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Finding Molly, Volume 1: An Adventure in Catsitting

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Finding Molly: An Adventure in Catsitting is a graphic novel about Molly Sanchez-Talebi, an unemployed art school grad who hesitantly starts catsitting to pay the bills. She dreams of breaking out of suburbia and her artistic rut, but she has a lot of self-discovery to do before that happens. The comic follows her funny misadventures as she learns that maybe these (sometimes) friendly felines are just what she needs to get her life on track.

170 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2016

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Justine Prado

6 books5 followers

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Profile Image for Whispering Stories.
3,057 reviews2,623 followers
July 29, 2017
Molly Sanchez-Talebi, is a young woman, an art grad. She lives with her parents and their pet cat. She has plenty of dreams for her future, including one day being a full-time artist.

After drawing a cat portrait, a woman notices her work and offers her a cat-related job. She wants her to cat sit for her whilst she is away for the weekend. Needing the money, Molly agrees.

But what do you do whilst looking after cats for someone else? Crazy cats at that. Yep, you write a comic-blog about them!

I’m a bit older than the target market for this YA comic, and I also haven’t read a comic in around 25 years.

I can however appreciate a good story when I read one, albeit, this one is told in frames rather than full page text. The plot is highly amusing, and I can see comic book fans being fully engaged the whole way through.

I can also appreciate good artwork, and the illustrations throughout are superb. They are bold, and clearly give this comic the wow factor! I especially love the facial expressions.

It didn’t take me long to read, and it certainly kept me entertained from the first page, to the last. Molly is a great girl with lots of character, and a big ambition, but the cats stole the show for me.

Reviewed by Stacey on www.whisperingstories.com
Profile Image for Skye Kilaen.
Author 18 books361 followers
February 7, 2019
A fun new adult comic about a biracial young artists who's flailing around about what to do with her life, when she's offered a job catsitting the feline from hell. Her clients are pleased with both her sitting and the cartoons she's drawn of their little furball, and Molly becomes internet famous for her cat drawings. That's not the artistic vision she had for her life, and it doesn't meet her goal of moving out of her parents' place and into the city to start Real Life (tm), but what else can she do?

Molly starts the book a bit immature, but she grows quite a bit during this book with support and tough love from her friends and family. I really enjoyed watching her find her way from directionless young grad to confident adult. The art, like the story, is bold and fun. Definitely a feel-good comic.
Profile Image for Liana Kangas.
Author 70 books20 followers
August 29, 2016
Honestly I am always in the search of a "feel good" indie comic. They are so few and far between. This comic is definitely one of my favorites because it's easily relatable to me being about an artist and the struggles finding one's niche. It's well written and has awesome artwork; a powerhouse if you will. I'm excited to see where the rest of the story line takes Molly.
Profile Image for Emily.
563 reviews47 followers
May 24, 2017
Molly is an art school graduate with no job and no inspiration, still living at her parents’ house. Her parents are great people, but Molly thought she would have more to draw about than her family’s cat. But then a woman notices her cat drawings and hires her to cat-sit for the weekend, inspiring her to start a web comic about her crazy cat-sitting experiences. Perhaps Molly has more hope for the future than she thought.

Finding Molly: An Adventure in Catsitting was an interesting first volume of a comic. The style of art is gorgeous—not elegant, but distinct and shaped to perfectly match the main character and narrator, Molly. Molly and the other characters were memorable and interesting, though some of them could have used a little more development. I was able to relate very well with Molly, which was both good and bad. Finding myself in a similar situation and state of mind that Molly did in the comic, I felt understood. But on the flip-side, I don’t really want to read about how sad someone is. A book, comic, movie, or otherwise is created to bring entertainment, escape, and enlightenment. This story only brought me an hour’s worth of entertainment and maybe a little bit of hope. Still, Molly’s was an interesting story. Those cats were ridiculous, and catsitting them would have been an interesting experience to laugh about later. So I smiled at someone else’s ridiculous troubles. I am curious to know where the writers and illustrators will take the story next. And by, the way, there are a lot of interesting extras at the back of the book, including interviews with the authors.

