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The Unholy Trinity: Blocking the Left's Assault on Life, Marriage, and Gender

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It's now or never for conservative values.

This highly anticipated debut from Matt Walsh of The Blaze demands that conservative voters make a last stand and fight for the moral center of America. The Trump presidency and Republican Congress provides an urgent opportunity to stop the Left's value-bending march to destroy the culture of our country.

Republican control of the presidency, senate, and House of Representatives for the next two years is a precious--and fleeting--gift to conservatives. Americans concerned with blocking liberals' swift rethinking of life, marriage, and gender need to capture this moment to turn the tide of history.

For years conservatives have worried endlessly about peripheral issues, liberals have been hard at work chipping away at the bedrock of our civilization, and putting a new foundation in its place. New attitudes on abortion, gay marriage, and gender identity threaten to become culture defining victories for progressives--radically altering not just our politics, but dangerously placing Man above God and the self above the good of the whole.

What's at stake? The most fundamental elements of society, including how we understand reality itself.

In The Unholy Trinity, TheBlaze contributor Matt Walsh draws on Catholic teachings to expose how liberals have attempted, with startling success, to redefine life, marriage, and gender. Abortion redefines human life, gay marriage redefines the family, and the latest theories on gender redefine what it means to be a man or a woman. The potential consequences are dire. If progressivism can bend life, family, and sex to its whims, Walsh argues, it has established relativism over God as the supreme law, and owns the power to destroy western civilization.

With insight, candor, and faith, Walsh shows conservatives how to confront liberal arguments, defeat the progressive agenda for good, and reclaim American culture for truth.

240 pages, Hardcover

Published March 28, 2017

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About the author

Matt Walsh

4 books408 followers
Matt Walsh is a popular writer, speaker, and one of the Right's most influential voices. He is the host of The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh Show, where he boldly tackles the tough subjects and speaks out on faith and culture in a way that connects with his generation and beyond. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife and young children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews
Profile Image for Sandra .
1,891 reviews343 followers
March 30, 2017
There's no assault on Life, Marriage, and Gender, as this delusional book might want you believe - there is only the fight for equality, and the desire of reasonable, compassionate people to want to see every human being have the same rights.

Fuck this book with a hot poker.
1 review19 followers
March 29, 2017
Matt Walsh has long been one of my favorite writers, and as he says, "professional truth-sayers". This book certainly lives up to that. It arrived today, and I couldn't put it down. Walsh outlines issues of morality and conscience in logical, straightforward terms that should convince all but the most extreme leftists to once again embrace reason. His is a clear, eloquent voice against the madness of modern society.
Profile Image for Laurel.
313 reviews5 followers
March 31, 2017
Looking at the other reviews on here it seems obvious that this book gets all one stars from people who disagree with Walsh and have likely not even read the book and then five stars from people who agree with Walsh.

I think there should be room to evaluate a book not wholly dependent on your agreement with its points.

I don't always agree with Walsh. But, I appreciate his guts to tell the truth, or at least what he believes to be the truth, with boldness. I think this book is worth reading and worth considering on its own merits. If you disagree with Walsh, its still valuable to read with an open mind and try to understand his point of view, He explains it well.

Its also a very quick read, it took me about 4.5 hrs.
Profile Image for Tom LA.
647 reviews259 followers
February 13, 2023
Wow. This book is really bad. Definitely much worse than I was expecting. I follow Matt Walsh on Twitter where he expresses his views with wit and humor, but here we are looking at a total car-crash of a book.

So that we’re clear, I don’t disagree with the fundamental principles that drove the author to write this book, as I am catholic and I have a preference for conservative values.

But the WAY he goes about discussing these topics, from abortion to gay marriage to transgenderism, is appalling. I just found it incredibly superficial. A total lack of any intellectual subtlety whatsoever.

The only interest of the author seems to be in picking a fight with his perceived “enemies”.

“Liberalism is satanism!”. Are you out of your mind? Ever heard that every healthy political discourse needs both sides of each argument?

