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Mage Alex Verus is caught between a rock and a hard place in the eighth urban fantasy novel from the national bestselling author of Burned.

Right now I wasn’t seeing Richard as the teacher out of my nightmares, he was just another Dark mage, and I looked into the future to see what would happen if I turned that knife on him instead...

Alex Verus is still haunted by his time apprenticed to Richard Drakh. He's been free of him for many years, but now the only way to keep his friends from being harmed is to again work for Richard and his deadly ally. Even worse, he’s forced to bring the Light mage Anne into this servitude as well.

After weeks of being hunted and finally cornered into what he thought was his last stand, Alex never thought his life would be spared—and never anticipated at what price. This time, the diviner can see no way out...

336 pages, ebook

First published April 4, 2017

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Benedict Jacka

26 books3,601 followers

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Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,600 followers
August 17, 2022
Re-read 8/17/22:

I've been thoroughly enjoying my second read-through and this book is interesting because I now know what is to come and my reactions are slightly off. I'm still enjoying the hell out of it, but certain things are hitting different. I love it.

Original Review:

I was so excited to get this on Netgalley and I'm still excited after having read the latest Alex novel. :)

Things have changed quite a bit for him and his friends after the events of Burned, and for any of you who remember the end, things have gotten Dark indeed.

Having no spoilers is going to be a huge chore here because all I want to do is talk about the new developments and the strange reveals and the action and the end surprise! *sigh*

I tell you, I'm still so excited!

However, I can safely tell you that this series is still going strong. The time frame is a bit more spread apart in this novel than in most of the previous ones, but that's just the nature of the new gig. Being on-call can be a drag in general, but certain bosses can make it so much worse. Poor Alex. Poor Anne! I can't believe the twists and turns. We get more of Elsewhere and the Hollows, too, and all of that is a real treat.

This Urban Fantasy *is* a real treat. It's pure popcorn fiction that hits all the right divinatory buttons and bullets. :)

It comes out in April. I just pray that each and every one of you walk, don't run, to your nearest bookstore to pick out a copy of it. I would really hate to see you need to call on Anne to heal you. She's busy enough, you know. ;)
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,720 reviews2,514 followers
April 19, 2017
Number 8 in the series and still going so well! There was an interesting new approach in this one with the story being spread over a much longer time period than usual. There's a lot of discussion and debate between the main characters and some explanations and philosophising but it never slows the book down. Of course there is also a huge amount of action and Alex gets really tough by the end! Never threaten his Anne!
My only problem was that the book was far too short, but what a great and totally unexpected ending. I laughed out loud. Clever move Mr. Jacka! I am already looking forward to April 2018.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,809 reviews1,609 followers
September 6, 2019
This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

4.5 Stars

Alex has learned how to make some great friends, but he is much better at making enemies.  And he has made some doozies. Richard and Mordan are at top of that list (a very long list at that) and they are by far the most dangerous.  They are educated, cunning, patient, mysterious and are playing a long game that even Alex can’t divine.  

Alex got caught up in a whirlwind situation in Burned where he well, for lack of a better word for it got burned.  In the aftermath, he and Anne are locked into Mordan’s service under threat of death and worse. Alex is reluctant to help Mordan or Richard in any way but for the moment he is a bit stuck, so better to be patient and pick your moment.  Dangerous times for Alex indeed.

With Light and Dark mages, it is really hard to tell who are the bad guys.  Right now, I’m thinking there are plenty of bad guys playing for both teams.  What I do know is that Richard is a mystery and I have no idea what his end game is but I do know he is playing the game better than anyone else including Alex right now.

Most of Bound is political posturing and Alex trying to figure a way out of his indentured servitude intact and with Anne.  Of course, Vari and Luna are there to help and Arachne always has some good advice for him. While it seems like Alex and Anne are getting closer and may one day have a romance, it is definitely tertiary to the story and moving very slowly.  Still, long term, I see it headed in that direction at least.

It was hard to watch Alex and Anne be shunned by most of the people they are supposed to be working with in the council/keepers/healers.  Even harder were some of the events that happened to Anne in this book. She has been through some struggles and I think that we might have hit her breaking point.  My only question now is, did Richard have his hand in it hoping to push Anne to the Dark side?  

