prenden de nuevo la mecha de la esperanza en la joven. Juntos emprenderán una peligrosa misión por aguas plagadas de piratas pero quizás ese no sea el mayor peligro al que se enfrentan ya que entre ambos ha empezado a surgir una inesperada atracción. ¿Podrán ambos resistirse a ella o sucumbirán con todas las implicaciones que esto conlleva?
Este es el tercer libro de la serie de libros “Los calaveras redimidos” que se pueden leer de forma independiente ya que cada libro se centra en la historia de un personaje concreto. Para mí es el segundo libro que leo de la serie ya que leí el de “Érase una vez un rebelde” y me gustó mucho. Este me ha gustado pero no tanto como el anterior libro. Lo que más me ha gustado del libro es su protagonista, Aurora o Rory como prefiere que la llamen sus amigos. Me ha gustado mucho la personalidad de este personaje ya que es una chica muy diferente a las chicas de esa época, muy moderna, valiente y a la que los convencionalismos no le interesan lo más mínimo. Me gustó mucho que se dedicase a viajar por diferentes países del mundo junto a su prima y que entre ambas escribieran novelas de aventuras protagonizadas por chicas valientes y que no seguían las reglas del decoro inglés. Me resultó llamativo que la autora las pusiese en una tesitura similar a la que vivían sus personajes de las novelas y me gustó mucho que gracias a la imaginación desbordante de ambas, las primas pudiesen librarse de algunas situaciones complicadas que tendrán que vivir durante su cautiverio. En general todos los personajes del libro me gustaron mucho, desde Gabriel, Malek hasta Gürkan ya que están todos muy bien construidos y todos desempeñan un papel importante en la historia. En relación a esto me gustó descubrir el por qué de la situación de Rory y su prima en la corte de Malek y conocer el motivo por el que el reis tuvo que recurrir a la piratería. Con ello descubrimos que Malek no es el villano que nos habíamos imaginado en un principio. Otra cosa que me gustó del libro es la ambientación. La historia se desarrolla en las costas berberiscas, en alta mar y en Constantinopla. Es verdad que la autora no hace descripciones muy detalladas de estos lugares pero con sus pinceladas logra situarte perfectamente en estos países. Lo que no me convenció del todo fue la trama romántica, para mí se desarrolla de forma muy precipitada aunque entiendo que la autora use el cliché del amor a primera vista en esta ocasión. La portada me parece muy bonita y me encanta que refleje algo que es importante en la novela. En conclusión una novela que disfrutarán un montón los fans de las novelas románticas y aquellos que se están iniciando en este género.
The son of a proud naval dynasty, Gabriel Hawkins was born to command the sea, until he leaves the Royal Navy in disgrace and is disowned by his family. As captain of his own ship, he’s earned his living in ways both legal and illegal, and his experience makes him the best choice to ransom an aristocratic beauty captured by Barbary pirates.
Having avoided the traps of convention and marriage, Lady Aurora Lawrence is horrified by the prospect of spending her life as a harem slave. Her only hope of escape is a quiet, steely captain who has a history with her captor—and who will do anything to free Rory. Together they undertake a dangerous mission through troubled waters—and encounter another kind of danger as attraction burns hot within the close confines of his ship. But even if they endure the perils of the sea and enemy lands, can their love survive a return to England, where the distance between a disgraced captain and an earl’s daughter is wider than the ocean?
My Thoughts:
This series as a whole has been a disappointment to me as a reader. I wanted to like them but just had problems with the scenarios in each one. This one included a heroine that is likely to be sold into a harem. RED FLAG! I don't care for the whole human bondage plot. This is book #3 and the first one was the only one that I could honestly give more than 3.5 stars to. If you like pirates and harems you'll like this book, but it just wasn't the read I hoped for. I gave this book 3.25 of 5.0 stars for storyline. The characters were somewhat more interesting and would have bumped the rating up if the plot were one that I liked. I received a complimentary ARC of this book by invitation. This in no way affected my opinion of this book which I read and reviewed voluntarily.
Lady Aurora ‘Rory’ Octavia Lawrence and her companion Constance have been captured by a corsair and held for ransom. Her father washes his hands of his headstrong daughter, the ransom sum is unreasonably high and he can’t raise it, but her mother sells her jewels (for less than the ransom demand) and hires Captain Hawkins to negotiate with Malek Reis for Rory’s release. Although Malek Reis and Hawkins have history, Hawkins goes to Algiers to see what can be done.
