The Guardians visit Kandrakar to find a more outgoing himerish and discover he will soon be reinstated as Oracle. At Heatherfield, Irma drags Taranee to the Jensen Dance Academy where Irma hopes to meet her idol, Karmilla. Instead, Tara gets reaqcquainted with her old passion-dancing!
oof, if we are headed for more terrestrial storylines again with the dance teacher's child new in town plot and taranee's dancing dreams, i am not here for it, hhh. on the other hand, i really thought yan lin was going to become the oracle by this arc's end but i guess not? i still have an inkling faith she will by the time the serie's over tho! also, matt? that was nice of him lmao
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This is an issue where we establish some developments for the girls in their mundane life.
Quick question, why do characters must always remove fliers instead of letting other people be as fortunate as them and ✨read them✨? That is actually shot worthy, here 🥃🥛 Bathroom break cuz you're binging the comics? Sure, I'll wait for you.
Irma, a guardian always being called for missions suddenly and letting people down without valid reason due to her secret double life, gets mad at Joel for being too busy to go to an event with her. 😵 Again, I am from the time this was published, and no teen girl I knew was like this. ("How dare he not have a completely free schedule when it comes to me?" Or something. Right? 😬 When it comes to this, Will, Cornelia and Irma seem to share the get mad for no logical reason)
Why did everyone in that class stop dancing to watch and clap for Taranee?! 🤦♀️
Peter is a great older brother! But I never understood why he can practice sports and has so much free time, while Taranee must focus on school and have less freedom, since their mother is strict. But I guess gender affects your freedoms yet again.
Okay, but why do Irma and Joel have more going for them the wonder couple we had to wait 40 issues for? They're cute as friends, but the chemistry is good for more... Never thought I'd say that. Never thought they'd talk!