Nu Vuursters kinderen bekend zijn met de profetie drukt de verantwoordelijkheid die deze meebrengt zwaar op hun schouders. Toch hunkeren ze alledrie naar macht: Hulstpoot droomt van een toekomst als groot leider en Leeuwpoot is vastbesloten een onoverwinnelijke krijger te worden; Gaaipoot weet dat hij als enige in het verleden en in de toekomst kan kijken. Hun krachten worden op de proef gesteld als de DonderClan onverwachts wordt aangevallen en alle Clans in een ongekend hevige strijd belanden. Plotseling komt de voorspelling van een geheimzinnige eenling uit ...
Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.
I can certainly understand the appeal of the Warriors series. Its massive, well-developed world offers the reader a truly immersive experience. However, it's just not my thing for one simple reason: the characterization sucks on toast.
'Erin Hunter' (whichever of the three authors actually responsible for Eclipse) doesn't let her characters stand on their own, preferring to hold the reader's hand and explain every nuance of conversations and thoughts.
Example, from page 34:
"That was a huge leap!" Whitewing meowed. "You could have easily missed."
No, I couldn't. Lionpaw bit back the thought.
Most readers can connect the dots at this point. "Lionpaw's aware of his powers. He's conflicted about whether or not to make them known to others. How will this affect his status in the clan?"
The author instead goes on for a few more lines explaining the obvious. The effect is about as subtle as a car crash, and makes the overall tone of the writing strangely streamlined and tedious at the same time.
This is a Warriors fan page, open to ALL! Welcome! Please comment below if you want to join Thunderclan. : )
" Hello young kit" " Who am I? " " Well I am Doveheart of Thunderclan" " What is Thunderclan? My my, where did you grow? " " Twoleg place? " " Come with me and I will show what Thunderclan is"
Thunderclan Leader : Open Deputy : open
Med cat: Venomscar
Warriors : Tigerpelt Queens : Doveheart
Kits : Ivykit( Daughter of Doveheart and Tigerpelt)to be Ivyrose Streamkit( Daughter of Doveheart and Tigerpelt) to be Streamlily. Burrkit( Son of Doveheart and Tigerpelt) to be Burrstorm.
Please post what gender, appearance, personality, and anything else you want to say!
Sorry that Thunderclan is the only available clan, feel free to make others.
I found the fourth book in the PO3 series to be full of surprises ... and I did not expect that to happen in the 16th book in the overall series. That is a tribute to the masterful writing of the author(s). The first thing that struck me was that the title actually was a main event (and significant) problem that has caused a standing premise to be questioned, at least by enough characters to weave a new concern across the next book or books. Quite honestly, I did not expect the cowardly attack in the middle of the night, the life-threatening injury to a central character, or the vehemence with which Lionpaw turns on his former love from Windclan, Heatherpaw.
"Eclipse" is an engaging, gripping chapter in the continuing saga of the clans that had me right on the edge of my seat. As I was reading, it was during a particularly busy, over-scheduled time, and no matter how much time I could find to read, it was never enough. This book, however, will most likely leave the reader with more questions than answers. For those who may have already read this, isn't that wonderful! I can't wait to get started in the next book of the series, "Long Shadows," which I hope to begin later this evening.
I am intrigued by the character of the arrived loner, Sol, in tis book. It is odd how our three central heroes are drawn to him as the mentor who will take them beyond the abilities of their mentors and clanmates, yet how Sol was drawn instead to remain with Blackstar in Shadowclan: especially how this loner was able to wield such amazing influence over the Shadowclan leader, Blackstar, in such a short period of time. Seriously, have you ever known Shadowclan to do anything that any other cat suggested? There are several examples of this emerging trend included in this book.
