Being the subject of the hushed whispers from the acid tongues of her peers was something Belle Morgan had become accustomed to. That didn’t mean each barb didn’t scar her deeply. It did.
Xander Duke wasn’t planning on talking to the girl he found sitting by herself in the library that lunchtime. But something about her drew him right in and he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to find out all about her.
As Belle learns to trust Xander, he refrains from exposing a secret that will tear her scarred heart wide open. When the truth comes out, will he be able to piece Belle back together again?
Kasey Millstead is a wife and mother of four children. She lives in a picturesque location in country New South Wales, Australia.
Kasey is the author of the #1 bestselling Down Under Cowboy series. She is also the author of The Steele Investigations series, Fighting to Stay and Illicit Desire.
When she is not busy writing, racing around after her children and husband or trying to avoid doing housework, she enjoys nothing more than curling up with a good book and getting lost in the world of Happy Ever After.
༺**Complimentary Copy**༺ Provided by the author "Kasey Millstead" in exchange for an honest review..Thank you!!
TITLE: Hummingbird AUTHOR: Kasey Millstead GENRE: YA RELEASE DATE: TBA
*This book deals with extremely sensitive issues such as bullying and teenage suicide so reader discretion is advised*
HUMMINGBIRD: Eighteen year old Belle Morgan comes from a dysfunctional family of social standing, when her mother conceived she wasn't happy to say the least, her husband instead of being over the moon thought it would make them the perfect public image. Any love these two give towards Belle is all for show.
We'll have the perfect family, the perfect child, and the perfect house.
JUMP to her life within the school grounds and life for Belle there is no better, corridor whispers follow her everywhere.
"I heard she slept with Mr. Smith." "I heard she kissed Vera King. She must be a dyke." "Maybe she's bi." "I bet she does drugs too."
Imagine being a virgin, never doing drugs and never been kissed these are the things Belle wants to scream at everyone at the top of her lungs, but her best defense is slinking away letting them think what they may.
I heard she slept with both Grant and Chad for their project. I wonder if she'll give Mr. Finkel a blowjob so she gets an A.
A budding friendship between Xander and Belle ensues, stolen moments shared in the library that made belle's days seem more bearable, he was the only one in school that didn't avoid her like the plaque.
He was so handsome. Sometimes I swore his beauty blinded me.
This is a heartbreaking account of Belle's life, it deals with sensitive issues such as the endless bullying she encountered on a daily basis, it touches on teenage suicide and the heartbreaking aftermath for the ones left behind..
How long can one put up with the brutal hurtful things people say before snapping?
The plot twist thrown in here had my mind reeling and my heart breaking, such a powerful, thought provoking novel of what truly can go on in real life situations, bullying and teenage suicide is real, it happens..
Life really sucked sometimes, but then someone like Xander came along to brighten the day and all my worries seemed to fade away.
Reviewed @ Confessions From Romaholics Review copy kindly provided by author/publicist in exchange for a honest review
It hard to review as a pure contemporary romance as things are so innocent one level but on the other level it deals with some extremely sensititve issues so it makes sense to classify it more then just a YA novel. If anything is upper Ya and some of Millstead finest works
This was nothing like I ever expected, this is so raw and different from her other books of a similar nature. Our protagonist eighteen year old Belle Morgan life is hell. She comes from a rich dysfunctional family with a mother who rather never had her and cares more about her social standing and a father who is a workaholic and has nothing common with her. He sees her as enhancement to his image .
However that is isn’t the worst of things. Her parents may have tinted rose glasses with it comes to their lives and believe everything is fine with their daughter but it isn’t . As adding to her hell is school, where rumours a dime a dozen, making Belle the school pariah for no good reason.
As she far from what those mean girls whisper but what the use, people aren’t going to believe her. So she sticks her head in the sand and tries not let things get at her but they are
Slow chipping away at her, each barb, more damaging then last one, there is no hope. Until Xander walks into her life and provides light.
Xander is the mysterious hottie who provides Belle a escape, slowly worming his way into her life, by having stolen moments in the library which make things more bearable. There was someone on her side.
But was he good to be true?
Hummingbird goes for the guts. It never backs away. Belle’s life is played out in front of us as she deals with the daily life she never asked for. Millstead weaves a story that speaks for those souls. A story that of what not just fictional reality but real reality. How many people around the world deal with every day.