I always enjoy Alex’s take on situations and while a lot of this book is political posturing there is still plenty of fighting as new and old enemies alike come after our favorite diviner.  A new magical object is put into play and it seems like a useful and dangerous tool.

At the climactic end of Bound, I again was left with that oh no feeling I got at the end of Burned.  These are dangerous times and Alex still seems to be in way over his head. I’m hoping he figures things out soon and if/when he goes up against Richard, I’m expecting it to be a chess match for the ages. 
“Align yourself with a greater power,” Arachne said. “Become a greater power. Or die.”

 “Have you really gone this long without an aide?”

“As a matter of fact, I’ve had two,” Morden said. “Unfortunately, they’ve had rather poor luck. The first disappeared in the summer and the second committed suicide.” 

“Suicide?” Anne asked. 

“Yes, it seems the stress of the position proved too much for him. He broke all his fingers, cut his own throat, then set himself on fire.”

Gildart Jackson has another fantastic performance in this book.  He embodies all the characters so well it is all very seamless and he has become the voice of Alex for me.  I have enjoyed all of his performances of this series so far. I listened to this at my usually 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip:  HERE
Profile Image for Stig Edvartsen.
441 reviews19 followers
April 8, 2017

I'd like to apologize to Benedict Jacka. He spent months slaving over this book and I devoured it in a lazy Saturday afternoon like some demented Mr Creosote.

It was good, but I am already ready for more.


Profile Image for Trish.
2,265 reviews3,709 followers
August 16, 2022
Holy shit!

Well, Alex and Anne haven't been executed after that convoluted quit-pro-quo madness from the previous installment, but they had to enter Richard's service and now work for the dark mage council member on loan.
Naturally, everyone is avoiding them, isolating them worse than ever. And then there are the attacks. Mages have been killed - and brutally - and yet nobody ever did anything, not really.
So Alex and his friends need something to occupy them with and to seriously step up their game. Incidentally, that works well with one of their work assignments.
Sadly, the long-feared attack on the war rooms by dark mages becomes more and more likely so Alex might not have the time to find the ultimate weapon.

This book was heartbreaking and frustrating beyond belief. Alex no longer has his home or shop (though I very much enjoyed ), Luna is a basket case (she was actually annoying me), Anne is getting on top of becoming complicated as these things are wont to do when people don't communicate with one another, and there is that history Arachne gives Alex about the wish-granting beings (ifrit and djinn being just two of them).

I was so relieved to find out that the blink fox was OK. I also very much enjoyed the adventure the gang went on to retrieve the dream stones. That worldbuilding was fantastic.
What I enjoyed considerably less were the machinations by all the mages. URGH! Seriously, what is the point of calling yourself a "light" mage if you behave even worse than the "dark" ones???

The mystery surrounding Richard and his magic type is tickling me in all the right places, but the politics are really annoying. I HATE politics, but especially this kind. And don't get me started on the fucking wardens and how they've been treating Alex and the others! *throws arms up and growls*

So yeah, VERY engaging read and I can't wait to see how this continues. I just hope certain people will make it out alive. *bites nails*
Profile Image for Emma.
2,627 reviews1,045 followers
February 17, 2020
Lots of politics in this one and some unpleasant surprises for Alex!
400 reviews47 followers
April 9, 2022
In this eighth installment of the saga narrated by Alex Verus, Alex solidifies the relationships among a team of four familiar characters, and we follow their perilous journey through complicated and often violent adventures. There's Alex himself, diviner and independent Mage; Anne Walker, life mage, who wants to use her formidable magical power to heal, not to kill, but situations come up where she can't avoid killing; Variam, fire mage, short of temper and quick to shoot fire; and Luna, the chance adept and former apprentice of Alex who's just passed her exam to become a chance mage. Caldera and Sonder appear only briefly.

The essential core of this team is that they readily risk their lives for each other, and that makes them quite special among mages, because both Light Mages and Dark Mages (capital initials because these are official designations) are largely out for themselves, mainly motivated to increase personal power. Alex tells us again that, really, the one reliable difference between Light and Dark Mages is that the former uphold the concord and rules of the Council and the latter flout them. We meet several well-developed characters on both sides in this story, and sparks do fly.

