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Black Dog Bay #3

Put a Ring On It

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The author of Once Upon a Wine returns to the Delaware seashore town of Black Dog Bay, where one woman learns to put passion before practicality…

Brighton Smith doesn’t do outrageous. As an insurance actuary, it’s her job to assess risk and avoid bad investments. But when her fiancé calls to confess he’s married someone else on a whim (“I looked at her and I just knew!”), she snaps...

That night, at a local bar, Jake Sorensen—hot, rich, and way out of her league—buys Brighton a cocktail. At midnight, she kisses him. And by dawn, they’re exchanging vows at a drive-through chapel.

Brighton knows Jake is a bad bet, but she doesn’t care. After a lifetime of playing it safe, she’s finally having fun. Until the whirlwind romance gives way to painful reality...and Brighton finds out the truth about why a guy like Jake married a girl like her. With her heart on the line and the odds stacked against them, Brighton must decide whether to cut her losses or take a leap of faith that this love affair is one in a million.


283 pages, Paperback

First published November 3, 2015

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About the author

Beth Kendrick

22 books773 followers
This is the part where I’m supposed to brag about all my illustrious accomplishments, but honestly, I’d rather talk about my dogs and brag about some of the things I haven’t done:

I’ve never been to prison*, court-ordered rehab*, or splashed across the cover of a salacious weekly gossip tabloid with my ladybits on display**.

I’m a Leo, a middle child, and a formidable Trivial Pursuit opponent. I read everything I can get my hands on, from the classics to comic books. I don’t drink coffee because, frankly, I’m high strung enough without adding caffeine into the mix. Here is the true story of how I became a novelist:

So I had just started seeing this guy, and on our second or third date, he invited me to be his guest at a family wedding. Being young and free and a bit commitment-shy, I was about to decline until he casually mentioned that the bride was a successful romance novelist. Well, the second I heard that, I had to go. Being a writer had always been my dream job, and I’d never met anyone who’d actually beaten the odds and made the leap into big-time publishing. So I RSVP-ed, sidled up to the bar at the reception, waited until the bride and all her author friends uncorked the good champagne, and then peppered them with endless questions about writing, editing, and landing an agent. They were so funny and encouraging and generous with their time and advice. (And drunk!) Next thing you know, I had joined a critique group and was knee-deep in the manuscript that would eventually become MY FAVORITE MISTAKE. The open bar at that wedding changed my life forever.

Oh, and the guy who invited me to the wedding? I ended up marrying him. All together: awww…

I live in Arizona in a very cute fixer-upper that my husband and I bought in a burst of can-do, pioneering confidence. We thought it would be fun to embark on a series of do-it-yourself renovations. Yeah. I know. Turns out, replacing baseboard that’s been painted over 15 times since 1958 is not as easy as those Home Depot commercials would lead you to believe. Also, freshly-installed lawn drip systems and “helpful” dogs are a bad mix.

Friday and RoxieSpeaking of dogs, here we have the indefatigable canine lawn maintenance crew: Roxie and Friday. Both were rescued from the pound when they were puppies. I think they’re Rhodesian Ridgeback mixes. (Probably. Maybe? Anything’s possible.) Roxie is the brains of the operation and Friday is…well, he’s very sweet. And so indolent he could be mistaken for a piece of furniture, which I consider a very desirable trait in a family dog.

I absolutely love hearing from readers, so please feel free to email me, with the caveat that I am often on deadline/on the road/on the ragged edge of sanity, so it may be awhile before you get a reply. Just know that it’s not you; it’s me!

Have fun exploring the site, and if you have any questions about my new book, my backlist, or finding an agent…I’ll be right over there at the bar.


**That I know of.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 188 reviews
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,144 reviews402 followers
November 2, 2015
Every once in awhile we need those super cute, super fun reads that melt our hearts and leave us with a huge smile on our faces when we are done, Put A Ring On It, is one such read.

Set in a fictional town that is every bit as fun as the characters, this is one series that had me within the very first chapters.

Right away I was intrigued by the small town that is all about heartbreak and while this is the third book in the series but my first, it wasn't hard to pick right up in the series and be entertained. These read as a stand alone so no worries about feeling lost or confused, that wasn't the case for me at all.

And I loved this read. It made me remember all over again why I use to crave this slow burning, slow building romances set in a small town that is every bit as lovable as the characters are.

