Nouvelle aventure shakespearienne pour Blake et Mortimer !
Nos héros les plus british mènent l'enquête sur le plus british des dramaturges : William Shakespeare of course ! Mais qui est-il vraiment ? Entre l'Angleterre et l'Italie, Philip Mortimer et Elizabeth, la fille de Sarah Summertown, résolvent des énigmes plus ardues les unes que les autres. Entre-temps, Francis Blake enquête sur une bande organisée de Hyde Park.
Une course contre la montre et des révélations en série : un très grand Blake et Mortimer signé Yves Sente et André Juillard !
Yves Sente was born in Brussels in 1964. When he was little, he read La Marque Jaune, Jacobs' masterpiece, over and over again. Little did he know at that age that The Adventures of Blake and Mortimer would determine his destiny...! In 1998, while he was working for Le Lombard, he worked with the cartoonist André Juillard on the script of La machination Voronov, a new episode of the Blake and Mortimer, a Cold War story acclaimed by critics and the public. Yves Sente then went on to write Les Sarcophages du 6e continent, where he reveals the young life of Professor Mortimer. He confirmed his writing talents with La Vengeance du Comte Skarbek (Dargaud; The Revenge of Count Skarbek, Europe Comics) and then Thorgal (Le Lombard; Cinebook/Europe Comics in English), taking over for Jean Van Hamme alongside Rosinski.
Here is another favourite Belgian comic of mine. This series follows two heroes, professor Philip Mortimer, a nuclear physicist, and his friend, Sir Francis Blake, a military man (RAF) working now for the British secret services (MI5). The British duo face plot after plot, each more Machiavellan, which often put them in the path of their arch enemy, colonel Olrik (who incidentally looks like the author as a young man!). The stories, set mostly in the 1950s and 1960s, have the distinct flavour of detective fiction and science fiction, with themes such as time travel, Atlantis, and spy conspiracies.
Blake and Mortimer were created 70 years ago by Edgar P. Jacobs, Belgian artist who started his career as publicist, illustrator (for instance Flash Gordon and The War of the Worlds), and opera singer! By the vagaries of life, he found himself working for Herge and they became fast friends, even appearing as caricatures of themselves in Tintin!
Unlike Herge, Jacobs didn’t lock his characters in copyright laws, which allowed others to give more adventures to the duo. This could have been a disaster in the making but thankfully all the artists who have worked on these albums have always done so with the utmost respect for Jacobs. This latest is another great addition, the plot revolving around William Shakespeare. The original stories will always be my favourites but these new addition are great in their own right.
When I was a wee lad I discovered my aunts comic stash, my dad has always denied he ever read any but I have always suspected they were his. I was totally in awe with this Blake and Mortimer series that were exciting and scifi like in a way I had not yet seen before. I never did forget these comics as they were not my property I had to buy them myself over again. And a few years back they started releasing new adventures written and drawn by new artists as the original writer and penciller Edgar P. Jacobs was no longer around to do so. And the new releases so far have been certainly above average with some great comics among them.
I found out about this new comic by accident because its release did not receive any big promotion in the Netherlands, as none of them do. I proceeded to obtain a copy immediately as to enhance my Christmas joy. Looking forward to reading this and watching the new Doctor Who Christmas episode. I guess the child in me finds both still very enjoyably.
Having read this Blake and Mortimer adventure and can say I did enjoy myself a lot. I am not a great fan of the Bard going by the name Shakespeare but that is the testament of William S. Basically two societies with oppossing thoughts about the identity of Shakespeare are in competition about the true identity of William Shakespeare and they went to great lengths to protect their truth up to the fact that duels with casualties were staged. They stopped these antics due to a pact in which either side stood to gain a great sum of money with a deadline tp rove their point. It is in the era of Blake and Mortimer that this deadline comes to an end. When some diary gets discovered during a dinner party in Venice it reheats the race for Shakespeares identity up not only because of the identity but also the sum has become 1o million pounds [1958 rate]. This comic is not a great exciting spy of scifi thriller but a quest for gentlemen and ladies about a secret of the greatest playwright of humanity. There is some characters like Olrik certainly will always be part of the story, thank some deity for small favors. It is overal a more talkative episode than a spectacular one.
As always their stories keep inviting you back to re-read them and this one is no exception. Excellent work as the past few new installments have lived up to the Jacobs quality.