The key to the plot this time is the arc of Alex's peculiar relationship with Morden, the Dark Mage who has recently gotten a seat on the Council, sending the level of trust among Mages even lower than before. I'm avoiding spoilers, but we already know that Morden is the subordinate ally of Richard Drakh, Alex's former master and the most powerful Dark Mage of all. Again and again, Light Mages refuse to recognize Alex's independent Mage status and lump him in with the Dark Mages. Trust is truly hard to find in this world.

I started reading this novel with a good deal of trepidation because it was clear going in that it would be about the one feature of Alex's world I liked the least--Mage politics! The politics didn't overwhelm the story, though, because distrust and personal conflicts drive much of the action, and there's scene after scene of exciting magical combat.

Just as in previous books, Alex takes us into the diviner's uncertain role in combat, where the ability to see possible futures and avoid death shrinks down to a few seconds or even less. And once again we're brought up against the diviner's dilemma--other people's free choices can't be foreseen, and once they're made they radically change the possible futures the diviner does see.

Alex and Anne: is this really a budding romance? Sometimes it feels like it, and then it doesn't. Anne's powers become quite important, especially in the final chapters. Luna takes on an impressive new project as she charts her life course, and Variam seems to learn a little patience. Just a little.

Strongly recommended, as usual for this series.
Profile Image for T. K. Elliott (Tiffany).
241 reviews51 followers
April 15, 2017
This is the eighth book in the Alex Verus series, and I'm glad to find that Alex is finally realising that he has to do something other than just deal with today's problem then sit back and wait for tomorrow's. He's starting to think ahead, and this gives the potential for more interesting developments in the future.

Although the action takes place over several months - rather than the more typical several days - it moves quickly enough that this book felt shorter than the 416 pages Amazon says it is; I read it over the course of a single day. Alex is now working - against his will - for Morden the Dark Mage. Personally, I would have liked more on-page time for Morden: he's intelligent and sneaky, and it's nice to get hints of humanity rather than him simply being yet another interchangeable baddie. Of course, the Light Mages, who are supposed to be the goodies, are pretty interchangeable with the baddies too, so it's particularly satisfying to see Morden (reportedly, at least) being pretty decent to work for - which gives Alex something to think about. It does make me wonder where Jacka is going with that.

Most of the action centres on Alex (obviously), but Luna is also developing and starting to think of her future; this rounds her out more as a character as it means she's starting to become more of her own person rather than just someone who is connected to Alex. We also learn a little more about Richard Drakh, and it's particularly good have him move into the ranks of actual characters rather than off-stage bogeymen. He's interesting, and I hope he gets more page-time in future.

Plot-wise, Bound definitely moves things along: not only is Alex being more proactive, but we get unmistakable signs that there is something in the works, and future books are (hopefully) less likely to be simply more people trying to kill Alex for stuff that happened ages ago/stuff they think he's going to do/just stuff. There are certainly enough changes in characters' attitudes, abilities, and situations that book 9 should be very interesting indeed - and I'm looking forward to reading it. :-)
Profile Image for Lindsay.
1,325 reviews257 followers
April 9, 2017
This long running urban fantasy series still delivers the goods despite this one being a bridging novel between the disasters of the previous books and finding out the true plans of the Dark Mages.

Alex and Anne are now bound to serve Richard Drakh under pain of the death of everyone they know and care about. Strangely, what Richard does with their service is largely business as usual for both of them with even worse relations with the Light Mages of the Council. It's hard to believe those relations could get worse, but they do. Not for the first time we're left wondering if Alex's determination to remain independent is such a good thing given just how evil and corrupt the Light Mage Council has become.

Unfortunately, nothing gets resolved here, although this is a great stepping stone between more important books in the series. Luna gets a sense of what she needs to do now that she's graduated, Alex finds himself in a strange place in Mage society, and the scooby gang gain a new base and new power. If the last book was Alex's dark night of the soul, this one may be Anne's, and she's already taken an absolute kicking in this series. How that all plays out should be fascinating and I'm very much looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Soo.
2,851 reviews337 followers
July 15, 2018
3.5 Stars


This book jumps in directly from the last book. The "twists" were not really surprising to me. This is book eight and it has been long established that the reason why Alex gets caught up in events is generally due to another person/s.

