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A manga series that packs quite the punch!

Nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes, from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem—he just can’t seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on! For three years, Saitama has defeated countless monsters, but no one knows about him… That’s because he isn’t in the Hero Association’s registry! Together with Genos, Saitama decides to take the Hero Association’s test! But can they pass?!

210 pages, Paperback

First published April 4, 2013

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293 books1,205 followers

Manga creator ONE first created One-Punch Man as a web comic, where it quickly went viral, garnering over 10,000,000 hits! Along with One-Punch Man, ONE also writes and draws another series called Mob Psycho 100.

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22 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 392 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,873 reviews1,359 followers
September 14, 2023
Saitama three years unbeaten wonders why he isn't better known, or indeed known as hero? Genos tells him all about the Heroes Association and the pair set on the road to recognised heroism. This episode very much expands on the One-Punch inverse and increases my liking of the series and I am now almost committed to reading all of this comedic manga serial.

There's something very appealing about a non-comedic, bald, regular sized unbeatable hero living in a comedic universe; I get this series, and I think I might grow to love it as it proceeds! This volume merits a 6 out of 12, Three stars.

2023 read
Profile Image for Shawna Finnigan.
637 reviews361 followers
December 1, 2022
This series lacks depth, but it’s still really enjoyable and funny. Genos is definitely my favorite and I would literally do anything for him if he were real.
Profile Image for Maria.
599 reviews140 followers
June 17, 2018
when you’re the strongest hero out there yet no one knows who you are and your own disciple (who follows you around like a puppy and calls you Master) is 3 ranks higher than you and wants you to teach him things,,, 😅 love this series.
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews962 followers
June 6, 2018
I haven't reviewed the first two volumes of One-Punch Man, so here I'll write one for the series in general. In short — it's delightful! A wonderful mix of comedy, parody of the superhero genre, sincerity and genuinely great storytelling. It's a story of Saitama, just a regular guy who one day decided to become a mighty hero who could defeat even the strongest and scariest villains with just one punch. His method?

I really like this series. When it parodies traditional superhero, manga and anime tropes, it's really funny. I'll never get tired of Saitama one-punching a giant monster on his way to the bathroom, or to a grocery store sale.

You also really feel for Saitama — despite the fact that he clearly is the strongest hero in the world, he gets constantly and routinely dismissed by the public and the hero committee (which strongly resembles the government and the superhero registration act of Marvel's Civil War), because at first he is not even aware that every hero should be registered to be recognised as one, and then he fails the written test so he gets assigned the lowest possible rank. The irony of bureaucracy holding down a truly helpful and useful person from doing good in this world really stings, and is very real.

On the other hand, as a character Saitama is so lovable, and he sends a very positive message of self-confidence and self-improvement, since he is just a regular guy who became a mighty hero through some very reasonable training and believing in himself. His life philosophy is simple but truly inspiring.

All of this, plus a quirky cast of supporting characters makes a really enjoyable series, and one I would recommend to regular readers of the western superhero books who occasionally get tired of the same old stuff. You'd think that a book like this would feel one-note and repetitive, but it manages to stay surprisingly fresh, and is carried by Saitama's awesome personality and charm.
Profile Image for Mizuki.
3,200 reviews1,338 followers
January 14, 2016
I don't know how the authors did it, but they had impressed me with their awesome storyline and the endless sense of humor! I love their satire and jokes on conformity and the stupid social norms so much!
Profile Image for Lashaan Balasingam.
1,460 reviews4,619 followers
June 19, 2018
Love how it explores the whole idea of being a hero and contrasts it to being a monster in the most hilarious ways possible. This volume also focuses on the superhero organization and all the rules and standards that comes with it.

The bonus chapters in each of these volumes also makes these even more worthwhile since they aren't adapted in the anime! The artwork continues to be amazing and beautifully rendered.

Yours truly,

Lashaan | Blogger and Book Reviewer
Official blog: http://bookidote.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Jane.
339 reviews52 followers
January 15, 2020
Saitama's physical strength is ridiculously exceptional! I love the part he weight lift because he looks so cute and funny. LOL!

He also look so hot with all his muscles even with his bald head. He is looking great!!

So glad at least someone from the higher ups acknowledge Saitama's strength as compared to god. He is invincible and no one even knows it. So sad!

I really love how they draw Saitama. Like so innocent and harmless cute bald person. I just love it! Adorable and funny at the same time! I also love that they make his costume yellow because it just suits him well! He looks flashy in his suit!!!!

I love when Saitama and Genos went sparring. Then at the end Saitama made a really intimidating act then flick Genos because they'll eat dinner. He is completely a harmless looking badass character.

