Twelve stories inspired by the father of all monsters: TYPHON Fiction by: Steve Toase, Lillian Csernica, Kathryn Allen, Alexis A Hunter, Rhonda Eikamp, Anna Yeatts, C Patrick Neagle, Emily Slaney, Siobhan Gallagher, Matt Andrew, Jack Campbell Jr. and Joshua Chaplinsky
This monster anthology delivers the scary straight to the vein. The stand out stories are Matt Andrew's contribution "The Summoning of Olgoi-Khoikhoi" and Siobhan Gallagher's "Twenty-Five Feet of Lovin'." Both stories deal with the gut, in Andrew's, the protagonist goes from flame to fire when he fails to trust his gut and places his survival in the hands of a nefarious man and Gallagher's showcases gut-witches and their hunters. The mythology and terror of this anthology are on point.