I enjoyed this comic and recommend it to readers who enjoy slices-of-life-types of comics.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. All opinions are expressly my own.
Profile Image for Tilly Booth.
181 reviews917 followers
August 20, 2016
GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS NEW GRAPHIC NOVEL ALERT. Sort of...It's an awesome, cat filled, diverse web comic that will be doing a kickstarter in the future to print this comic. Which will be well worth it because it was a funny, easy and laugh out loud story following Molly. (This is the review for #1-#5)

Molly is an artist living with her parents, struggling to get by and spending time with her loveably cat, Pishi. However, her inspiration to of art is kind of lacking. All she can manage is drawings of her kitty and when she posts his photo to her social media, a lady asks for Molly do a drawing of her cat. So Molly takes a trip tot he city, see's her other, great art friends and draws a cat. It was by pure luck that it leads to Molly getting a job cat sitting and doing artwork. (It's the prefect combination if you ask me!)

This story goes quickly and you easily fall for the company of Molly and her friends. The show is stolen by the range of cats that take over the comic and trust me, you'll be wishing you could pluck them off the page and cuddle them in your arms.

One things I didn't like about the comic though, was Molly. Sometimes she was so whiney and oblivious that it frustrated me but she does redeem herself in her adorkable way. I can't wait to see more of this comic and hopefully, you guys will love it too!

Read it! For the cats!
Profile Image for Betwixt the Pages.
567 reviews74 followers
April 1, 2017
Finding Molly: An Adventure in Catsitting is a graphic novel about Molly Sanchez-Talebi, an unemployed art school grad who hesitantly starts catsitting to pay the bills. She dreams of breaking out of suburbia and her artistic rut, but she has a lot of self-discovery to do before that happens. The comic follows her funny misadventures as she learns that maybe these (sometimes) friendly felines are just what she needs to get her life on track.

Rating: 4/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: adorable, GORGEOUS artwork; loved the humor, the snark, and the true-to-life characters; some heavy subjects interlaced with catty mischief; this was such an entertaining, beautiful read!

Huge thanks to Justine Prado, Jenn St-Onge, Carey Pietsch, and YA Bound Book Tours for sending me a free digital galley of this title in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my read of or opinions on this book.

Let me just start by saying: OH MY PENGUINS, THIS ARTWORK! Seriously guys, the art in this graphic novel is so gorgeous and drool-worthy and just... GAAAAAH! I found myself stroking my Fire tablet like a deranged penguin, eyes star-struck and huge, because so many pretties I cannot even! The color choices are gorgeous, the backgrounds are so so well-rendered, and the entire thing is just... THIS. This is what I love about graphic novels--how they can, when done correctly, draw you into the world and refuse to let you leave it. Even now, hours later, the artwork in this book is vibrantly painted across the backs of my eyelids. I will, I fear, be dreaming in these colors tonight. And that is not at all a problem in my world.

The panels are also complex and well-done. It's obvious, just glimpsing through this, that the gals who worked on it knew exactly what they were doing and exactly what they were aspiring to accomplish. The flow is smooth and natural, the lettering was chosen well to both work with and stand apart from the rest of the graphics... Every detail was considered carefully, and I so appreciate that in graphic novels. There is also a section in the back that gives readers a glimpse into things like creation process and character drafts--things we don't normally get to see in a comic or graphic novel, that somehow made me love this read even more.

But the kicker? These characters. Their personalities are just as vibrant as the artwork, they come to life within these pages, and they handle some pretty big messages about life and living. Their interactions with and reactions to the world around them, and each other, only helped solidify them in my mind--and the artists did a gorgeous job of highlighting the subtle emotions that might otherwise have been missed out on.

This was a gorgeously vibrant, entertaining read--filled with CATS! which, I mean, only made it about a thousand times better in my opinion. The artists did an amazing job capturing and bringing these characters to life for me, and I cannot wait to see more from them in the future. I recommend this to lovers of comics/graphic novels, stories about cat sitting gone wrong, and gorgeous artwork. It's time to let the cat out of the bag, penguins--and pick this read up!

Profile Image for Just A Ginger.
568 reviews26 followers
July 14, 2017
So book one, right away the art sucked me in. It was super cute, I adored her family cat! He seemed to always be in her way, but he was so adorable and loving. I found Molly as a character to be okay, she seemed to be really struggling with her art. I think she was just making excuses not to paint. I want to publish a book, and I have so many excuses to not write.