I find that I want to know more about Richard and his magic. What and why he does the things that he has done. The other thing that seemed interesting to me is how this series showcases the way "bad guys" work and why. The stuff that happens aren't things that I would do or think. My slant on life doesn't take on the shape of these villains. Jacka does a cool job at making them relatable no matter how alien the thought process and decision making is to my own. The events and actions make an impact and draw forth an emotional response.

I'm not a fan of Alex being a side character. That particular feeling has come up a few times but I realize what it is now. There's so much potential for him in this series that I am disgruntled to find him not really progressing so much as being.

Good action and signs of Alex becoming an active power in the magical politics. I hope that happens! It could be fantastic.
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,860 reviews724 followers
May 8, 2017
Eighth in the Alex Verus urban fantasy series based in London and revolving around a mage who wants to be left alone.

My Take
Jesus. Talk about a rock and a hard place. Jacka yanks us in from the first page with Alex's inner thoughts hook that combines with an emotional hook…Drakh is such a horrible man. He's so horrible that he could be a Light mage. Yep, that's right. Y'all think the Light is the side of good? Nope, it's merely the side of behind-the-scene machinations, vicious power struggles, and back-stabbing politics. As Alex notes, at least you always know where you stand with a Dark mage.

While I loved how Alex handled that ill-mannered Jarnaff, it's also one of the reasons Alex has so few friends on the Council. Part of that "had-I-known" plot device…yeah, but I doubt it would have changed Alex's behavior. Of course, few of those Light mages appear capable of being actual friends. And, yes, I suspect that taunting Alex indulges in doesn't help either. We'll have to hope his going after Rachel can help, as she does seem to need it pointed out to her — and they are good points.

I also loved Arachne's advice to Alex, and she makes an excellent point — an epiphany moment for Alex that gets further enlightenment later on.

We do get insight into how the Council operates, mostly through Alex's perspective with that first-person protagonist point-of-view. Makes ya wonder if this is how Congress acts. What's worse is all the overt corruption with those people! The crap they do to people. Crap that's supposedly against the rules, and yet they get away with it. The message it sends to anyone who isn't on the Council isn't good, and I think Alex is right, that this is what will bring them down. You know it's bad when the Dark side is lookin' good…!

It's but one example of Jacka's brilliant use of incluing — a plot device he uses throughout the stories to bring us into Alex's world.

There is an odd balance of backstory and mere hints of past events — it definitely helps to have read the previous seven stories.

That bit of analepsis in Richard's speech is a bit of a shocker, especially to Alex's ego, lol.

It's a game of cat-and-mouse, with Alex the mouse — and Jacka leaves us hanging with the foreboding cliffhanger of a surprising plot twist at the end.

The Story
It's been fourteen years since Alex was last in Richard Drakh's house. And being back here is too soon to Alex's mind.

Worse, Alex is now being coerced from two different mages to help Deleo, if he wants to live. Still, it's not as bad as the treatment he and Anne are getting from the Keepers. Or the Council.

The Characters
Alex Verus, a diviner who sees the probabilities of action in the future, used to have a cozy magical shop until it was destroyed. Now he's assigned as a liaison for Morden with the Keepers. Anne Walker is a Life mage, capable of healing or killing. She's been assigned to the medical corps. Variam "Vari", a fire mage, is apprenticed with Landis and based in Scotland. Luna Mancuso had been Alex's apprentice who graduated from her journeyman status. Only now she's depressed and hiding out. Arachne is a magical creature, a gigantic spider with a clothing design business, with no Council protection; she's also Alex's best and oldest friend. Hermes is the blink-fox who came through in Hidden , 5.

The Hollow is…
…a shadow realm created by Karyos, a hamadryad who's gone nuts. It would make an excellent safe base.

Morden, one of the top ten Dark mages and Richard's oldest ally, is now a councilor on the Light Council, and in return for staying their execution, is forcing Alex and Anne to work for Richard. Onyx, a violent sociopath with poor impulse control, is his Chosen, a battle mage who uses force magic.

Rachel is known as Deleo, disintegration a specialty. She's now reporting to Morden, even though she's supposed to be Richard's Chosen. Cinder is her partner, a Fire mage, who has bonded Kyle.

