The scope of this work is immense. It includes not only a detailed, subjective report of very advanced states of spiritual consciousness traditionally called enlightenment, but, for the first time, correlates and recontextualizes spiritual information in such a manner as to make it comprehensible to reason and the intellect. This correlation between science and spirituality represents a cohesive integration between the linear and the nonlinear dimensions. By "transcending the opposites", the author resolves the ages-old, seemingly irresolvable conflict and impasse between science and religion, between materiality and spirituality, and between ego and spirit. This resolution then clarifies unresolved mysteries and dilemmas which have been with mankind throughout history. With the expansion of consciousness afforded by this work, questions answer themselves and truth becomes self-evident. The style of presentation takes the reader back and forth from the linear to the nonlinear domains until, to one's surprise, the incomprehensible becomes not only comprehensible but actually obvious. The calibrated level of consciousness of those who have been exposed to this material has been experimentally documented and has shown considerable elevation and advancement. Power accomplishes without effort what force cannot do for it goes where force cannot follow. This book is written for both the self and the Self of the reader. Although the traditional great obstacle to enlightenment called "transcending the opposites of duality and nonduality" may sound obscure, by the time one has finished the book, this critical awareness is self-resolving.
Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.
Sir David Ramon Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D. was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer.
Founding Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. (1983) and Founder of the Path of Devotional Nonduality (2003), Dr. Hawkins lectured widely at such places as Westminster Abbey; Oxford Forum; Universities of Notre Dame, Michigan, Argentina, Fordham and Harvard; University of California (SF) Medical School; Institute of Noetic Sciences; and Agape Spiritual Center (Los Angeles). In addition, he has been an advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He conferred with foreign governments on international diplomacy and has been instrumental in resolving long–standing conflicts that were major threats to world peace.
He is featured in recent documentary films, magazines, and radio interviews (e.g., Oprah Radio and Institute of Noetic Sciences) for his work in the areas of health, healing, recovery, spirituality in modern life, consciousness research, and meditation.
Dr. Hawkins entered the field of medicine to alleviate human pain and distress, and his work as a physician was pioneering. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health Center (1956–1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968–1979) on Long Island, his clinic was the largest practice in the United States, including a suite of twenty–five offices, two thousand outpatients, and several research laboratories. In 1973, he co–authored the ground–breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linus Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry.
His clinical breakthroughs brought appearances on The Today Show, The Barbara Walters Show and The Mcneil/Leher News Hour. In the 1970s, he co–founded several psychiatric organizations, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Schizophrenia and the Attitudinal Healing Center in New York.
Many awards followed, such as The Huxley Award for the "Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering," Physicians Recognition Award by the American Medical Association, 50–Year Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Psychiatric Association, the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, and a nomination for the prestigious Templeton Prize that honors progress in Science and Religion. In 1995, in a ceremony officiated by the H.H. Prince Valdemar of Schaumburg–Lippe at the San Anselmo Theological Seminary, he became a knight of the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem (founded in 1077) in recognition of his contributions to humanity.
HIGHLIGHTS: 1. CONFLICT: - The way out of conflict is not to try to eliminate the negative but instead to choose and adopt the positive. - To view one’s mission in life is to understand rather than to judge automatically resolves moral dilemmas. - Meaning is defined by context which determines the motive. - It is the motive that establishes spiritual value.
2. OPINIONS: - Opinions are dangerous to their owners because they are emotionally charged triggers for dissent, strife, argument, and positionality.
3. ATTITUDE: - The primary quality is one of attitude in that one looks at life not as a place to acquire gain, but as an opportunity for learning, which abounds even the smallest of life’s details.
4. WILLINGNESS: - It means letting go of resistance and finding the joy of going one hundred and one percent.
5. ACCEPTANCE: - Everything serves a purpose.
6. FEAR: - The joy that follows facing any spiritual fear comes from the discovery that it was merely an illusion without basis or reality.
7. KNOWLEDGE: - Faith and belief are necessary to start a journey, but verifiable knowledge is necessary to complete it.
8. DEVOTION: - When one’s attitude towards everything becomes a devotion, Divinity reveals itself.
9. INTENSITY: - The secret of success is to choose one concept or spiritual tool and pursue it with intensity, non-stop, to its ultimate end.
10. PHYSICAL DEATH: - The freedom to choose is present. - Salvation is assisted by devotion to spiritual truth and its teachers. - The mercy of God is infinite and unconditional. - The soul alone has the power to determine its own fate. - Each soul is attracted to the appropriate level with absolute precision.