I gobbled this up and was ready for more. I will definitely be picking the other books up in the series soon because it really was, just that much fun.

*An ARC copy of this was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Obsidian.
3,092 reviews1,092 followers
February 22, 2016
What in the world happened with this series? I loved, loved, loved, the first two books. I was so happy and excited to buy this new one. And then I started it and wow. I went from crazy happy to just um okay this is not really that great but maybe it picks up, to just straight up hate reading it to say that I finished it. My overall feeling was one of straight up disappointment.

We have a hero, Jake Sorenson long time readers know as the hot guy who helps out the sad and newly women in Black Dog Bay with getting over their exes by getting under him, and heroine, Brighton Smith.

Brighton's perfect world comes crashing down when her fiancee demands the engagement ring back after a car ride to work (for that alone I would have punched the guy in the face) and after a blast from her past calls her, decides to go to Black Dog Bay to visit her old friend from college. When Brighton's ex calls her to let her know that he just got married to a woman he just met, she gets drunk and gets even by running off to get married to Jake Sorenson.

So the plot is pretty much Brighton doing everything she can to get past Jake's walls with her constantly saying how she just plans on staying married to him for two weeks (how long her vacation time is) with the understanding that they will divorce and or get an annulment. Only problem is, is that Brighton finds herself carrying for Jake and falling for him while having wild passionate sex (that by the way we never get to read about, we either get the before or after no actual sex scenes) and we have Jake with all of the personality of beige wallpaper so one wonders what the heck did Brighton see in him.

I don't know. I get that most contemporary romances are going to just have hero + heroine together in the end with some obstacles thrown in along the way. But seriously, this book from beginning to end makes no sense. It was super frustrating.

Brighton we know came from an unstable childhood because her aging hippie mother didn't get money and now that Brighton is older, she gave up her dream to be a jeweler designer to become an actuary. Instead of Brighton embracing the time off that she in Black Dog Bay by working with Lila (New Uses for Old Boyfriends) she keeps going on and on about things being temporary and just acting put upon the whole time. She drove me crazy. You marry a guy who you know for not even 24 hours, you can't just sit and moan about how he is not opening up to you. We also don't see any changes with regards to Brighton and her mom at all. Instead it looks like she will keep bailing her out for the rest of her life.

Jake had an interesting backstory and honestly I think that Beth Kendrick would have been better served to make him the sole focus of this book. Why in the world was this book told from Brighton's point of view? Readers know Jake and it would have been awesome to get to know what made him tick. Instead we had a whole cloak and dagger thing going on with regards to his past (and which makes everyone around him seem like the most self interested people ever) and I found myself getting more intrigued by him. He still has the personality of beige wallpaper when he has interactions with Brighton, but I like to think based on his past there was a flashy lavender stripe in the wallpaper barely visible unless you stood up close. What I thought made Jake suck more is his open acknowledgement of why he let someone from his past lead him around by his nose. It was not cute or attractive. I can see why he was referred to as John Gatsby from The Great Gatsby at that point.

The secondary characters were just bad in this one. I mean I loved Lila and Malcolm in New Uses for Old Boyfriends and still loved them here, but Lila feels paper thin and not even like the same woman she was in book #2. We get a reappearance by Summer (Cure for the Common Breakup) and man oh man I hated her in this one. She acted like a jerky valley girl. We also get some new characters introduced and can I just say they were pretty terrible.

The writing is the same from the previous two books. I think just the dull characters and lack of progression within the book is what tripped me up. I got tired of reading about how hot Jake was or the Jake Sorenson smolder. Reading about how they both liked to drink orange Gatorade (disgusting) after having sex was not a cute little tidbit I had to keep reading over and over again. In fact the whole book felt repetitive. There is no real obstacles here except emotional ones.

The ending will make some readers go awww. It did not make me go awww.
Profile Image for Chris Conley.
1,014 reviews13 followers
March 23, 2019
Beth Kendrick has a delightful sense of humor and the ability to create characters who become real immediately. This is a quirky little Black Dog Bay entry. I do enjoy this series.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
6,029 reviews224 followers
October 27, 2015
I have not read any of the other books in this series. However after reading s book I will be checking them out. I love the town of Black Dog Bay and the people in it. I really did not know how much I was going to be in love with this book. I could not stop reading it. I found myself chuckling and smiling throughout the book with all of the funny moments. It was not the chemistry that sucked me into Brighton and Jake's world but the witty banter between them.

