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Threadbare: A Short Story

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What happens when your gift turns against you?

All her life Bess has known the magic streams around her, waves of power she can draw from to wield the gift of magical threads. Now the youngest member of a team of Anchors, she helps protect the city streets from Drifters—energy thieves who prey on the life force of ordinary humans.

But when a battle leaves Bess’s threads in an irreparable tangle, she is faced with an agonizing choice: sever her threads and lose her magic forever—or be slowly consumed by her own power.

YA contemporary fantasy. Short story.

57 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 22, 2017

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About the author

Bethany A. Jennings

5 books61 followers
Bethany A. Jennings is a YA fantasy and poetry author of intense, lyrical words that reach the heart and pierce the darkness. In addition to her work as acquisitions editor and author liaison at Uncommon Universes Press, she also runs #WIPjoy, a popular hashtag game for authors. Born in SoCal, Bethany now lives in New England with her husband, four kids, zero pets, and a large and growing collection of imaginary friends.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews
Profile Image for Brianna Silva.
Author 3 books112 followers
April 6, 2017
Bethany has a way with words! This short story was enjoyable to read, very well edited, and I was able to care about the characters in just a few pages.

And even as someone who usually doesn't care for magic-centered stories, I thought the magic was cool. :) I look forward to seeing what Bethany writes next! For a short debut, she's off to a great start. ^_^

Also, unrelated, but THAT COVER. Who made that cover? It's boss!
Profile Image for Laura A. Grace.
1,795 reviews245 followers
March 22, 2017
I immensely enjoyed this short story! For it being so small, it definitely had a lot of depth that made Bess more easily relatable then I would have thought.

The magic streams were fascinating. I thought it to be a really cool concept and absolutely loved how Bess's story unfolded, especially the ending. Those last few lines were epic.

Overall, an excellent read that leaves me wanting more of the author's writing!
Profile Image for J.J. Johnson.
Author 11 books47 followers
March 29, 2017
Holy Stinking Smokes- I read this little short in one quick sitting. Dropping me right in the action I quickly got a grasp on a unique magic system and a battle between good and evil. Bethany does an outstanding job of developing a three dimensional character that longs to be something, and feels heartbroken when the realization of what she wanted may in fact be slipping away. But understanding your calling- Believing and having faith that you were meant to make a difference for others, not yourself, may be the very mindset change that allows one to feel the grasp of their desire again. I give this five stars and look forward to seeing more.
Profile Image for Kyle.
Author 41 books155 followers
March 25, 2017
A stellar piece of short fiction

I'm amazed at how the author managed to unpack a rich magic system, develop engaging characters, and weave a gripping plot all in the space of this short story. It leaves the reader wanting more, but in a good way--the pacing is steady rather than rushed, and the conclusion is satisfying. I hope to one day read further stories in this universe. It feels like an excellent setting for a longer novel, or even a series.
Profile Image for Kat Heckenbach.
Author 32 books232 followers
April 11, 2017
I grabbed this short story because I'm a sucker for unique magic systems. And let me stress: It is a short story. A quick, one-sitting read. But a nice little ride with a solid voice. The plot itself is very simple and straight-forward, focused mostly on action. I was impressed by the amount of world-building the author put into such a short piece, including some great description of the aforementioned magic system. Overall, it felt like a piece of something bigger-- a story world I'd like to delve into more.
Profile Image for Sara James.
Author 1 book3 followers
May 30, 2017
Satisfying short read

This short story packs a punch. I was intrigued by the magic system in this world. In just a short space, Jennings is able to build her world and make me care about her characters.
Profile Image for K.L. + Pierce.
Author 5 books57 followers
June 12, 2017
Jennings doesn’t hold back any punches in Threadbare. In just a few pages I already have a good idea of the magical system, the purpose of Anchors, and Bess. Bess is a strong, relatable character who has believed that she was meant to be an Anchor. Using magical threads to protect those who are Threadbare, from other magical users who wish to drain them. However when Bess’s threads become tangled, she is faced with an impossible decision. Cut her threads and become Threadbare herself, or allow her threads to consume her. Either way, she loses her purpose, and potentially her place on the team. Even so, she refuses to let go of the idea that she was made for more than a simple life, and I greatly respect that.

Speaking of the team, Marshall was very well developed, and I love his mentor relationship with Bess. Having faced the same decision that Bess is confronted with, he truly empathizes and wants to see Bess through the ordeal, whatever choice she makes. The other characters are less developed, but I can tell that they are a unit. If one member goes down, they come to their aid.