It's the funny part when Saitama started giving advices and Genos actually buy it, LOL.

Also Speed is a huge show off and a pain in the butt. I don't like him. Hmp!

June 12, 2021
I'm starting to realise that this is a great manga for reading when you're on the toilet
Profile Image for Jedi JC Daquis.
925 reviews44 followers
November 15, 2015
One-punch Man is still funny as hell in its third volume! Saitama is now starting to be recognized as a hero after taking the exam for the hero registry. And yes, heroes need to be registered!

I absolutely dig the dynamics between Saitama and Genos. Saitama finally shows some motivation. He wanted to be recognized as a hero, but still a hero for fun. This is contrasted by Genos' ambition of becoming strong and to make his scientist creator proud of him, so determined that his utter seriouness in the matter becomes funny.

The second meeting with Sonic is even funnier than before. It literally made me laugh, and that is something. There are funny reads that would make you laugh inside, but this one gives you the laughter which can be heard.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,181 followers
September 1, 2018
One Punch Man continues to be fun as heck.

So we get a bit of training, more hilarity, and some great fights. The stand out is def Saitama and Genos. It's explosive and fun as hell. There's also great moments of comedy, one moment that works so well is a money scene. But yeah, One Punch Man is just good old fun time. Check it out! A 4 out of 5.
Profile Image for RG.
3,087 reviews
May 18, 2018
The artwork in this was awesome!! Story is developing nicely at the superhero program
Profile Image for Mr. Cody.
1,630 reviews28 followers
June 18, 2022
Overall, this series has weird potential and fun moments, but the disjointed and disorienting pacing and plot take me out of the element.
Profile Image for Sudeshna Bora.
87 reviews2 followers
May 1, 2022
I like the camaraderie of Genos and Saitama.
The humour is growing into me.
I will be sad if Genos and Saitama end up in opposite side of any battle :(.
Kombu monster was the cutest.
I like how they are slowly unravelling the plot. Slowly reeling you into the story.
I feel a bit of bond with Saitama, would be sad if he does not get acknowledgement.
At the same time, seeing Genos I feel a pang of "working hard but not achieving enough whereas someone is born with it".
Let's see how the story unfolds later.
Profile Image for Billy Watson.
39 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2019
This story just keeps me laughing. Volume Three brings about Hero Classes and of course Genos is a higher rated hero than Saitama. And of course he still treats him as master. The parody on the super hero genre is great and I look forward to diving deeper into the series.

While a fun journey, you have to feel for Saitama who started out being a hero for fun and had found how “political” the legitimate hero world can be.

Really an all around good time.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,600 followers
February 25, 2020
Still awesome, it's not quite as awesome as the preceding or the ones right after. Just a rematch. That is, a rematch after learning that becoming a Hero in the Hero Association means that you have to be SEEN doing HERO stuff or they kick you out...

Man. That's HARSH. And the poor guy is so unphotogenic, too!

It doesn't matter how powerful you are. All that matters is how GOOD you look, doing it.

He will never get anywhere. :)
Profile Image for Julie.
3,277 reviews49 followers
April 23, 2016
Ok, to be honest? I've read A LOT of manga, and watched A LOT of anime. I've been reading it and watching it for about 20 years. And yet, when the new ninja-esque guy showed up, I thought it was a woman for a good chunk of this book.


I really love Saitama and his attitude, and the whole plot about joining the Heroes' Association made me laugh.
22 reviews
June 27, 2018
Genuinely silly, One Punch Man is a fantastic manga, with almost no notable storyline. It's perfect for all the times when you don't want to commit to something longer or you need to fill 30 minutes.

Glorious in it's simplicity and silliness.
Profile Image for Pranit.
207 reviews
October 19, 2020
It started off directly where the last volume ended. Although it was a good start and the story moved forward, it soon became boring and felt like a stretch to complete the volume. Let’s hope the next one’s better!
Profile Image for Abu Horaira.
3 reviews9 followers
January 13, 2022
Who decides limits? And based on what? You said you worked hard? Well maybe you need to work a little longer. Is that really the limit of your strength? Could the you of tomorrow beat you today? Instead of giving in move forward.

- Saitama sensei
Profile Image for Josh.
9 reviews
August 4, 2022
Okay, I now understand why OPM is as popular as it is. This volume, to me, was the manga coming into its own. It’s incredibly fun to read with great characters, a whimsical/wacky world and *beautiful* art.
Profile Image for Yumeka.
11 reviews1 follower
July 11, 2018
I want to know Saitama’s hero name!!
Profile Image for Emily.
936 reviews7 followers
March 8, 2019
Oh how I wish this manga were called "The Bald Cape."
Displaying 1 - 30 of 392 reviews

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