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W.I.T.C.H. #55

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"The Day After" is the 7th issue in the The Book of Elements saga, and the number 55 overall issue of W.I.T.C.H.

72 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2005

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About the author

Bruno Enna

243 books7 followers

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Profile Image for The Half-blood Reader.
1,078 reviews50 followers
July 23, 2023
Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin visited Kandrakar to get answers about Matt's disappearance and Jonathan Ludmoore's book. Instead of the Oracle, Endarno met up with them and revealed that Matt was still alive.

Some people devour books. And some books devour people. Particularly Matt 🤣🤣

Since we've mostly seen Yan Lin and Himerish, the Oracle, guiding the girls since the creation of the triumvirate, I was happy to see Endarno get some screen time. The poor man still hasn't gotten used to Irma's at times insufferable act. I do wonder. Does this come from her father being a police officer?

I do think the idiot girls should refrain from discussing relevant information in front of Cedric and the evil book! And how haven't they come to the conclusion that Ludmoore is inside the book?! Man disappears exactly at the same time that the book becomes magical and the elements are released. Coincidence? I think not!!

And Orube and Cedric's enemies to lovers possible scenario aren't the vibes the writers think they are.
Profile Image for totami legend.
12 reviews
May 23, 2024
Enna is the best writer working on this comic and it shows. He simply knows how to handle things and make it work. Finally something exciting is happening.
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