I found this book a deeper read than most. You need to study it, take your time reading and contemplating before moving on. That's what is also so wonderful about it, that it does encourage you to open your mind, it makes you think on a more deeper spiritual level and cosmic understanding of the universe at large, as well as what your place and purpose is within it. I really liked this book and plan to read more from this author.
You have to read his Power vs Force before this one. Here's are some excerpts:
"The true source of joy and happiness is the realization of one's existence in this very moment. The source of pleasure always comes from within, even though it is occasioned by some external event or acquisition. In any one instant of time, no such thing as a problem can exist. Unhappiness arises from going beyond the reality of the Now and creating a story out of the past or the future which, because neither exists, has no reality."
"In the presence of God, all suffering ceases. One has returned to one's Source, which is not different from one's own Self. It is as though one had forgotten and now awakened from a dream. All fears are revealed to be groundless; all worries are foolish imaginings. There is no future to fear or past to regret. There is no errant ego/self to admonish or correct. There is nothing that needs changing or bettering. There is nothing about which to feel ashamed or guilty. There is no 'other' from which one can be separated. No loss is possible. Nothing needs to be done, no effort is required, and one is free from the endless tug of desire and want."
This is the first book I've ever read that reflects my first hand experience. David Hawkins expresses the profound depth of the inner mystical sanctum of human experience that has mostly been untranslatable. For genuine truth seekers and those who are compelled to experiment with life experience in order to gain deeper comprehension of what it means to be a human being, The Eye of the I offers support, clarity, and camaraderie, which is comforting.
That being said, Hawkins other aim is to present a theory of expanding human consciousness and awareness, or, evolution of the human spirit within the material plane, which he feels he has proven through extensive experiments using Kinesiology. He explains in great detail the stages of evolution upon the planet at the current time and presents a very optimistic illustration of the future as the balance of evolved humans (as compared to those who are not so evolved) is recently approaching a majority number on the face of our planet. That is the gist of his theory. I find the theory very interesting although I have no opinion about whether it is accurate or not. Some years ago I did experiment with Kinesiology and found that 99% of the time the outcomes of queries were accurate, however, I have not practiced this method as extensively as Hawkins describes so I cannot judge his results - but it is a very interesting premise.
Although I don't necessarily subscribe to his treatise regarding evolution, I would say that he is definitely operating from a high awareness that reflects an enormous capacity for compassion and understanding of the inner spiritual human condition. I very much appreciated this particular book, more than Power vs. Force, as there was so much more I was able to relate to and it substantiated many of my own conclusions based on my experience. I highly recommend this to any truth seeker and would suggest to keep an open mind for as much as we may be similar, we may be different.
Very deep. You almost have to read Power Vs Force first to understand it. It makes you think and re-evaluate how you perceive living your life. It shows practical reasons for avoiding the negative bad things of this world (things that make you go weak) and embrace all good, positive and uplifting things (things that make you go strong). You almost feel silly for letting petty annoyances get to you after you read and embrace the teachings in this book. Take your time, though. It is definitely NOT a quick read.
This modest little book has incredible amounts of wisdom. As a result of reading this book, my everyday language and experience has changed and evolved.
If you find yourself lucky enough to come across this book in this moment, give a little thanks to the Universe.
Dacă în primul volum al seriei Putere versus forță, autorul ne familiariza cu cercetările care au făcut obiectul studiilor sale de-a lungul a foarte mulți ani, în Ochiul Sinelui, Hawkins trece la acțiune. Intră-n pită, cum se spune pe la noi, prin Ardeal. Cum spunea și David Hawkins, „într-o societate a orbilor,un protestatar care vede lumina este considerat un non-patriot, un iconoclast sau un laș și, cu certitudine, o amenințare la adresa status quo-ului”. La ce sunt bune etichetele minții dacă nu la împlântare și clasificare? (La arhivarea sufletelor în pseudo-sertare). O etichetă folosită de mii de ani e cea a păcatului, despre care autorul a vorbit foarte lucid în carte (vezi foto de mai sus). Dacă am exersa umilința mai des, poate că am ajunge să mulțumim mai mult și să dăm și celorlalți din ceea ce sinele (eul) crede că are. Un exemplu bun, în acest caz, e însuși autorul, care, trecând peste eu am, ignorând negația (care nu e altceva decât o altă fațetă a lui eu am, cu un „n” în față) și ajungând la dau (fără „eu”, a se observa), a parcurs un drum frumos spre această dăruire a celor din volum.