Yes, I believe all human life is sacred. But exaggerated outrage and preposterous analogies are NOT the way to have a mature conversation about the matter.

The many jokes that pepper the book are there only to remind me of the reason why Walsh has gained such a large following, because he writes in an entertaining way, but they also give the book a not-that-serious-or-deep quality. Instead of trying to consider any type of counter-argument to his granite-like certainties, Walsh adopts a tone that is self-righteous and indignant from start to finish.

I’m sorry, but I have to agree with the reviewer who said that even the pope would probably not like this book.

This is tripe - don’t read it. Move on.
Profile Image for Simon.
853 reviews116 followers
August 8, 2017
Awful, awful writing matched with inaccurate history and at least a questionable understanding of Scripture and philosophy. Mr. Walsh is so determined to be noticed that he draws a straight line from Lucifer to Judas to Hitler to . . . Hillary Rodham Clinton. Whatever valid points he may have (not many), the consistent hyperbole is exhausting. If you define "liberal" incorrectly as your premise, then I suppose the Democrats do look like a bunch of Satanists. On the other hand, I was left with the nagging suspicion that Walsh would consider Archbishop Lefebvre a leftist.

An utter waste of time.
Profile Image for Drew Canole.
2,742 reviews24 followers
September 28, 2024
Lucifer was literally the first liberal. Liberal ideology is self centered and satanic. Satan through liberals is attacking life (abortion , assisted suicide), marriage (gay “marriage”, divorce, birth control) and gender (trans people). All this is a big problem because of reasons.

It’s interesting that much of these positions are reliant on god existing and the Christian interpretation being the correct one. Walsh doesn’t really provide much else to support his thoughts. It’s either an appeal to god or to “nature”.

Abortion is literally killing babies. Rape is irrelevant because the conception of a human doesn’t affect its right to life. Rape conception is “exceedingly rare” and just “1 percent of all abortions” which is “about 40 million per year” (so 400,000 abortions due to rape per year)… “exceedingly rare”?. We don’t have autonomy over our bodies because god exists, if god doesn’t exist “the only sovereign thing is nature itself and to interfere with the natural process would be the only true moral crime”

To support (assisted) suicide you are saying that “life is nothingness.” “There is no point”.

Gay marriage is “not real”. It is a “contradiction in terms” therefor it’s not about making it “illegal” it’s just simply not possible. But it didn’t start with the gay agenda before that we had divorce and birth control.

The cycle of divorce and remarry is against sacrament. Contraception “paved the way for gay activists”. “Woman on the pill tend to gravitate towards men who are more feminine. This explains the pop culture devolution from Clint Eastwood to zac efron”. The book is showing its age because zac Efron is quite masculine these days. Wearing skinny jeans and drinking low fat latte makes you effeminate. Also showing its age now that skinny jeans are out of fashion. “Not all slippery slope arguments are a fallacy”… but if we allow gay marriage we will have to allow pedophiles for… reasons. Also marrying barnyard animals. …But again remember that not all slippery slope arguments are fallacious.

Pornography spreads perversion. “Being gay is not exactly like being a furry”.

On to gender. I don’t really understand his logic here. I’ve even seen his movie “what is a woman” where he fails to understand that definitions can be complicated. He accuses people of having circular definitions then defines woman as “adult female human who needs help opening a pickle jar” as if he’s a genius. We have to “choose truth” that gender is binary. You can’t be “beyond” (trans) gender. Just because.

Okay so now we need to win this war we’re losing. We need to ban abortion, ban divorce, ban the gays from getting married, stop assisted suicide, stop birth control, get people to associate their gender with their genitalia. As Henry David Thoreau once said “rather than love, than money, than game, give me truth”. Which I think is the word of God.

Hmm, this book really isn’t going to convince anyone that isn’t already convinced.

Profile Image for Lillie.
Author 21 books41 followers
March 30, 2017
I have been a fan for Matt Walsh for a long time, so it's no surprise I love his book. To an old lady, it's amazing that one so young can be so articulate and insightful. Walsh certainly expresses his opinions more harshly than I do, but I usually agree with everything he says.

