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Kavanagh Legends #2

Saving a Legend

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Praised by Penelope Ward as “a unique story line with multiple layers to it,” Sarah Robinson’s Saving a Legend goes another round with the brooding Kavanagh brothers: MMA fighters who won’t call it quits in the ring, or in romance.

His family’s gym has produced a roster of mixed martial arts legends, but so far Kieran Kavanagh hasn’t followed in their footsteps. After a brawl lands him in jail, Kieran is assigned to work at a center for at-risk youth. Though given a second chance, Kieran’s simply going through the motions—until he meets one very special kid, Shea Doherty, and falls hard for her very beautiful, very grown-up big sister, Fiona. The trouble is, Kieran’s best opening moves are getting him nowhere fast.

Fiona Doherty has too many responsibilities to fool around, especially now that she has custody of Shea. Sure, she’d love to find a devoted partner. But she won’t jeopardize her sister’s happiness—or risk revealing her tortured past—on a love-’em-and-leave-’em type of guy like Kieran . . . so it’s up to him to prove her wrong. As Fiona spends more time with Kieran, she starts to see a softer side of the reckless warrior. Now she must admit that when it comes to the possibility of real love, well . . . there’s a fighting chance.

Includes a special message from the editor, as well as an excerpt from another Loveswept title.

224 pages, ebook

First published June 14, 2016

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About the author

Sarah Robinson

50 books2,233 followers
Contemporary Romances Across the Rainbow…

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About Sarah:
Contemporary Romances Across the Rainbow…

Sarah Robinson first started her writing career as a published poet in high school, and then continued in college, winning several poetry awards and being published in multiple local literary journals.

Never expecting to make a career of it, a freelance writing Craigslist job accidentally introduced her to the world of book publishing. Lengthening her writing from poetry to novels, Robinson published her first book through a small press publisher, before moving into self-publishing, and then finally accepting a contract from Penguin Random House two years later. She continues to publish both traditionally and indie with over 18+ novels to her name with publishers like Penguin, Waterhouse Press, Hachette, Forever, Grand Central Publishing, and more.

In her personal life, Sarah Robinson identifies as a queer, non-binary mother and is happily married to the gentle giant of her dreams. The duo have two little children and are happily living in Arlington, Virginia where Robinson also works full-time as a psychotherapist with queer individuals and couples.

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Profile Image for Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession.
1,224 reviews3,621 followers
May 25, 2017
4 Cute Shea Stars

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I just want to take a moment to appreciate these yummy covers. Whoever picked the covers for this series deserves a raise and the models a standing ovation! Wow!

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Saving a Legend the second book in the Kavanagh Legend series was an awesome read. Like the first book I really loved me some Kavanagh men. And like his older brother Rory from book 1, Kieran stole my heart. He made mistakes in his past but he was an amazing man. And when he met Fiona there was no other woman for him. I loved that dedication, he knew she was his and he was going to win her period! Fiona was okay for me. At times I liked her and at times she got on my nerves. I loved the ways she was with Shea but I didn't like that she acted like a coward and kept finding reasons to push Kieran away. Anyone who's ever read my reviews knows how I feel about cowards in book. luckily there were enough good things about Fiona to balance that out for me so I could still enjoy the book.

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Shea was a soft spot for me. My niece has Autism and so books that touch lovingly and truthfully on Autism hold a special place in my heart. Shea's character portrayed an autistic child well and shows that the author cared enough to do the research. Shea was a sweet little girl that as I read reminded me of my niece and therefor made me really connect with her. I really loved Shea! I also really loved getting to know all the Kavanaghs more. They are all so lovable and unique that I am attached to all of them and really want to see them all get their own HEA. Especially Quinn and Jimmy. They both really got my attention Quinn the tattooed pierced sexy black haired brother and Jimmy the Red headed straight laced, rule following cop brother yum! I can't wait for the next book to come out Kane's book.

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Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,815 reviews25.2k followers
May 13, 2016
Saving A Legend is book two in the Kavanagh Legends series by Sarah Robinson. This book was generously provided to me in exchange for an honest review by NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group, and by the author.

In this second book, we meet Kieran Kavanagh. Kieran is half of the set of twins, his brother being Kane. Kieran and Kane are part of the famous Kavanagh family, five brothers, four of which either help to run or fight in the family owned MMA gym. Kieran showed all the promise of being the next up and coming fighter. But competing just didn’t hold his interest. He wanted more. And it was that quest that got him into trouble. Because of some stupid choices, he spent two years in prison. Now he’s out and back with his family. He is determined to make up to his family what he put them through.

MMA fighting

On only his second day of freedom while he and his brother stopped in to a flower shop to buy some flowers for their mother, he meets the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She captivates him. During the coming days he uses his best game to try to win her over. Soon, though, he realizes just why she is reluctant to give in to him.

woman in flower shop:

Fiona Doherty is twenty four years old. Three years ago, after the death of her mother, she adopted her little sister who is now eight. But her sister has special needs. She has autism spectrum disorder. She is high functioning but still, there are days she can barely get through when things go bad. Fiona’s sister, Shea, is her priority. Nothing else matters. There is no time for dating or anything else. She is doing her best to try to make a success of her flower shop and take care of her sister. That’s all she can handle.

girl in pink headphones:

Kieren, though, is persistent and finds that he has a connection with little Shea. He is in awe of Fiona, doing everything she’s been doing all by herself. Little by little he breaks down Fiona’s defenses and wins over her heart. And of course, he gets his mother involved. I love that woman. She raised five boys and they also adopted their cousin when she was just four years old. And this woman still has the biggest heart and will do anything for anybody. She is amazing.

"She'd been holding back for so long, putting up walls between herself and everyone around her, that she felt as if she'd finally broken free. It was time to let her heart lead."

kissing on the head:

Kieren falls hard and fast for Fiona. But he hasn’t told her about being an ex-con. He wants to and plans to. But he’s afraid it will run her off. Everything is so new. Fiona, though, is hiding a secret of her own. What happens when two people who care greatly for one another, aren’t honest and hold back very important details about their pasts? Nothing Good.

This was a very sweet book about the struggles a single mother goes through with a special needs child. I thought that her life with Shea was a very realistic depiction of what life is like for an autistic child. It was obvious the author did not take this lightly. And although Kieren made some bad choices in life, I liked the man he became. I loved the way he got along with little Shea. Kieren and Fiona were perfect together but had a lot to wade through before it could ever work. It just goes to show you that being honest up front can avoid so much trouble later on.

I’ve read all of Sarah Robinson’s books so I pretty much know going in that I won’t be disappointed. I can’t wait to see who is up next in the third book, Becoming A Legend. I think I picked up on a couple of hints but only Sarah knows for sure.

Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,670 reviews3,282 followers
March 25, 2020
3.5 For The Love of a Child Stars
* * * 1/2 Spoiler Free-This is the Real Deal, $1.99!!!
As I have mentioned in the past, I love when an author gives us specific insight into the book we are about to read. When I see a front enclosure from the writer addressing the subject matter or a specific character, I know special attention was given...and it meant more than just research for the author and story. Sarah Robinson took the time to give us insight into what it took to do a realistic portrayal of an older sister coping with raising her eight-year-old sister who has Autism Spectrum Disorder after the death of their mother.

This was not used as a gimmick or plot device out of laziness. This was a sincere accomplishment with the readers being able to learn about this disorder, how it can manifest itself and how with the understanding of everyone, those afflicted can flourish. She also addressed the other side of it; the frustration of feeling inadequate... of never being an actual mom and always wondering if she was doing anything right.

This series is based on the Kavanagh brothers and family. This family is central to their community and the MMA Sport. The family has 5 brothers and a "sister cousin". The father owns and runs the gym called Legends and the mother holds her family dear. MMA is a part of their lives and in this second installment, we are given Kieran's story.

It opens with a prelude to the time when Kieran is rebelling and fighting illegal fights. He has always been one of the rule breakers in his family and the pressures of competing in the official bouts are not doing it for him. He is restless and is fighting where gambling is the key... not how good the fight is. Unfortunately, he learns this too late. With him knocking out a street fighter flat and not coming to... Kieran is stunned and realizes this is not what he wants...only it seems like it is too late as sirens are blaring as he runs from the site. He is cornered by the police, handcuffed and held.

We are now with Kieran as he is processed out of prison after being there for two years. As he walks through all of the stages of release...he is telling himself he will never be back there again. He understands now what he did; the pain to his Ma and dad...the two years lost...He wants to be better and vows to be.
His ma and twin brother Kane is there to meet him as well as some of the others. But his older brother Rory isn't and neither is his da...Kieran knows he will have to work to gain respect from all of them.

Sunday dinners are a tradition in the Kavanagh family and Kieran wants to do right especially on his first one back. Kane takes Kieran to the flower shop where Rory goes to buy for their mother. As Kieran walks to the counter, he sees this young woman standing there...a bit shy and careful in her manner. She does the standard, what can I help you with and Kieran says the first thing in his head... Flowers. From there, they banter a bit...and it seems Kieran is playing a little with her... getting his feet back after being away. His twin kind of ruins the moment... but Kieran files away this pretty lady and doesn't let the hidden spark he thought he saw slip his mind.

Fiona has had a difficult time growing up. She never had a storybook childhood unless you thought about the hard ones on kids. Her mother and father didn't stay together and when Shea was born and diagnosed, the dad left for good. Mom loved Fiona and Shea but had difficulty in the never-ending searching for someone to save her... a man to make it all better. Unfortunately, she picks a louse and he was not about to save anyone. After one too many times of being abused, the mother decided it was time to ditch the situation. It didn't work the way the mother thought and Fiona lost her mom and now is the guardian of her sister. All they have is each other. Fiona will not do anything to threaten it.

Part of Kieran's early release for good behavior is being on parole and doing community service. Kieran is instructed by a tell it like it is a parole officer and given his volunteer assignment. He is to work with at-risk youths. He has a college degree which will be a huge asset in tutoring them and assisting with homework. Also, his life experience can give them a "scared straight" reality...and let them know he gets it and they need to hear what he has to say.

Kieran meets with Nora, the manager of the nonprofit. During their discussion of his responsibilities, a young girl comes in interrupting and informing Nora she has finished her book. Nora explains for her to wait just a moment however the child repeats the same words and expects Nora to give her another book at that moment. Nora looks to Kieran and asks for a sec...taking the girl aside, giving her what she needed and then both the girl and Nora resume what they were doing.

Kieran asks Nora if the girl always is so single-minded like that. Nora explains the girl's name is Shea and she is the sister of her best friend. She has Autism Spectrum Disorder and she comes to the center after school since there isn't a specific program available right now for her. Kieran is feeling embarrassed because he just thought she was being a bit rude. Now that he understands there were other reasons...he felt a softening, a protective desire to look out for her.

As Kieran is working with the kids on his first day, he comes across Shea and they somehow connect on MMA fighting. It is when this conversation and demonstration of movements is being mimicked by Shea with him, Fiona finds them. A bit concerned...she asks what is happening and Shea starts to talk about all the facts of MMA she knows. Kieran is looking at his "Flower Girl" and wondering what is up...Fiona explains this is her sister and repeats how she has no time for dating etc.

Shea has other ideas, though. Shea has taken to Kieran. Fiona, trying to distract Shea, offers to take her for yogurt. Shea asks Kieran if he can come and boom, Fiona has a date with Kieran whether she wants it or not. Oh, she does... but is fighting it for a number of reasons.

After having yogurt with Fiona and Shea, walking them home and seeing how Fiona is struggling with all of the responsibilities...Kieran admires her more and more than just her being this beautiful woman. He sees her strength and determination to try and get things right. He sees the love and care she has for Shea and what all of it means... the sacrifices and fear...and how she would do anything to make things better for her. He also sees that spark she had for him... causing him to wait and figure out how to have more time with her... because this woman is not a one night stand...she is so much more and he wants it all.

As you figured out...both of these characters have secrets they are not revealing...like the elephant in the room about how Kieran is a convicted felon and Fiona doesn't know. Kieran has just been released, is trying to figure things out with his family and life. He really likes this girl and Shea. He wants them to see him more than what his past was and this is the challenge of the story. Fiona also has things she has been holding back... making her feel she will never be able to have any relationship.

Both of these characters fall hard for each other...the chemistry is there and we are happy for them once they realize they are meant to be. What is very sweet is Kieran knows right away.

There are a number of lessons addressed in this book. The first is to trust those around you to know everything... and then prove to them who you are by your actions. Those who have made mistakes and then done the time probably would not have the support system Kieran had. Yes, he was in prison and it was not easy. However, he did have a family who had situations to allow him employment and a way to mainstream back. Most do not; I wish they did.
Confronting the hard reveals in life is not easy... and it is easy when reading about a story to think things should be happening when they don't. It is human nature to recoil from the difficult... none of us like rejection.

The other lessons learned are that of understanding and being open to those who are different than our selves. Autism Spectrum Disorder is nothing new...but new inroads in how this impacts and ways to manage it are...with additional information and systems coming every day. The creation of Shea and how she processed things felt extremely real and accurate. The way all of it was integrated and part of the story worked seamlessly. I felt it was an equal part of this story along with the main characters... but not in a negative or manipulative way. It was just part of Shea... like if she had red hair or blue eyes... just another part of who she was and made her oh, so interesting and endearing.

This series has a terrific Irish family; a strong group of brothers, cousins, and parents who love strongly, talk loud and tease all the time. Each of them has their own personalities and we are primed for more stories about them. I know their hearts will be big factors.

