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First published April 2, 2013
What I did not realize originally was that Grace Burrowes had already written something like twenty-four unpublished novels before this one was published as her debut. She’s created a whole world out there, people, and you’ll never understand who all the players are unless you read all of her books. And even then you won’t know because there are more on the way. Namely, the Lonely Lords series, each one featuring a secondary character from the Windham series.
He told himself he didn't trust Lucy or Blanche not to harm him, did he allow them to French kiss him.
Darius studied his brother, who was drinking tea for a change. "You seem to be a little more the thing. Maybe you needed to put off mourning."
He sounded just like John, and Darius saw the hurt that did Vivian.
"I miss her."
"I miss her in bed," he began, finding his unusual tolerance for pain serving him well. "I miss her over the dinner plates. I miss her out riding, I miss her arguing with me over stupid political questions nobody cares about except the bloody Lords. I miss her teasing John- I miss that a pissing damned lot.
He took another contemplative sip and regarded his companion.
"I miss having somebody, anybody, to talk about John with, and she was so kind."
"She deserves so much better." He was mumbling now, mumbling around the ache that had been in his throat for hours. "She says I deserve better, silly wench. And she smelled lovely, always. How did she do that?"