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War/Peace 2036

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The year is 2036 and the globe is gearing up for WW3. Stationed in Scotland is a newly formed unit, 1st UK Regiment of Iceni answering to the creed of Bellator Boudiccae. They fight like lions to hold out against a determined aggressor on the front lines in east Poland. Little does Corporal Eion “Badger” Skeats realise that his best friend Steve has stumbled onto a secret that puts his life and those of his entire section in jeopardy. Desperate for answers Badger takes it upon himself to embark on a new mission, dragging his friends with him from the snow covered fields in Eastern Europe to the innermost sanctum of the MOD in Whitehall. With the secret in the palm of his hand he fights to get the truth out.

399 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 23, 2017

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About the author

Wilbur Seymore

10 books34 followers

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