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It’s been a week since the dragon Morishtomaric fell, and Sardelle is not convinced that Ridge is truly gone. With a companion who thinks he’s a god and a soldier who would happily kill her, she heads back to the mountains to look for signs that Ridge survived. What they uncover threatens to destroy their country and all they care about.

Meanwhile, the Cofah emperor is furious with Iskandia over the loss of its airships and still has a bounty on Tolemek’s head. King Angulus sends Tolemek, Cas, and Kaika on a daring mission that could solve both problems… or leave them all dead.

351 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 22, 2015

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About the author

Lindsay Buroker

185 books5,802 followers
I'm a full-time indie fantasy and science fiction author. When I'm not writing, I'm ferrying my dogs to hiking trails for adventures.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 203 reviews
Profile Image for Ornella.
1,305 reviews82 followers
April 29, 2016
Only reason why this isn't a 3.5 rounded down to 3 is because of Bhrava Saruth. That dragon is a total puppy and I adore him. Also I want one.

There was a thing that happened that I strongly disagreed with. HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

It was still a thoroughly entertaining read and I'm devastated if this is the actual last book. I know there is a Therrick novel, but I want more D:
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews459 followers
January 18, 2016
This is a direct sequel of the previous book.

I like this series and, obviously, I liked this book too. I'm really sorry that this series has ended and I'l miss of the characters... :(

In this book all of them are involved and each one has something to contribute to the story.

At the same time I had the feeling that this book was rushed. I would have preferred to have more insight in some of the things hapening in it.

Still, it was good and as I said I'll miss everybody.
... most fo all Jaxi! :)
Profile Image for Jessica.
2,216 reviews70 followers
May 6, 2017
CW: rape

I wish the rape had not been part of this story, since I thought I could trust Buroker not to do that in her books. But it also wasn't explicitly acknowledged as rape, which actually makes it worse to me.

I don't know. 4 stars for most of the book. But that element is giving me 2 star feels. Compromising with 3.
Profile Image for Sandra.
3,167 reviews12 followers
January 3, 2016
I cant even! Why would you do that. I feel betrayed. Review to come later when i feel less angry. At that i point i may up the rating because the story was as well written as usual and very amusing, particularly the dragon Bhrava Saruth but I HATED the whole story line with my favorite Ridge. Hated it i tell you.

Ok enough time has passed. I have upped the rating to 2.5 stars. It lost 1 star for
Profile Image for Jane.
1,449 reviews67 followers
May 29, 2017
I liked the final installation in the series a bit more than I did the sixth book as this one didn't have Cas whining so much. I don't think I even remember her whining although Ridge is missing ... Also, Bhrava Saruth was a hoot and I adored him. If only they had found him sooner ... In addition, I found myself liking Therrik even though he was so unlikeable in the previous books and I was quite convinced that I'm going to hate him forever but he managed to redeem himself in my eyes.

There were basically three storylines. One about Ridge and his journey back to the capital. The second about Sardelle not believing Ridge to be dead and heading off to the mountains in order to find him. And the third about Cas, Tolemek, and Kaika on a mission that put them all in grave danger (I wouldn't have it any other way).

There were parts about Ridge's storyline that I quite enjoyed, there were parts that I found rather predictable and there was also this one part that I, like a lot of other readers, was not a fan of because I thought Buroker could and should have handled it a bit better.

I think I would've found Sardelle's storyline super boring without Bhrava Saruth along for the giggles as he definitely made that part of the story more intriguing. Also, the giggles he provided were most definitely appreciated.

The final storyline had most action to it and may I say it again that I love Tolemek? I also felt that our explosions-fanatic Kaika added to that storyline and she and Tolemek together were just lovely. It's a pity that we didn't get Kaika's POV.
[Tolemek:]“Should I feel emasculated by the fact that you’re doing all of the grunt work?”
[Kaika:]“Probably, but I won’t tell anyone if you use your magic scientist skills to make me some special grenades someday.”
“Anything in particular you’re looking for?”
“I’ve been wondering for a long time if underwater explosives could be made.” She gazed thoughtfully toward the ships floating in the bay. Imagining them going up in blazing infernos? “But any improvements to the weapons that mundane technology can currently put into my arsenal would be excellent. I’d settle for bigger booms.”