Questions that many people have questioned themselves, how, why and what has passed their lips as deal with a life that is hell to them. Millstead latest novel has jumped to my favourite of her’s , it thought provoking , speaks to the heart and will surprise you.
I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, pain, secrets, and heartbreak.
This is Belle’s story. Belle’s school life is a constant stream of bullying day in and day out. Her home life is no better. You feel the emotions of Belle throughout the story. She struggles every day to just get up and get moving. Xander is a light in her life that was unexpected. But what does he want from her? Can she trust him not to hurt her? Or will his secrets crush her? The twists and turns in the story will keep you on the edge of your seat. The ending will blow you away and make you think. If one person thought before they spoke it might help one person in the end. Just something to think about.
I felt I was able to connect with the characters and the story was a great read.
“I just want it to be over “the words of a teen struggling with must teens also silently suffer through bullying. Belle suffered in silence as do many and her pain and suffering was heartbreaking. I’m not always a big fan of Young Adult romances but this story will definitely touch you. I can’t say this book was an easy read for me because it wasn’t it resonated to me because sometime the pain is easy to hide especially when it seems you are in it alone. This book has one big twist that I really did not see coming but it did add a whole new element to the story. Belle had Xander who came to her when she was at her lowest and who shared her pained when no one else seemed to care. Belle begin bullied is something most teens go through alone and nothing is done until it is too late. This was a good story that will touched even the coldest of hearts. I can’t say I loved all of it but I can say that it is worth reading because it gives you a view in to the bullied teenager mind. Hummingbird will give you a lot to think about as you read it because nobody really thinks about the consequences until it is too late. What makes us different is not a bad thing and this story will have you questing everything you know about bullying. Ms. Millstead did an awesome job with this book and I hope those who read this really take the time to think about the theme of this book and hopefully if they have a teen going through this they recognize the signs.
I've encountered quite a few new authors in my new process of doing reviews for stories that are just amazingly written. The ARC of Hummingbird by Kasey Millstead was provided in exchange of an honest and spoiler free review. This is wonderfully unique story deserves a 4 star review.
I will keep my review as spoiler free as possible due to the fact that there are some major twists and turns that left me speechless. I was left reeling, heartbroken but somewhat smiling at the end.
This is about Belle an 18 year old high school student who suffers from bullying that leaves her isolated and alone. In the mist of all that, she meets Xander. The mysterious young man that makes her feel hole and happy. That's all I'm going to say because this sweet story needs to be experience without me spoiling it for the readers.
Beautifully written storyline with a seamless plot. I don't remember ever reading a story quite like this before. I was on an emotional roller coaster ride all throughout this story. It does have a sense of mystery. It's about young love that will survive and never die.
Story told in Belle POV only with a few glimpse in the past of her parents. It does have an HEA that was uniquely created and crafted to fit them. I recommend reading this story.
Well. This story broke my heart. What a cruel world we live in. My heart bled for Belle. I wouldn't wish her experiences on anyone. It's a harsh lesson to learn. Bullying is vile, whether it's verbal or physical. Belle suffered from verbal abuse after her Dad lost his business 4 years previously. Belle's parents are positively selfish and make my blood boil. They have just used Belle as a means of 'keeping up appearances,' A way to make others see them as being 'perfect'. They don't abuse her. She just isn't a significant person in their lives. Too wrapped up in their own personal life. As I said, blood boiling. Belle meets Xander in the library on her lunch break one day. This is the start of a beautiful friendship/relationship. He has a secret to tell Belle that is staggering. This story was well written. I feel that the author must have had some sort of experience of this bullying and it broke my heart. I liked the ending when justice was served and how it brought Belles parents together and united them in the cause to stop bullying and getting justice for Belles treatment. My eyes leaked.
A powerful read that eloquently brings to light a sensitive and difficult subject matter. It will make everyone who reads it stop and think and hopefully be conscious of their own behavior.
Belle is the target of relentless bullying in school and blatant indifference at home. Every single day is a struggle, to get up, get dressed, face the day. It breaks the readers heart reading her experiences and how cruel people can be.
Xander .. he comes into Belle's life when she least expects it. So used to hate she is blind sided by his kindness. Together they share special moments that make this beautiful girl's life a little more brighter.
The twist that happens will hit you out of left field and be prepared to be shocked when you read it.
This is a book parents should have their teenagers read .. and open a dialogue with them on the issue.