At the beginning, "Eclipse" seemed to highlight the disconnect between the three heroes, Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Jaypaw. However, by the end, they seem to have discovered that they are all important pieces of the tapestry to be woven by Firestar's unspoken prophesy. There is much yet to be revealed and I can't wait to get into the next book. I expect to encounter some more unexpected events before the Power of Three is truly revealed ...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Dit vond ik een van de spannendste boeken uit de reeks. Gaaipoot, Leeuwpoot en Hulstpoot zijn nu alle drie op de hoogte van de profetie, en allemaal vragen ze zich af wat dit voor hun betekent. Bij bijna elke gebeurtenis vragen ze zich af of dit een teken of aanwijzing is voor hun. Dan komt ineens de eenling Sol het Donderclanterritorium binnen. Hij spreekt raadselachtige woorden, onder meer voorspelt hij dat het licht zal verdwijnen en ook weer terugkomen. Ik vind deze Sol echt een vreemd figuur. Het lijkt wel of hij de katten hypnotiseert door zijn kalmte en zijn stem. Kort daarna valt de Windclan ineens 's nachts de Donderclan aan, zeer onverwacht. Ik wist ook niet wat ik er moest van denken. Een geweldige strijd barst los, De Schaduwclan helpt de Donderclan, en de Rivierclan helpt de Windclan. En dan ineens verdwijnt de zon (een eclips). Alle katten zijn doodsbang en de strijd wordt gestaakt. Kort daarna verschijnt de zon weer, en is alles in de natuur alsof er niets gebeurd is. Maar dan komt de Schaduwclan in contact met Sol en ook hun leider, Zwartster, is gebiologeerd door Sol. Op de volgende grote vergadering is de Schaduwclan niet aanwezig, alleen Zwartster, begeleid door Sol, komt mededelen dat zijn clan niet meer aan de vergaderingen gaat deelnemen, omdat ze niet meer in de macht van de Sterrenclan geloven. Alle clans zijn geschokt, maar Gaaipoot denkt dat de vervulling van de profetie nu snel nadert. Want: Ze zullen met drie zijn, nageslacht van jouw (Vuursters) nageslacht, die de macht van de sterren in hun poten zullen houden... Geweldige plotwending hier!
It's been a while since I've been truly impressed by a Warriors book. The writing style is just on the higher end of "good", and usually the plot and characterization aren't particularly strong. Things have been pretty interesting in PoT, however. The Erins have done a good job of keeping us in the dark. I think that if I had to choose one thing about Eclipse that I liked best (it's a hard decision), I think I would say that my favorite element was that I actually couldn't guess what would happen. Sure, I predicted a battle, but I didn't know when or with whom--and I sure wasn't expecting a battle like this. Sure, I figured there would be an eclipse, but I didn't know what it would mean to the Clans. Sure, I knew that Lionpaw was developing from a Stu to something more interesting, but I didn't expect it to be this clever. Also, ShadowClan becomes more than just its normal cold closed-doors self, and WindClan becomes more than a meager Hufflepuff-like band. The plot and characterization in this book are great. Several of the characters who sort of lost their personalities before got them back, and the main characters' personalities were developed more as well. I went from merely curious in the outcome of the series to engaged and interested. I much look forward to Long Shadows this December, and I hope that the Warriors books can at least maintain this level of greatness at least until the end of this series.
I've been attached to Erin Hunters' warrior cats ever since the first book.I now believe that somewhere,there are clans of cats with leaders who get into fierce wars.Erin Hunter adds enough life and excitement to sweep you off your feet and take right into the forest with the cats.
If I had any problems,it was with trying to picture the landscaping of the area.Although Hunter gives you a map of how the land looks like to both cats and people,you can't always look to the maps every five seconds.The desciptions of the cats and names are hard to decipher,but you get used to it among the first couple of books.Do research on boreal forest foliage before and during reading;it might help!
In this book a loner, Sol, shows up and tells Leafpool and Jaypaw a mysterious Omen. A day after that there is a horrible battle, and all four clans are involved. A beloved cat, Squirrelflight, is left with a bad belly injury. Will she survive?
Meanwhile, Starclan is helpless to the horrors that are taking place in reality, as a result one clan has lost faith in them. Only time will tell if they come back.