Breaking a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #1) by Sarah Robinson Breaking a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #1)
Saving a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #2) by Sarah Robinson Saving a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #2)
Becoming a Legend (Kavanagh Legends #3) by Sarah Robinson Becoming a Legend (Kavanagh Legends #3)
Rory & Clare A Short Story by Sarah Robinson Rory & Clare: A Short Story (Kavanagh Legends #3.5)
Chasing a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #4) by Sarah Robinson Chasing a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #4)
Kavanagh Christmas (Kavanagh Legends, #5) by Sarah Robinson Kavanagh Christmas (Kavanagh Legends, #5)

A gifted copy was provided by Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept via NetGalley for an honest review.

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Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,496 reviews82 followers
June 28, 2016
***4 ...Flower Girl... stars***

I can say that this series is getting better and better...
The Kavanagh family has 5 boys and a... girl!!!! So, i think that we will live many adventures with them!!! Especially the boys are getting all the time on troubles, but with the right woman beside them, everything can be fixed!!! Right???

I liked the first book about Rory Kavanagh and his Clare, but the second story captivated me even more...
This is the story of Keiran Kavanagh, his Fiona and his Shea!!!!

Keiran Kavanagh was following the footsteps of the men of his family, but he wasn't satisfied... He was a free spirit and a little bit wild and he didn't want to play by the rules...

Unfortunately, this "revolution" landed him on jail for two years...
Now, he is out and he has to build his life from the beginning... but meanwhile, he has to do community service in a center for at-risk young kids...
There, he is meeting a very special kid, Shea and he is coming closer with her guardian, Fiona...

"Before prison, he hadn’t wanted to give up the chance to be young and wild, to meet women and sleep around. He had quickly realized that not only did that behavior lead him to prison, but prison had taken valuable years away from him.
Now that he was free, he wasn’t willing to give up any more time. He didn’t exactly know what that meant yet, but he thought Fiona might be the answer. He had a feeling that she could be a game changer for him, and he wanted that.
He wanted her."

Fiona Doherty has many responsibilities....

Even though that she is still very young, she is struggling to manage her flower shop and to take care of her younger sister, Shea, a kid with special needs...
She has devoted her life to Shea and he wants the best for her...
Fiona has a tortured past and she has no time for dating and fooling around....
And then, she is meeting Keiran and even though that she is drown to him, she is trying very hard to resist... But Keiran is an insistent guy!!!

"That man sure knew how to excite a woman."

So what will happen with Keiran and Fiona???
Both of them have many troubles in their lives, and they are both having secrets that they want to stay hidden...

Will Keiran manage to break Fiona's resistance???
Will Fiona allow to Keiran to walk into hers and Shea's life???
Can Shea accept Keiran???
What will happen when the hidden secrets will come out to light???
Would their love change their lives forever???

“I am not perfect, not even a little bit. I’ve fucked up my life more than most people ever could, and now I’m trying to find my way back. We’re all just trying to find our way back, Fi. That’s what life is, trying to figure out what you messed up yesterday, then fixing it so you can get to tomorrow. I want my tomorrow to include you.... I think I may want all my tomorrows to include you.”
“But why?”... She’d never felt this way before, so cherished and attended to. She felt protected and cared for in a way she hadn’t known was possible, a way she hadn’t even known to wish for.
“Because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, inside and out, flower girl. Everything you do is for other people, and you love so deeply, it’s intoxicating. I see it when you’re looking at Shea. The moment my eyes fell on you, I knew you were special, and everything I’ve seen since that first day has only confirmed it. I can’t explain it more than that, Fi. There’s just something that draws me to you, and I don’t want to fight it.”

Keiran made some mistakes, but who isn't making mistakes in his/her youth???
He paid the price and now, he is determined to change his life... but the troubles don't stop chasing him...

Fiona, his flower girl, is the only light in his darkness and he is determined to have her in his life, even though that she is making it really hard...
Keiran was wild and intense as a person, but at the same time , he was kind and gentle and very thoughtful... and i enjoyed his insistence.

I liked him very much!!! I liked the connection that he was having with Shea... with Fiona and his family.

“Fi, you’re it for me. You always have been. From the first day I saw you, I knew that, and no matter what we’ve been through, or what I’ve learned since then, nothing’s changed for me. I love you, Fiona.”
“You love me?”
“I’m so head-over-damn-heels in love with you that it’s not even cute. It’s reaching creepy levels, like crazy-person territory.”

Fiona was a young girl that had to grow up very fast.
She decided to take care by herself in a very young age her sister who wasn't a normal kid...
But she never thought Shea as a burden... Her love for her sister was huge and magnificent!!!

She could sacrifice everything for Shea and that was admirable!!!
She was very strong woman, but sometimes even the strong ones needs some help...
She liked Keiran from the first moment, but she couldn't allow him in... but he had the ability to change her mind...

“Only a strong woman could do what you had to do, and that’s what I see in you. You’re the strongest woman I know, and I just want to be man enough to deserve you.”

As for Shea??? What can i say about this girl???
She was so lovely, so cute... Such a strong creature...

I liked how she let herself loose near to Keiran and the Kavanaghs... She needed this change...
But i won't tell you more about her... You should read the book to find out yourself!!!!

For once again, i will say that i liked all the Kavanaghs, even though that they made me a little bit angry at the beginning with their attitude toward Keiran after he got out of jail...

But this bunch love each other very much and they are so supportive and kind...
I can't wait for the next story and I'm wishing to be about Kane, Keiran's twin!!! The KILLER!!!

***ARC kindly provided via NetGalley for the exchange of an honest review***
Profile Image for Sarah Robinson.
Author 50 books2,233 followers
August 20, 2017
NOW LIVE: Kieran Kavanagh's story is the second book in the Kavanagh Legends series, all about the blistering hot alpha males of Legends MMA Gym, and now live on all major retailers.

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Now On Audio!
Amazon CD | Audible | iTunes | Tantor Media (CD/mP3) | Author Website

"A deep and moving story about family, acceptance, and love. Plus those Kavanaghs really know how to make a girl swoon." - Katy Evans, New York Times bestselling author.

Subscribe to my newsletter for updates on the newest sales and releases here: http://www.subscribepage.com/sarahrob...

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“I devoured this book from the first word to the last. I didn’t want it to end! Kieran is the epitome of what every woman looks for in a man.”—New York Times bestselling author Susan Stoker.

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Kavanagh Legends Series Reading Order:
Book 1: Breaking a Legend
Book 2: Saving a Legend
Book 3: Becoming a Legend
Book 3.5 (Short Story): Download free here --> https://dl.bookfunnel.com/2ifo0dkm5l
Book 4: Chasing a Legend - Coming August 22, 2017
Book 5: Kavanagh Christmas - Coming November 7, 2017
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,397 reviews1,358 followers
June 23, 2016
"I want to wrap my arms around you and feel your heart beating next to mine, but I'll settle for a conversation."