Avec une intrigue centrée sur l'oeuvre de William Shakespeare, et plus particulièrement sur le Marchand de Venise, ce dernier tome de Blake et Mortimer ne pouvait que me plaire. Les théories sur la vie et l'oeuvre du dramaturge sont très bien documentées, le jeu de pistes réserve son lot de suspens et de surprises, on retrouve pas mal de têtes connues... Non franchement ce dernier tome relève la barre après un Bâton de Plutarque décevant. Mon seul reproche c'est qu'aussi intéressant que soit le thème, ce n'est pas ce que j'attends d'un Blake et Mortimer. Ca manque un peu de savant fou, de fantastique et aussi cruellement de Francis Blake qui répond aux abonnés absent pendant les trois quart du livre. Malgré tout, un bon tome qu'on a du mal à lâcher une fois commencé.
Het testament van William S. De avonturen van Blake en Mortimer naar de personages van Edgar P. Jacobs.
Scenario: Yves Sente. Tekeningen: André Juillard. Inkleuring: Madeleine DeMille. Coverontwerp: Philippe Ghielmetti. Uitgever: Blake en Mortimer/Studio Jacobs. ISBN 987-90-6737-085-1 Jaar: 2017.
Weer een goed verhaal van Blake en Mortimer en naar mijn idee wel iets anders dan de andere verhalen. Dit keer wordt een eeuwenoud mysterie opgelost welke Mortimer van Londen naar Venetië brengt en weer terug in het gezelschap van Elisabeth McKenzie, de dochter van Lady Sara Summertown.
Sir Isaac Haward Kapitein Francis Blake, hoofd MI 5. Glenn Kendall, hoofdinspecteur van Scotland Yard. Mrs. Benson, huishoudster van Blake. Lady Sara Summertown. Elisabeth McKenzie, master student Engelse literatuur in Cambridge en dochter van Lady Sara. Graaf Walter van Oxford.
Markies Stefano Da Spiri van Venetië. Peggy Newgold, vriendin van de Markies. Sir Russel Winson en zijn echtgenote Lady Penelope. Graaf Arthur en Gravin Abigail van Cheachire. Marcello Lamberti, edelsmid en horlogemaker en zijn echtgenote de pianiste Carla. Karl en Eva Richtenaus. Salman, de Majordomus van de Markies.
Professor Philip Mortimer. Notaris Bridges. Lord Sandfield erfgenaam van Lord Lupus Sandfield.
Olrik. Sharkey, een oude bekende uit Het mysterie van de Grote Piramiden en S.O.S. Meteoren en Freddy zijn kompaan.
Deze serie strips zijn mijn guilty pleasure wat stripboeken betreft. Het gele teken uit deze serie is een klassieker. Dit deel is een Dan Brownachtig verhaal en naar mijn smaak één van de beste uit de reeks.
Alhoewel de aangehouden tekenstijl van André Juillard in de Blake & Mortimer reeks mij niet zo ligt (ik vind deze vaak te vlak en te veel lijnen hebben) voelt die hier het zwakst, met vaak wat ongemakkelijke proporties en figuren. Maar dit is echt nooit mijn grote probleem met de moderne B&Ms, het is echt het script wat ver ondermaats is, zeker hier.
Ik verbaas mij erover hoe slecht het scenario van de Yves Sente Blake & Mortimer verhalen zijn. Alhoewel de Staf van Plutarchus compleet inconsequentieel was, werd dat verhaal tenminste gedragen door vooral Blake en Mortimer. Hier is dit geeneens het geval, omdat er veel nadruk wordt gelegd op veel willekeurige nevenpersonages. Een feestgezelschap in Venetië, academici uit de 19e eeuw, William Shakespeare en co. in de 16/17e eeuw, allemaal compleet oninteressant. En de delen van het verhaal waar Blake & Mortimer wel aanwezig zijn, is niet veel beter. Het Teddy boys plot voelt compleet los van het Shakespeare verhaal, en de speurtocht van Mortimer naar Shakespeare voelt als een oninteressanteDan Brown aftreksel. Het helpt niet dat deze speurtocht pas halverwege het album begint (bizar!!).
Het is moeilijk te beschrijven hoe slecht het verhaalopbouw is, ik kon niet geloven toen er nog een hele Shakespeare biografie gegeven werd in het tweede deel van het verhaal, wat ook steeds de speurtocht verhaal lijn onderbrak.
