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Holy Bible: NASB New American Standard Bible

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The NASB is a smooth reading literal English Bible translation, which provides increased clarity and readability for greater understanding while maintaining superior accuracy to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. Trust, discover, and grow in your faith with the NASB today.

This high quality pew Bible is also a great handy size text Bible for daily reading. It's printed on high quality white Bible paper with a 10 point font, making it an excellent value!

5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch paper trim size and 1 1/2 inch thick, 10 point font size, Concordance, Maps, Presentation Page, Verse Format, Black Letter, Two Column Text.

1267 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1971

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791k books3,241 followers
Books can be attributed to "Anonymous" for several reasons:

* They are officially published under that name
* They are traditional stories not attributed to a specific author
* They are religious texts not generally attributed to a specific author

Books whose authorship is merely uncertain should be attributed to Unknown.

See also: Anonymous

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 440 reviews
Profile Image for Raleighhunter.
167 reviews14 followers
March 16, 2011
This is the only book I've read through cover to cover more than twice. It is the only book I read every day. There isn't enough room to tell what I've learned from it.

Here is a list of my favorites from The Bible:
Favorite Psalms - Psalms 32
Favorite Judge - Deborah
Favorite Proverb - Chapter 30
Favorite Pentateuch - Deuteronomy
Favorite Military Leader - Joshua
Favorite Priest - Samuel
Favorite Major Prophet (in terms of documents written) - Daniel
Favorite Minor Prophet - Zechariah
Favorite King - Josiah
Favorite Disciple - Andrew
Favorite Apostle - Barnabas
Favorite Letter From Paul - Galatians
Favorite Letter From the Others - James, maybe 2nd Peter
Favorite Gospel - John
Favorite Chapter - John 14
Favorite Verse - John 14:1
Favorite Person - Jesus
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews549 followers
January 4, 2019
Bible = The Holy Bible, Anonymous
The Bible is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures that Jews and Christians consider to be a product of divine inspiration and a record of the relationship between God and humans. With estimated total sales of over 5 billion copies, it is widely considered to be the most influential and best-selling book of all time. The English word Bible is from the Latin biblia, from the same word in Medieval Latin and Late Latin and ultimately from Biblical Greek: τὰ βιβλία, translit. ta biblia "the books".
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: سال 1977 میلادی
عنوان: کتاب مقدس عهد قدیم و عهد جدید؛ ک‍ت‍اب‌ م‍ق‍دس‌ (ت‍رج‍م‍ه‌ ق‍دی‍م‌) ش‍ام‍ل‌ ک‍ت‍ب‌ ع‍ه‍د ع‍ت‍ی‍ق‌ و ع‍ه‍د ج‍دی‍د ک‍ه‌ از زب‍ان‍ه‍ای‌ اص‍ل‍ی‌ ع‍ب‍ران‍ی‌ و آرام‍ی‌ و ی‍ون‍ان‍ی‌ ت‍رج‍م‍ه‌ ش‍ده‌ اس‍ت‌؛ تهران، اسماآ؛ 1384، در 1456 ص؛ شابک: 9646606687؛
ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Charles.
10 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2012
most literal and accurate. this is my bible of choice. stitched and genuine not bonded leather. i use it daily and it needs to be tough. ESV and NKJV are also very good. I read the King James in its original translation and it was not nearly as hard to read as most people protest from my view but i see no value over the NKJV as it is a lot more readable and just as accurate unless your dealing with the "king james only" club. whats the best bible to read? the one you actually will. if that’s the NIV that’s fine by me but just watch out for some of the paraphrases that twist the meaning in there attempt to be "thought for thought" instead of "word for word". if you can always read a literal translation like the NASB, NKJV, or the ESV. less room to get messed up by someone writing there ideas into the text. the common misconception that these translations have been translated from Greek to Latin and Latin to English and then had the English revised messing them up is completely invalid. all good translations go back to the original Greek and Hebrew and have been put under enormous scrutiny to be accurate. i have read the NIV and if you have to use a paraphrase for readability i think it is your best bet.

man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. don't be spiritually malnourished.
Profile Image for Dan.
198 reviews
July 30, 2012

Holy Bible: The tale of two gods.

I have always been a fan of Old Testament god. He is the kind of fellow you can believe in. . . or else. Philistine's move into your neighborhood? Don't worry, the big guy has your back. He'll send his favorite son David to cut off two hundred of their foreskins and present them to the then king in exchange for stealing his wife. If that doesn't motivate you to convert to the bible's deity of choice, I don't know what will.