OH. MY. GOSH. one of the best books EEEEVAAAAA!!!! if you also read the mangas; when i was reading the mangas about skyclan, let's just say... at one part in those comics, I ran back into my room to get this book so fast, I smashed my toe on a bookshelf and kept running. (my toe was purple for a week and a half)
Like the other warrior books, I loved reading this and it was very addicting and suspenseful. The emotions that Erin Hinter is able to make you go through while reading these books proves hoe captivating they really are. You are sucked into a whole other feline world when you read these, with characters you have come to know and love and some you have come to hate... You go with them as they face problems and enemies as they overcome personal issues etc. This book is quite eventful and we meet a new cat who is neither loner, kittypet, clan or tribe. He makes a prophecy of his own which trouble the clans. The three struggle with the weight of the prophecy and the meaning behind it. Who can they trust?
Amazing. Jaypaw tells the others about there prophocy to have the power of the stars. Suddenly, they learn that WindClan cats have been stealing prey. A big battle starts. Then Sol, the strange rouge tells them that the sun will disappear if they fight, but ThunderClan does not listen. A battle between the four clans start, but stops when the sun fades away. Sol went to ShadowClan and got all of them to believe StarClan is a lie. The cats go off on there own, and Tawnypelt and her kits come to ThunderClan. The three siblings, Jaypaw, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf have an idea how to make up a sign from StarClan, but they got more than they expected.
This book is about the clans cats Thunder Clan, Wind clan, River clan, and Shadow clan In middle of the story is was so exciting Wind clan is attacking Thunder clan because they want to show them that thunder clan is not the only clan that are greatest, Suddenly the sun disappear, The clan thought is was massage from Star clan to stop the war. Why should you read, you should read this book because if you like about animals, wars, forest you should warrior cat maybe you like it. They should add other clan group
I really liked this book! I thought it was really cool when all the cats starting freaking out because there was a solar eclipse. "Starclan killed the sun!" Another fun warrior book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Summary From Goodreads: Firestar's three grandchildren have learned of the powerful prophecy that foretells their destinies, and the responsibility of deciding the Clans' future weighs heavily on the three apprentices. But each secretly yearns for power: Lionpaw dreams of being undefeatable in battle, while Hollypaw longs to be a great leader and Jaypaw knows only he can see the true past and future for them all. Their strengths are tested when ThunderClan is suddenly attacked—and all four Clans are thrown into a battle unlike any the cats have ever seen. Then a dark shadow falls across the forest, and a mysterious stranger warns the Clans of more trouble to come. For the first time, it appears that StarClan does not hold the answers the cats need. All of a sudden, the warrior code is being tested. A crisis of faith threatens to tear the four Clans apart and destroy what the cats have built their lives upon. . . . Plot: "There is a darkness coming that not even Starclan can prevent. And when it comes, we will be helpless to protect the Clans. Helpless even to protect ourselves." There was so much of a plot buildup in this book, but nothing happened! I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting. It was pretty much the same cycle as every other Warrior book, except without the pizzazz that deserves 5 stars. To me, it was like an incomplete story, just so the series could have 6 books. Same ol' same ol' plotline as the rest of the books. It goes like this: patrols, then something gets mysteriously dangerous, then a prophecy is brought into the story, then a battle breaks out, and then somebody gets a warrior ceremony. END OF BOOK. The whole Power Of Three series has been a huge letdown. I'm still waiting for something to WOW me. Okay, but seriously, even though I didn't enjoy this book that much, I am so excited to get it the next one! Characters: LIONPAW- With every book, I'm liking him less and less. He's becoming more power-driven and extremely selfish. Wish I could have my old Lionpaw back! HOLLYPAW- I like Hollypaw, I just feel she's never played a big part in the storyline of this series at all. She's just THERE. Nothing more, nothing less. TBH, she's actually my favorite out of the three. JAYPAW- With every passing book, he's getting more grumpy and selfish; just like Lionpaw. What is up with their attitudes? Overall & Recommendations: This book just kinda fell short on the Warrior standards. I was expecting a 5 star book, but instead got a repetitive, dull book. As I said above, I still can't help but want to pick up the next book right away. I just can't wait for something exciting to happen! Memorable Quotes: “Truth is a powerful weapon ... We must be careful how we use it."