Kasey Millstead did an exceptional job in putting forth a read that will leave you feeling, thinking and hopefully being more mindful.
I didn't expect the twist in this book. This book pulled me in from the beginning. It really struck a chord with me because I was bullied in school and know how hard it is to deal with.
Belle is utterly alone. She has no friends and apathetic parents who are only interested in their own pathetic social standing. I don't know how she faces life day to day being ridiculed , but she does. She keeps moving forward toward graduation and freedom to leave home. Finally in her only safe place Belle meets Xander. She can't believe he is interested in her and is suspicious of him. No one speaks to her, or is kind to her. Why is he bothering with her? Part of her doesn't care as long as he stays.
Kasey Millstead is one of my favorite authors. She can spin a story that doesn't let go. This is a great book. I couldn't put it down!
If you've never lived a life like Belle, you may not believe it. But anyone who was even picked on a little bit, can relate to the feeling of being tortured helplessly. This book is tragic, beautifully written, and sadly the abuse is very real.
Belle is constantly badgered with ludicrous comments about being a slut, a who're, giving sexual favors to any and everyone. Her peers make repeated comments about her appearance and generally make it known she would be better off anywhere else.
With one exception, Xander. His name, his presence, or even throughout him breath life into Belle. But when the truth comes out, who is really stronger?
The social issues this book addresses are numerous. It is emotional and heartbreaking. In the end, I'm not sure it will be enough, but I can only hope.
This book is YA which means no naughty bits, and it deals with some pretty heavy stuff. This isn't the normal Kasey book, which isn't a bad thing, this book shows us what it's like to be the target of bullying and how Belle handles it. I liked this book.
This is an amazing book of real life bullying situations and how some of them turn out. Belle Morgan used to be popular; until her dad lost his job. They had to move into a smaller house and she lost her friends. Everyone turned on her, bullying, calling her names and saying some pretty nasty things about her. How can you remain strong with no friends and parents who only care about themselves? When she meets Xander Duke in the library, she finally has someone to talk to. It breaks my heart to see a teen bullied. When the problem is ignored or brushed off as "kids will be kids" it drives me crazy. Belle was so strong for so many years. She showed no outward signs that they bothered her. Xander was amazing. He was so sweet and kind to her. He befriended Belle when she needed it most. He held her hand through the worst. It was nice for her to have someone to have lunch with and hang out with after school. Belle wished that she had some classes with Xander, or that she wm saw him at all during the day. When his secret comes out Belle's trust will be tested. I loved that we got to flash back to see how her parents dealt with finding out they were having a baby. I hated how they treated her but admired how they handled things when they found out what had happened to their daughter. Kasey did an amazing job with this book. It's a very sensitive subject and I love how she tackled it in the way that she did.
Note: This ARC was provided by Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review.
I can't go into detail because it will ruin the whole reading experience for you. What I will say is that there is one heck of a major twist in the story--one that I suspected but desperately wished I was wrong about--and even though I had a feeling it was coming, it nonetheless shattered my heart. I so sympathized with Belle because no one deserves the treatment she got from her classmates and the lack of guidance from her own parents. When Xander came along, it was as if she had finally found a kindred spirit, someone who got her and wasn't waiting for the opportunity to knock her down. It's easy to tell someone to just brush off the demeaning taunts and salacious lies and to not be affected. The fact is, you can't help but be affected, regardless of age, but more so when you're still figuring out who you are. The good and bad shape you and when it gets overwhelming, all you wish for is one person to be by and on your side...but sadly, not all wishes come true and hope withers away. Hummingbird is heartrendingly honest. Five stars. ♥
I struggled with rating and writing the review for this. The subject matter was hard to deal with and it was completely surprising and unexpected. It was beautifully written and made you think and feel. It was uncomfortable to read but it had to be. I came away with a lot from this read and it has stayed with me, popping into my thoughts when least expected.
My heart broke for Belle having to experience hell on earth day after day at school, being bullied by her peers. Nothing is done to stop it by her teachers, who surely must have known it was going on, not by her self-absorbed parents. Her only ally is Xander who she meets in the library where she hides out. Xander, though, is not all he appears to be, even though he is her rock.
Most people will have experienced bullying at one time or another in their lives and any bullying is unacceptable. Having been on the receiving end, it is hard to get through the days, weeks, months and years with who you are still in tact. Belle has enormous strength in just surviving day by day. This is a must read to experience the emotional toil and daily heartbreak it brings.