Brighton really let loose and was a fun loving lady. This was refreshing as I thought she was going to be the stuffy old lady in the suit. Then there is Jake. Yeah, he may be rich but he has a heart of gold. Put this book on your must read list.
Profile Image for January.
2,392 reviews108 followers
April 30, 2023
Put a Ring On It by Beth Kendrick
Black Dog Bay #3
306-page Paperback story ends on 283

Genre: Women's Fiction > Chick Lit; Romance > Contemporary Romance; Adult Fiction, Humor

Featuring: Delaware, Marriage of Convenience Trope, Magical Realism, Sex - Off-Camera, Discussion Questions, Playlist, Excerpt from Previous Book - New Uses For Old Boyfriends 2 chapters

Rating as a movie: PG-13 for suggestive language and adult content

Songs for the soundtrack: "Song for the Dumped" by Ben Folds Five, "Gonna Get Over You" by Sara Bareilles, "Foolish Games" by Jewel, "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" by Nancy Sinatra, "Settlin'" by Sugarland, "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" by Beyoncé, "Waking Up in Vegas" by Katy Perry, "Can't Stop" by MoZella, "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay, You Go To My Head
Song by Ella Fitzgerald, "Can't Buy Me Love" by The Beatles, "Keep It To Yourself" by Kacey Musgraves, "Fool's Gold" by Fitz and The Tantrums, "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles, "(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay" by Otis Redding, "Bright" by Echosmith, "Blue Suede Shoes" by Elvis Presley

My rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

My thoughts: 📖 Page 93 of 283/306 Ch. 11 - I love it! It's like BSC for adults, I could totally read this book in one sitting. I'm only stopping because my husband is back from the gym and wants to start Survivor 44, I'm almost tempted to read while watching but it lowers enjoyment. This plot is so fun.

I absolutely loved this story. It was so much fun. I ditched my husband and the show to finish it. I can't wait to start the next book but I'm going to finish Happy Place first. I'm officially going to read Beth Kendrick's entire catalog.

Recommend to others?: Yes! This series just keeps getting better.
Profile Image for Margo.
2,090 reviews110 followers
January 22, 2021
This one didn't sell the connection between the MC's. It was a bit of a misfire -- everything just seemed off. 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Christa.
2,218 reviews591 followers
March 22, 2020
Put a Ring On It was a fun and entertaining romance. Brighton Smith's fiancé's asks for his ring back, and then calls her only hours later saying he's just married a women he met that day. Brighton is stunned, goes to Delaware to spend a few days with an old friend, and she meets an interesting man that she shares a few drinks with. In short time, they are jetting off to Las Vegas to get married. Although Brighton thinks this is kind of a moment out of time, and she will leave and get back to her real life in a couple of weeks, she ends up having a journey of self discovery.