“Lives begun in deception are always lived in shadow."
"There is a darkness coming that not even Starclan can prevent. And when it comes, we will be helpless to protect the Clans. Helpless even to protect ourselves."
“Great knowledge can be lonely.”
“The light will return, just like the sun came back, but it will be your light, and yours to control.”
“The time of the Clans was coming to an end, and he, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf were the only ones who could save them.”
I don't know if I'm getting bored with the series or if the books are just not as good as they were when they started but I just didn't enjoy this one as much as the others.
Premise: Now that they know of the great prophecy, Firestar's grandchildren are struggling with its implications for them as a whole and as individuals. Lionpaw longs for glory in battle; Hollypaw desires a leader's wisdom; and Jaypaw is determined to discover more about their warrior ancestors. Their dilemma is made all the heavier when an ominous stranger arrives – and tensions between all four Clans explode in a bloodbath. But an even greater darkness is yet to come. And when it does, the Clans' collective faith in StarClan could be shaken to its core.
Story/Writing: Let me start this review by saying I've been looking forward to reading this particular book for a LONG time, ever since I got back into the series almost three months ago (Not to mention I got to read it on my birthday!). Not just because I knew a solar eclipse happens in it but also because of what this solar eclipse leads to. Ancient civilizations viewed events like a solar eclipse as a sign of an apocalyptic catastrophe, and since the cats of the Clans view the world in a similar way, how would it be any different for them? Anyway, how's the book itself? Honestly, with no exaggeration, I think this may be one of the best books in the entire series. Again, the authors take something we know is uncommon but not abnormal and write a story around it to make it a truly defining moment in the history of the Clans. The "New Prophecy" arc had the destruction of the forest, and this book has the titular eclipse. I've always been fascinated by astronomical events and the impact they can have on a story as well as the symbolism they can convey. And this story is no exception! Not only have the Clans never in their history seen something like this – it was foretold not by StarClan but by Sol. All of these factors rock the cats' faith in StarClan in a way that – even if it is regained – guarantees it'll never be the same again. I remember reading "The First Battle" and "Shadowstar's Life" with this sense of dread, the kind you get when you know a disaster is coming and all you can do is watch. I got the same feeling reading "Eclipse," except it was much, much worse. I got chills when ThunderClan found themselves fighting for their lives and even more so when the solar eclipse happened. It's funny how I come to these books with a sense of what will happen, but actually reading it and experiencing it for myself really engages my emotions. In this case, this installment has convinced me that these authors have a passion for their craft and have put so much time and care and love and effort into this series. I felt it on every page.
Characters: I love how quickly this arc has gotten me attached to the characters featured, particularly the ones featured in this book. They feel the same as they've always been, yet at the same time, they've grown and come so far already while also still leaving some room to grow further. They're written supremely well and I felt all their emotions and conflicts on every page. The amount of time given to each of the siblings to tell the story is still pretty well-balanced. Not to mention, this book actually got me to feel for characters I was never particularly sympathetic for. But more on that in awhile. Before I get into individual characters though, I just want to say that, for this book review, even if a character I discuss does get a new name later on in the story, I'm just gonna refer to them by what they're called for most of it.