Uma história que respeita o espírito do autor original, Edgar P. Jacobs. Um foco na obra de Shakespeare e no seu autor relembra um Brown e o seu Código Davinci. A banda desenhada respeita o traço original. Gostei muito.
Gone straggly and bored verily at the hospital bed, I had resorted to unfair means of recreation by downloading few comic books. It was one of them, though I wasn't much fond of a muggy atmosphere created by a certain sexagenarian Professor Philip Mortimer and his friend Captain Blake in La Marque Jaune (1956). But in this spinoff, while retaining full Jacobian-Belgian aura and rich vocabulary of his then English translation, Yves Sente and André Julliard have put together a rather balmy atmosphere, probably by pouring two female intellegent figures.
Still set in mid-twentieth century though composed decades later in 2017, the plot of a shadow history tracing the last work of Shake-Speares perfectly follows the facts and would expressly push readers to a hunt whether the plot is sooth or not; just as I felt while reading The Da Vinci Code. Parallel to Bard of Avon and Ornella da Spiri’s secret affair, readers relish a sapiosexual attachment between Sarah Summertown and Philip Mortimer; and to more resemblance to Dan Brown’s creation, Philip is joined by the genius of Sarah’s English literature graduate daughter, Elizabeth on the joust.
I was not much an aficionado of spinoffs since they have the danger of lacking in original author’s taste and style. And hence, I have, in sooth, kept myself aloof from poring over any, threw those to the wind—yes, learnt the phrase in here. But Yves and Juilliard have successfully fooled me. Once again the idea is further corroborated that only the series or books that the industry want us to make popular, get its due or undue attention. Otherwise why on earth The Adventures of Jo, Zette and Jocko by Edgar Pierre Jacob's contemporary Hergé will go extinct while Tintin is available at almost each corner of the world!
In Venedig fährt ein Schiff versehentlich gegen ein Haus und löst damit eine Kettenreaktion aus, die zu einer Schnitzeljagd quer durch England und Italien führt. Im Keller des Hauses werden Unterlagen gefunden, die Hinweise auf die wahren Autoren der Werke von William Shakespeare enthalten.
Philip Mortimer jagt diesen Hinweisen, die zu weiteren Hinweisen führen, hinterher; dabei begleitet von der hübschen Tochter einer guten Freundin. Beide müssen gegen eine von London aus operierende Gruppierung kämpfen, die unbedingt verhindern möchte, dass die Wahrheit über William S. herauskommt.
Auch Francis Blake ist involviert, da er eine Bande von Rowdys aufspüren soll, die brutale Überfälle im Stadtpark begehen. Zunächst scheinen diese Vorfälle mit Philip Mortimers Schnitzeljagd nichts zu tun zu haben, doch am Ende kommen beide Handlungsstränge zusammen. Und der Bösewicht Olrik ist ebenfalls wieder dabei - als Mastermind vom Gefängnis aus; darauf hoffend, befreit zu werden.
Eine spannende Geschichte. Leider etwas zu sehr abgekupfert von den Robert Langton-Romanen von Dan Brown; insbesondere “Inferno“, wo ebenfalls ein schlauer Professor und eine junge Frau quer durch Italien jagen, um wie bei einer Schnitzeljagd mysteriösen Hinweisen eines Künstlers zu folgen. Daher ein Stern Abzug: 4 von 5 Sternen ****
Può un'avventura coinvolgere il duo avventuroso più famoso del fumetto europeo ed il più grande drammaturgo di tutti i tempi? Certo che può farlo, se riguarda Blake, Mortimer ed il Bardo di Stratford, l'uomo che, come Dante per la lingua italiana, ha coniato centinaia di parole per la lingua inglese, William Shakespeare in persona! Ed è proprio così, perché questa volta i nostri eroi saranno impegnati nientemeno che nella corsa (a premi, per così dire) per svelare l'identità di Shakespeare. Siete al corrente, vero, delle teorie (fantasiose, ma presenti...) sul fatto che Shakespeare non sia mai esistito? E che le sue tragedie e commedie siano state scritte da altri, che siano Ben Jonson o Christopher Marlowe o Francis Bacon od altri ancora? No? Allora adesso lo sapete, ed è sulla falsariga di questa "ipotesi" che si muovono B&M, per un'avventura nuovamente a giro per l'Europa, tra Venezia, Londra, Verona, Ravenna, tra spie, tradimenti, lord, miliardari, enigmi... bellissimo, come ogni volume della serie.