Sometimes an artist just has to sit down and do a crappy project, just so they can find their mojo.

Even a bad painting, or a badly written story is better then not practicing your art! I could relate to her creative block. I also adored her parents they were so sweet.

She worked at a bookstore, for free, uhm why? Why would you ever work anywhere FOR FREE? and she hated it. How could you ever hate working at a bookstore?!?!?!??!

Maybe that's when I first began to dislike Molly lol.
Profile Image for Christopher Schmitz.
Author 112 books239 followers
February 9, 2017
I have a certain fondness for comics—both traditional superheroes as well as graphic novels. Those with any affinity for the format knows that there is so much more to it than mere ka-pow, action, and fisticuffs. There is an art to the pacing—to telling the story in frames and boxes instead of paragraphs. Finding Molly: An Adventure in Catsitting does the job superbly well. I especially appreciated the art style which didn’t feel the need to give everybody six-pack abs and one-size fits all CW body types. There’s also a sense of continuity through the panels as the number of bandaids from kitty scratches accumulates and the MCs relationships develop. The content is certainly relatable and has a great YA feel (although, again, not the CW kind churned out by every media company expecting that everyone is involved in some sort of complicated multi-directional love tryst,) and the relationships are both realistic and also engaging. Molly struggles with all the trials and insecurities that any young adult does and she has a sense of character that makes you want to root for her as sort of an Everyman. I don’t have any qualms about recommending this one (even if I’m not typically the guy who pushes “cat stories.”) I’m not even a cat person, but I’m telling you to pick this one up.
Profile Image for Tara.
35 reviews59 followers
November 25, 2017
So far, this is the best graphic novel I’ve ever read. Loved the story, characters, art and colours.
Profile Image for Charles A. Bush.
Author 2 books65 followers
January 3, 2017
I stumbled across this comic by reading a great review of it on IGN. I'm so glad I made my comic store order this for me. It's a crying shame this book is not as popular as other indie comics and, thus, is so hard to find. Finding Molly is the perfect story for any young person chasing down their dream. It's a coming-of-age story that reminds you that you get in life what you put out. And to top it off the art is vibrant and beautiful, and the dialogue and tone is true and relatable; Prado definitely nails that struggling artist vibe. (Trust me--being a struggling artist--I know.) I highly recommend this book for all the dreamers out there. It's not only a fun read, but a breath of fresh air!
Profile Image for Casey Frank.
Author 1 book59 followers
January 12, 2017
I loved Molly and her cast of family, friends, and cats when it was a web comic, so much so, that I happily contributed to the Kickstarter campaign to create a published volume.
This collection is the perfect fun read for anyone who is brave enough to pursue a career in the arts, for anyone who feels the doubt and frustration in becoming an independent adult, for anyone who plays the comparison game too much when it comes to finding personal satisfaction.
And, it's also a fab read for anyone who loves cats. Jenn St-Onge brings these furry little catalysts to life with such charm.
Profile Image for Freya .
163 reviews91 followers
April 7, 2017
More at ~ Life as Freya

I’ve read graphic novels before, but that was ages ago as a kid, in the time of Chacha Chaudhri and Tinkle. So, when Sarah of YA Bound Book Tours reached out with Finding Molly, I grabbed the chance to correct that lapse, plus it’s an Indie comic by an author of colour, has a mixed race female protagonist and has cats! That’s a lot of bonus points!
1 review
January 13, 2017
I originally only read issue #2 and never got the chance to read the rest of the series. Afterwards I was gifted this graphic novel by one of my friends over the holidays and was super happy to be able to read the entire series. By far my favorite character is Rome haha!

Totally worth reading, and I highly recommend!
Profile Image for Josh Ian.
1 review
January 12, 2017
This is one of my favorite graphic novels of all time. In addition to the story, the bonus content was really cool to look at! Definitely appreciated that the artist and publisher added that in there.
After finishing the book, I bought one for my niece to help spread the word.
Profile Image for Lilly McKeon.
1 review
January 23, 2017
I can totally relate to a struggling young artist who finds a voice for herself in LA. This graphic novel is really inspirational and feels empowering to my own endeavors. And the art is so beautifully drawn,I couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Vannah Claire.
Author 1 book14 followers
February 19, 2017
Loved it! I met the author, and she is so nice! I can't wait to buy the sequel!
Profile Image for Sandra Lopez.
Author 3 books334 followers
March 7, 2017
This is a graphic novel about a girl named Molly, who works at a book shop, and feels uninspired and listless. Before, she was an ingenious artist looking to take the art world by storm. And, now…well, now she has her cat.