Bess’s journey was so emotional, and so inspiring at the same. I am blessed to have come across both Threadbare and Jennings.
Profile Image for R.J..
Author 17 books36 followers
March 23, 2017
Beautiful and meaningful. The thought of losing your God-given talent, of being a dead weight to others, and having no purpose hits home in all of our hearts. We can all identify with Bess's pain. Yet her choices are epic and brilliant, bringing so much depth to such a little tale. My heart was warmed through and through!
Profile Image for Deborah O'Carroll.
502 reviews104 followers
December 20, 2018
A very intriguing short story, very exciting and the dystopian-type world (?) with the unique magic was interesting and I wanted to learn more about it but felt like it wasn't explained or at least that I had a really hard time understanding it. Granted, I had a lot going on while I was trying to read this, so some of that might be my fault for not paying close enough attention. I just wished there was more explained. But it's a good short story.
Profile Image for Kara.
791 reviews
March 23, 2017
What an amazingly beautiful and strange story!! Wonderfully described characters and magic in such a short story that I really enjoyed :) Bess is such a great character and someone I'd like to know more about. And just WOW to that cover, I want to know more about Threadbares!!
Profile Image for Claire Banschbach.
Author 7 books194 followers
December 2, 2017
Well that was super cool! It was like a really quick snapshot into a crazy world where magic dances in golden waves. I wanted more so I could finish exploring the world. :)
Profile Image for Gabriellyn.
Author 1 book44 followers
December 30, 2017
I loved the visual images in this story. They were so cool. Bess was a great main character, the writing was great, well done, Mrs. Jennings!
Profile Image for Abby Jones.
Author 1 book30 followers
April 17, 2017
Threadbare is a short story about a young woman who has lost control of her powers. In this magical world, powers work like threads. After a fight, Bess’s threads are tangled. She faces the choice of being strangled by them or having them severed. Unable to fend for herself, she faces a life without magic, and puts her team in danger.

I loved the world building of this story. It was immersive, unique, and fun. I’m ready for a full length novel. Bethany wonderfully handled dropping us into this world for a short time without losing us with threads, waves, Sinkholes, and Drifters. I never felt confused or turned around. In fact, I just wanted more.

Bethany kept the pace moving forward at a run with a magical battle used to show us the depth of pain Bess felt at the choice she is forced to make. The ending brought hope and light to the story. This is where I longed for a full length novel the most. I wanted to taste everything a little longer before resolution. This is the hard part of a short story for the reader. I didn’t want it to be short.

If you want a quick adventure to read during a lunch break or while standing in line, this is well worth your money.
Profile Image for Kait Spangler.
Author 1 book6 followers
March 27, 2017
I think that short stories can be difficult to write. To be exciting and coherent in such a small word count, can be a hard feat to accomplish. Bethany A. Jennings was able to accomplish this and more. Threadbare is a delightfully imaginative tale. The use of the magical abilities in this story is one that I personally have never seen in a story before and I found it intriguing. Bess is an interesting protagonist and she is a very relatable character. Despite the steady pace and satisfying conclusion, Threadbare left me wanting more. Even though we the readers really only get a small glimpse of the world, it’s fascinating and it’s a setting I’d love to see explored more.

Overall, if you’re looking for a nice fantasy short story to check out, I would recommend giving Threadbare a shot!
Profile Image for Noor Al-Shanti.
Author 11 books37 followers
July 21, 2018
An excellent, masterfully written short story that gives the reader a glimpse into a a very interesting world. As a stand-alone, I felt it might need a slightly longer exploration of the feelings that come with being threadbare, but I suspect that there's a lot more the author plans to do in this world and this is only a teaser. I would love to read more from this author and in this world. I'm going to keep this review short to avoid spoilers, but I would recommend it for someone looking for a shorter read in a unique magic system.
Profile Image for Jason Joyner.
Author 7 books56 followers
April 25, 2017
For a short story, Bethany's story packs an emotional punch. The group of magical protectors is quickly introduced, but in an intimate way, with the heroine Bess having her magic betray her. Bess wrestles with her place on the team and whether she'll be "whole" again. The answers are suspenseful and satisfying.

I really enjoyed this story, and my only complaint is I want something new from Bethany to read now!
Profile Image for Katy.
Author 30 books140 followers
March 18, 2018
This is an unexpectedly deep short story. When I first started it, I didn't think I would like it, since it feels dystopian. By the end I was glad I had read it; the powerful message of despair turned to hope resonated with me like a gong.
Profile Image for Olivia Hofer.
37 reviews11 followers
August 8, 2017
Though the genre isn't my typical cup of tea, Jenning's strong, lyrical voice captivated me from the opening paragraphs. The characters are lovable and the story conveys hope and beauty through the darkness. This brief read is well worth your time.
Profile Image for Alexis Johnson.
Author 5 books42 followers
March 23, 2017
What a very thrilling and fast-paced short story! You can easily gobble up with a cup of coffee or tea.

I loved the idea of magic being described as threads, I could almost feel them in my own hands. Though she only has 25 pages, Jennings establishes her own magical system in a very clear and believable way. I didn't need to have a huge backstory for the magic, it was very well exposed within the context of the story. My only real criticism, is that I would have liked a little more description of the characters and setting. Other than being urban, the world is a little vague and we don't really know what each of the characters look like or what tells them apart. Honestly, that was really it, and it didn't takeaway from the enjoyment of the story because it was such an exciting piece.