Here is another example where I thought this tale would be as boring as ditchwater but how wrong I was! The supposed explanation for the true authorship of the works ascribed to William Shakespeare is so convincing and very believable - very plausible indeed. I think I'll have to read this again because as far as I can tell, it doesn't appear that Mortimer or Blake suspect that Olrik has had any involvement in providing support for the negationist side - those who claim that the playwright could not possibly have been William Shakespeare. Most people accept him as the genuine writer of plays and I suppose I would too. However, there are some serious objections, some being very hard to dismiss or provide an adequate explanation for. Some of the negationists' theories have been highly dubious. However, the author has created a very realistic validation to solve the mystery surrounding the authorship of the world famous plays written in the 1600s. Well worth reading.
A great new adventure for Blake and Mortimer in the detective/solve-the-mystery style that I love so much in the original works of E.P. Jacobs. Yves Sente & André Juillard created six other stories in the Blake and Mortimer universe. This time no fear of foreign/space invasion or experimental science but a search for the real identity of William Shake-Speares.
Besides the story I like the references to other literature. This time there is a special place for Agatha Christie. First directly to her person: 'Wat zou Agatha Christie hier graag bij willen zijn!' (10). Secondly with Olrik's use of his 'grey cells' to solve the secret messages: 'Luister goed en zet je grijzen celletjes aan het werk' (29). Everybody who loves the detective stories of Christie is now thinking of.... .....Hercule Poirot who commonly used his 'little grey cells' to solve the case.
No Sci Fi or Spy Fi this time. This is a light historical mystery involving the question of the authorship of Shakespeare's plays. A document left behind by a Venetian noble sends Professor Mortimer and Elizabeth McKenzie (daughter of Mortimer's old flame Sarah Summertown) on a quest to solve a literary puzzle.
Tonally quite different from other entries in the series, but enjoyable nonetheless.
I realize these books are popular, especially in Europe, or there would not be so damn many of them, but I wonder why anybody bothers. From the stately storytelling, the non-dramatic arrangement of panels, the lack of tension in scenes that should be tense, the lack of emotional attachment of the protagonists to their goals, I really do not see the point. Oh, yea. It also willfully gets the Shakespeare wrong in order to tell a story that I do not think is worth telling.
If you're in for a classic Belgian comic, consider this one. The latest albums have had some skinny stories but this new adventure is a good read. Especially if you have a thing for Agatha Christie, Dan Brown or a vintage Bond movie.
Een apart album in de reeks. Het is geen klassieke scifi of spionageverhaal, maar een goed avonturenverhaal met Shakespeare als basis. Een queeste, geschiedenis en wat spanning maken het verhaal met goed tekenwerk.
A mais recente aventura de Blake & Mortimer, inspirada nas personagens criadas por E P Jacobs, leva-nos à polémica sobre a verdadeira identidade de William Shakespeare. Divertido e imperdível.
Intriguing & entertaining literary mystery. What if there were two Shakespeares? What is the secret behind the Dark Lady? What connects Verona, Venice and Stratford? In the Blake & Mortimer series.
Uma boa homenagem aos clássicos Blake&Mortimer, que consegue capturar bem ambiente e o aspeto das primeiras obras, enquanto nos da algo completamente novo! Um livro a recomendar a qualquer fan de BD.
Leuk album, in de stijl van Edgar P Jacobs. Aanvankelijk een beetje taaie kost om doorheen te lezen. Uiteindelijk pakt het verhaal wel. Leuk gevonden....
É uma tarefa ingrata continuar as pisadas de E.P. Jacobs: génio absoluto da BD, deixou em menos de uma dezena de álbuns um legado de mestre, com histórias extraordinárias em precisão e detalhe, quer no desenho, quer nos diálogos e nas descrições gigantescas de todos os actos das personagens (até às coisas mais minúsculas, como abrir uma porta, o autor conseguia dar sempre uma certa grandeza!).