All in all, a lovely book!

The Book Challengers blog // The Book Challengers Instagram // The Book Challengers Twitter
Profile Image for liirogue.
588 reviews4 followers
January 2, 2020
Mixed reactions on this one. I love the dragon Bhrava Saruth. What an adorable character! But two things kept me from really enjoying it. First, I hate the plot device of . I was willing to overlook that because Buroker was kind of pulling it off, but then the way the aftermath was handled just really put me off.
Profile Image for Patrick.
49 reviews3 followers
May 8, 2018
Loved the series so far, I think there are 2 more to go but as far as I know the main storyline is at an end.

I really didn't know that it should have ended originally at the first book, but I guess it does make a certain kind of sense considering the split POV in the first couple of books.

That and that there really isn't any real thread/goal our characters are following, they sort of deal with whatever gets into their way and it seems pretty random.

Nonetheless an easy read, very enjoyable and nothing you have to think about too much really.

Sure there is a lot of potential which was left unexplored, but sometimes very good and enjoyable is quite enough ;)

PS: I want a Jaxi in real life please, she is absolutely hillarious :D
Profile Image for Arnaud.
441 reviews6 followers
October 18, 2023
Lots going on in this one

Loved how this book 7 started split along two main story lines with seemingly no overlap until it's all brought together in Iskandia with a bang :-) Oh yeah, and dragons :D
Profile Image for Llaph .
1,054 reviews28 followers
April 8, 2017
This is where my review for Soulblade is supposed to go. Instead of me racking my brain and trying to extricate my thoughts and emotions from my beleaguered brain and then wrestling with them to fit them into something half-way legible just pretend that I wrote an awesome review that expounds on the awesomeness that Soulblade was. Also pretend that I wrote a proper line about how I’m sad to see the series go and that some parts of this book made me want to pick up the first book and read through the entire series again.
Otherwise my review could end up looking like:
Omfg that was so f’ing awesome
She writes such wtf whoa action scenes that I actually caught myself going “squeee” out loud in anticipation as I was reading it.
Oh em ef gee ... dragons... dragons ... dragons
I was happy to see them take a bigger role in the stories plot and see Fel and the other dragon who thought he was a god acted. I really liked that one—I can’t spell his name right now, but it was the Bra ... something name.
Superb character development! The end seemed a bit rushed, but the book was already pretty long as it was and it didn’t mess with my enjoyment of the book.
Just ... so ... many ... thoughts ... sorry!
Profile Image for Lorena.
51 reviews1 follower
January 5, 2016
Lindsay BurokerLindsay Buroker is one of my favorite writers these days. She's an indie writer, and very prolific (she hopes to slow down at some point). I loved her Encrypted books, and the related Emperor's Edge series (she's got some other books as well). This is the seventh and last book in the Dragon Blood series, although I expect we'll see more of the characters and the world. Buroker is becoming a more and more accomplished author, but still remains a bit, charmingly, goofy - and I mean that in a positive way! I follow her on Facebook, and she engages with her readers in a really nice way.
I'm not going to cover the plot - its in the blurb (but start with the first book, Balanced on the Blade's Edge) The book has fantasy and steampunk elements, great world-building, and strong characterization, as well as some romance. Jaxi the Soulblade (the consciousness of a long dead sorceress) is worth the cost of the series by herself!
Profile Image for TheCuriousOtter.
220 reviews10 followers
June 2, 2017
First off, I'd like to say how much I have enjoyed the first 6 books of the Series.

But this is the first time in a long time I've been so upset with a storyline. I don't understand why LB decided to write Ridge's storyline to play out the way it did. There's so much WRONG going on in Chapter 10. I really hated it. Sorry Lindsay, but why!?!?