The methods of retribution are creative and unique. Killing cities with fire or the whole disobedient world with a flood lead the way in terms of headcount, but whether it is frogs, locusts, or drought, this dude makes his point: my side or else.

Then you get the new testament. Sure the same old contradictions are there. But this time, the story gets washed through the eyes of people whose grandfathers weren't even born during the events they are writing about. The worst part is that the modern interpretation of who the reader is told to emulate is absolutely offensive. The Jesus portrayed by the gospels is an awful model of how to live your life. He is a model of self-destruction. Why live out your life helping the poor and healing the sick or god forbid being a good example to people? Instead, a life of immolation as a model is chosen. Give until you are dead and don't pursue anything on your own. That is your standard. Live to that. Human's who want to live forever (sigh - when is man going to stop thinking they are anything but finite) are told to emulate a man who choose a path of self-destruction.

Overall this is an angry, confused book written by a bunch of savages who tried to make the world make sense, just like people have done since the beginning of time.

On a side note, for a good time, read Leviticus. Best book of the bible in a landslide. . . if it were a comedy. Taken seriously, it is a scary window into the mindset of the people who follow this tripe. Don't worry though, 99% of them will never read the bible and instead take other people's word on something that they claim is the most important thing in their lives.
Profile Image for Joshua.
20 reviews
January 26, 2011
I can really say that it's the only "must read" out there. If you don't have one, get one!
Profile Image for puppitypup.
658 reviews40 followers
April 5, 2017
I love to read the bible. It's been six years since God got ahold of me, and I'm just finishing my sixth time through the bible. My hope is to read through it every year for the rest of my life.

NASB is my favorite translation because (1) it's the most literal, and I am an extremely literal person, (2) it's so poetic, especially through Psalms and Proverbs and the major prophets, (3) it's the easiest version to memorize.

If you aren't head over heels in love with the Lord, start reading your bible. Read it cover to cover, then read it again. The only way to fall in love with someone is to know them intimately, and the only way to love God intimately is to immerse yourself in His word. He pours out His heart in the Old Testament, and He pours out His life in the New Testament.
Profile Image for Matt Conti.
7 reviews
August 24, 2010
It took me about a year but this was by far the best book I have read and will ever read it has every kind of story in it you could look for, true stories, figurative stories fantacies very very good. I recomend all to read at least LEAST once in there life time there is a reason it is called the best story ever told.
6 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2009
I learned about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Also, the source of life, the result of the fall, the redemptive love of God, how to live, how to love, how to die, what happens afterward, and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
Profile Image for Jake Kern.
96 reviews19 followers
March 17, 2017
OK, I know it may seem trite to put the Bible in among the books I'm currently reading, but there have been some significant changes in my life that compelled me to add it. First I lost my dad on 9/4/09, and love, prayer, and the Bible are what held me together during that time. Also, as I've been talking with my therapist in the past couple months, I've had a tremendous breakthrough with my depression, anxiety, agoraphobia...you name it...and it's all because I've been speaking aloud and rebuking whatever it is that is attacking me with Scripture. Plus, how can you NOT love a Love Letter from God?
Profile Image for Rita.
544 reviews13 followers
April 25, 2008
Yes, I know, I'm surely going to hell for giving the Bible only 4 stars. But some of it is really hard to get through.

And, this is the one I was presented with when I was confirmed Catholic.

Yes, I've actually read all three. And studied them through various theological courses.
Profile Image for Chris Via.
475 reviews1,806 followers
September 27, 2021
Quite similar to ESV (the other valorous attempt at a more literal English translation of the Hebrew and Greek), but I still favor my beloved KJV. Looking forward to the Lexham translation once they finally have a print version.
Profile Image for Haley Annabelle.
346 reviews180 followers
December 31, 2023
2023: Completed reread #3. I always gain so much love for various parts of scripture when I do a complete read through.
Profile Image for Rachel Anne.
34 reviews
December 19, 2012
Did you know most (if not all) serial killers come from religious families?
Also, that this book consists of incest, bestiality, sexism, racism, and polygamy?
Then goes and says "love one another"?
This book repeatedly contradicts itself to the point of it being comical and repeatedly insults the intelligence of the reader. The characters were shoddy, I couldn't follow the plot, and the man character was so far-fetched I couldn't believe a word of it.
Considering this was written over 100 years after Jesus died, it's no wonder.
Profile Image for Tracey.
24 reviews15 followers
March 27, 2011
Seriously, the Bible is my favorite book. It's got a little of everything in it that I love (history, science, mystery, Mystery, love, romance, explosions and fire, wisdom, prophecy, darkness, poetry, unanswered questions, self-help, tragedy, beauty...)