90% das tentativas de prolongar o universo Jacobiano resultaram em grandes asneiras: desde a patetice d'"O Estranho Encontro" até aos espécimes de sequelas e prequelas das aventuras antigas ("A Onda Septimus" e "O Bastão de Licurgo", respectivamente), as peripécias de Blake e Mortimer não parecem estar em boas mãos, desde que o seu criador deixou este mundo (sendo "O Caso Francis Blake", para mim, a única história que faz jus ao génio de Jacobs). O problema não está na atmosfera, ou no "respeito" à "mitologia": é simplesmente o facto de os argumentistas não terem sido muito inspirados nestas investidas, inserindo os dois amigos britânicos em desventuras pouco criativas e banais. Não é só com o desenho e a cópia do estilo meticuloso de Jacobs que se consegue compreender à séria tudo o que Blake e Mortimer representam para a BD - e para a cultura ocidental do século XX...
Daí que eu estivesse a receber a saída deste 24.º álbum, que assinala simultaneamente o 70.º aniversário do nascimento deste universo, e os 400 anos da morte de Shakespeare, com algum espanto e, admito, um certo medo. Receava mais um flop gigantesco que, no máximo, remeteria para a nostalgia e para pensar que "ao menos este livro me faz lembrar como os originais eram tão bons". Odeio essa sensação e de que muitas das "sequelas" aos heróis mais míticos das últimas gerações vivam à base disso, de um puro e duro sentido de "saca-notas".
Mas eis que procedi à leitura de "O Testamento de William S." e deparei-me com um álbum... interessante. Não digo que me encheu as medidas, porque cheguei ao fim com uma pequena sensação de vazio, principalmente devido à resolução simples e infantil do mistério, que por si só tem uma complexidade digna de uma novela do José Rodrigues dos Santos - ou até do seu "ídolo" Dan Brown. Mas o caminho para o desfecho proporcionou-me alguns momentos de narrativa exemplares, que há algum tempo que não encontrava nesta série.
De repente, voltou-se a ter um certo cuidado dramatúrgico no tratamento das personagens e dos ambientes. E mesmo que não haja aqui uma história espectacular que fará babar os mais cépticos, "O Testamento de William S." é um álbum que poderá surpreender em certas sequências. Não há só aqui "mais uma história de Blake e Mortimer", mas uma tentativa de ir por novos caminhos e continuar a explorar o que este universo pode transmitir, sem estar demasiado "agarrado" ao passado desta BD.
É um livro que me deixou com bastantes dúvidas. Precisei de algumas horas para perceber realmente a impressão que isto me deixou. Fiquei mais contente com este volume, cheio de falhas e coisas ruinzinhas a apontar, que com os últimos títulos da série. Já por isso vale a pena. Agora é só esperar que estes autores (ou outros) façam melhor para a próxima e sigam este caminho. Há ainda muito para dar a conhecer no mundo de Blake e Mortimer, e "O Testamento de William S." parece ser a amostra boazita de como isso pode ser possível.
Confesso que não conhecia esta BD (até porque nunca fui um grande seguidor deste formato) apesar de já ter ouvido falar dela (em especial da aventura da "Marca Amarela" que marcou a juventude da geração do meu pai). No entanto, numa compra impulsiva apeteceu-me ler o mais recente número desta coleção e fiquei rendido. Trata-se de uma aventura inteligente e bem escrita à volta de um alegado último manuscrito perdido de William Shakespear. Os desenhos são excelentes (para quem gosta da escola de BD da Bélgica) e o enredo emocionante mas didático. Sendo do género do Tintin supera-o em complexidade e qualidade da escrita. Quero ver se leio os restantes.
Exploitant la rumeur sur la non-existence de Shakespeare, ou alors en tant que prête nom, cette énigme policière ne manque pas d'aventure, même si elle ne reste qu'urbaine. Une bonne histoire, agréable à suivre et à lire, mais j'ai eu la même impression que toxiangel (voir sa review) à sa lecture : de nombreux éléments présents avec la patte de E. P. Jacobs sont absents, comme la science-fiction, mélangée à l'ésotérisme, une ambiance un peu plus sombre (qui collait peut-être à l'époque et à son auteur...)
24ª aventura; série criada há mais de 70 anos... este está quase à altura dos originais de E.P. Jacobs, mas o conceito operativo é mesmo o "quase". Há uma incursão na "mitologia" da série (uma filha de Mortimer?!), a trama é bastante elaborada (fez-me lembrar o Charlier, devo dizer), põe o homem conhecido como William Shakespeare a viver uma ménage-à-trois criativa, mas... "quase". Mesmo assim, estas homenagens valem a pena.
No caso vertente, foi fruição de praia (Carvalhal, Verão de 2019).