كتاب رائع جدا ومفيد يقربك من حقائق نحن غافلين عنها ولم نسمع بها شخصيا انبهرت بكتب ديفيد هاوكينز ومستويات الوعي التي يتحدث عنها ولكن يحتاج لتركيز عالي قضيت أقرأ فيه وقت طويل اكثر من ثلاث شهور لاني احتجت الوقت لاستوعب ما فيه قراءة مثل هاته الكتب تغنيك عن 10 روايات وعشر كتب أخرى معلومات الموجود فيه غنية جداا في عالم والروح ومقارنة بالمادية والذات ونفس ولكن عليك ان تقرأ القوة مقابل الاكراه قبله لتستوعب اذا كنت تحب وتركز على قراءة الروايات لا انصحك بقرائته لن تحبه
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This is the second book in a three-book series. I really liked the first one, Power vs. Force, but don't feel this one adds that much to one's understanding. In fact, the writing simply wasn't as good. It lost its clarity, and I often struggled to understand exactly what he was trying to say. I've read enough books about the topics broached in this book and am familiar with the basics of quantum physics and kinesiology so that I can usually understand new concepts based on these things. And I had no problems following what he said in the first book. So it makes me wonder what happened with this book which made it lose the clarity of the first book.
If I wasn't comparing it to the first book, I'd probably rate this as a 3 star book because it did discuss and expand upon many of the truly interesting ideas in the first book. By why read this one when you can get most of the information from the first one, in a much easier-to-understand form?
The irony is that using his own method for measuring absolute truth, he rates this book higher than the first book. Maybe it is, but it's not much help if you have trouble understanding the truth he's trying to share.
What is the Eye of the I, is the riddle posed by this book.
Provides accurate information on the means and meaning of transcending the duality of the opposites.
Two paths are explored in a repetitive way, the way of devotion and the way of the mind.
Possibly the most overlooked book by this author, due to the uncompromising practicality and directness of the beginner instructions, and the seeming abstraction of the advanced guidance. The formidable and buttressed presentation of challenging material may induce many readers to simply "forget" the text after reading it.
A careful re-reading reveals subtleties of presentation which were overlooked, as well as inner validation and confirmation in the reader as to the truth of the teaching.
Doctor Hawkins has proven a reliable and trustworthy guide in these matters. Responsibility for re-reading and reflecting and including these teachings in thinking tends to be disruptive, so it's valuable to return to them at spaced intervals over time.
Siempre es enriquecedor salir de la perspectiva habitual y cuestionarse nuestros puntos de vista. Esto es lo que consigue este libro. Está centrado en la espiritualidad (que no en la religión) como camino de vida y no es una lectura fácil (de hecho, puede ser muy desafiante). Es recomendable empezar con Poder VS Fuerza, que contiene las ideas principales que aquí se desarrollan y profundizan. David R. Hawkins transmite paz.
يعد هذا الكتاب الثاني في سلسة كتب ديفيد هاوكينز بعد القوة مقابل الإكراه، ناقش فيه بشكل خاص الأنا المزيفة والروح ومستويات الإنتقال منهما. ابتداءاً من حضور الإله في كل شيء وبالتالي استمرار الخلق، وبعدها في العملية الروحية، متعمقاً في طريق الوعي وما وراء السببية والنيوتنية للإدراك المتقدم. الكتاب يحفز الأفكار العميقة لدينا للظهور والإختبار، ابهرني في كل فصل منه، وقرأته على مهل
Amazing insights from Reality. This book reflects very closely some of my first-hand experiences and intuitively it feels like Truth. Power vs. Force is prerequisite for understanding the depth of this book.
David Hawkins very eloquently explains the nature of the true I, the true Self, and the illusionary nature of the Ego. His words are the closest approximation of the wordless. His thoughts are the most brilliant approximation of the One beyond thought.
This book is very useful for deconstruction for the illusionary concepts of materialistic reality. If your mind has been programmed for decades by the cultural narrative of any society, this book will help you in the deconstruction. Very highly recommend reading this book series.
Some of my favourite excerpts. - The actual author of the book is Consciousness itself.
-Most people seem to have a vested interest in the negativity of their perceptual world and resist leaving it for awarenesses on a higher level. People seem to derive sufficient satisfaction from their endless anger, resentment, remorse, and self-pity to actively resist moving on to such levels as understanding, forgiveness, or compassion. T
-The Buddha said that those who hear and learn of enlightenment will never be satisfied with anything else and, therefore, the end is certain.