Jaypaw – Until further notice, from here on out, I'm just gonna consider Jaypaw the main character in this arc, since he knew about the prophecy long before his brother and sister did and was the first of the three to discover his powers. That said, I love how this character has been endearing me to him more and more with every book. Even if he always remains a grump, he's proven that he does in fact have a heart and he does care. He would clearly lay down his life for his siblings. But he also has a medicine cat's desire to help and heal others. He's willing to go quite literally blind into the thick of battle to find cats who need his help. He gets so adorably excited when he helps Millie deliver her kits. But my favorite thing about him in this book is how much he cares for and about Cinderpaw. I liked how he was willing to stand up to Leafpool, and I absolutely love how the authors lead into him coming up with the idea to have Cinderpaw re-strengthen her leg by swimming. Not only do they build on things that have already occurred or been established. They do it in such a subtle and organic way that I did not see it coming. And when Jaypaw does come up with the idea, I was just as giddy as he was. I loved how it was built up, I loved how brilliant the idea itself was, I loved that Jaypaw was so determined not to give up on her, I loved that I was feeling what he was feeling, and I loved that this usual grump was getting so excited about something. I loved everything about it! Not only that, but even if you disagree with how he views StarClan, you can't help but admire his determination and the lengths he's willing to go to get the knowledge and answers he wants. And the fact that he even manages to convince his siblings to go with him on his search for Sol is pretty impressive.
Hollypaw – Once again, Hollypaw is my favorite of the siblings, though I will admit that could be because she's the most like me. Anyway, even if Hollypaw's ambitions are different from those of her brothers, she's just as ambitious as they are nonetheless. You can tell how much the warrior code means to her and that she would very likely be willing to die to defend it. I totally felt how distraught she was when Blackstar announced that he and ShadowClan were renouncing StarClan. I felt how betrayed she was when Sol decided to stay with ShadowClan rather than go to ThunderClan with her and her brothers as he promised. But probably my favorite moment of hers in this book is arguably her best moment, when she practically sprints to ShadowClan to plead for help on behalf of her Clanmates. She very likely knew that ThunderClan and ShadowClan never have been particularly friendly toward each other. But her Clanmates for now were on death's door for all she knew. And if she had to do this to save them, then nothing was going to stop her. I also wanted to cry for her when she falls asleep beside Squirrelflight. Even though I know that Leafpool is really her mother, I felt just as sad as I probably would've been had Squirrelflight truly been her mother. That all said, while Hollypaw is arguably the most morally-minded of the three siblings, like her brothers, she has a little bit of a dark side as well. When Sol says that she doesn't necessarily have to use her power to destroy the warrior code, she wonders if it would be such a bad idea to use her power to ensure a secure future for all the Clans, not just hers. I thought that was an interesting angle to her character and made her just as complex as her brothers.
Lionpaw – Speaking of complexity, wow did my feelings about Lionpaw in this book go all over the place! But at the same time, I didn't get a sense that the way my feelings got tossed about was superfluous and just done for the sake of drama. Clearly his journey into the mountains and especially the time he participated in the battle with the trespassers have changed him, and not entirely for the better. On the one hand, he's discovered that he's borderline invincible and can't get tired in battle. On the other, his desire for battle is growing at an increasingly disturbing rate. I give him points for being so willing to defend his Clan, especially given how he used to meet secretly with Heatherpaw. But speaking of whom, man… I was shocked when Lionpaw nearly slew her and Crowfeather in cold blood. I was really glad she just barely managed to snap him out of it, especially considering she's the one Lionpaw believes has betrayed him. With Crowfeather though, it was even worse when I remembered that he's not only Heatherpaw's mentor but also Lionpaw's real father. I can only imagine how much more heavily it's going to weigh on him when he finds that out for himself. Anyway, I'm glad he's at least trying to fight his darker side. And I'm especially happy that he's trying to rid himself of Tigerstar's influence, even if it's not for the most ideal reason. I must say though I found Tigerstar's reaction when he learned about the prophecy to be pretty interesting. It wasn't what I thought it was gonna be. It's clear to me that Tigerstar knows that if Lionpaw truly believes in this prophecy, that'll toss him out of the picture, and he'll lose his hold on Lionpaw. And he doesn't want that at all. I just hope Lionpaw gets a hold of his thirst for battle and eventually does rid himself of Tigerstar's influence.
