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96 pages, Hardcover
First published January 1, 2015
Forgive me, but the fact that racists may also be Islamophobic is essentially incidental. They are racists first, and merely use Islam to target their intended victim: the foreigner or person of foreign extraction
There's nothing surprising about a Catholic being Islamophobic or a Muslim being Cathophobic—that is precisely what their religious shepherds ask them to be. Disapproval of the other guy's religion is the daily bread of clerics of all creeds, and nobody seems to be bothered by it. Priests, imams, and rabbis have the right to be Islamophobic, Judeophobic, or Cathophobic without reprimand.
Shouldn’t we treat the second-largest religion of the world, the purported second religion in France, exactly as we treat the first? It’s time to put an end to the revolting paternalism of the white, middle-class, “leftist” intellectual trying to coexist with these “poor, subliterate wretches.” “I’m educated; obviously I get that Charlie Hebdo is a humor newspaper because, first, I’m very intelligent, and second, it’s my culture. But you— well, you haven’t quite mastered nuanced thinking yet, so I’ll express my solidarity by fulminating against Islamophobic cartoons and pretending not to understand them. I will lower myself to your level to show you that I like you. And if I need to convert to Islam to get even closer to you, I’ll do it!” These pathetic demagogues just have a ravenous need for recognition and a formidable domination fantasy to fulfill.
To give the prophet of the faithful a bomb for a hat was to suggest that all his followers were terrorists. Another interpretation was possible, but it did not interest the media as much since it was not inflammatory, and therefore didn’t sell copy. Showing Muhammad in a bomb-hat could have been a way of condemning the exploitation of religion by terrorists. The cartoon was saying, “This is what terrorists have done to Islam. This is how the terrorists who claim to follow the prophet see him.”
What’s in it for people who seem to be sincere in their fight against racism to hold Charlie Hebdo up as a racist publication? A newspaper that champions voting rights for immigrants, legal status for the undocumented, anti-racist legislation… Shouldn’t we be on the same side? Yes. But that would be forgetting that it’s not the struggle against racism these folks are really interested in; it’s the promotion of Islam.
nowadays, when a journalist asks a muslim to comment on "the rise of islamophobia," what he's really asking for is commentary on something the media themselves have created. in other words, the reporter helps amplify the problem and then claims to be surprised that the problem exists and endures. the muslim leader whom the prime-time anchor has called on to express his opinion of this notorious "rise of islamophobia" should spit in his eye. he is face-to-face with the guy whose very job is to peddle fear of islam.
Este texto foi concluído em 05/01/2015, dois dias antes do ataque terrorista contra o Charlie Hebdo, no qual Charb perdeu a vida.É com esta nota de pesar que o editor abre este pequeno livro que é na verdade um manifesto pela liberdade de expressão.
Hoje, o jornalista que pede a um muçulmano para comentar a "ascenção da islamofobia" só está pedindo, afinal, um comentário sobre aquilo que a própria mídia criou. Em resumo, ele contribui para amplificar um problema e em seguida finge se espantar com a existência e persistência deste problema.O autor também não poupa críticas a todo o espectro político. Acusa os nacionalistas e cristãos fundamentalistas da extrema direita de atentarem contra a liberdade de expressão, numa tentativa de roubar o protagonismo dos anti-islamófobos. Sobre a esquerda, a seguinte passagem é magistral:
A França é um salame que o Partido Socialista tem o infeliz costume de cortar em fatias comunitárias. E não é por respeito a essas supostas comunidades, mas por cálculo eleitoral.Qualquer semelhança com o que vemos hoje no Brasil não é mera coincidência.