This book left me with questions. There wasn't a cliffhanger, it did end but there were a few things that were unresolved for me by the end of it. I didn't understand why all of the kids at her school picked on her every single day of high school. I get that sometimes there is that person but it usually starts somehow and I just don't know why it was her. I also don't understand why she didn't say anything to anyone. Being bullied isn't a joke and the fact that she didn't tell anyone, principal, counselor, or even her crappy parents is beyond me. Why didn't she tell Xander? He was her person and she didn't say anything to him about it until she was done basically. He could have told her to talk to someone else or something. Belle's parents were terrible and didn't give a crap about her and their efforts at the end of the book were too little to late for me. The first half of this book or so took me a while to get into honestly but the rest of it was really wow. Things happened that I didn't expect and there was a really important message in the book which I appreciated. The book was a quick read and I would say it's worth a read. Reviewed for HeadTripping Books by Alisha
Hummingbird is a very emotional and eye opening story that deals with mental illness and bullying. Belle has a horrible home life. Her parents are completely disconnected from her life and image is the only thing that matters to them. School is Belle's personal hell on earth. She's bullied relentlessly and for reasons I totally didn't understand but I guess that's because I don't understand the mind of people like that, to be so cruel to another human being is something I cannot comprehend.
Xander becomes the one good thing in her life. I could really feel the love between these two but Xander has his own secrets. Will he able to help Belle or bring her down further? Will their love be enough?
Hummingbird will definitely make you feel and I hope it makes people look a little deeper and be more aware that everyone is struggling with something even behind all the smiles and laughs some people are just screaming inside for someone to pay attention and show them not all the world is bad.
•••A complimentary copy was provided to me for an honest review ••• ☆Reviewed by #MinxR for #HashTagMinxes Reviews ☆
This book was more than I expected. I never saw the twist and turns that it took coming. Belle doesn't have the best life. While she doesn't NEED anything, there are definitely many things she wishes were different. He home life isn't the best. Her parents are standoffish and don't show that they care for her much. She's extremely bullied at school. She's basically all alone. She's just trying to survive until graduation. After that she can leave and never look back. Things start to look up a little when she meets a boy named Xander. She's skeptical at first. With all that she endures at school, she can't believe that he would be interested in her. She slowly starts to trust him little by little. Xander reveals that he has something to tell her, but only when the time is right. While this book wasn't anything that I saw coming, it left a mark on me. It broke my heart reading what Belle had to deal with. It's very thought provoking story that will have you double checking your actions as to not cause anyone this type of pain.
WOW just WOW..... I've read a lot of Kasey Millstead's other books and this book is so totally different to everyone of them... We meet Belle Morgan who is still in school.... she's been copping a terrible time from the other students at her school.... they are just plain rude with things they say to her..... she has no friends at school at all...... that is until she meets Xander Duke at the Library while having lunch one day...... They are drawn together and start spending a lot of time together..... Belle doesn't tell Xander about the way the other student's treat her .... and Xander, who also has a secret of his own, doesn't let Belle in on that either........ this story was a very emotional read..... there are several twists and turns that happen during the book, that you don't see coming.... My warning... Keep the Tissues Handy...... this is such a beautiful story........
This is not a normal Kasey book but it is a real situation that happens everyday and affects many families.
This book is an emotionally charged book about bullying and how it affects those who are bullied. Belle is bullied for the 4 years in high school and it takes its toll on her. When she meets Xander she finds that there is someone who cares about her.
This book rips out your heart for Belle and what she endures and Kasey brings a sensitive and real subject to life and how it affects those who suffer from it and those that are left behind.
It was great to see some of the story from her parents point of view and how it affected them as well once they knew it had happened.
Well done Kasey on bringing this subject into the limelight with this book.
I was given a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review - Naughty Book Eden
This is the heartbreaking tale of how school bullying can affect people's lives. High school is hard enough but then add bullying and parents who ignore you, then you have Belle's life. My heart goes out to Belle. All she wanted was to be accepted and loved by someone.. She didn't get that until Xander came along. He was the highlight of her day and made everything better. Everything was looking better until he drops a bombshell on her.. After this is when things turn a bit sad... So much so that it could have avoided but nobody did anything about it or was willing to help her. This is a real eye opener and I encourage if you have teenagers, then let them read this book. I'm so glad I read this book when I did because 2 days after I finished, we had a local high school kid pass away due to this issue of bullying.