I hate that the author is "Anonymous"; I call him God.

THIS particular Bible, I'm reviewing both the translation (NASB) and the publisher (Cambridge). I love the Old English of other translations (Douay Rheims, KJV, ESV), but the New American Standard is literal translation AND readable. It's my go-to translation.

If you read like I do, though, do yourself a favor, save yourself some money in the long run, and BUY A CAMBRIDGE. Seriously, yes, they're expensive. But my other NASBs have the pages falling out, so you lose your notes, then you have to figure out how to 'dispose' of it (if you're not trying to duck-tape it together).

HAND-SEWN is a must. NICE PAPER that takes ink is a MUST (though I use colored pencils mostly). MAPS and some kind of concordance are very nice. But don't get bogged down with a book so big you can't carry it with you and actually READ it; that's why this edition was so perfect for me: it's luggable! This edition just has it all; I've had it for years now and not one loose page or torn corner! If I lost it, I'd buy another just like it.
Profile Image for Michael.
119 reviews5 followers
May 5, 2011
One of the issues in purchasing a bible that you plan to both carry with you and read for substantial stretches is finding one that is compact without being illegible due to tiny print size. Correctly selected typefaces are the best remedy for this problem, and this edition gets it right.

What the NASB lacks in readability (and I would characterize that liability as slight), it makes up for in accuracy. While no translation is truly "word-for-word", any word deliberately inserted for clarity that does not correspond to the original language of the manuscripts is indicated in italics, leaving the exegesis largely to the reader.

This is not a devotional study bible in the usual sense, as it contains no commentary that does not concern translation issues, and the concordance is pretty weak (and perplexing in terms of which words and names are included).

If you're looking for a solid, trusted translation that is as free of contemporary editorializing as possible, this is a good choice.
Profile Image for Matthew.
518 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2012

No matter what your background or worldview, this book is a must read. It is easily the most studied/challenged book ever written, not to mention the one that has had the biggest impact on world history. It tells the story of God's relationship to humankind, how the first humans chose to turn their backs on God so He designed a way to restore the relationship back to what it was meant to be. As a section in John explains, "For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." The Bible is more than a story- it has the power to impact the way you view the world, the way you view yourself, and ultimately the way you view God.
Profile Image for Ben Moore.
4 reviews
September 28, 2012
I don't understand much of what's written in this book...particularly the first half. In spite of that...this has been an interesting and even life changing read. It's a great deal like Tolstoy's War & Peace in that there are large sections of it that I'm tempted to skip over...but I keep getting rewarded as I plow through it. I find Jesus to be a most remarkable man and have come to believe in him as God. He surprised me with his kindness and willingness to sacrifice in the face a people who first throng to him and then murder him. I'm glad the murder thing didn't end up working out so well for them ;)
Profile Image for Larissa Fauber.
37 reviews6 followers
December 23, 2010

The Holy Bible is the love letter from God to us. He used several people to write the Bible in order to show His love for all His creation. And it is with honour that I finished reading this love letter for the third time and I would also like to encourage you to do the same.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"
This is Genesis 1:1.
God has started His creation. He created everything that your eyes can and cannot see. He also created the man and the woman, Adam and Eve. And He told them: “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
However, that's exactly what happens one day. They ate it after being persuaded by the serpent. The consequences of sinning result in the broken relationship with God. For God is saint.
They are expelled from the Garden of Eve. From Adam and Even to us there is a separation, we are separated from God.
Yet, God so loves His creation that He promises to send the Messiah to restore this broken relationship with Him.
God has a lovely plan. God decided to send His only Son to the world, so that whoever believes in His Son may be saved and live forever. The Messiah is Jesus Christ, who came to this world, to live, die and ressurreced after three days for me and for you.
The plan seems to be very simple but it involves faith. It involves believing that Jesus is the Son of God, that He is the Christ.
John 1:11,12 says: "(JESUS) came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God".
That's why we have Christmas, to celebrate the birth of Jesus, because without Him, we cannot find God, because Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
When we receive Jesus in our heart, we have a new life and when we die, we have ETERNAL life with God.
God loves us passionately and He's anxious for a relationship with us. A relationship of guidance, protection, involved by His love.
Do not let sin be an obstacle for not being with God, but allow Jesus to be the bridge to reach God.
I usually say that we are on one side of the abysm and God is on the other. The abysm that separates us from God is a life without Jesus. When you believe in Jesus, the bridge is constructed and you walk safely to the other side, to have a life with God, in Christ.
And my one and only desire is to help you understand the love that God has for you, shown in His Son Jesus Christ.
And even if it is necessary for me to write more so that you can understand God's love, I will. Because deep inside you feel that you need God but sometimes you just don't know how to find Him. Let Jesus do it all fo you ;)
And...Merry Christmas.
Larissa Fauber
Profile Image for Dina (ReviewTime).
36 reviews4 followers
June 11, 2009
About the binding & cover
The cover of this Compact Bible is made from Leathertex, an artificial leather which is soft to the touch. This Leathertex edition has a very nice smooth feel, which my husband really likes the feel of. Artificial leather should prove to be close in durability to bonded leather, although they haven't been on the market long enough to know for sure.
Trim Size: 4 1/16 x 6 3/16 x 3/4