I read to escape, and I find a lot of enjoyment out of good quality books. I invest my heart into the characters. I have a certain level of trust in the author to not write something like this which feels like it's completely left field from what you'd expect.

Some plus's... Dragon Bhrava Saruth was highly entertaining. And the other storylines were pretty good too.

But I'm too distraught to finish the book. This is my first DNF of LB's books.

Someone else described it perfectly.... I feel betrayed.
Profile Image for TINNGG.
1,205 reviews20 followers
May 15, 2020
Problem #1 The party is split up
Problem #2 The.Party.Is.Split.Up
Problem #3 THE PARTY IS SPLIT UP!!!!

Ok, essentially our merry band of adventurers is split into 3 storylines here. storyline 1 is where most all the fun stuff happens and where most of the group is. Storyline 2 is in search of storyline 3 and consists of one of the adventurers, an amusingly delusional dragon, and an officer who doesn't actually like the star of storyline 3. Storyline 3 consists of the missing, presumed dead H, an amoral, power mad sorceress, and her increasingly disenchanted soulblade.

I had issues with storyline 3 because of what happens. The collision of all these storylines happens over/in the castle. Fortunately, the good guys prevail, likely because the unhappy soulblade refused to protect his mistress.
Profile Image for Marijan Šiško.
Author 1 book76 followers
October 27, 2019
I almost gave it a 3 because but at the end it had it's redeeming moments. Therefore a 4.
Profile Image for Kathrine.
129 reviews16 followers
March 6, 2020
I really really hate amnisa, especially almost in the end of a series the only thing that saved the book was bhrava sarut 🥰

The book was well written
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
846 reviews3 followers
May 14, 2023
Another great story with action, characters, magic and dragons - there is nothing to dislike. There is not a lot to add to the characters back stories but all of them grow.
19 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2021
So... this book was very good. But there's a particular element here that needs to be talked about before I get into anything else. Namely... rape.

Spoilers ahead, obviously.

Ridge is drugged and has sex with a woman against his will. At least, his conscious will.

I honestly don't think it was handled as well as it could have been... but it wasn't appallingly bad. Ridge, Sardelle, and everyone who finds out about it at least acknowledges it was a bad thing and not Ridge's fault. (Jaxi does have one comment that might get read the wrong way) I feel like there should've been more disgust all around for Eversong's actions; I certainly hated her. There was the potential there for her to genuinely seduce Ridge (amnesia) but I think this was avoided both to keep him from turning traitor and to keep his relationship with Sardelle "untainted" by willing trysts with other women... but obviously that didn't happen.

Ultimately I had to bump the book down almost entirely because of how this element was handled. Like another comment puts it: Ridge gets roofied and nobody seems to acknowledge it as such (aside from WRELTAD of all characters)]

All in all, VERY delicate subject matter handled not well but not terribly either.

That out of the way, let's talk about the rest of the book, shall we? Minor spoilers here and there.


Eversong's manipulations of Ridge are gut-wrenching to watch, because you *know* who Mara is the second she shows up. It's kind of frightening to see just how easily she was able to get him to do whatever she wanted, by both mundane and magical manipulations.

Bhrava Saruth is now my second favorite character after Jaxi. He's just a big ol' softie puppy boi who wants to be adored. See Therrik struggle to keep Kasandral under control was very interesting; he's a dick, but he's *our* dick. Seeing him bond with Ridge at the end was just amazing. Tolemek and Phel's respective journies to join Iskandia after the empire had betrayed them was a parallel I hadn't realized, but it fits well.

Seeing a big barbecue get thrown together at the end felt nice as well. I went in initially thinking this was going to be the final book in the series, so that epilogue felt like the perfect ending. Everybody's together, having a nice picnic.

Obligatory 'Jaxi is the best' and I wish she'd gotten to do more in this book.

Now... cons.

I'm reminded of an old critique from the Phantom Menace (or rather its finale) that suggested there were too many plots and character perspectives running in parallel. Now imagine that, but over the course of the entire book. The Emperor kidnapping plotline and the finding Ridge plotline? Okay. Then the kidnapping plot splits into three or four different sections all doing their own thing. It's not that it's hard to keep track of or anything, it's just that the scenes keep jumping around and all need to cover their own sets of various details and actions.