He believes there is a true battle going on, and it's spiritual battle. He sees the assaults on life (abortion and euthanasia), marriage and family (feminism and homosexual rights), and gender (transgenderism) as being attacks on the sovereignty of God by Satan. He stands for Biblical truth in a society saturated with lies and distortions.

Since God created man in His own image, all life--born and unborn, able and disabled, young and old--has intrinsic value and dignity. God created marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and the family unit should consist of married parents caring for children. Homosexual marriage cannot exist because anything other than what God created is not marriage. When God created Adam and Eve, He created male and female--two distinct genders with different roles and attributes. Neither is superior or inferior to the other, but they are complementary. Gender is binary--you are either male or female; no one can decide that his or her gender is different from his or her biological sex. Abortion, homosexual marriage, and transgenderism are the unholy trinity in the title.

Walsh comes down hard on liberals/progressives who espouse the unholy trinity, but he also comes down hard on the church in America. The church has become complacent and failed to stand for truth. Those of us who still believe in God's sovereignty and absolute truth "should be honored that God chose us to be here, under these conditions, at this point in history, in the middle of a desert, surrounded by the enemy. Fighting against odds that seem hopeless, and may very well be. At least in the short term."

In the last chapter, my favorite of the entire book, Walsh says, "All I know is that God put us here to be lights in the darkness, and however dark it gets, our mission does not change. ... We should live as sore thumbs, sticking out from a mile away, and we should take joy in the fact that our culture will treat us like freaks and monsters. Every insult, every accusation, every finger pointed at us is a signpost on a lonely road, letting us know we're headed in the right direction. Whatever hardships we face for the sake of our faith should be considered pure joy, as the Book of James says."

And something I hear often in Bible study: "And, when, all is said and done, we know where this story is headed. We win. Or I should say God wins. Ultimately, when the story of everything is told, the side of Truth will vanquish the side of Evil, and all who fought the good fight will be rewarded for their faith and courage."
746 reviews1 follower
April 14, 2017
Garbage. I picked this up knowing it was going to be bad - I'm familiar with Matt Walsh's writings through Facebook, and I'm not a fan. But separate from my disagreement with 98% of what he said in this book, the writing was also terrible. Circular arguments, slippery slope fallacies (he even acknowledges that he's doing this, but says his argument isn't actually a slippery slope fallacy because his opinion is correct), and an infallible belief in his own superiority make this book some of the worst writing Matt Walsh has produced so far (that I've seen, at least.)

I say I disagreed with 98% of what he said, rather than everything, because it seems Matt Walsh and I do have a few beliefs in common. We are both members of a traditional Christian church, we both believe that parents should lovingly guide their children (which sometimes entails saying no or correcting behaviors), and we both believe that marriage is more than just being in love. But those few commonalities aren't enough to make me enjoy the rest of the nonsense that spews from this man's brain.
489 reviews5 followers
March 28, 2017
5 Stars, unreservedly. As always, Matt Walsh speaks the truth without a filter, and challenges his readers to the same. I may update with some of my favorite quotes later - although all of it is pretty quoteable.
Profile Image for Andy Rectenwald.
22 reviews
April 3, 2017
One of the best parts of this book is that it doesn't forsake good writing for easy reading. Matt tackles difficult issues with ease and his argumentation flows from each chapter to the next.

Those who usually agree with Matt should read this book. It will give you new insights into these issues and cause you to evaluate how you think.

Those who disagree with Matt should read this book. You may hate what he stands for, but if you care about the issues, you need to engage with his arguments.

The only reason I gave it a 4/5 is that no sources were cited. Many of the statistics, claims, studies, etc. (which I've heard before) were simply stated with not footnote or end note. As someone who likes to go to the source, that was slightly frustrating.
Profile Image for Ryan Seamons.
97 reviews7 followers
May 9, 2017
Polarizing book. Anyone with a liberal outlook will hate it. Matt Walsh is uber conservative. For those looking for thoughts on defending conservative/Christian values, you will love this. While there are times I think Matt cherry picks examples, for the most part his arguments are well thought through and defended. Much of the argument comes back to whether or not you believe in God. If you do believe in God, then much of what Matt talks about will make a lot of sense and align with how you view the world. If you don't believe in God, then you'll disagree with many things Matt says.