Saving a Legend is the second book in the Kavanagh Legends Series. The Kavanagh Family is a family full of lovers and fighters. With strong Irish parents, the Kavanagh boys are always getting into trouble, and it takes a special kind of woman to "try" and tame their wild spirits. After reading Breaking a Legend, the first book in this series, I was instantly hooked on these fighters and their women! Kieran and Fiona's story is phenomenal and was a perfect delight to heat up my summer reading!
"That man sure knew how to excite a woman."
Kieran hasn't had the easiest life. Although he has had a strong family at his back, he landed in jail after wasting his youth on street fighting. Now that he is finally released, he has a positive outlook on life and is looking forward to turning things around. As part of his parole, he is assigned to work in a center for at-risk youth. While buying flowers for his mom, he is enamored by the flower shop owner Fiona. Days later he meets one of the little girls at the center named Shea and it turns out Shea is Fiona's younger sister.
"I thought we cleared this up earlier when I told you I want you, every part of you."
Fiona is a struggling young mother. She is barely making ends meet as she tries to raise her autistic sister and keep her flower shop afloat. The last thing on her mind is a man in her life. When Kieran enters her world, she is immediately taken by him. Both Kieran and Fiona have demons in their past, and their friendship becomes a sweet distraction from all of the pain and heartbreak they have both experienced.
"You feel fucking amazing, Fi. Like you were made for me."
"He had a feeling that she could be a game changer for him, and he wanted that. he wanted her."
When Fiona and Shea get into trouble, Kieran, and the Kavanagh Family are quick to jump in and help. The friendship between Kieran and Fi quickly transforms into a passionate relationship as Kieran does everything he can to prove that he is worthy of her love. But when all is revealed, will Fiona, and Kieran be able to see past the demons of their past?
"This wasn't just sex. It wasn't just physical. It was more than just the sensitive press of body against body. She was more to him. This was...love."
"I want to be with the type of woman...who makes me laugh, and whose smile lights my whole day. A woman whose body is so perfectly made for mine that I can't imagine touching anyone else ever again."
Told in dual POV, Saving a Legend is a fantastic blend of passion, romance, and family bonds. The characters are complex and very endearing. I am 100% in love with this family and their men (fanning myself). The writing is detailed and so intimate that I want to jump into the pages and join them on one of their family dinners. I especially enjoyed Kieran's story because he is a young man who has made mistakes. Not only does he work to overcome his discrepancies, but he owns them. He works hard to rebuild trust with his brothers and his parents. Additionally, anytime there is a character with special needs I am moved. When an author can imitate life so naturally and weave it into a love story with such heart, it becomes a story that I want to read, re-read, and tell others to read. I was completely blown away by the depth of emotions that were evoked. There were certain elements that were a tad predictable and yet; it was beyond sweet, sexy, and unforgettable.
Overall, I cannot say enough about Saving a Legend and this entire series! If you are a fan of sweet, sexy, and alpha heroes and their sassy sidekicks than this will be one series you will not want to miss! The next book in the series will be out later this year and I cannot wait!!!!!

***Kavanagh Legends Series***
Breaking a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #1) by Sarah RobinsonSaving a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #2) by Sarah RobinsonBecoming a Legend (Kavanagh Legends #3) by Sarah Robinson

*ARC graciously provided via author in exchange for an honest review!*

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Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,494 reviews490 followers
October 23, 2016
Audiobook Review. This could have easily been a 5 star for me, except for the heroine's hypocrisy. The plot was strong, characters well established, detailed, dynamic, and relatable for their flawed humanity. The heroes were solid throughout the story but at the very end, Fiona does something that really pisses me off and that seems to go against who I thought I'd gotten to know during the telling. Kieran made some big mistakes and is trying to find his way. He finds not only love, but an appreciation for what he's always had and took for granted. The story touches on autism and the different challenges and rewards that come with dealing with someone who falls on the spectrum. As the mother to one such individual, I enjoyed how authentic it felt as well as the tact used in the relaying. Other themes include redemption, sacrifice, forgiveness, honesty, trust and more. All executed very well. The Kavanagh family is absolutely amazing. Our heroes have such a wonderful support system which is very heartwarming to read. I will say that there were some noticeable mistakes in the audiobook. For example, in one instance "Fiona" ended up standing in front of and telling "Fiona" (herself) something. O.o and there were some misused words but the narrator himself has a great voice, tone, and pace. Safety: No others for either of them. Hero was a former man-whore but has been celibate for years (partially not by choice). No rape. Yes to physical abuse.
Profile Image for Lyndy Ann ♫.
672 reviews
July 9, 2016
I really enjoyed Saving a Legend I adore Kieran and Fiona together and the quick bond that forms between Kieran and Shea tugged at my heartstrings, I love little Shea.

I enjoyed the pace of their relationship Kieran sets his sights on Fiona and he is determined to get his "flower girl" but Fiona is hiding something and she is scared to let Kieren get to close. When these two get together they are sizzling.

I loved the banter between the brothers hilarious especially Kane and Quinn and I loved the bond between Kieran and his twin Kane, I disliked Rory for a while for the way he treated Kieran after he came out of prison but he came good in the end.

I could not wait to discover the secret from Fiona's past what she went through. The sacrifice that Kieran takes to keep Fiona and Shea safe what a good guy. Their relationship is not easy as they both are hiding their pasts from each other, they need to be honest with each other if they stand a chance of having a future together.

I found this to be an emotional story with some laughs, hot brothers and sexy moments thrown in made this an enjoyable read.

Cannot wait to get to know the rest of the Kavanagh bros better in the future.

ARC kindly provided by Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept via NetGalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for JewelsyGoolsy.
611 reviews101 followers
December 11, 2016
3.75 -sweet and safe- stars

Great story for those who like their stories super sweet and super safe. At times I found myself stretching my ability to believe - and not in a typically fun, Alexa Riley type way either! AR type short, smutty books are expected to be OTT with far-fetched storylines, designed to make you roll your eyes but have fun with. This book dealt with more serious and heavier issues and provided good character and situational development, yet there were some minor technicalities (which I won't highlight, cos my ramblings won't make sense), that I just couldn't make myself give credence to. I thought it was executed very well, very romantically and very sweetly, but just missed the mark on the believability factor for me. This may be due to the book trying to juggle the deeper emotional elements with the insta-everything castles and unicorns

HOWEVER!... just like Santa Clause and unicorns (when I was 8 years old); I MADE myself believe!

This book was just too sweet and too charming to not make myself believe in all that insta-winsta goodness :)

What I really liked; was that the H (who just got out of prison) doesn't play the "broken" ex-con card that broods and has meaningless sex just because he doesn't deserve nice things.
No, instead; he was an easy-going, genuine guy with an amazing family, that made a young and dumb mistake, served his time, wears said mistake with conviction, saw what he wanted (the h) and openly pursues what he wanted - because he's the guy that has learnt his lesson and just wants to better his life with the woman he loves by his side.