It seems that her cat is involved in every aspect of Molly’s life. He’s just there—always there! What?! What do you want?!

To top it all off, Molly has her parents, who explicitly stated, “Listen, either you look for a job today, or you look for a husband.” *Sigh* Why do Mexican fathers feel we should be traded in for beans at the first sign of puberty?

“Stuck in the suburbs. Living with my parents. Artistically stagnant. I’m tempted to call this my blue period, but I’m sure there are exciting new lows I’ve yet to reach.”

Suddenly, an offer is on the table—someone is willing to pay $200 for a portrait of their cat. Uh, where do I meet you? Sounds pretty good, right? Until the cat basically attacks her. AAAHHHH! Gee, didn’t know the job came with bruises and scratches. Heh….Yeah, cats are not nice. They’re arrogant, prissy, and just plain vicious!

It would seem that Molly’s life was going nowhere fast—until one cat portrait turns into catsitting. Oh, the horror! So, deciding to put her BFA from art school to good use, Molly starts drawing comics of her catsitting adventures and posts them on a blog. And what wonderful feedback she receives! Not to mention the mullah from these rich cat owners.

The illustrations were awesome and hilarious! Art was so colorful! Facial expressions were so lively and animated. Molly totally rocked! I loved her snarky and candid repartee. She is so funny, down-to-Earth, and relatable. I totally saw myself in her. The artistic block, the desire to create an epic masterpiece, the fear that no one will like your work, the pitiful lack of money, the envy of those more successful than you, and the creative rut you fall into when all else fails—all things I, and so many artists, can relate to. Being of Mexican descent and an artist, I definitely think we need more Latina characters like her in books and comics.

FINDING MOLLY is a testament to staying true to yourself and finding your way. It’s a tribute to the art world. Such a fun story! Love, love, loved it!
Profile Image for Deb.
449 reviews20 followers
March 18, 2017
I’ve looked at graphic novels before, but never really sat down and read one. When EMET Comics offered me a review copy of Finding Molly, it looked like something I’d enjoy – bookstore, cats, art, and a young woman struggling post-college to find herself. So although I have no understanding of the genre and no basis for comparison, I gave it a shot, and I’m really glad I did. I read it in nearly one sitting, and then read it again to see all the little things I missed the first time.

Molly is out of college, working (for free) at a local bookstore, and living with her parents. She dreams of becoming an artist but has no money, no space to work, and very little motivation. Her friends live in a studio and paint every day, and she envies them. She discovers an unexpected source of income when she posts a picture of her cat to her blog, and a woman offers to pay if she’ll come to her house and draw her cat. This leads to some high-paid catsitting, and a chance to save enough to move in with her friends. Still, Molly struggles with her dependency on her parents, who are supportive but want her to get married and get a job. She struggles with her art and whether she has what it takes. And she struggles with her relationships with her closest friends.

There’s an awful lot to like in this book. I loved the vibrancy of the drawings, and I could appreciate their complexity, from the paintings on Molly’s walls to designs on t-shirts. There’s art within art in this book, and artist Jenn St-Onge uses different looks to convey different times and perspectives (for example, sometimes Molly is remembering so the past has to look different from the present). I also appreciated the diversity in this book, including the occasional use of Spanish. I liked the snarky dialogue and the references to different parts of Los Angeles and the use of technology (selfies and texting and even blogging). And the cats were adorable.
Molly’s a millennial, and maybe I’m not the target age for this book, but it didn’t matter. She has some growing up to do, but the themes in this book are universal. I really liked her – even though she gets a whole lot of things wrong, she keeps trying.

So as I said, I have nothing to compare Finding Molly to, but I liked everything about it and definitely recommend it. Thanks to EMET Comics for providing the review copy and for encouraging this non-graphic novel reader to give it a try. My full review is at http://thebookstop.wordpress.com.
Profile Image for Jessica Bronder.
2,015 reviews29 followers
June 5, 2017
Molly is just out of college and trying to find her place in the world. Presently she is living with her parents are she finds a niche for her art. She finds herself creating cat portraits and ends up becoming a cat sitter. She starts saving up and manages to get an apartment in the building with her friends. But Molly is struggling and still having a hard time adjusting.