For those wanting to be better defenders of the values that made our country what it is today, this is for you. Or even for a liberal that wants to understand what/why of conservative thinking, this would be a good read to attempt.
Profile Image for Stephen.
50 reviews1 follower
April 5, 2017
Attention leftists: this book dismantles your Luciferian sacraments of abortion, same sex "marriage", and gender bending nonsense. Everything leftists hold dear is systematically dismantled with logic and in depth studies, as Walsh does better than almost anyone else out there. This was truly a pleasure to read and is now part of my arsenal against liberal untruths. Glory to God!
Profile Image for Aimee Johnson.
8 reviews2 followers
April 3, 2017
A great book by Matt Walsh with well thought ideas and discussions for every day societal misconceptions. Although everything written stems from common sense, it's a sad state of affairs that makes truth necessary to exclaim. The unholy trinity, as written in this book, are made up of American society's skewed versions (or perhaps, aversions) to life, marriage, and gender. Of course conservatives should read the book but liberals too, especially those giving it one star without dishing out the money and reading the first sentence.
Profile Image for T.R. Preston.
Author 6 books155 followers
October 19, 2023
Since I am a firm believer that one must hear and thoroughly know the opposing political arguments in order to effectively understand where they come from, and therefore combat them, I decided to put myself through this utter torture.

It is quite incredible how stupid Matt Walsh is. I was expecting poor arguments driven by fear, but even I was not prepared for this level of pure derangement. None of his arguments make any sense at all. They are philosophically juvenile at best. The only thing I found myself agreeing with was the euthanasia problem where governments now think it is wise to start swiftly killing people for the slightest inconvenience. This is not a good road to take at all. But other than Mr. Walsh's thoughts on this subject, the rest was complete drivel that very obviously comes from fear of change, disdain, low IQ, and religious falsehoods. Oh, the religious falsehoods. They bring me such a profound headache.

You will find better social opinions from a spoiled, temper-tantrum-throwing child than this blockhead attempting to pass as an intellectual.
Profile Image for Kelly Staten.
149 reviews9 followers
April 16, 2017
I've been following Matt Walsh for a couple of years now. He's a very smart, talented writer who is not without controversy as sometimes his views skew extremely conservative. Most of the time though, he is spot on with his take on what's happening in today's culture.

I don't always agree with his point of view and this book is no exception. Everything is applied with a Christian viewpoint which is exactly how we as Christians should live in society but it can't totally be applied to government since the church & state are Constitutionally separate.

Also, there are studies and statistics mentioned throughout but no bibliography? I think that was a grave oversight because opinion is fine but when you quote stats and studies you need to attribute them in the back so readers can cross check your sources.

Good first effort but probably won't win over readers who aren't already fans of his work.
Profile Image for Morgan Hagar.
57 reviews25 followers
May 12, 2017
In the Unholy Trinity, Matt Walsh lays out the three defining pillars of society, life, marriage, and gender and the Left's assault on them.
The left has redefined life as the most innocent and vulnerable members of our nation are killed off to the tune of over 50 million since Roe v.s. Wade. They've attempted to redefined the sacrament of marriage by removing the foundation of the procreative unity between husband and wife, man and woman. A man and a man or a woman and a woman will never create the life-giving bond of a husband and wife. Their redefinition of gender with the "transgender" movement has destroyed true womanhood and true manhood; everything unique and beautiful about men and women's differences is being crushed into the dust of transgenderism.
Matt Walsh shouts the truth to our nation that has gone deaf to what is good and true and right. Any nation that believes it is their choice to choose who can live and die, whether through abortion or euthanasia, cannot last. Without the bedrock of marriage nations will collapse. Trying to equalize or create equality between man and woman will destroy true femininity, true masculinty.
Now before any feminists out there rip into me for mentioning equality between men and women, let me stop you now. Men and women will never be equal. Do men have wombs? Can they carry life within them? Can men do everything women can do? Can women do everything men do? The answer is No. And that is the beauty of it. "Male and female He created them..."
I absolutely loved this book and would recommend it to anyone who realizes that our country is in desperate need of a wake up call. In fact, I also recommend it to those most in need of said wake up call.
Profile Image for Joellen.
102 reviews26 followers
July 14, 2017
"Dostoyevsky wrote that stars grow brighter as the night grows darker. So the real good news is that we have the opportunity to be the brightest stars for Christ that the world has ever seen, because we may live through its darkest night. "

