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The Green Girl

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Fandom: Harry Potter
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Hermione is sorted into Slytherin; how will things play out differently when the brains of the Golden Trio has different friends?

603 pages, ebook

First published April 26, 2015

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31 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews
Profile Image for Cathy .
43 reviews17 followers
December 5, 2017
the writing is so juvenile. I don't understand how this almost always manages to get on dramione recommendation lists, especially when some of the fics it's usually surrounded by are literal masterpieces
Profile Image for Madalena.
5 reviews
February 17, 2021
don’t know if that was the goal, but this fic actually made me root against hermione
February 5, 2018
First off I want to express how excited I am that a Fanfiction story can be tracked on Goodreads!

Now for the review:

This was a good story. Up until book 6, I absolutely loved it. By the epilogue I liked it again but book 6 and 7 weren't my favorite and I almost gave up on it. I liked the twist but some sort of indication of that twist would have helped to keep me interested.

The story was well written and Colubrina is extremely creative! I have read other stories of hers and I like her style. I've already recommended her stories to friends and other potterheads that I know will enjoy her point of view.
Profile Image for Paola Montes.
23 reviews
January 16, 2023
This story gave me the biggest “liberal girlfriend with conservative boyfriend” vibes and I hated it. The Slytherins remained blood purists, even after befriending Hermione and She had no issue with them being bigots, even though the author constantly states that she has a strong sense of justice and a particular moral code about fairness. Her friends are all bigots but, because they don’t do anything to her (only because she’s a Slytherin, they would have no issue calling her slurs if she wasn’t) she’s more than willing to forget that they are in fact racist. The author also made everyone and their mother apart from the Slytherins raging racists to justify Hermione joining the dark side, when in reality no justification was needed, this Hermione would have joined anyway simply because Draco was gonna do it and she’s meant to be his trophy wife. Hermione’s actions towards the end made me actively wish they didn’t win. Just to sum up her unforgivable acts (in my opinion), she kills Hedwig, takes George’s ear, kills Fred and helps kill Harry and multiple other people that didn’t have to die at all since she apparently always planned for Voldemort to die. The attempt to humanize her at the end with the tree planting was ineffective, she has been unremorseful and even gleeful at times about her actions and attempting to give her guilt right at the end is honestly ridiculous.
Profile Image for Ashley S..
284 reviews41 followers
August 13, 2024
An upside down world fic that assigns Ron to be the one to sneer and spit "Filthy little mudblood" instead of Draco, and gives Narcissa the line "Not my daughter..."

This would have been acceptable if there were some explanation or background context as to how the Malfoys had 180'ed their beliefs, and how Slytherin had so easily accepted "mudbloods", but there was none whatsoever.

This fic didn't really bother trying to make sense. Also, the relationships here weren't memorable at all, except the non-romantic relationship of TR & HG, although that was brief.

Nonetheless it was a good read for a time k/filler. It also picked up close to the end, when they had some minor plotting going on. I especially enjoyed how they needed dark to defeat dark - a different approach than having light defeat dark.

For a similar take that makes a lot more sense, try The Missing Sister by singularittae.
Profile Image for Alexzandra Pattinson.
216 reviews29 followers
January 6, 2018
What if Hermione was the first Muggleborn in decades, that was sorted into Slytherin?
Well for once she would have a much different friend circle. In fact, the first person that befriends her is none other than Draco Malfoy.

This fic was so well written and even tho it contained all the 7 years of Hogwarts classes, I still wanted to read more of them.
All the characters were so well written and I loved each and every single one of them especially Blaise,Theo and Goyle (yes, Goyle. I was shocked too!).
Profile Image for Nina Gomez.
1 review13 followers
October 8, 2020
Dislike this story so much that I wonder where all the positive reviews come from; it’s completely overrated, in my opinion. Probably the worst Dramione I’ve read.
Profile Image for Mia.
60 reviews5 followers
August 30, 2021
“I love you, Hermione, more than my life. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
I LOVE THIS. It follows Hermione if she was placed into Slytherin, and just shows how important she actually is to the golden trio - they would have died if she wasn’t there!!
Profile Image for kennsley willow ☽.
118 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2023
I KNOW THE COVER IS BAD, BUT HEAR ME OUT. imagine book 1 - sorcerer’s stone, hermione gets sorted into SLYTHERIN. i was so confused and consumed by this in the best way possible 😭 admittedly, the writing…got very juvenile at some points, BUT who’s to say that’s a bad thing? this is technically a jfiction series 👀
Profile Image for Lauren.
18 reviews
May 21, 2022
I struggled to get through this after a while and wanted to dnf around 85%. I had made it so far I felt it would’ve been a waste of my time to not finish the story. I just couldn’t connect with any of the characters. Some of the dialogue was way too mature sounding for some of their earlier years. The writing style was also not for me. I can’t believe this is so highly recommended.
Profile Image for jax.
71 reviews
April 25, 2023
ok yes it’s a harry potter fanfic. but it wasn’t dirty and it was just a semi dark au. pls don’t judge
Profile Image for Erika.
1 review
October 11, 2020
I gave up about 3/4, couldn’t finish the story, even then I was forcing myself to read it. There’s so many positive reviews on this story so I decided to read it and I wasn’t impressed, if I’m being honest. The hype of this story made me excited but then it quickly diminished when I found myself forcing to read chapter after chapter. I hate to leave a story unfinished but this just got so boring. Maybe Dark Hermione isn’t my thing, but I couldn’t understand why, the motives of her backing up those who are bigots and detested her muggleborn status get her loyalty after a while. People praise it for being realistic but I couldn’t see it. Rating: 1/5
Profile Image for Dominique.
395 reviews54 followers
October 24, 2018
Honestly? I expected a little bit more. But it was nice.