Sol – Man, I don't think a character in this series has creeped me out this much since Mapleshade. And that's saying something, given I read Sol's origin story in "SkyClan and the Stranger." In fact, out of all the villains I've read about in this series thus far, Sol is probably the most unique. This character pretty much steals every scene that he's in. He has this almost spellbinding presence. He's handsome and even somewhat likable. Not to mention, even though you can tell that something about him feels off, it's so subtle that it could be easily dismissed. That said, he does kinda show his true colors toward the end, and in a way that reminded me of how he was revealed for who he is at the end of "SkyClan and the Stranger." He promised the siblings he'd go with them to ThunderClan, but when he sees how much of an influence he can have on Blackstar and therefore receive the respect he believes he deserves, he chooses that instead. I'd still like to know how in the world he learned about the solar eclipse, but he's quite nearly effortlessly left a pretty big impression on me already.
Blackstar – Speaking of Blackstar, I was surprised by how much I came to sympathize with this character. He's never been one of my favorite leaders, even though I will give him credit for doing the hard work of ridding ShadowClan of Tigerstar's influence, especially considering he was on Tigerstar's side for a time. That all said, while I strongly disagree with his decision to renounce StarClan, I do see where he's coming from. All the Clans have issues, and ShadowClan's main issue is that they've always had the least prey-rich territory. Blackstar has seen his Clan suffer the rat sickness. His entire Clan could've been killed if ThunderClan hadn't been there to get them out in time. And even though they've found a new home by the lake, their troubles seem to be never-ending. So, once again, even though I don't agree with his decision to turn his back on StarClan, I totally see how he's a weary, aging, and tired leader who just wants his Clan to be well.
Various Other Characters – Speaking of leaders, I LOVE the brief amount of spotlight Onestar and Firestar are given. While I will admit WindClan's attack on ThunderClan felt a bit too sudden, it's not entirely unfounded given how much more tension there's been between the two Clans ever since Onestar became leader. I get that Onestar has a tough job of leading the Clan that's often been considered the weakest, but his attack on Firestar – the cat he used to be friends with and the one who brought WindClan home – felt rather petty. Firestar on the other hand, man do I feel for him. No wonder he's been feeling so disillusioned lately. All his life he's simply wanted to do the right thing. Yet more often than not it just earns him resentment from other Clans. Even so, I'm proud of him for holding onto his faith in StarClan. Speaking of which, I felt for Leafpool as well. She wants Cinderpaw to become a warrior probably more than Cinderpaw does. Yet when her patient's injury seems like it'll just be a repeat of Cinderpelt's, because of her hastily made verdict, she feels so guilty and like she's failed Cinderpelt twice. Not to mention, Sol's fulfilled prophecy has clearly left her confused and uncertain. Speaking of Cinderpaw though, I'm immensely proud of her, too! I'm proud of how hard she's fought to succeed in becoming a warrior where Cinderpelt failed, and that she never gave up even when she got hurt twice. And now that she finally has succeeded, I can't wait to see how her warrior career will pan out!
Overall: This book was just an absolute BLAST to read! All of the other books are of course great but this one was particularly good. I know that nothing is going to be the same in the history of the Clans after this and I can't wait to see how this plays into the prophecy, as well as how things will go for the three siblings in the future.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
După ajutorul acordat pisicilor din Tribul Apei Învolburate, pisicile noastre se întorc la clanuri, mai putin Blană de Furtună si Părău care decid să rămână în Trib.
Până să părăsească Tribul, Labă de Gaița le-a destăinuit si fraților săi "Profeția celor trei", iar acum pot discuta despre semnificatia ei, despre puterea pe care le-o oferă. Dacă Labă de Leu se simte neobosit în luptă, un bun luptător, Laba de Gaița poate citii si pătrunde în visuri și gânduri, Labă de Laur crede în ideea de clan, de cod al războinicilor, de dreptate.