I really liked both Brighton and her groom, Jake. It was fun to see them get to know one another. I liked how easy the relationship was between them most of the time. The secondary characters were also good, and I enjoyed seeing some familiar ones.
Profile Image for Samantha March.
1,102 reviews322 followers
November 3, 2015
I received a review copy
I do love me some Beth Kendrick novels! So far I’ve really enjoyed her titles from the Black Dog Bay Series, and was looking forward to adding Put a Ring on It to my reading list. I was more than pleased to get reacquainted with the characters from Cure For the Common Breakup and New Uses For Old Boyfriends, including the much talked about and very well known Jake Sorensen. When I realized how big of role Jake would have in this book, I got pretty excited, because, well, he was an excitable kind of guy to me! Brighton and Jake seem like total opposites, but their story actually worked. While I had a blast reading about their “relationship” I did sometimes get a bit bored with the constant back and forth and running away from one another. It happened just a time too many to really hold my interest, but luckily, there is a lot more going on in the book besides just the two of them, of course! Like I said earlier, it was a lot of fun to catch up the characters from the past novels, and see how their stories were playing out. I think you could consider this a stand-alone, but I loved the other two books so much that I definitely recommend them. This one wasn’t totally up to par to me compared to the first two, but still a great addition to the series!
Profile Image for DeB.
1,041 reviews267 followers
May 14, 2016
How does one compare Chicklit to Historical Nonfiction, or Literally Fiction? Well, I don't. I consider writing within its genre, what is therefore expected of a book as a result and then consider where my opinion fits together. I really enjoyed this classic and almost silly Chicklit plot, when the crappiest of circumstances are met with ditzy, blustery romantic impulse, all "When Harry Met Sally", and hopeless to boot. Well, when you read Beth Kendrick's novels you expect excellent froth, perhaps even bubbles of the champagne variety of which there are many in this luscious fantasy with the perfect man, inestimable wealth and an inscrutable past. The third in her Black Dog Bay series, I found it to be one which tried the least but delivered the most. Just the light escape I needed! 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,512 reviews117 followers
June 28, 2016
Chick Lit at it's finest! I really enjoyed this book. I liked the characters a lot and the development of the romance. It was definitely a different take on the fake relationship/marriage of convenience trope. It doesn't exactly fit either of those, but it's similar and I loved it.
Profile Image for Chloe (Always Booked).
2,789 reviews127 followers
June 29, 2018
I feel like the series is starting to go down hill a little. This one was still good, but probably more like a 3.5. Brighton is a girl who works for an insurance company and plays life very safe. However, when her fiance leaves her for someone else, she decides to do something crazy. She goes to Black Dog Bay and meets and marries the town rebound guy, Jake Sorenson. Jake doesn't date- let alone marry- people, so she wonders why he agrees to do this, but their relationship forges ahead. He's got more money than he knows what to do with, but Brighton tries to remain very independent and guarded. As the story goes on, they actually start falling for each other until one day, his ex wife shows up! He said he's never been married so Brighton is shocked and devastated. Come to find out, he had gotten married really young and the marriage was annulled, but now her family has lost their fortunes so she is back in town and needs someone to comfort her and take care of her. Brighton ends her relationship with Jake and is furious. Even though she entered into the marriage out of spite, she is crushed to learn that he did the same. He still has feelings for the first girl and he wants to take care of her. Unlike Brighton, she needs him, and I think he likes that.
In the end, Brighton and Jake can't stay apart and they get married. Jake provides the first girl with a job and plenty of creature comforts and so she's happy too. A little weird, but okay! This romance is equally as far fetched as the first one (mayor who keeps to himself and doesn't date, instantly falls in love with the new girl in town), but these aren't meant to be deep literary works.
The title is based on the fact that Brighton has a gift for jewelry design so she leaves her job to stay in Black Dog Bay and work at the jewelry store.
I'd recommend this book, but maybe don't binge the series like I did because they get a little silly and repetitive.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,055 reviews
December 30, 2022
I discovered this series when I needed a book set in Deleware. The first two books delighted me this was just meh. Brighton takes off for the shore after a fight about merging traffic has her love ends up in a broken heart. She stumbles across Jake and after a few too many drinks they fly to Las Vegas and get married. The rest of the book is pretty much about how they are connected in the physical sense but not emotionally nor do they know each other that well at all.

The best part of the story is watching Brighton find her love again in creating jewelry. Will I read another one, probably since a book set in Deleware is not easy to find.

Profile Image for Becky Morris.
540 reviews5 followers
July 11, 2019
This book was just not good. The characters were AWFUL. Brighton and Jake get married on a drunken whim while both of them are dealing with ex’s and yet spend the entire book talking about how he won’t open up to her, they’re hiding stuff from each other, they love each other, he’ll give her anything (including his dog for a month!!!!!) — it was all over the place and I hated it. How does this have such a high rating? I don’t get it.

Don’t recommend. Even for a pool read.
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,755 reviews
August 20, 2020
Jake, leaning against the side of his gray pickup, was waiting for her when she arrived at the Naked Finger. He held an orange dog leash in one hand and a small black box in the other.
Profile Image for Tandie.
1,540 reviews248 followers
December 29, 2018
This was boooooring. I think I only finished it because the audiobook was playing while I was wrapping Christmas presents. Definitely not my cuppa.
Profile Image for OpenBookSociety.com .
4,024 reviews126 followers
November 13, 2015

Put a Ring On It
Black Dog Bay, Book #3
By Beth Kendrick
ISBN: 9780451474186
Author website: http://bethkendrick.com/
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Kayt


The author of New Uses for Old Boyfriends returns to the Delaware seashore town of Black Dog Bay, where one woman learns to put passion before practicality…

Brighton Smith doesn’t do outrageous. As an insurance actuary, it’s her job to assess risk and avoid bad investments. But when her fiancé calls to confess he’s married someone else on a whim (“I looked at her and I just knew!”), she snaps…

That night, at a local bar, Jake Sorensen—hot, rich, and way out of her league—buys Brighton a cocktail. At midnight, she kisses him. And by dawn, they’re exchanging vows at a drive-through chapel.