The average-looking Richard Drakh is a Dark mage with dark plans who draws all attention when he speaks. Alex had been his apprentice fourteen years before. The Archon negotiates and runs errands for Richard. Vihaela was Marannis' second-in-command (he owned the White Rose). She's a really nasty, torture-loving bitch who is a death/life hybrid mage, using it for very dark purposes. Luke is one of her abused children. God, the scene she describes about the child who tried to escape…

Chalice is a Dark mage who has been teaching Luna how to deal with her curse. Blackout is a Dark mage who wanted the Hollow. Lord Jagadev, a quite influential rakshasa, had been Anne's and Vari's previous master. Sagash had been Anne's first master.

The Light Council is…
…the ruling body for Light mages and is divided into the Senior and Junior Councils. The War Rooms are the nerve centre of the Council and the heart of Light power in Britain. The Vault is a high security location. Council members include the fickle Undaaris with Lyle as his personal aide; Vaal Levistus (will do anything to see Alex dead) whose principal agent, Barrayar, was responsible for blowing up Luna's apartment; Nirvathis is Levistus' stooge; Sal Sarque (also the head of the Crusaders) with that jerk Jarnaff as his aide; Alma's aide is Julia; Belthas; Bahamus; and, Druss. Other aides include Ictis and Tarantis. Mage Hieronymous is in charge of the medical corps.

The Keepers of the Flame are…
…made up of three Orders: The Order of the Star, an everyday policing force for the Council; the Order of the Cloak who preserve the magical world's secrecy; and, the Order of the Shield who are a military reserve of battle mages.

Alex is assigned to the Order of the Star where Captain Rain is Caldera's boss; he had liked Alex. Caldera is a Keeper with Earth power and hates Alex ever since Burned , 7. Coatl is her new partner, a cheerful mind mage who has liked Alex in the past. Lightbringer and Zilean are Keeper auxiliaries who also work for the Crusaders' black ops as assassins going after Alex. And they report to Jarnaff. Reyes is a heat mage with a bad rep. Maraxus is a Fire mage.

Alex believes Talisid is part of the Order of the Cloak; he has been hiring Alex as a spy.

David Sonder is a Time mage, who likes Luna, who rejected him. Suminai is the mage the Isolationists want appointed ambassador to Shanghai. Lucian is an adept who had wandered into Alex's shop some time ago. Daniel Goldman has become a symbol of the oppressive Council.

The Nightstalkers were…
…a group of adept vigilantes looking for vengeance against Dark mages in Chosen , 4. Kyle is a weapons and explosive expert. Lee is a seeker adept.

Damas are constructs and nearly mindless with no long-term memory. Articles of power may be imbued (they do what they want) or focuses. Mages are the top of the heap; adepts are less powerful and essentially ignored. A grey keeps the type of magic they can do hidden. Of the jinn who use true wish magic, the marid is the strongest followed by the ifrit, the shaitan, the jinn, and the jann who are the weakest.

Elsewhere is an alternate plane one can connect to, if they're dreaming. A dreamstone enables one to connect to it while awake. A shadow realm is formed by taking a reflection of a location in the world. Deep shadow realms are a reflection of another shadow realm and more weird and fluid. A regeneration seed is a rare item needed by a hamadryad whose tree has died.

The Cover and Title
The cover is a gorgeous grayed-down turquoise in a swirl of tracks sweeping through the city skyline. The same blue is used in the title at the top of the cover against a ragged black band while the author's name is in white at the bottom.

The title is Alex and Anne's state, for they're Bound to a Dark mage, to keep themselves and their friends alive.
Profile Image for Patrick Ryan.
225 reviews63 followers
October 12, 2022
I literally couldn’t put the book down and finished within 20 hours of when I first picked it up.
Profile Image for Marcel Haußmann.
768 reviews33 followers
June 5, 2022
Eine absolute Lieblingsreihe und auch das achte Abenteuer hört sich wieder richtig spannend an:

In der Politik sind die Dinge selten schwarz oder weiß. Es geht um Kompromisse, Lobbyismus und auch Eigeninteresse so auch in der magischen Welt von London. Selbst zwischen Schwarz- und Weißmagiern sind die Grenzen fließend und nicht jeder ist der, der er vorgibt, zu sein. Alex Verus befindet sich inmitten dieses Chaos, seit sein alter Mentor, Richard Drakh, einen Weg gefunden hat, ihn in seine Dienste zu zwingen. Damit ist Alex' schlimmster Albtraum Wirklichkeit geworden. Er will sich um jeden Preis aus der Knechtschaft befreien – doch von den Weißmagiern hat er keine Hilfe zu erwarten …

Inzwischen kann man gar nicht mehr viel zu der Reihe schreiben ohne zu spoilern, aber auch Band 8 hat mir wieder richtig gut gefallen. Ich mag die Entwicklungen der Charaktere und vor allem den spannenden Verlauf, den die Geschichte nimmt.