My favorite parts of this, and any story, are the symbolism and themes. I think this story has a very strong message of letting go. Bess's magic becomes tangled, essentially useless, and I think everyone knows from the start she will have to cut it and lose it forever. For most of the story Bess is resisting and fighting this fate. It's very much how we all react in times of trial or loss, denial and struggle. Yet, when her friend is in need, she lays aside her own needs and desires and gives of her whole self in order to save another. I know the author is a Christian, and this is a wonderful theme that makes me think of John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." It is only when Bess is broken, when she is Threadbare, that she is humble enough to see that she still has value and she can conquer the darkness. As if that weren't beautiful enough, her life and magic restored 100 fold in lieu of death! Another theme of God's grace and abundant love.

I really enjoyed this and I hope Jennings will consider expanding it because this is a very encouraging story. Also, like everyone else, I think the cover is stunning!

* I received a free copy of this book. This is my honest and fair review.
Profile Image for Sammie.
448 reviews42 followers
December 17, 2017
This short story is fantastic and worth every cent. Bethany Jennings has a fantastic way of bringing a world to life. The writing itself is beautiful, but easy to read, and right from the start, the reader is dragged into the action.

The main character, Bess, has a gift: the ability to manifest threads of magic. During a battle, the magic is turned against her, and Bess' threads become tangled into a useless mess. No matter how she tries, they won't untangle, and Bess is forced to face the reality that she might have to give up the life she's known and live as a Threadbare.

Right from the start, the action pulled me in, and I read this pretty quickly, in one read, because I just had to find out what was going to happen next. The characters were great and really came to life.

The only real downside I could find with this was I wasn't a fan of the climax. It seemed very convenient, very deus ex machina. I can't really say anything more about it because of spoilers, but I loved about 90% of the story. The last 10% was really disappointing, because it felt just too convenient and too contrived and out of left field.

Despite that, I would still recommend giving this one a read. It was a great short story, and I look forward to reading more of Bethany Jennings' work in the future.
Profile Image for E.B. Dawson.
Author 36 books145 followers
July 28, 2017
I was not only hooked right from the beginning, I was deeply emotionally invested by page three, no easy feat. Jennings has created a fascinating magical world with relatable spiritual implications. Bess' struggle became my own and I felt so protective of her as I cheered her on.

Jennings' does a great job of giving you all the information you need to know without overwhelming you. Her writing is clean, light, and immersive.

This is a great read!
Profile Image for H.L. Burke.
Author 95 books554 followers
February 22, 2018
Quick paced short story. Feels a bit like a quick dip into a much bigger world, though to my knowledge there isn't another story here. The tale in itself does feel complete. It's little things like the mention of a handful of side characters who aren't the focus that make you feel this is a window to a world rather than a panorama.
The ending does feel a little unexplained. I think it's meant to be an act of fate/reward for sacrifice, which isn't a bad thing, but I wasn't sure if that was intentional or just my interpretation because it is left a little open ended.
Profile Image for C.O. Bonham.
Author 14 books31 followers
November 4, 2017
Very short story. The first book I've ever read that's double spaced.

The story world of this story has an interesting magic system, that I wish had been expounded on more. This is an intense story about discovery and sacrifice.

I would really love to see this story world and characters used in a novel.
Profile Image for Grace.
186 reviews
December 28, 2017
This was a really good book! My only complaint is that it seemed more like an excerpt from a longer book than a short story. I'd love it if the author expanded on this short story. I'd like to know the story of how Bess got recruited and I'd definitely like to see how the story plays out after the events of this book. The writing and setting was very creative and interesting.
Profile Image for Eileen Keir.
Author 2 books4 followers
June 13, 2018
I Wanted More

Great writing but I wish it had been longer.. I know it is a short story but I wanted to get to know the characters better, to savour the author's unique voice, and get lost in this magical (literally) adventure. I will read more of Jennings' books. Can't wait to see what else she has.
Profile Image for Brianna.
Author 7 books72 followers
September 30, 2018
A Thrilling Ride!

In just a few pages, Threadbare successfully creates a world of interest and a battle for that world for readers to be invested in. The magic system is immediately fascinating, and the struggle the main character undergoes is relatable, even though as readers we don't have our own literal magic. Threadbare is a visual feast rising up from the text!
Profile Image for Amy Kitcher.
57 reviews5 followers
June 20, 2017
Threadbare is a short story that gives a tantalising glimpse into a world where the forces of good and evil do battle over souls of mortals. The story reads almost like a dream - the reader is plunged into the middle of the action and follows the 'thread' to its conclusion. Given the length of this story, there is no scope for subplot or character development, but the author has managed to create a magical system that is both interesting and dynamic. Indeed, I'd happily read a full-length work set on this premise.
Profile Image for Shauna Viele.
19 reviews10 followers
August 27, 2017

Short read that grabs and holds until you finish. Captivated until the end--now I am wondering where the rest of the story is!
Looking forward to finding more gems by this author.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews

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