I've complained in all of my reviews about how the books lack focus when it comes to antagonists, and this book has that in spades. It's actually even worse here as it would've been very easy to tie the Eversong/Ridgewalker plotline with the Emperor/Dragon plotline, culminating when the two met in the capital. Instead, for some reason Eversong is now completely separated from Cofahre and the Emperor, acting independently to make herself queen with Zirkander as her king? And I feel like she goes down in a rather anticlimactic fashion despite her attack and rampage doing so much damage. It's especially baffling to see her go full on rapist supervillain considering that when she was first introduced she boasted that she was born Cohfa and always served the Emperor.

Wreltad turning on Eversong for her dishonorable conduct works and makes sense given his objection to the rape, but since we don't *see* the final straw (even though we do hear about it later) it has less of an impact.

It's 5am now so I'm going to bed...
Profile Image for AlwaysV.
485 reviews
August 9, 2016
This is a 5 Star story for sure. But I feel I can't possibly pick up any more series or more books from Lindsay Buroker. Only ONE bad reason is all it takes for me to turn away from such a talented and superior author of LB's caliber. I can't go into particular details because I will need to hide them all behind the spoiler bracket. :) Let me ask you this question: How would you like it when the hero of the entire series gets written maliciously into a solid chunk of sh**!!!??? And all of this happened in the finale of the series! And it covered 85% of the book! Just in case you think I must've been mistaken or too emotional to get the author's intent, please read this book. Please read this gorgeous and super entertaining series. Then please let me know what you think. :) I'd wholeheartedly appreciate your thought. Thank you so much in advance.
Profile Image for Dalesha Ferguson.
6 reviews3 followers
October 16, 2021
I want to preface this review by saying I love this series. I don't usually write reviews for books but this one I couldn't let go without saying my piece. The fact that one of my favorite main characters was drugged and raped was bad enough. The fact that LB just glossed over this, without even a mention as to it being rape, was disgusting. Killing the evil sorceress via revenge would have made this just a little bit better but we just acted like it was no big deal. Making Ridge into a weak character was also a blow to the whole series. He couldn't have been a bit like Cas with the sword? Able to fight the compulsion? Ugh I am so upset about how this book played out. Hopefully the last book will make up for this egregious one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
124 reviews2 followers
January 1, 2016

This author really has a talent for creating enthralling wars and battles. I became very attached to the characters in the book. Descriptions and personalities are very imaginative.
The only thing that is disappointing is this is classified as Young Adult. I don't agree with this as there is too much sex and innuendos. I wouldn't share this with my grandchildren. I would hope the author would be uncomfortable with young teenagers engaged in this part. The rest was very good and I read this series straight through. I have a new author to add to my library.
Profile Image for Kuido.
59 reviews2 followers
December 26, 2015
The author tricked me into reading this. :) Following the logic of the series, this should have been Sardelle/Ridge book but instead it was sort of a mix. Probably because it was the last in the series and all the storylines needed to be wrapped up. But still, I was quite disappointed to see that Ridge got the least amount of attention in this book.
Profile Image for Heather Conrad.
50 reviews4 followers
August 5, 2019
A growing series

This series has developed into a thoroughly enjoyable read.

The gearhead in me wishes that the "dragon fliers" could be a little better described. At first, I had a very sci-fi image, which morphed into an open cockpit biplane by the end of the third or fourth book. The fact that two-pit biplanes are unique among aircraft in having the pilot in the rear cockpit is forgivable. I also haven't quite gotten the "thrusters" to fit into my understanding. These sound like jets, which begs the question of why the planes aren't jet propelled. The thrusters feel like a cheat in some ways.

The characters have developed and grown through the series. Probably the best illustration of this is Therrick. I complained in an earlier review that he was a very flat, dimensions character. While hardly a likable character, he has acquired a great deal of depth to the point where we do sort of care about him.