Benedict Jacka schafft es auch im achten Teil mich weiterhin zu fesseln und durch die verschiedenen Plottwists zu überraschen. Alex ist diesmal größten Teils auf sich allein gestellt und versucht im Krieg der Schwarz und Weißmagier einfach zu überleben und findet sich dadurch in der Rolle des Doppelagenten wieder.

Wir nähern und mit langsamen Schritten dem Finale, vier Bände haben wir noch vor uns, aber so langsam werden die Weichen für den letzten großen Handlungsbogen gelegt. Es gibt wie immer ein paar Antworten, aber auch genauso viel neue Fragen, die einen an die Story fesseln. Mich konnte das Buch wieder absolut begeistern und ich kann es kaum abwarten bis im Februar 2023 (ja wir müssen diesmal deutlich länger warten) endlich Band 9 erscheint.

Von mir immer noch eine absolute Herzensempfehlung für die komplette Reihe.

4 von 5 Sternen
Profile Image for Mark Harrison.
984 reviews22 followers
April 15, 2020
Decent enough Alex Verus story. Volume 8 in the saga and he is now working reluctant for his old mentor and the Dark Mages. His loyal team remain as does his giant spider friend Arachne as they face a minefield of politics and violence trying to do the right thing. Felt like a bit of a filler book but liked the discovery of The Hollow and Luna starting to find herself again. And still love the Blink Fox. All in all worth a read but did not grab me like some other Verus stories.
Profile Image for Jason.
1,179 reviews275 followers
January 25, 2020
5 Stars

Bound was another great addition to a new favorite series of mine. I am a huge fan of all things urban fantasy and this is a series not to be missed. Alex is amazing and the series gets better and better with each new story.

Loved it.
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,337 reviews752 followers
September 18, 2020
Alex spends much of Bound trying to figure out how he and Anne could get out from under Richard and Mordan. Alex racks up the enemies with his endless questions, and it becomes more clear that neither side is pure.

It was fascinating coming face to face with Richard. He is a bit of a mystery as we have only had Alex’s perspective of him.

While Bound focuses heavily on political maneuvers, discussions and enlightenment it was also action-packed. Vari and Luna are there to assist, and Arachne offered advice. She really is wise and a character I enjoy. I feel certain she knew the events that transpired could/would happen. I enjoyed the development we witnessed in Luna as she spread her wings.

Anne suffered horribly and we all know how this affects Alex. We see all our heroes shunned by both the dark and the light. We see both sides doing good and grabbing for power. Alex tries to do right and sets a higher standard for all, but even he isn’t without flaws.

Jacka has created a complex world with intriguing characters and while we do not live with magic, we can make correlations to our world, politics and the frustrations of seeing the good and evil on both sides of issues.

Gildart Jackson does such an outstanding job with the characters in this series. His narration delivers their emotions and tension. I can identify characters by the voices he has given them. I couldn’t imagine not listening to this series. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer
Profile Image for Ami.
6,078 reviews491 followers
August 16, 2017
Working as Morden's liaison to the Keepers as well as his personal aide is the only thing that keeps Levistus's death sentence off of Alex Verus' head. So even this situation is not one that Alex wants from himself he needs to learn how to work with it. But Alex realizes that he needs a bargaining position, a win condition, that can help him fighting against both Richard and Levistus ... so while doing his job at the council, Alex also tries to work on his personal power...

I truly forgot how I enjoyed this series. This book was released back in April, but I wasn't in the mood the immediately read it back then. However, when I started this, I was immediately caught up again with Alex, Anne, Luna, and the rest of the gang. There are more development to Richard's return and Morden's raise as the first Dark mage ever to sit upon the Light Council of Britain. Also we more or less know a little bit more about Richard's plan ()

Having said that, even after knowing Richard's plan is (well, SORT of), I still think that maybe Richard is not that bad *grin*. That maybe he has reasons with the plan ... especially after I realize that maybe Light Councils are not necessarily good people too. Like the people who . I'd like to think it's not easily black and white in this world.