What's inside?
This Bible is black letter edition. The text size is 6.8 type, which is good size for a compact Bible. 6.8 type is very readable when compared with other compact editions. The format of this edition is double-column, verse format, with subject headings. The paper is an off white color, and is non reflective which many people like in a compact Bible. The paper also has a semi-transparent quality. I do not recommend using highlighters in this Bible. If you would like to highlight passages I recommend Crayola color pencils they work best on thin paper. This edition includes a built in navy blue marker, which matches very well with the cover. The paper is edged with gold gild, which looks very nice with the navy blue cover.

In the Front

1. Table of contents
2. Books of the Bible in alphabetical order

In the Back

1. The parables of Jesus
2. The miracles of Jesus

About this Translation.
The New American Standard Bible (NASB) is a revision of the American Standard Version of 1901. The American Standard Version was a reversion of the King James Version. Many view the New American Standard Bible as one of the most literal translations of the 20th-century. Since its completion in 1971, the New American Standard Bible has been widely embraced by many as "the most literally accurate English translation" from the original languages
This compact Bible contains the updated New American Standard Bible.
In 1995, the Lockman Foundation reissued the NASB text as the NASB Updated Edition (or more often known, the Updated NASB or NASB95). Since then, it has become known simply as the "NASB" and has supplanted the 1971 text in most current printings (although the Thompson Chain Reference Bibles, the Open Bibles, and the Key Word Study Bibles still use the 1977 text for their NASB editions).

My Personal Opinion
I like the style of this cover, the design is simple yet elegant. I also like the rich navy blue color. Its always nice to see beautiful cover styles for Bibles. This edition comes in four other colors, and styles. The compact size & light weight of this Bible makes it a good choice for traveling. The New American Standard Bible Compact edition can make a very elegant gift for someone on the go
Profile Image for Cori.
154 reviews1 follower
May 3, 2017
I must include in my reading list the most important Book of all!!! I have read through the Bible about 24 times, having read The Living Way version once, The New King James version once, and the NAS 22 times. As a Christian of 29 years, I'm accountable for about five years of laziness in not reading my Bible. However, this year will be my twenty-fifth reading. Please understand that I am not trying to add notches to my Bible-reading belt, nor am I a legalist who thinks reading yearly makes me better than others. Rather, reading the Word of God is crucial to my walk with God. Knowing His Word allows me to better know His wisdom and will. "Thy Word I have hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee." As it states in Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." One of my favorite Chrisitan singers, Stephen Curtis Chapman, at the 2009 Dove Awards, discussing his life after his son accidentally ran over his daughter causing her death, summed it up quite eloquently, "Scripture hasn't just become more precious, but it's become the air that I breathe. There have been some mornings where I'm not sure if I'll be able to get out of bed, but now when I read the Bible, it's become my oxygen." I couldn't say it any better, Mr. Chapman.
Profile Image for Bret Walker.
62 reviews1 follower
August 23, 2012
Of the three versions of the Bible that I've read thus far (NIV, King James, and NASB), I found the NASB to be the one that spoke to me most clearly and most lovingly. By that I mean that reading the NASB was like having a conversation with an old friend, sitting by a soft fire in comfortable chairs, discussing the ways of God and all that He has done for us. It was a pleasure to read from end to end and it was also the quickest read of the three (NIV took me a little more than eleven months, King James about 2 1/2 years, but NASB I managed to read in 8 months). Maybe it was because I read it right after finishing the King James. To date, even though my church uses the NRSV, I find myself carrying the NASB around because it's my preferred version. It combines the poetry of the King James with the ease of understanding of the NIV. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in reading the Bible straight through. The word of God resonates in my heart with the NASB.
Profile Image for Kim.
712 reviews13 followers
February 13, 2022
"For the earth will be filled
With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
As the waters cover the sea."