The h did make him work for it and became pretty hypocritical towards the end, but that only highlighted the H's sincerity and dependability further, so I never complained. He was definitely the main pursuer throughout the whole book.

Also, a short kudos and thumbs up to the author for bravely depicting and shining an expressive and important light on Autism Spectrum Disorder. The h's beautiful little sister melted and broke my heart at the same time, so well done for that!

Dual POV and book #2 in a series. I jumped straight into this without reading book #1 so can happily confirm it's a standalone that didn't make me feel overwhelmed with secondary characters and too much background info. I'll definitely be reading book #3 which is about the H's twin brother and the H's best friend.
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,209 reviews1,723 followers
May 13, 2016
Thank you Loveswept and NetGalley for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.

We get a glimpse about all the Kavanagh brothers in the first book, Breaking a Legendexcept for one. Just like Rory, Kieran Kavanagh is a former MMA fighter and was imprisoned for 2 years. He was involved on a fight and it surely brought disappointment to his family. Now that he's out, he wants to rebuild himself and start anew by working on a youth center. Here, he meets Shea, a young girl whom he grew fond of. By some fate, Shea was the sister of his love interest, Fiona Doherty. A simple and responsible young lady with a traumatic past. The last thing she wants is to have a relationship and her priority is take care of her sister's special needs. However, she can't help being drawn to Kieran's thoughtfulness, charm and patience.

Honestly, I find this better than the first book. Kieran is a really sweet, genuine guy and his fondness to Shea is so adorable. I really appreciate all the simple gestures he did. He may be an ex-con but I have so much respect for this guy. Fiona is great heroine too though she's a little whiny at times but it's understandable given to her life situation. It's tough to carry all those burdens by herself and I admire her for not giving up.

The only thing I didn't like was taking their relationship too fast.. Still, it's a great book and I'm looking forward to read the upcoming books on this series.

Final rating: 4.5 / 5 stars
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,509 reviews83 followers
April 30, 2016
ARC received for review

4.5 stars

Amazing. Kieran is home from jail and two days later meets his flower girl, Fiona. Fiona's little sister, Shea, is adorable and Fiona does a great job raising her. They both have pasts that they don't want to reveal to each other, and of course, the delay in that causes drama and heartbreak. Kieran's family is so supportive of not only their son, but also Fiona and Shea. There's plenty of sexy scenes too. What Kieran sacrifices for Fiona...sigh... Can't wait for the Kane and Nora's HEA.
Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,925 reviews16 followers
September 26, 2016
I received an eARC, from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
'Saving a Legend' by Sarah Robinson is book two in the "Kavanagh Legends" series.
This is the story of Kieran Kavanagh and Fiona Doherty.
Kieran has just been released from prison and now is assigned to community service. Kieran learns he will be working with children. There is one child that has special needs that he has touch his heart. When he meets the child's sister he finds it is Fiona from the florets shop. Earlier in the weekend he had went to her flower shop to buy his mother some flowers but found himself attracted to Fiona. When he ask her out she told him she doesn't date...but he didn't take no for an answer and now ask her each time they meet is is wait for her answer.
I really liked the Kieran he really seemed to be starting new and he knows want he wants. Fiona had a lot to that showed she takes her new responsibility seriously and doesn't want to add more things to her plate. But its hard to say no to Kieran!

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Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews484 followers
June 17, 2016
It’s official! I love the Kavanagh family! I want them to adopt me and make me one of them!

Saving a Legend is the second story of the five Kavanagh brothers and focuses on Kieran. Kieran has just been released from jail and is looking to change his life around.

“Everything was different about him now. He was different.”

From the first moment he laid eyes on Fiona, aka Flower Girl, he was smitten. And the first day he met Shea, Fiona’s little sister who has autism, he was hooked. I absolutely loved the man Kieran was towards both Fiona and Shea.

Fiona has lived a hard life, and has a secret of her own. She is not able to trust many, but something draws her to Kieran.

“You’re the strongest woman I know, and I just want to be man enough to deserve you.”

This story was amazing! It was real; full of hope, family, and love. I laughed, I cried, and I wanted to throw my kindle. Seriously, the Kavanagh’s are such a fantastic family, you feel like you are part of their clan while reading their stories.

Shea was, by far, my favorite part of this story! Ms. Robinson did a fantastic job with describing a person with autism. I am a special education teacher and this is something that touches dear to my heart! I cannot wait for Kane’s story next! And of course, I can’t wait to read more about the Kavanagh Legends and see where Rory and Clare, as well as Kieran and Fiona are in their lives! ~ Tiffany, 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Justin Robinson.
12 reviews3 followers
April 27, 2016
Beta reader, and husband.... but I'm being 100% honest when I say this book is fantastic. I'm more and more amazed that this wonderful author and woman agreed to marry me because she is so out of my league. Reading an early copy of this book is just another reminder of how lucky I am, how talented she is, and how much the world is going to love it. Do yourself a favor and go preorder or buy this book immediately. Just do it.

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Profile Image for Elizabeth Clinton.
821 reviews34 followers
April 29, 2016
Sarah Robinson has given us a reason to want to be part of The Kavanagh Family. Five Brothers, One Sassy Cousin, Two Amazing Parents, Love, Compassion, Understanding and Forgiveness.
Kieran Kavanagh knows all these things too well. His past has not only hurt him but his family but now he has reason to prove to them the man he truly can be. Fiona a young woman struggling to raise her young special needs sister Shea, running her own business and trying to move on from tragic events in her past and be the person she wants to be.
When Kieran & Fiona's paths cross he feels the chemistry right away but Fiona doesn't want to feel it. As there paths continue to cross he sees what kind of woman she is and not only wants to be with her but needs to be. He sees a strong woman and she sees a determined man but can there pasts hold them back to what they both truly deserve.
This book at times is heartwarming but there are times it is heartbreaking. We see the everyday struggles of two people trying to do the right thing not only for themselves, but for each other and for the love of a child.
If you are looking for a book that will show you what the meaning of love, compassion, forgiveness is then this is the series not only the book you most definitely will not want to miss.
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,262 reviews605 followers
June 25, 2018
I'm gonna be honest here and tell you that when I first found out that part of the story-line contained a child with Autism, I was really skeptical about reading it. I knew that if Sarah Robinson didn't get this story right I would probably explode all over social media.

Autism Spectrum Disorder is my life. My niece was born with two birth defects that led her to be developmentally delayed and therefore on the Spectrum. She is my life. She is my breath. She is everything. So the thought of this story not developed correctly gave me goose-pumps, literally. If you go back to my review of Breaking A Legend, you will see why my apprehension was so very real to me. But I read this story and ... Well done Sarah Robinson, well fucking done!