Anyway, another winner for this book and I can't wait to read book #9.
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews337 followers
June 14, 2021
**4.5 stars**


Reading this series again has given me an idea of what a desperate situation Alex has been for the last couple of books. For some reason, I didn't get it when I first read them, thinking that Alex would find a way around but this time around, I could feel Alex rage and impotence at being blackmailed into serving his old master. I also think that having this plot last almost a year made it more tangible that there weren't any quick ways to for Alex to solve his problem.

One thing that annoyed me this time around was both Luna and Anne pulling out when Alex needed them the most. Yes, I get they went through traumatic stuff - specially Anne, I cannot even imagine what she suffered - but SOMETIME I wish they wouldn't just expect Alex to take care of everything. Yes, he's clearly the leader of the group - it was clear when he was planning the operations, making final decisions, etc. - but now and then he needs some support or at least not having to worry about you when he's being threatened by two powerful people! I mean, let's get real!!

Like last time I read this, LOOOVED the idea of Alex thinking long term and making the conscious decision to purposelessly pursue power (instead of power falling out of the sky like it happens in most UF.)
Profile Image for Eric.
179 reviews65 followers
October 15, 2018
5 Stars

Bound takes the series in a different direction, building off the ending of the last book and delivering another gripping chapter in the Alex Verus series.

The death sentence passed on Alex and has friends has been lifted, but that reprieve came with a price, one that Alex isn’t sure he can pay. His worst nightmare has come true, as he is forced to work for his old master and his dark allies. Thrust into a conflict between the Light and Dark mages, neither of whom trust or like him, Alex has to figure out a way to keep himself and his friends alive and somehow break free from his old master.

The series just keeps getting better. Forced into a role as Morden’s aide to the Light Council, Alex gets an inside look at how the Light mages function. Watching how he navigates the political minefield is fascinating. Equally interesting is seeing how his personal relationships develop. The whole situation is compelling, and the tension keeps up all the way through, which results in another ending that made me immediately buy the next book.
Profile Image for Trisha.
330 reviews35 followers
May 26, 2020
This formula is getting old- Verus is blackmailed again, friends are kidnapped and tortured again, Verus gets hoodwinked again, Verus has to decide if he should work with the Council or the Dark Mages again.
Eight books in and Verus is in the same position he started with both mage groups. They cautiously tolerate him for whatever benefits them. And he keeps spinning his wheels with them even though he knows better... very frustrating to read
Profile Image for Benghis Kahn.
290 reviews160 followers
July 4, 2024
Wow Jacka just picked up where he left off in delivering yet another banger of a book from start to finish. This was so tense from the start and yet he pulled off the magic trick of setting up even more dramatic stakes for the next one.

Profile Image for Anne - Books of My Heart.
3,541 reviews210 followers
September 6, 2019
4.5 hearts

I continue to love this series. I am reading these mostly because it is easier to highlight for quotes and make notes than with audio, but I do love Gildart Jackson's narration. I just couldn't be happier that I chose this series to read for the Read-along.

Bound felt a bit hurry up and wait. Most of the book, Alex kept trying to find a way to gain their independence and wasn't having much success. Neither the Light or Dark mages play by the rules much; it's all powerful do what they want. He does what he must to stay alive but isn't happy with the servitude or the various people trying to kill them.

The end is a twist he didn't see coming which is something for a diviner. I think Arachne saw it as a possibility. She's the best. I'm fascinated to see where things go from here.

“Align yourself with a greater power,” Arachne said. “Become a greater power. Or die.”

 “Have you really gone this long without an aide?”

“As a matter of fact, I’ve had two,” Morden said. “Unfortunately, they’ve had rather poor luck. The first disappeared in the summer and the second committed suicide.” 

“Suicide?” Anne asked. 

“Yes, it seems the stress of the position proved too much for him. He broke all his fingers, cut his own throat, then set himself on fire.”