I love, love, love Walsh's vision in this book. His courage in being candor and his wisdom are exactly what Christians need for such a time as this.
The only thing that would have made this a five star book,for me, is if he would have strengthened some of the research that he referenced with citations.

Feeling inspired and empowered by this read <3
Profile Image for Andrea.
73 reviews23 followers
July 26, 2017
Post-Christian America

Solid read for the remaining (and dwindling) faithful living in a post-Christian and post-constitutional culture. Aside from revival in the church and an awakening in the country, the rejection of natural law, truth, and the resulting turmoil will only grow.
Profile Image for Monique Mathiesen.
126 reviews17 followers
March 18, 2024
It’s amazing how Walsh is considered some kind of “radical” in this modern era. Literally everything he says is just common sense and logical. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Matt Walsh is one of the most important voices in our generation. His unapologetic stance for truth, no matter the pushback, is inspiring. If only a quarter of conservatives had his boldness, our country would look very different.
Profile Image for Rita Khavich.
7 reviews
May 24, 2017
This is one of the best books I've ever read in my entire life. I love Matt Walsh's blogs and articles, but this book was even better! His writing is excellent - it's very clear, accessible and honest. Walsh doesn't shy away from assigning blame where it's due. His views are complete and defended well, and to be honest, I found them refreshing. In a world where we're all so careful not to cause offense, it was wonderful to read something truthful and likely offensive to some (even many), but ultimately, it was very logical! The book was set up with a thesis and everything directly supported what Walsh was trying to present.
Profile Image for Maggie Buckley.
246 reviews15 followers
May 12, 2017
Amazing. Amazing. Amazing! This book should be required reading in every church, and then it needs to be required reading for everyone else. If you think there ISN'T an assault on life, marriage, and gender, then I challenge you to read this and see for yourself. May it lift the scales from your eyes.
Profile Image for David.
128 reviews2 followers
July 29, 2017
I really liked this book. Matt presents an intelligent defense to the left's assault on life, marriage, and gender. Great writing style steeped in logic and truth. I recommend this book for anyone with questions on these subjects.
Profile Image for Crista Giono.
18 reviews2 followers
November 8, 2020
Me gustó. 100% catolico. Nos reta, nos hace pensar y a la vez nos da esperanza. Tenemos mucho que hacer.
Profile Image for Rachel.
186 reviews20 followers
March 30, 2017
November 28, 2021
Let me start off by stating that I am a fan of everything Matt Walsh. So naturally I had to check this book. And as a frequent listener to his show, I wasn't expecting anything new. And even though I didn't find anything that could be described as particularly new from a conservative, it provided me much more than I expected. It brought my attention to the utter need of recognising the gravity of what we're actually dealing with and understanding how abortion is distorting our moral compass as a society.
I was never a pro abortionist or a pro choice in my life, but I made the mistake of overlooking this issue due to my narrow understanding of the world as a teenager. But as soon as I started watching conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh, I started to see the depravity of this act and how all of us are participating in this ruthless murder of innocent lives by either masking it under the right to choose even if it's the right to kill that we are advocating for, or by not raising our voices and dealing with it with the utmost importance.
Besides the complete demolition of abortion arguments, a soft ball in my opinion for Matt Walsh, he also provides immense insight over the value of life and also brings God into the equation without whom it is not possible to make a case for life itself.
Here's something I scribbled down while reading it.
"We are so afraid of death, of its unpredictable and inevitable nature, that it leads us to the stupid notion that we can somehow claim it by taking our own life. This notion is utterly nonsensical as no man on earth has ever laid claim on death itself. It is not something we can just buy in a store, it is something that happens to us not the other way around. And so saying that we have a right to kill ourselves is as stupid as saying a rock that has been thrown in the air has a right to fall. Death is not a moral right that is inherent to us humans. It is not something that can be taken away or given away.
Therefore, people who think that it is empowering to have that choice to annihilate yourself are simply conflating a natural process to a choice. Yes, you have the ability to kill yourself but you can't say that it is in any way morally correct to make that choice. We have to admit that our life is not our own but God given and therefore we have no other choice than to live untill the matter is out of our hands. That is how death should be treated and anyone who thinks otherwise should consult a sane doctor or therapist."
I am extremely happy that Matt doesn't deter from speaking from a Christian perspective.
As a theist myself and as a person who is enthusiastically interested in Christianity, I most certainly appreciate his dedication to his faith.
Ever so often there come some men who have the guts to speak out the truth against the evil in our society. And Matt Walsh is certainly one of them.
Never in human history we have fallen to such lengths where we approve the killing of an innocent child and shrug it off as a sort of sad but unimportant issue.
It bewilders me to see people treat the most important issue of our generation as something that can be put off for another day.
It has to be a big fucking deal.
I am giving it five stars because it changed my mind about the most important issue of our time (child murder also known as abortion) and for that I'll forever be grateful to Matt Walsh.
Also I was so concerned about the abortion part that I forgot to mention the great arguments made against euthanasia and transgenderism.
Both of which are also pretty important issues of our culture. Though, in my opinion, not nearly as important as abortion is. But they are also nothing but the result of the high rates of abortions and divorces.
Profile Image for AD.
49 reviews8 followers
July 11, 2022
A Slap in the Face of the Left
A fiery critique of the left’s three-pronged attack on life, marriage, and gender — fundamental institutions that have sustained society since time immemorial. Political commentator Matt Walsh uses his acerbic wit to admonish the immoral agenda advanced by the American Left through the media, Hollywood, the education system, and government, which have weakened the moral fiber of civilization.