Saving A Legend is about two people lost because of their pasts. They both have emotional baggage that's keeping them from moving forward in their lives. But then they find each other and it's like the clouds part and sunshine rains in :)

I really loved how Sarah developed both MCs and how she layered their growing relationship. It was love at first sight for Kieran but it wasn't a story of insta-love. You felt it, but you didn't read it. That's the power of an author developing a story perfectly, characterizing her MCs properly and unfolding a story flawlessly.

I'm going to touch very briefly on Shea, Fiona's eight year old sister who she has custody of and is on the Spectrum. I say briefly, because she wasn't the focus of the story, she was a supporting character. A very important one, but supporting nonetheless. Whether the knowledge on Autism came from research or personal hands-on experience, Sarah Robinson did a phenomenal job with Shea and everyone around her. The actions and reactions of the child were presented as if Sarah herself lived the world. This is a REALLY hard task to accomplish people unless you live and breath it. And if you don't, I've always said ... you think you know, but you have no idea . So MAD PROPS to you Sarah Robinson, MAD PROPS! I look forward to reading the future Kavanaghs soon!

This story was sexy and humorous and truthful. It was believable and relatable. It's about trust and hope, facing challenges, accepting pasts and moving forward, and most of all, it is about hope . #TRUTH

Copy provide for blog tour review
Profile Image for Kate.
2,221 reviews349 followers
August 1, 2017
I think that it is wise for me to avoid this type of genre for the moment. I read the first book and although there was some drama to it is was enjoyable.

This is just me and my personal opinion.

This is different I love the Hero Kieran, through the mistakes that he made he became a better man and he was great with kids and tried to help where he could. It shows the difficulties some have after being released from prison and how parents and loved ones deal with it.

He meets Fiona just after he is released and he is smitten. I loved the first 40 % of the book but it just went downhill from there. They overcome one drama and then bam something stupid is done and then bam the next bomb is dropped.

Don'tget me wrong there were also positive aspects to the book and it made me smile and laugh which is always a winner.

Pet peeves of mine are terms of endearment of flower girl, coffee girl or dream girl in this book it was flower girl and it just rubs me the wrong way.

I will continue the series as I like the author it was just the heroine who ruined it for me.

I despise Martyrs in books as well and the heroine went all out on that one. Although she wasn’t much better so pot meet kettle.

Book received by Random House Publishing in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mizz.
1,074 reviews392 followers
June 17, 2016

Beware of Spoilers!

Star Ratings:
Heroine (Fiona): 24yrs old – 3/5
Hero (Kieran): 26yrs old – 3/5
Plot: 3/5
Grovel: none
Cheating: none
HEA: yes
Triggers: none

Average score: 3/5

Personal Review:
Insta –love romance between a florist and a ex-convict

Random Ramblings:
•That sushi scene…

•The h was a tad hypocritical
•The H was a bit too 'flowery' with his words (pun intended!)

Overall Feeling:
Just an average romance for me

1,396 reviews12 followers
April 29, 2016
I started the series with book two. Luckily for me it can be read as a stand alone. I can't wait to read Rory's story now.
Kieran has made some dumb choices and paid for them. Meeting Fiona might have been the turning point in his life. It takes some persuading to get Fiona to even give him the time of day. After Kieran meets Fiona's sister, he realizes if they team up on her that she'll break sooner. This is a great book about second chances.
Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews504 followers
June 14, 2016
I am in LOVE with Kieran Kavanaugh and it's awesome!! <3 <3

An inconsequential brawl landed Kieran in jail, and now he has being assigned to work at a center for at-risk youth. He needs this second chance at life to win back the trust of his family and get his family back on track. There he meets a very special kid, Shea Doherty and is mesmerized by her very beautiful sister/ guardian Fiona Doherty.

Fiona Doherty is up to her neck in responsibilities. She has no time to fool around or even socialize. Her sister is her number one priority and she can't waste her time on a guy like Kieran. But as she spends more time with him and sees how great he is with Shea, she can't help but fall for this softer side of Kieran.

I am in awe of Sarah right now. I LOVED every word of this book. The heart wrenching emotions, the raw passion and Kieran's shameless flirting, all made me adore this book. You couldn't help but feel this book. It was so real and relate able. We all have messed up in small ways or big and sometimes we desperately need that second chance. That it's okay to mess up and need time to pick up your life. I loved how she tactfully dealt with the delicate topic of Autism. I can't sing enough praises about Saving a Legend. So you should probably grab it NOW and see it for yourself. ~Sonal
Profile Image for Nicole Allen.
18 reviews4 followers
April 27, 2016
His redemption story. Her survival story. Their love story.

I absolutely fell in love with Breaking a Legend, and while book 2 is a totally separate standalone, Saving a Legend lives up to its predecessor in every way. I loved the vibrant Kavanagh family in Breaking a Legend, but in this book, even more so. With the addition of little Shea, a true family centers around raising this little girl and helping her. Everything Fiona went through and sacrificed for her sister made me love her so much, she was so independent and strong. And Kieran? *drools* He is literally everything. He has such a rough past and fallen so hard (aka prison! yikes!), and this book is basically his redemption story. I was skeptical when I first saw he was a convict, but the author shows us what a good man he truly is.

The whole book is beautiful, and Kieran & Fiona's love is so heartwarming. I'd seriously recommend this to anyone, even if fighter romances aren't your normal go-to. These books transcend a genre, into deep connections with individual characters and their stories.

Also, on a side note, this novel has an autistic character in the little sister, Shea. It was beautifully done. As someone with educational, occupational, and personal experience and understanding of autism spectrum disorder, it was fabulously portrayed. It was very clear that the author had done her research and her depiction was realistic, humbling, and sweet. Bravo!

Seriously, everyone, go read this! Preorder/buy it now!

PS: I cannot wait for Book 3, Becoming a Legend! I adored Kieran's twin brother, Kane, and despite the bickering between him and Nora... I sense chemistry!

I'm probably a little biased because not only was this book dedicated to me (obvious choice! haha), but this author was my maid of honor and best friend since college. HOWEVER, I love to read, and have avidly followed Sarah's work ever since she started, and this review is written with as little bias as humanly possible and is 100% honest. I received a free review copy from the author.
Profile Image for Ari Reavis.
Author 20 books161 followers
May 18, 2016
*ARC received from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review*

I would say I liked this book as much as the 1st. This one is about Kieran, who just got out of prison and falls for Fiona, who is the legal guardian of her 8 yr old autistic sister. Their romance was veryyyyyy fast, even with Fiona being hesitant and distant. Most of their romance takes place within a 2 week period. The speed didn't really work for me. But on the flip side, they both had a secret they were hiding from one another and the length of time it took for things to be revealed was a tad bit too long. What I did like was Shea, Fiona's younger sister. I liked that the author discussed autism and how each child with autism is different. I loved how protective everyone became of Shea. The sex scenes were good and you got to chance up on where the couple from book 1, Rory and Clare, were at in their relationship.
Profile Image for Beth.
726 reviews
June 14, 2016
This is the first book I have read by Sarah Robinson and it won’t be my last! This book was a sweet romance between two people that don’t feel worthy of the love of a good partner because of their pasts.