Brighton knows Jake is a bad bet, but she doesn’t care. After a lifetime of playing it safe, she’s finally having fun. Until the whirlwind romance gives way to painful reality…and Brighton finds out the truth about why a guy like Jake married a girl like her. With her heart on the line and the odds stacked against them, Brighton must decide whether to cut her losses or take a leap of faith that this love affair is one in a million.



In Put A Ring On It, Beth Kendrick takes us back to Black Dog Bay, Delaware. Black Dog Bay is more than just a picturesque Delaware beach town. It is where recently divorced, dumped or cheated on people go to recover. Brighton Smith, the main character, is unaware of its popularity and its magical legend – the appearance of the mystical Black Dog when things are finally right. No for Brighton, insurance actuary, type A personality with a capital A, 10 year planner, no she only knows a dear friend Kira, has recently moved there. Kira’s call and casual invitation to come for a weekend could not have happened at a better time. Brighton’s fiancee Colin has just broken off their engagement over “zipper merging” among other things. So Brighton decides to be spontaneous for once and plays hooky from work to head to Black Dog Bay for the weekend.

What started as a free weekend to relax and be carefree turns into a horse of a different color when Brighton receives a call from her recently ex’d Colin. He has gotten married to someone he doesn’t even know and even used her ring. Brighton decides to let loose and ends up on a private jet with town heartthrob Jake Sorenson. They imbibe a bit too much, but manage to make it to Vegas to get married. And so begins every woman’s dream, marrying an extremely hot man who is not only nice, but very wealthy. They decide Brighton should have “2 screwed up weeks”. While in town she finds herself drawn to the Naked Finger jewelers and back to a time when she was truly carefree and happy – working with jewelry and design.

Black Dog Bay has all the gossip you would expect in a small town. That leads to funny and at times awkward situations. Put A Ring On It is humorous and heart wrenching, entertaining and sentimental. Beth Kendrick has built an amazing and enjoyable town in Black Dog Bay and I was happy to return in this 3rd installment. Each of the books is truly a stand-alone read, but the continuity is delightful. A wonderful romance, filled with tension, however not one bit of tasteless frivolity. It is a truly enjoyable read that is more than just a basic romance novel. It draws the reader in as the characters explore who they are and what they truly want.

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review as part of their ongoing blog tour*

Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,750 reviews388 followers
October 29, 2015
I really enjoyed the first two books in this series so when this one showed up for review, I was anxious to dive into it. I love the premise of the book. Brighton is steady and has a plan for her life. Everything is on a schedule and nothing is left to chance. Until her fiance dumps her and marries someone else. So why not do that same thing? Have fun and enjoy life, right?

She did great with her choice in a man. The problem is she thinks its all a joke and just for fun... but Jake has other ideas and a few secrets that pop up too.

While I was looking for the same connection I got with the other two stories, I really missed something in this book. The connection between these two seemed off. Brighton was more interested in hanging out with the girls than dealing with her decision and even trying to make it work with Jake. I really wanted more in terms of their future life and love. But it wasn't until the end where you do get the answer.

The humor and wit between the cast and the storyline premise is contagious and a strong part of all of the books by Beth Kendrick. For that I enjoyed reading this new release but I really wanted more in a romance aspect and not as much in the girlfriend stuff. What was enjoyed was the tie-in's to the other stories. But not to worry! There is plenty of info to keep you on track with this as a stand alone read.

All in all, the book is a lovely addition to the Black Dog Bay series with plenty of possibilities for more to come.
Profile Image for Ruth.
988 reviews55 followers
November 29, 2015
Black Dog Bay Delaware is the place to go after a rough break-up or divorce. On her way to work, Brighton is blind-sided when her fiancé asks for his ring back and dumps her. She calls her old friend, Kira who is a therapist in Black Dog Bay and is invited down for the weekend. Brighton is a button-downed, type A personality who is an actuary with an insurance company. It doesn't get much more boring and dry than that. But like all the other heartbroken women who come to town, her heart goes pit-a-pat and her life gets turned upside down when she meets Jake Sorenson. He has wealth and smoldering good looks while she is just a "regular gal". Is he ever attracted to someone who isn't a platinum blonde bimbo? Can he become emotionally involved with someone?