Over the years, liberalism has deteriorated into the worship of self, which is rooted in the belief in the supremacy of the individual. The ideology seeks to abolish the absolutes in Western civilization, which has been “grounded in the confidence of absolute truth, which was born of a belief in an absolute God.” The left has removed God from the equation and has elevated man to the peak of the pyramid, thereby promulgating the idea that “everyone must live in a relativistic society in order for the individual to truly be deified.”

The author rightfully reasons that progressivism is “an ideology not of progress but of relativism.” Relativism makes humanity “entirely susceptible to the ideological trends of the day.” In their mission to radically and fundamentally redefine the essential pillars of human civilization, liberals have denied the objective truth and the nature of the reality itself. The pro-choice movement denies the nature of human life, the homosexual movement denies the nature of marriage, and the transgender movement denies the nature of sex. Progressivism detests everything that the old Christian civilization built.

Matt Walsh makes a strong case and argues against evils like abortion and euthanasia. He lambasts abortion since it not only legalizes infanticide under the pretense of choice, but also reinforces the liberal narrative about sex. The practice is befittingly described as a “cancer in the bloodstream of society” that “deprives humanity of its humanity.” While discussing euthanasia, the author emphasizes that every life has intrinsic value and that no one has the “decree which sort of lives are meaningful and which are not.”

Furthermore, the book criticizes the LGBT movement and examines how liberalism has contributed to the modern world’s devolving understanding of gender. Discussing the deterioration of the family unit, Matt Walsh shuns the use of the word ‘traditional marriage’ because there is only one marriage — that which is between a man and a woman. He asserts the undeniable fact that marriage is a “fundamentally, intrinsically, inherently, in principle, the permanent monogamous union between members of the opposite sex” that is “committed, indissoluble, and procreative.”

In a day and age where liberals and leftists are doing all that they can to further their agenda, this book comes as a much-needed clarion call to counter their narratives and stand for what is right.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews

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