Sarah Robinson did an amazing job of telling a story of the struggles of a selfless young woman taking care of her autistic 8-year-old sister after the death of her mother. Fiona works hard at the flower shop that she owns and tries to make ends meet between making her monthly payments on her business and putting a roof over her family’s head. Fiona struggles with her guardianship of her sister as the lines are blurred between providing a mother figure for Shea and being a sister. Fiona loves her sister fiercely and would do anything for her. She wants to badly to put Shea in a private school that would provide the necessary education for Shea and her special needs, but her income does not allow for this, so she works hard at providing a stable and loving environment the best that she can.

Fiona description

Shea description

Fiona has trust issues with men as her own father walked out when Shea was born. Her mother left Fiona to take care of Shea as she went from relationship to relationship. Her mother’s last relationship was the worst. Fiona’s stepfather was abusive to her mother and eventually one night killed her mother and was going to kill Shea, but Fiona intervened to save her sister and she ended up accidentally killing her stepfather. This has haunted Fiona. She feels responsible for her mother’s death, as she felt she should have been home to help with Shea on the night her mother was killed. Fiona has kept this secret from everyone except her best friend, Nora.

Kieran description

Kieran comes from a wonderful loving Irish family that is very close and is in your personal business. Kieran was a great MMA fighter at one time, but he felt there were too many restrictions, so he took to street fighting and landed himself in prison for two years. Kieran grew up while in prison and knew he wanted to start a new life. A life that would make his family proud and to make himself proud again.

Fiona is surprised at her reaction to this extremely handsome and sexy man that comes into her flower shop to buy flowers for his mother for their weekly family dinner. Kieran feels like he has lost some of his game after being in prison for two years, but he ends up charming Fiona. He asks her out, but she told him she doesn’t date, but he doesn’t take no for an answer and said he would see her again and she could give him her answer then.

Fate had in store for them other ideas as their paths crossed a few more times and they couldn’t deny the strong pull they had for each other. Fiona tried hard to deny her attraction to Kieran, but finally gave in after Kieran was working with Shea as part of his community service at the Youth Center that Nora worked at. Fiona was amazed at how Kieran was so gentle and a natural with Shea and her heart melted. The chemistry was off the charts for these two. They saw no one but each other.

I am not going to give anymore away as you need to read this beautiful love story that shows that there can be second chances if you open your heart. That there is a chance at forgiveness of yourself and others. That the love of your family and friends is crucial and that it really does take a village to raise a child.

I highly recommend this book; you won’t be disappointed.

ARC kindly provided by NetGalley for an honest review.
Profile Image for Linda.
887 reviews84 followers
June 29, 2016
"Saving A Legend" , is the second in Ms Robinson's Kavanaugh Legends series and quiet truthfully the very first book I have read by Ms Robinson and I was not disappointed.
Though part of a series , this book can be read as a standalone, however I do believe I probably would have more insight into the family if I had read the first book first. This however did not detract from a well written storyline an interesting characters.

Kieran Kavanaugh , one of the five Kavanaugh brothers has just been released from jail after serving two years for a street fighting MMA brawl gone wrong. Kieran had been an upcoming MMa fighter heading for the state championships trained out if the families own Gym Legends; until it all came to an end. Now twenty five and just released he is determined never to go back to prison again, determine to do everything he has to do while on probation to prevent it .
So he becomes gainfully employed , visits his parole officer and starts serving his community service at a community center working with underprivileged children. In between all of that he makes a stop at a flower shop, a stop that changes his life even more. Keiran meets the very beautiful but shy Fiona Doherty the shop owner, and is captivated.He tries to ask her out but she turns him down but these Kavanaugh men do not give up.

Fiona , unwilling caves into to Kieran's continued attention , because as it turns out her little sister Shea attends the same community center as Kieran is working at. Shea is a sweet little eight year old in the autism spectrum that Kieran takes an instant like and protective stance for, so when a trip to the ice cream shop comes up Kieran takes the opportunity to share the time with the two women who are fast becoming his favorite company.
Both Kieran and Fiona have secrets they keep from each other , but to spite those secrets they are falling for each other. Kieran , is the loving support that Fiona always desired, he is helpful with her sister and Shea love him. Fiona fears though that if he ever found out her secret he. Would want nothing to do with her so to spite her feelings she continues to hold back a little ,to keep a wall up.
However like all secrets , they eventually will be revealed leaving these two to either start over fresh or walk away Fiona tried to do just that when Kieran's secret came to light ; however it is something Kieran can not do and he quite poignantly tells Fiona.
“I want to be with the type of woman who cares so much for another person, an innocent little girl, that she’d literally kill for her. A woman who sacrifices her whole life to raise another. A woman who makes me laugh, and whose smile lights my whole day. A woman whose body is so perfectly made for mine that I can’t imagine touching anyone else ever again."

Fiona and Kieran are wonderful together and stronger and better for Shea together , the author created some pretty great main characters with a huge supporting cast that I am looking forward to reading their stories!
Arc Graciuosly provided via Netgalley for a honest review
Profile Image for Laura.
2,512 reviews111 followers
June 12, 2016
***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

I am not sure if I have ever read a book with a more annoying hero and heroine combination. They seemed to aggravate and heighten each other's faults and make them worse people when they were together, not better.

Fiona is rude, she is condescending, and she walks around assuming things about people, and rationalizing her behavior based on those assumptions. I think you are supposed to like her because she adopted Shea, her sister, after her mother's death. But I didn't.

Kieran was in jail for aggravated assault, and when he gets out, everything is fine, he is great, he has no issues...except he is really mad at his family. Who give dysfunction a whole new name. He apparently has money, so he doesn't need to work the job his brother Rory sets up for him, and somehow the 3 hours per day he spends at the community center don't cause an issue with his construction job...at least this was never brought up (although at this point, I fully admit I was skimming). The storyline with Shea seemed authentic and heartfelt, but for me there was just too much going on around it that I couldn't get past for me to be able to invest in the sub-plot with her sister.

I also found the writing to be a little stilted and choppy, there were issues with the timeline (the story takes place over a few months, his parole is 6 months, yet the epilogue is 6 months later...and he has just finished parole. Things like this also made it difficult to connect with the story.

Unfortunately, while there were a number of people who really enjoyed this book, it was not for me.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,033 reviews58 followers
June 17, 2016
Saving a Legend is book two in the Kavanagh Legend series.

Kieran's story is packed with emotion. Trying to put his life back together after being released from jail, Keiran wants to mend relationships with his family and and live his life minus any drama.

Fiona Doherty is just trying to keep everything together. Raising her sister Shea, who is autistic, and keeping her flower shop open has given her a full plate. The last thing she needs is a distraction in the form of a charming not to mention sexy man.