Anne's  observations from Bound:

Alex does the best he can and while it is keeping them alive, their situation is just always difficult.
Are there any good guys?  Neither Light nor Dark is honorable. They are just all about their own power.
Alex's enemies seem to be increasing in number and are some of the most dangerous.
Alex has some friends / allies but they continue to not be able to help him very much.
So... Alex and Anne?  And what will happen to Anne now?

Anne's questions from Bound:

What other strategies will Alex develop to protect himself and his friends?  Will he ever manage independence for himself and others again?
Will Alex ever be able to do anything about the cruel practices of dark mages?
Will there be a romance for Alex?  (Robin) When will Alex and Anne get together?
Will Alex ever be able to contact Starbreeze again, or find her?
(KC)Will vampires be a future subject since it is hard to know if they are really all gone?
(KC) Will humans become a bigger threat, particularly to monsters and dark mages?
 (Robin)Did Richard have anything to do with what happened to Anne with the Lightmages in this book?
 (Robin)Can Alex get better at the long Game?
 (Robin)What the heck is Richard’s Magic?
 (Robin)Can the Adepts and Sensitives ever get some respect/voice in the magical community and will Alex play a part in that?
 (Robin)How will Anne change after what happened in the Vault?
Profile Image for Megan.
620 reviews26 followers
April 18, 2017
Oh finally, I needed a book worth staying up all night for and Jacka did not disappoint.

I was nervous to begin this book, since the last book left the protagonist about to begin working for the bad guy against his will. I was all braced for making sure no one finding out he was betraying his friends and everything he stood for, while feeling the crushing weight of lying and conspiracy. Instead, to my complete relief, Jacka skips all the build up (seriously, don't start this series anywhere other than book 1 - the plot happens paragraph 1) and

I love how in this series, the bad guys in this book are a million times more honest than the good guys! They won't tell the protagonist what's going on, but it's like they're coaching him on how to figure it out for himself and the rest they just flat out tell him, yeah something's going on but I'm not going to tell you what. I do suspect Alex is being groomed by the Dark Mages for a bigger role, not just because he's the main character, but because how they're using him (although the poor guy is such a little fish in the shark tank).

The surprisingly good side of forcing Alex to work so closely with the bad guys is it does give the audience a chance to see the characters fleshed out as more than just generic bad guys. I love that both Richard and Morden were proven to be excellent leaders, not just thugs/ego-centric maniacs.

My only complaint was that the big secret identity reveal was sooooo obvious to me from the moment they introduced the character, as well as the deflective strategy of the final battle. It felt unusally English in terms of sophistication, where the audience was expected to rely on the main character for understanding the situation, rather than having read a book or watched a movie before to know how to survive the zombie apocalypse.

That being said, the very last twist at the end that set the plot for the next book - totally didn't see that coming! I laughed and cackled and quaked with glee so hard. I can't wait!!!
Profile Image for Alison.
3,492 reviews137 followers
August 31, 2017
Oh, poor Alex Verus life just keeps getting worse for him.

As the book opens Alex and Anne have been blackmailed into working for Dark Mage Richard Drakh and his right hand, the first Dark Mage representative on the Council, Morden. The gang of four: Alex, Anne, Lunar and Variam are broken and isolated, forced to align with the Dark Mages against their wishes and villified by the Light Mages they walk a deadly line. Even Drakh and Morden's Chosen and other cohorts loath and detest Alex. His home and livelihood have been razed to the ground. Can you understand why I pre-ordered this book and then didn't have the heart to read it? Yep, every book Alex's life gets worse and he gets boxed into helping the Dark Mages with their evil plots.

I wouldn't imagine anyone would start reading this series at book eight, but if you did, imagine Harry Potter being forced to work for Voldemort and you get the picture.

This is a pivotal book for Alex, he learns a lot about his magic, his weaknesses, magic in general and the motivations of Drakh and Morden. He also comes to some depressing conclusions about the efficacy and motivations of the Council and the Light Mages. It seems sometimes the only people he can trust are the Dark Mages - if only most of them weren't also murderous psychopaths who believe they are entitled to do whatsoever they please!

This is Alex Verus at his best, fighting shoulder to shoulder with his friends, never sure of the right course of action, never able to trust any but a small handful of people. Ever fearful for his life and the lives of those that he cares about.

And that ending! Wow! I only saw it coming a few pages before it happened but what a game-changer!

CAN NOT wait for the next one.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 517 reviews

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