It's been quite disconcerting to go from 700,000 words for one year to all 7 years (and beyond) in one story, so it felt like it went very quickly.

Hermione is totally out of character the entire story, even if she is sorted into Slytherin. I found old Mouldy to be very out of character compared to canon and Draco was irritating.

Other than that, I enjoyed it. But it's not my favourite.
Profile Image for Sarah Thompson.
12 reviews
September 9, 2021
The first 3 years are really good and were a really enjoyable read - but then it goes a little downhill. Frankly everything after year 6 seemed a little out of character and tedious to read even for this alt universe version.

But I mean I finished it so here we are.
3 reviews
January 18, 2016
Wonderful take on how one small change in the sorting will change the course of history. Creative way of showing the other side of the war
Profile Image for Damla.
267 reviews7 followers
January 9, 2020
The one that started my love of this genre.
The foundation of dark Hermione in Slytherin is a a good one.
Profile Image for Tena.
133 reviews
February 22, 2023
Possibly the best fanfiction I've read in a long long time. Absolutely gorgeous and perfectly crafted, a must read.
Profile Image for Lauren.
192 reviews2 followers
March 28, 2023
Loved the premise. Didn’t enjoy the execution.
Profile Image for Chiara Sydenham.
69 reviews
February 7, 2024
The most accurate thing about this was the description of the dormitories. I have no words to describe just how morally problematic this was but the plot was okay
Profile Image for maria.
52 reviews
August 28, 2023
"I will never, ever stop loving you. Through rain and fire and war, never ever doubt my love for you."

3/5 ✨

5 minutos lendo essa fanfic e eu já sabia que a musica para ela seria Jump the Fall da Taylor!!! Dramione nessa história é essa musica por inteiro.

Eu li sem esperar grandes coisas, apesar de ter visto um ou outro vídeo indicando ela, não sabia o que me aguardava realmente quando fui ver, por isso foi uma surpresa encantadora ter me divertido tanto. Apesar de ter alguns problemas com a escrita, sinto que falta desenvolvimento e aprofundamento de vários tópicos, essa história é um what if adorável.

Não adorável no sentido de fofo, mas de adorar mesmo. Me trouxe um fascínio, a história cativa que li em menos de 24 horas, tomada pela curiosidade do que vinha a seguir. Acredito que ele é um ótimo começo e gostaria de ler uma versão mais "adulta" dela. Que trabalhe melhor pontos políticos da sociedade pure-blood e toda sociedade mágica num geral.

A narrativa foca muito no romance em momentos que gostaria de ver outros sentimentos se desenvolvendo, um peso maior para as emoções e as ações. Mais desse desenrolar da moralidade cinza dos personagens que parece ter sumido para trazer uma reviravolta de "olha nos somos os bonzinhos na verdade, veja como os supostos herois estão sendo malvados", é frustrante ver isso acontecer pois o potencial estava ali. É possível trabalhar esse lado negativo da Sonserina junto de todo lado positivo, e ainda mostrando o lado negativo dos heróis sem tentar "inverter os papeis", a graça da moralidade cinza é o meio entre o bem e o mal e alcançar um desses lados.

Resumindo, apesar de vários contrapontos eu me diverti tanto lendo e eu no fim adorei. Releria a história sim, indico avisando desses contrapontos e é isso.

Profile Image for Amna.
567 reviews40 followers
June 23, 2024
4.86 ✨

The green girl is a fic that answers the questions “what if Hermione got sorted into slytherin? Would the golden trio survive without Hermione?” And it ends up veering wayyyy off canon.

The writing isn’t anything special. The dramione was cute but more of a side plot to the real thing: hermione’s (very ooc) character development. But regardless of the objective meh ness of thsi fic I LOVED IT SO MUCH.

Such an enjoyable fic I can’t even explain, and thsi is coming from me who is notorious for my inability to put up with OOC hermipne granger! The nostalgia, the vibes, the journey through hogwarts, the slutherin common room found family… it was all just feeding my HP fangirl heart.

Loved Hermione in this, Draco was surprisingly endearing, LOVE the Malfoys in general actually and how Hermione was a daughter to them, the slytherin gang was so fun, and another unexpected surprise was how much I grew to love Snape and hermione’s relationship. Even psychotic voldy had his moments.

Recommend to people who aren’t just dramione fans but huge potterheads (and slytherin fans) and don’t mind vibes over writing 💚
Profile Image for mirabilos.
1,011 reviews20 followers
October 2, 2017
At the beginning, an interesting story with thoughtful concepts and remarks.

But then, at around Year 6, it slumped for me. I was considering dropping it with a one-star rating, but decided to read all of it to be able to give it a fair review, also considering the previous years which were nicely done, if a bit… well, dumb!Harry, but, in retrospect, probably not worse than in canon.

Now I’m glad I read through all of it, Year 7 started off “worse” for me, but an interesting turn was foreshadowed (did I dare hope for it) and realised. The ending was wonderfully intrigued.

Still not my favourite fic, but nevertheless one I’m glad to have read.

Sorry, no more details, as I do not wish to spoiler.
Profile Image for Rosalie.
41 reviews2 followers
July 9, 2021
My second good dramoine fanfic. I started reading for the dramoine romance, however i was more invested in the plot. Yes they are really cute but the plot kept me reading. I had a feeling there would be a bad ending but ik glad there isnt. I was surprised by how my view on slytherin changed, i was even a bit sad when voldemort was killed. I think its a well rounded fanfiction/book, i wish i could buy the physical book. What i also loved were the friendships and family bonds she made with the malfoys and other slytherins. Great read. I wouldve liked some more intimate dramoine scenes tho, it felt like they were just friends till 3/4 of the book or 4/5
4,5 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews

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