I really liked this book. I LOVE graphic novels and since I am a huge cat fan I just couldn’t say no to this book.

Molly wants to be one her own but she is almost too dependent on her parents. I do understand the struggle to move out on your own but Molly seems to expect to find a place right away where she is an artist. I admit that I was a touch irritated with this part. Beyond that, her adventures with the cats was spot on and I loved how she eventually found her place.

The artwork was beautiful and I love how vibrant the colors were. It was easy to get drawn into the images and the story. I really loved this book and can’t wait to read more from EMET Comics.

I received Finding Molly: An Adventure in Catsitting from EMET Comics for free. This has in no way influenced my opinion of this book.
Profile Image for juliette.
390 reviews
April 10, 2021
was very uncomfortable with the white writer having her non-black mc call her only black friend "gangster" whilst in the same comic having the mc's mom talk about how she needs to be careful of gangs...... struck me as racist, and the fact that the editor didn't catch it makes it worse. there was some internalized misogyny happening as well with the mc genuinely stating "i'm not like other girls" at one point and having a panel of comparing the mc to her "hotter, cooler" catsitting client. the mc's relationships with her friends were extremely shallow and contrived. the actual plot/story is one i have consumed a million times but better than this. the best part of this was the cats.
1 review
January 13, 2017
One of the few good things that happened in 2016. Anyone into reading indie comics and empowering women should definitely check out this series. Molly understands the struggles of finding ourselves in everyday life and mixes it in with cats. I mean, what's not to love?
Profile Image for Meghan P.
12 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2018
This was such a fun graphic novel to read. The story was very well written and cute as could be- not to mention the art was amazing and filled with cats. (Duh.) What could be better? Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Theo.
986 reviews48 followers
May 29, 2017
This is an adorable coming of age and moving out of your parents' house story. Plus, cats.
Profile Image for Ali.
1,282 reviews14 followers
December 9, 2018
A lovely book: great art, compelling coming of age story, and cats! I couldn't be happier to read this with a cat by my side. So worth it!
Profile Image for Brian.
260 reviews7 followers
May 8, 2020
Loved the art and the story and the characters, just so enjoyable!
Profile Image for Katherine Paschal.
2,270 reviews60 followers
April 4, 2017
Molly lacks real ambition, instead going through the motions of life while living at home with her parents and day dreaming about making a name for herself as an artist. When her father tells her to find a job or a husband, an opportunity to make money by drawing a portrait of a couples cat appears. When that somehow turns into cat-sitting for the couple, Molly uses the cat's crazy antics to make an online comic. When she gets more cat-sitting jobs and more stories for her comics, Molly has to decide where she wants her life to go.

I was not really sure what the graphic novel was really going to be about, besides something to do with an artist and cats, when I first started reading. I could never have expected what the story was really about. This had the new adult genre feel to it, with a young twenty-something woman trying to understand herself and life, caught in the act of just floating by. The emotions were very real, not at all hindered by media they were displayed on. I read a lot of fantasy and supernatural graphic novels, but this was my first time with a realistic fiction story-line, and it was just as entertaining.

The illustrations were so engaging and incredibly freaking cute. I loved all the images the illustrator created, bring Molly and her cat-centric misdeeds to life. I enjoyed the subtle random cats that showed up all over her life, be it acknowledged by Molly or not. The emotions that Molly was able to convey on her face made her feel real, like a reaction of a friend and I could totally relate. Everything had so much personality and the images were able to add to the story and the characters without having the need to have more dialogue.

Pishi stole my heart with her disappointed facial expressions and attempts to be cuddly. (The hot drink kitten trio was pretty darn adorable though too...) She was just one of the many clever ways the duo was able to create subtle as well as highly enjoyable over the top humor that kept me chuckling as well as rooting for Molly to "grow up". I recommend any cat lover and graphic novel lovers to pick up this fun, fast read, and I look forward to more from both the author and the illustrator.

I received this title in return for my honest review.
For more reviews visit my blog at http://smadasbooksmack.blogspot.com/
Displaying 1 - 30 of 56 reviews

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