I don’t even know where to start with this review. Just wow. A real eye opener, that’s for sure. I was never bullied and I never bullied anyone. But reading this book and Belle’s story, my heart hurts.
I didn’t know what to really expect with this read. I couldn’t predict what would happen.
The things Belle went through, were horrible. She had no one to turn to, not a teacher, a friend, or her parents.
Until Xander. In a way, he saved her. I’m not saying what she did was right, but she felt it was her only option.
Her parents were so damn selfish.
I don’t want to give anything away, so this is a short review.
Make sure you have some tissues while reading.
If you know someone being bullied, PLEASE help them!
I just finished this book, and while I generally wait a couple of days to write a review I feel compelled to write this one right away. I am feeling incredibly moved.... Hummingbird paints a different view to those who have been bullied, and having dealt with situations incredibly similar to this book both with the beginning and then with the after math of this book it was very interesting to read the first person perspective of how the person felt rather than just being a family member. I found it incredibly well written and a wonderful insight, however because of my own bias and because of my experience I could not rate it higher than the 4 stars. **Warning** it is an incredibly emotional read. Especially for me. I would keep a box of tissues near by.
Hummingbird was a story that just bought me to tears. The way the story was written in such a way that you have a little better understanding what some one feels with bullying. We see the journey that Belle travels with all the abuse and bullying that is thrown at her. When Belle slowing becomes friends with Xander and feel that he has her back. Things take a Hugh twist in the story that didn’t see coming. I highly recommend this story; it is a must read today. How would you describe the plot of this book? some twist Which of these words best describes the mood? Suspenseful How would you describe the pace? steady How would you describe the characters? developed * I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *
VIRGINIA REVIEW ********************** Hummingbird was a story that just bought me to tears. The way the story was written in such a way that you have a little better understanding what some one feels with bullying. We see the journey that Belle travels with all the abuse and bullying that is thrown at her. When Belle slowing becomes friends with Xander and feel that he has her back. Things take a Hugh twist in the story that didn’t see coming. I highly recommend this story; it is a must read today. How would you describe the plot of this book? some twist Which of these words best describes the mood? Suspenseful How would you describe the pace? steady How would you describe the characters? developed * I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *
This is the first book I've read by this author and I've been missing out. This book wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be. I liked how it took me by surprise since it seems that's very rare for me nowadays. This book made me FEEL so much I'm writing this review while still crying from reading it. I've been crying pretty much during the whole thing. With Belle's terrible parents and being bullied. I wanted to reach through the pages and help her. I was so glad she had Xander there with her on her side. While I wish the ending was executed differently I really liked the outcome. I'm definitely going to be reading from this author.
Although this was a short read or maybe I was just that into this book that I literally gobbled it up this was a wonderful and powerful book about bullying and the consequences behind it. Also this book showed you how everything around you that is happening at the time can affect you and what all that means if you feel like you have no one that you can talk to. Belle was bullied for a long time at school and her home life wasn't any better. I must admit that that twist threw me for a loop because I honestly did not see that one coming but I should have known something was up.
This story is so hauntingly beautiful and powerful on such a complex subject of bullying. It will tear your heart out and leave you raw. Poor Belle is bullied relentlessly at school and is all but invisible to her parents at home. I loved Belle and her strength, even when she thought she had none. I also loved Xander for all he does for Belle. I have no idea how I kept going with the story while tears flowed continuously but I just couldn’t stop reading, I highly recommend this novel.
1 star not interested. what was the point of this book to praise Suicide amongst bullying victims? just for the love of a boy who is already dead. The storyline was constantly repeated this book didn't work for me. The ending was pretty upsetting too with Belle's parents. you never truly love someone and care so much until they are dead and gone! Seriously their own daughter worst parents who only cared about themselves!
This has been one of the most emotional books I have ever read. This book definitely makes you look at how you treat people and how others are treating people. It makes you stop and think. Suicide is not something that I take lightly and anyone who has been touched by it will definitely find this book as a new way of looking at it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I was provided an advanced copy from the author in return for an honest review.
This book was unlike any I've read in a long time! It is so unique and keeps you guessing until the very end. It also touches on subjects like bullying in schools and depression. It can be very confronting but it is still Ana amazing book!