This is a lighthearted romp which is Book 2 in the Black Dog Series. Legend has it that magical romances can happen in this town and when they do, a black dog is sighted. Will Brighton get to see the Black Dog? I was definitely in the mood for a light, fluffy fun read. I suppose if you weren't in the right mind set, you could become annoyed by the characters in the story and wonder why they just don't talk to each other to clarify these misunderstandings. Suspend belief a little, let yourself go, and just enjoy.
Profile Image for Marlene.
224 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2015
Brighton, leaving nothing to chance, has her life planned out. That is, until her fiancé dumps her and, on a whim, marries someone else. Needing some time off, she makes her way to Black Dog Bay, a place that jilted lovers flock to. While there, she meets rich and sexy Jake Sorensen and, to spite her ex-fiance, marries him at a drive through chapel. Brighton knows that she’s making frivolous decisions, but she doesn’t care. She has spent her whole life playing by the book. She’s ready to let loose and have some fun! But when Brighton finds out some truths about Jake, she’s unsure if she should jump ship or see where this adventure takes her.

What I’ve always loved about Beth Kendrick’s books is that they have a feel-good vibe to them. You just can’t pick up one of Beth’s books and not leave satisfied with how the story read. With a fun story and a cast of characters you won’t soon forget, Put a Ring On It has everything you need for a fantastic read. So if you’re looking for a fun book that’s all that and a bag of dog treats, this is the one for you.
Profile Image for Olivia.
3,504 reviews96 followers
July 25, 2016
"Put a Ring on it" is the perfect summer romantic comedy I was hoping for! After having a fight with her fiancé and subsequently being dumped, Brighton takes a last minute weekend trip to visit an old friend in Black Dog Bay. This trip turns into a serious venture when Brighton finds out her ex-fiancé married a woman he just met. She retaliates by marrying a very sexy bachelor, Jake. Predictable gooeyness ensues.

I absolutely adored this book and found myself laughing and sighing along with their relationship. It's totally predictable and the characters are simple, but it's delightful to have such a fun, light PG-13 (nothing is described) read to enjoy from time to time. Despite being part of a series, it worked wonderfully as a stand-alone book. I'll definitely be seeking out the others though, as I just loved the writing style- easy and delightful! I will definitely be reading this one again!

Please note that I received a copy of this book from goodreads giveaways.
Profile Image for Mrs Mommy Booknerd http://mrsmommybooknerd.blogspot.com.
2,173 reviews90 followers
December 30, 2015
This is another hit by Kendrick. There is so much to love in this novel. It makes you feel. It makes you want to savor every single word because it is one of those reads that has characters you care about. It is fun, with mystery elements and tons of emotions. I laughed, cried and felt like I was on the journey with everyone within the pages! What a fun read, a great book for a book club and a great read to snuggle under the blankets with! Plus, look at that cover...are you kidding me!! It is way too cute and I adore looking at it!!! It also pulls at your heart strings. 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Tonya.
1,124 reviews
June 3, 2017
Delicious fun fantasy! I mean who wouldn't want a hot delicious man to just say okay let's get married! Oh by the way, I am rich! Right, in my fantasies! Brighton doesn't know why he married her ... But she figures it out.

Once she figures it out, will they make it, or will it be the catalyst that drives them apart?

So much fun! Enjoy this fun entertaining fantasy!
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,285 reviews372 followers
March 27, 2017
Another great addition to the series! Brighton was not my favorite heroine. There was a bit more frustration in this book (because of her) but the story overall was really fun. She was different from the previous girls (loved that they were still in this!) because she was cautious and second-guessed the obvious things in front of her. Overall, so good though. Jake <333
Profile Image for Stacy.
253 reviews12 followers
November 22, 2015
Love, love, love, love, love the Black Dog Bay series. I need the next book! I cannot wait to find out who the next main character is going to be and I'm still loving that previous main characters are playing secondary roles in the new books.
Profile Image for Claudia .
422 reviews
August 19, 2015
I tried to finish this book, so unbelievable that Brighton would travel to a place where, after her boyfriend/fiance, and she MARRY A GUY TOO!!! Jake is the most weird and not believable character of all. Sorry but this one is a NO.
Thank you for sending me the arc for review.
3 reviews2 followers
August 29, 2016
Fun read, you don't have to read them in order. I enjoyed finding the characters in the different books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 188 reviews

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