The plot is overblown and less than believable which surprised me. Putney is usually more convincing. There is more telling than showing. Characters are very willing to tell private details of their lives rather than reveal them as the story progresses. It reads as though Once a Scoundrel was an early effort brought out and published now. Readable, but disappointing.
Readalikes: Stephanie Laurens’ Adventurers’ Quartet; Jo Beverley – My Lady Notorious; Gina Conkle – The Lord Meets His Lady; Bertrice Small – The Kadin, Bedazzled, The Love Slave, and A Memory of Love; Jade Lee – White Tigress.
Pace: Fast Characters: Likeable, but unconvincing Story: Plot-driven; Superficial Writing style: Amateurish; engaging Tone: Mildly sensual Frame: London; Algiers; Constantinople
Gabriel Hawkins Vance es miembro de una dinastía naval pero sus acciones le hicieron perder su puesto en la Marina Real y ser desheredado por su familia. Ahora tiene su propio barco y es dueño de su destino y este lo lleva a formar parte del rescate de Lady Aurora”Rory” Lawrence.
En una de sus travesías Rory es secuestrada junto a su prima Constance, sus captores piden un alto precio por su liberación que ella no está segura que sus padres puedan costear y ve cada vez más cerca ser vendida y formar parte de un harén.
Sigo con esta serie que hasta el momento no me ha dado muchas sorpresas aún no me ha cautivado y eso que hay novelas de esta autora que sí lo han hecho pero aquí ya llevo tres y no salto de alegría.
Recordemos que las novelas se basan en los cinco hombres que a punto de morir se hacen la promesa de redimir sus vidas si escapan del cadalso y ahora le toca el turno como protagonista a Gabriel Hawkins.
Aquí tenemos una novela de aventuras, ambientada en las costas berberiscas, Constantinopla e Inglaterra. La autora no es extensa en las descripciones pero logra captar la atención mostrándonos la vida en el mar, las costumbres de la sociedad y funcionamiento de un harén.
Rory junto a su descubierta prima Constance Hollings se dedican a viajar por el mundo, conocer otras culturas y de paso documentarse para sus novelas compuestas por auténticas heroínas. Durante su periplo son capturadas por piratas que piden un alto rescate...
Pur non essendo partita senza grandi aspettative, la lettura di questo romanzo si è rivelata piacevole e a suo modo originale. La tematica dei pirati non è una delle mie preferite, però qui si fa riferimento non ai soliti corsari dei Caraibi, ma a quelli che infestavano le acque del Mediterraneo a inizio ottocento, quando i predoni arabi dell'Africa settentrionale assalivano le navi europee per saccheggiare i carichi e imprigionare i viaggiatori "bianchi" da tenere come schiavi o rivendere nei ricchi mercati dell'Impero Ottomano.
Un incidente del genere capita a due giovani inglesi, una lady e la sua dama di compagnia, ma il riscatto preteso è troppo elevato e la famiglia d'origine si avvia a lasciarle al loro destino. Per fortuna un giro di amicizie fa intervenire in loro soccorso il capitano Gabriel Hawkins, un tempo ufficiale della marina britannica e ora solo avventuriero in proprio, dopo alcune disavventure disciplinari.
Quella che sembrava però una semplice negoziazione con il capo dei pirati si trasforma in realtà in un viaggio-missione, addirittura verso la stessa Costantinopoli, e il romanzo acquista ben presto un ritmo avventuroso, tra viaggi in mare e incursioni nell'harem.
Lady Aurora, detta "Rory", è una donna intrepida e che non si perde d'animo, e che, pur giovane, ha alle spalle una notevole esperienza in terre esotiche e pericoli di vario genere: non per nulla, lei e la cugina sono scrittrici di romanzi d'appendice a tempo perso e si ispirano alle loro stesse eroine di carta anche nella realtà. Gabriel, a sua volta, è pragmatico ma con un forte senso dell'onore.
Ci sono alcuni riferimenti ai libri precedenti della serie, ma il libro si legge (e si apprezza) senza problemi. La storia d'amore è presente, ma non è predominante rispetto alla parte d'azione.