Kieran and Fiona's story was sweet, sexy, heartbreaking and full of love and hope. I was frustrated a few times with their lack of communication and felt it wasn't necessary but their HEA was worth it.

Shea's autism story was dealt with realistically and added an additional depth to this story. My heart broke for Fiona as she tried so hard to make everything right for Shea.

The Kavanagh family brought humor and their unconditional love for Fiona and Shea. Dee's love for her family was so wonderful. Of course the Kavanagh brothers brought a lot of levity to the story too.

I loved Sarah Robinson's writing style and can't wait to read more of this series.

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ARC received via Loveswept and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews863 followers
June 14, 2016
Kitty and Slick's reviews posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

Kitty's 4 star review
Two people with pasts that they are embarrassed about. Two people who are afraid to reveal the truth about it. And, a little girl that will steal your heart. Sarah Robinson gave us a wonderful story and teaches us a thing or two about Autism and ¬what it takes for a family to pull together and face this disorder head on.

Kieran had my heart from the beginning of this story. Yes, he had a rough start but he knows how he disappointed those around him. His goal is to start fresh, find his way back into the family, make amends and, possibly, find love.

Fiona has a past that she feels is to horrid to ever reveal to the Kavanagh’, especially Kieran. She has responsibilities that don’t allow her to have a life of her own. Shea is her life and her heart. She’s the most important person. She’s the reason why her past could ruin her. But, shell do whatever it takes to protect her from harm and from other people. But, Kieran is a threat to all of that. Can she really expect him to love Shea as she loves her, to take on this responsibility, to be honest and trustworthy?

All it takes is one slip up and Fiona and Kieran are torn apart. When the time comes that they are together again, can she forgive him for everything that happened?

As I said, Kieran really got me from the beginning. He was honest and trustworthy. He was caring and loving to both Fiona and Shea. He couldn’t show his feelings more … the only things he couldn’t do was tell Fiona how much he loved her or about his past. He was afraid that she would run. Then, when the truth does come out, it’s Fiona that truly disappoints me. He owns up to his mistakes, takes the fall when he didn’t have to and protects those that he loves the most. Her … not so much. She truly did have double standards and, for how much I admired her for what she was doing for her sister, what she did for her in the past, I totally did not like her in the end.
But, Kieran knew how to forgive, how to put the past in the past and move forward.

So, I am really happy that Sarah Robinson is continuing the Kavanagh saga. Rory’s story was wonderful and Kieran’s story is beautiful. She gave us a hot MMA fighter that has a wonderful and sweet side. She gave us a truly beautiful HEA and stole our hearts with a beautiful little girl.

Slick's 4.5 star review
I'm a sucker for romance series that revolve around big families so Sarah Robinson's Kavanaugh Legends drew me in from the start. Saving a Legend is a story of redemption, of sacrifice, forgiveness and of fierce love and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

Kieran Kavanaugh has made mistakes including one that he served two year in prison for, now out on parole he is ready to move on with his life and make amends to the family he loves dearly. He knows he has a tough road ahead, but he is will to do whatever it takes to get his life and family back. What he doesn't expect is two days home to find a woman that intrigues him and makes him want more than he ever dreamed of.

The last few years of Fiona Doherty's life have been beyond difficult; opening her own business, her mother's violent death and getting custody and being the guardian of her 8 year old sister Shea would be a lot for anyone but add in the fact that Shea has autism spectrum disorder and 23 year old Fiona is just trying to hang on.

First off I have to say that from the start I liked Kieran a lot and yes he has made mistakes for which he has paid dearly, but underneath it is obvious there is a good man. I admired the way he accepted his fate but made the best of his community service and the way he tried to engage Shea from the moment he met her. As someone who has worked with children on the autism spectrum for years not only do I applaud Ms. Robinson for writing this characters, but I applaud her for showing how each day is different, each experience different and how important routine and stability are in their world. I did not feel their connection at first; Kieran was a bit crazy in his pursuit of Fiona and while she put of a good front it was easy to see she liked having his attention but over time it became evident that both had some pretty serious feelings going on. I liked that she appreciated they way he engaged and treated Shea and her acceptance of him.

The entire Kavanaugh clan was front and center for a lot of this book which is expected since they can't seem to stay out of each other's business and lives. The way they accepted Fiona and Shea into their lives and gave them the support they needed was a testament to the way this family works.

I wasn't thrilled with the way both Kieran and Fiona handled their pasts with one another or Fiona's rush to judgment, and while I could understand their reasoning it still didn't set right with me especially given their circumstances. This and this alone is why I couldn't rate this book 5 stars.
Sarah Robinson offers up another engaging, entertaining and heartfelt story in Saving a Legend and I am very much looking forward to the next book in this fantastic family series.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
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June 8, 2016
4 Sweet & Sexy Stars

I really liked Kieran's story, this one was so much sweeter and sexier than I was expecting! Kudos to Ms. Robinson for the drool-worthy covers. Also loved the writing style, which was smoother than the previous book. The characters came across with stronger voices and the chemistry between the MCs was hotter. It was easy to get sucked into the Kavanagh world this time around. You can really see the author's improvement with this second book in the Legend series.

Loved that the author has started to weave the other brothers into the story so you get a little more insight into each of them and hints on their future stories. Mentions of Kane and Quinn hint they may be next, and I'm loving the idea!

I'm happy to say this one is completely safe. I loved that Kieran didn't show any interest in anyone else, there was no mention of his previous hookups and since meeting Fi, he was completely devoted to her. He isn't your typical cocky alpha. I liked seeing him do the chasing, I definitely liked how he constantly stated that Fi was special, that she was worth the extra effort, the attention and the time because he wanted a real relationship with her. Unlike Rory, Kieran knew from the very beginning that he wanted something more with Fi.

Fiona aka Fi or Flower Girl shared the same annoying trait as Clare from the previous book. She seemed tough and sassy one minute and the next she was pushing the H away and always questioning why he would want/need/choose her. It was easier to swallow this time around because Fi is a 24 year old who aside from running her own flower shop, is the sole guardian to her 8 year old autistic sister. The physical and emotional struggles she deals with everyday have made her leery of letting anyone in. I can admire her determination and her undeniable love for Shea, but Fi annoyed me at times with her judgmental attitude towards Kieran. I know I sound harsh, but honestly I enjoyed Fi as the h. She had annoy times but her good qualities outweighed them in the end.

There are several secrets and tough hurdles to overcome in Kieran and Fi's HEA and their journey was a great addition to the Legend series. This one is a lot more romantic than book one, I loved Kieran's sweet attitude towards Shea and that big gesture at the end! Saving a Legend saved this series for me. It's getting better and better!

Both Breaking a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #1) by Sarah Robinson & Saving a Legend (Kavanagh Legends, #2) by Sarah Robinson can definitely be read as standalone books.

***ARC provided for an honest review ***
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