Habakkuk 2: 14

It doesn't seem to matter how many times I read the Bible, it doesn't matter how often I read those last words in Revelation "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen." The next morning I open it again, usually a different translation, but once again I read the words "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" I'm pulled in all over again. And now it's time to switch to a different translation and start once again for the ninetieth time. Eighty nine down, who knows how many to go. :-)
Profile Image for Lori.
1,164 reviews51 followers
December 31, 2020
New American Standard Bible remains my favorite English translation. Although some criticize it, those understanding the Greek language and its tenses and moods appreciate the manner translators incorporated them into the translation. I prefer the old 1977 edition to the updated edition, but I still enjoy reading this text after all these years.
Profile Image for نرگس.
Author 12 books90 followers
July 14, 2015
خوندن کتاب‌های مذهبی برای من سخته. ولی وقتی از منظر یه متن ادبی بهشون نگاه می‌کنم قضیه یکسره متفاوت میشه. در مورد این کتاب، توصیه‌ی من دست‌کم خواندن کتاب جامعه از عهد عتیقه. متن فوق‌العاده‌ایه.
Profile Image for Laura Simpson.
79 reviews6 followers
December 11, 2023
This is the first year I’ve been able to read the Bible in one year, though I’ve attempted multiple times. It was a great way to see the overarching themes and timeline in Old and New Testaments. I’ll probably do this every other year so that I can also have years of deep-diving into certain books of the Bible.

For those who want to read it in one year, this is what was helpful to me as a homeschooling mom of three, ages 3-9 (aka must do Bible time with littles around):
- I set a timer for 10 minutes at the beginning of the year and asked not to be interrupted unless there were emergencies. The kids needed reminders periodically of what was/wasn’t an emergency 😉
- I gradually increased that timer to 17 minutes by the end of the year
- I’d let the littlest play with special toys or play dough if she needed something to help her last the timer
- I rotated with using an audio from the Bible app, reading from my hard copy, and listening to the dramatized version by MaraNatha. If I got behind in the weekly readings, I listened to one of the audios while in the shower.

Overall, I read Monday-Friday for 10-20 minutes. It was more manageable than I expected! Super thankful for a friend who encouraged me to try, and I hope these tips are helpful to anyone else wanting to give it a go.
Profile Image for carl  theaker.
927 reviews51 followers
June 7, 2016
The New American Standard Bible 6/6/2016

I always wanted to read the Bible from front to back, or I should say, from Genesis to Malachi and Matthew to Revelation. Like many folks I learned the various Bible stories and lessons here and there, starting in Sunday School, then Church, movies and TV shows. So I thought why not read it like a (good) book?

The New American Standard goal is to provide a translation as close as possible to the original languages and to make sure the translation is in a fluent and readable style. For example, terms like the ‘Thees and Thous’ are only used when quoting.

I did enjoy the reading and at times I felt like I should be telling folks about what I’d read, you know, as if no one else had read the Bible before, so at times, I had to laugh at myself.
Profile Image for Jimmy Hickey.
27 reviews1 follower
March 26, 2023
Contains rape (Deut. 22:22-27), misogyny (1 Tim 2:12), capital punishment (Gen 9:6; Rom 13:4), polygamy (1 Kings 11:3), genocide (Deut 20:16-18; Exodus 11-12; Gen 6-8; 18-19), incest (Gen 19), stonings, murder between siblings (Gen 4:7-8), human sacrifice (2 Kings 16:3), betrayal, slavery (Colossians 3:22-24, 1 Timothy 6:1-2, and Titus 2:9-10; Ephesians 6:5-8), disturbing apocalyptic descriptions (Revelations), human trafficking (Gen 45:5-7; 50:19-21), and more. This book should be banned from schools and libraries. No child should be reading this.

If you're one of those who insists that some books need to be banned, start here. This one's loaded with inappropriate content.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 440 reviews

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