The series isn't perfect. The plots of the various books are vaguely familiar, although nowhere near the point where you start naming the characters derived from the original story (i.e. Eragon). This isn't great literature that deals with deep issues, either. But it *is* an entertaining, fun romp through a well-imagined world, and very much worth the time invested in exploring it.
Profile Image for Robin Cappello.
34 reviews
February 7, 2020
Another Winner

Does Lindsay Buroker know how to write a lousy book? If she does, I haven't seen it yet.
We meet a new soulblade in this book, along with a Cofah princess. Tolemek's sister, Tylie, has more of a role, as do our new dragon pals! Yes, both of them are out and about so get ready for it to be even more interesting!
At the end of the last book, "Raptor," our fearless hero's plane was crashing & it looked like he was a goner. But he's survived! Instead of losing his life, he's only lost a big chunk of his memory .... but he woke to find a lone female caring for him. He has no memory of her but there's something about her that he just can't seem to get beyond & trust. And so it begins! Pretty soon human is fighting human, dragon is fighting dragon, human is fighting dragon ..... it seems like the whole world is a battleground! And how will Ridge ever get his memory back? You've got to read the book to find out; I won't spoil everything!
"Soulblade" is another winner in a series of winners. If you've enjoyed the previous books in the series, you'll love this one, too! Must Read! Up next, "The Fowl Proposal". I'll be back after I've finished reading that one!
August 30, 2021
XXXs and OOOs for Lindsay Buroker 👋!

Why did I choose this rating? Because I have throughly enjoyed this series! I had thought it ended with this book because one of the notes in a previous book stated that there was only 8. I'm overjoyed to find that there is one more 😀👋😁🥰! One book was only a novella and was labeled 5.5.
What I liked... About a million things! A dragon with a delusion of godhood that can change into other people and a animals (especially the ferret 😀)! More good and bad dragons that can do the same. Sorcers and Sorceresses, main characters with quirky senses of humor, a kind of steam punk feel mixed with sword and sorcery, sentient magical swords (a smart ass snoopy one in particular), assassins, soldiers, sailors, airmen, battles, scouting expeditions, romance and altogether a good time!

What I did not like...
Extremely little. There was one scene where a soldier hesitated to attack a sorceress who was attacking the woman he loves because he had been tricked/droged into making love to the sorceress. I didn't find that too believable.
Note: There may be too many indepth sexual content for some younger readers. But for you parents go ahead and read it I believe you will like it 😊!
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,277 reviews205 followers
July 31, 2022
*rubs hands together* Okay. So Ridge is missing after his battle against Morishtomaric and, given the state of his crashed flyer, pretty much everyone thinks he's dead. Except, as you might expect, Sardelle. She's not willing to give up on the big guy. And since there wasn't a body...well, she's willing to continue searching.

While Sardelle and Jaxi (along with Therrik) are trekking around the mountains looking for Sardelle's pilot, the rest of the crew are...dealing with things. Things like a bounty on Tolemek's head and an incursion to, err, cause some havoc for the Cofah emperor. To say things are a little dangerous and a lot complicated (for both Sardelle and the other group) might be understating it. They're dealing with rogue magic users, resigned soulblades, a princess on the run, and swamp creatures. Lots and lots of swamp creatures.