Toamna nu este singura care-si face prezența, apare un motan singuratic-Sol, ce pare să știe despre existenta clanurilor, precum si a conducătorilor lor. Vrea sa împărtășească ceva cu Stea de Foc, dar considerând că pisicile vraci ar intelege mai bine, le spune lui Iaz de Frunză si Laba de Gaița că "Soarele se va stinge"si părăsește teritoriul.
Si bine că "Soarele s-a stins" ,adică o eclipsă, pentru ca numai aceasta a putut impiedica lupta pentru teritoriul dintre Clanul Vântului care i-a atacat in miez de noapte pe Clanul Tunetului. Alături de Clanul Vântului a sosit si Clanul Râului, iar ajutorul dat de Clanul Umbrelor catre Clanul Tunetului, urmat imediat de eclipsa a făcut sa puna capăt războiului dintre cele 4 clanuri.
Laba de Gaita isi ia frații, merge in căutarea lui Sol, il gaseste ,dar ajung toti 4 la Stea de Mustăță-conducătorul Clanului Umbrelor. Daca Stea de Foc nu a fost interesat de ce are de spus Sol, Stea de Mustăță a fost, ba mai mult l-a convins să iasă din cele 4 clanuri, lucru pe care l-a anuntat la urmatoarea adunare. Asa de bulversate au fodt clanurile de această decizie, încât nici nu s- a mai discutat de cauza bataliei dintre clanuri.
Laba de Laur devine războinică cu numele de Frunza de Laur, fratele ei -Flacără de Leu, iar Blana Fumurie (fosta ucenică vraci )- Inima de Fum.
"Lumina se va întoarce, dar va fi lumina voastră si voi o veti controla."
I really really want to put a five star on this one, but I can’t. There’s just too many miss-spellings of names and such in this. The translator really needs to work harder with keeping track of all the names here. I know they hurry to get Erin Hunter’s books out in swedish, but really? At least get the names straight.
Apart from that little problem, this book was really good! I liked the new cat-character, Sol. What a mystery character he is. Doesn’t belong to any clan and just strolls in with a shit-ton of knowledge. Where deos he come from? Where did he learn all this?
I’m with Jaypaw on this, they HAVE to find out more about this cat.
And Jaypaw, btw. Who I really really disliked in the beginning of this suit, now I really like. He’s really come to grow on me. Sure he has his moments of being a whiny bitch, but they’re short and far between. And when he does whine about his blindness and the others babying him, he usually has a reason for his whining. Also, he is stubborn as all Hades, which I can appreciate. And he is really determined to figure out what is going on. Probably the most intelligent of the trio we follow.
Kiddo is still annoyed with Hollypaw. And I get it. She’s the one who is the biggest believer of their traditions and their fate in their forefathers the Starclan. She’s also the one of the trio whose power has still to show. I wonder if her power is her strong fate? Could be, could be…
Lionpaw though is an interesting one here. He keeps changing personality almost. On the one hand he is a strong warrior that wants to fight all the time and is so damn strong and skilled he survives almost anything and can fight several enemies at once. But on the other hand said strength is scaring him and becomes cold and murderous when he gets into that mindset. Which scares him even more.
So that’s going to be interesting to follow.
Just two more books left and then we’ve read all the ones that’s translated to swedish.
Now we have loss of faith....and possible dementia?????? Anyway, the three's powers are hardly to the fore and there's some weird cat going round stirring it. The 4 clans are about as disaffected as they can be.....what will the next excert tell? I'll have to wait cos the library has a lot of holds on the last two of the series!
Sigo Super enganchada a la Saga! Ahora el problema me comienza aparecer como siempre cuando me quedan pocos libros de una saga que me gusta mucho. Empiezo a echarla de -4 libros antes de terminarla. Sigo recomendando la mogollón.
In dit deel is er weer veel actie en gevechten tussen de Clans. Het einde is zorgwekkend voor de samenhang tussen de Clans. Ben benieuwd hoe het verder gaat.