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Akissi #7

Faux départ

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À Yopougon, c’est le drame ! Pélagie vient d’apprendre que ses parents se séparent et qu’elle risque de déménager."Divorcer, c’est la mort"… et pour éviter ça, tous les coups sont permis ! Sans compter qu’Akissi a aussi des ennuis : un oncle venu de France veut l’emmener dans ce lointain pays, royaume des ours polaires ! Il va donc falloir faire des pieds et des mains pour que personne ne parte de ce petit paradis ivoirien.

48 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 20, 2016

13 people want to read

About the author

Marguerite Abouet

45 books281 followers
Marguerite Abouet was born in 1971 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, in Western Africa. She grew up during a time of great prosperity in the Ivory Coast. At the age of twelve, she and her old brother went to stay with a great-uncle in Paris, where they further pursued their education. Years later, after becoming a novelist for young adults, Abouet was drawn to telling the story of the world she remembered from her youth. The result was the graphic novel Aya de Yopougon, published in North America as Aya, illustrated by Clemént Oubrerie, that recalls Abouet's Ivory Coast childhood in the 1970s, and tells the humorous, engaging stories of her friends and family as they navigate a happy and prosperous time in that country's history.

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