That said, there are also dragons. Dragons who are teaming up with the Cofah. Dragons who are disdainful of pretty much everything. And Bhrava Saruth, the dragon who is convinced he's a benevolent god. No lie, I like that irreverent gold dragon and his delight in pretty much everything.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Frank Mikes.
100 reviews
September 6, 2017
I liked this book even better than the last book, it was excellent for a couple of reasons. First of all, this is really two stories. The first is a mission for Lt Ahn and Tolemek while the other is Sardelle's quest to find Ridge. Because of that second story, I do completely forgive the 'cliff hanger' ending of the last book as it gave us this other story.
It also brought us one of the best characters that the author has created, Brahva Saruth. This great, gold, (god) dragon is delightful and encompasses all that the 'friendly dragon' trope can give. He is a delight every time he graces the page with his presence.
The first story isn't lacking new characters either but really excels in advancing Pimples and to a lesser extent Duck into more major characters. It is through a mission to kidnap the Cofah emperor while he is travelling to a wedding in a jungle city. As usually happens in these books, the plan falls apart completely within seconds and the characters have to work hard to simply stay alive with threats like flying alligators and heavily armed troops to contend with.
I would recommend this book to anyone that has enjoyed the series.
Profile Image for Amyiw.
2,602 reviews63 followers
January 15, 2020
4 1/2
This is really Part 2 from
Raptor (Dragon Blood, #6) by Lindsay Buroker
That one ends in many unanswered line and a cliffhanger. It dragged in the battles and didn't really get anything resolved. By the title, maybe she was trying to shore up Cass and Tolamek's relationship and it gets a little more firm here but it really wasn't main.

So we come to this book, it was good, really good. Without reading the book before, you might get away with just getting a synopsis. I wish I had as the last book dragged for me and then cliffhanger. So there were little things that didn't bring it up to the 5 and adding to it the missing beginning if you didn't read in order, I just couldn't bump it up. For those that don't mind the CH you probably will give it the 5. Most everything is settled though maybe not wrapped up enough. Hence the reason she decided to write beyond the series finale.
Profile Image for Livia Wren.
89 reviews
January 25, 2024
If I could give this a half star down - 3.5 - I would, but as the last official book in a series I did chew through in very short order, I figure it deserves the chance to be recorded as 4 stars. As I've implied previously (but not outright stated), this series cannot be confused with fantasy fiction of a higher calibre - this feels amateur still, but it's promising amateur. The issues inherent through all these books could be corrected with experience, increased editor input, and more time spent on each novel - but Buroker isn't appearing to aim to write the next Lord of the Rings series. They're fast, fun, and accessible books that OK, aren't great, and have flaws, but can be popped out quickly and with little fuss. That is a valid and important niche to fill, and I don't regret my time reading this series - but will not be bothered to read them again.

(Though I've just seen that there's another .5 of a book set after this, and I will want to read that, too...!)
Author 3 books7 followers
September 29, 2019
Lindsay Buroker writes with an easy to read style that captures your attention early in the story and pulls you completely into the adventure. Her characters are real people with real feelings. They get hurt. They have friends. They want to be loved. The adventures are good vs evil, but the evil sometimes can be turned into an ally or at least turned into no longer being an enemy. My only criticism of Buroker’s writing is that the stories are so enjoyable I hate to put them down and they often cost me lots of lost sleep. I have read three series by Buroker and have fully enjoyed them all. This series Dragon Blood was typical excellence. We meet new characters, make new friends, find new enemies. Absolutely wonderful series. Anyone who enjoys tales of fantasy, this is a must read.
Profile Image for Justin.
162 reviews19 followers
July 3, 2020
“The difference between a homeland and a home is that one is a place and one is people. It’s the people that matter.”

4.0/5.0 Soulblade is another fantastic addition to an already great series. It feels like she meant to end the series here but decided to write another book. I had some issues with theis book specifically, reading through other people reviews reaffirmed that I was not the only one. Since it is kind of spoiler-y I will not mention it here but suffice it to say I still loved the series and if you read the first 6 books you will need to get this one as well. The characters and dialogue really shine here and I am so happy how the author portrays her characters. This book really left me smiling on more than one occasion.
45 reviews2 followers
May 24, 2017
Best series of fantasy in a while

I thoroughly enjoyed this series, the first 3 free, but I could not wait until the next ones and bought them straight away, since then, I as a compulsive bookworm, have read all of them, stopping only for sleep and nourishment (and the occasional bit of cleaning, when my eyes got tired).

These stories are well written, sonsequetive and easy, even for a
Younger viewer not to get bored. There are not hundreds in the cast of characters so this also makes for ease of keeping with the story. I have given it a full rating because it was totally enjoyable, however if you prefer death, horror, destruction and soft porn, read something else.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 203 reviews

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