This pictorial guidebook and album contains some overall information about Iranian culture, civilization, geography, etc. in addition to a detailed list of tourist attracting sites in each city, for the use of tourists visiting Iran from different countries. Our main goal is to provide brief information about the country’s history, nature, civilization, culture and language and provide a general picture of this ancient country and the character of the Iranians because Iran is not limited to its carpets and mats or historical buildings and sweet poetry. A tourist who visits Iran will quickly discover the life of the contemporary Iranian and the roots which binds him to his past. A traveler coming to Iran will have many beautiful scenes to inspect including different natural landscapes, seas, lakes, waterfalls, forests, mountains, deserts and wonderful historical monuments. A man or woman traveling to Iran besides getting acquainted with the ancient civilization of East will discover the changes in the modern towns and the country’s assorted natural landscapes. Iran forms a bridge between the West and Fareast. One of the things which make Iran unique is its glorious history and ancient civilization and geography. Because of its strategic position in Asia Iran has fallen in the route of migrating hordes and aggressive barbarians which made the defense of the vast borders difficult, and often impossible. Nevertheless Iran had a deep influence in the world until the Medieval Age. Meanwhile thanks to modern inventions Iran is now connected to East and West by air, by rail, by surface roads and by the Persian Gulf. From such routes not only the people can exchange goods but communicate with the Iranians also. All of that, has made Iran an uprising tourism destination, open arms, ancient charms.
مسعود بُربُر، داستاننویس، روایتپژوه و مدرس ادبیات داستانی است.
او معاون سردبیر و دبیر تحریریه فصلنامه ادبیات داستانی برگ هنر، مدیر مدرسه مطالعات داستانی مؤسسه خوانش و برگزارکنندهی برنامهی داستانخوانی ۲۲:۲۲ بوده است.
بُربُر هماکنون علاوه بر تدریس در دانشگاه، در مؤسسههای آموزشی مختلف دورههای عمومی و همچنین کارگاههای خصوصی برگزار میکند، با ناشران مختلف همکاری دارد و پیش از این نیز به عنوان خبرنگار فعالیت میکرده و با رسانههای مختلف همکاری کرده است. او همچنین به عنوان یک لیبرال تندرو و ضدتمامیتخواهی با نقدهای تندش به چپها و سیاستهای حذفی و اقتدارگریانهی آنها شناخته شده است. بربر معتقد است که «داستان دریچهای به آزادی است».
Masoud Borbor is an Iranian story writer, narratologist. story-writing teacher and former journalist.
He is the editor of Barg-e-Honar magazine. Borbor teaches a variety of courses in story writing, and narratology at the college, institutes like Khanesh, Osan, Baharan and private workshops. He also works as the supervisor and book editor in a couple of publishers. He has been working as a journalist since 2000.
He is known as a radical liberal and anti-totalitarianism, who criticises leftists and their coercive approach. His favourite topics are fiction, literature, narratology, freedom, environmental issues, cultural heritage, and libertarianism. He believes that "story is a gate to liberty".
Surprisingly cool for a totally Iran-produced guidebook. Very informative and highly recommended. Yes, it’s rather dry and not without mistakes, but really not bad.