-A child is born with the innocence of an unpro-grammed consciousness, but then, like the hardware of a computer, it is systematically programmed with software, which is society’s input.
-Choose to be easygoing, benign, forgiving, compassionate, and unconditionally loving towards all life in all its expressions, without exception, including oneself. Focus on unselfish service and the giving of love, consideration, and respect to all creatures. Avoid negativity and the desire for worldliness and its greed for pleasure and possessions. Forego opinionating, the judgment of right versus wrong, the vanity of being ‘right’, and the trap of righteousness. Seek to understand rather than to condemn.
-To quiet the mind, certain motives have to be surrendered and relinquished to God: 1. The desire to think. 2. The desire for the pleasure of thinking. 3. The comfort of the guarantee of the continuation of one’s existence.
-It is helpful to realize that nothing can be described or experienced except from outside itself.Nothing is as it can be described; therefore, all descriptions are of what a thing is not.
-It is helpful to remember that neither Truth nor Enlightenment is something to be found, sought, acquired, gained, or possessed. That which is the Infinite Presence is always present, and its realization occurs of itself when the obstacles to that realization are removed.
-Begin by accepting the very important statement that all truth is subjective. Do not waste lifetimes looking for an objective truth because no such thing exists. Even if it did, it could not be found except by the purely subjective experience of it. All knowledge and wisdom are subjective.
-There are two ways to travel—either a direct route to one’s destination, or the leisurely trip that investigates the countryside and visits all the tourist attractions. Most spiritual seekers are on the leisurely path, even if they do not realize it. This, however, is undoubtedly the best way for many people. It is neither wrong nor a waste of time but merely the path that works best for them. In reality, time is merely an illusion and an appearance. No ‘time’ is really wasted once one has chosen the spiritual goal. Actually, it makes no difference whether enlightenment takes a thousand lifetimes or one; in the end, it is all the same
expertly written by a no doubt enlightened Being ... i can't imagine how hard it would be to try and convey the messageless message ... but it goes something like this ... the world of form is illusion ... consciousness through thought is limited ... a lot on this "calibration by power testing" method that he used to justify a lot of his own realisations ... those of us not familiar with it will naturally be skeptical ...
أكملت عشرة فصول فقط من الكتاب كنت قد قرأت القوة مقابل الإكراه وأيضاً السماح بالرحيل.. وأعجباني إلى حد كبير خاصةً الأخير ولقد تأثرت حياتي جداً بهم ولكن في هذا الكتاب أحس بسوء فهم رهيب لمفهوم الإله و الخوف عند ديفيد هاوكينز. هذا الأمر نتيجة رؤيته عن الإسلام والتي هي خاطئة وساذجة إلى حد بعيد. لا أظنه يفهم المعنى والسياق لما يحتويه القرآن. وأنه كغيره من الغربيين وأيضاً كالإرهابيين الإسلاميين سقط في بحر سوء الفهم لنصوص الإسلام. السؤال الحقيقي هنا ما الذي يجعل الإسلام يقيس 700 حقاً هل هو بناءاً على ما فهمه هو؟ أليس هذا المقياس يقيس الحقيقة المطلقة؟ أوليس الفهم الخاطئ لمصطلحات الجهاد وغيرها يجب أن يُنحى جانباً عند اختبار الكينسيولوجي؟.. أعجبت برؤيته عن الوعي والمشاعر والأفكار ولكنه ذو قصور رهيب فيما يخص المعرفة بالإلٰه والأديان. كما أن تعريفه للخوف كان قاصراً ويمكن أن يكون صواباً فقط إذا تحدثنا عن الخوف البشري في الدنيا من كل الأشياء. إنما عند الخوف من الإله فالمعيار والسياق مختلفان تماماً. سأرفق رابط لمقطع عن رأي هاوكينز في الإسلام وفقاً لمستويات الوعي واختبار العضلات. وأود أن أضيف أيضاً أن الترجمة سيئة جداً من دار الخيال وأسوأ من الكتابين اللذين كنت قرأتهما سابقاً والصادرين أيضاً عن دار الخيال.
I think I picked up this book because of a recommendation by Wayne Dyer. I didn't know then or when I started reading it that it was the second book of a trilogy. It took me a while to figure out that the whole premise of the book relies on a technique of muscle testing called applied kinesiology. According to Dr. Hawkins' theory, you can hold an idea, a person, a religion, or anything up to your solar plexus and have someone press down on your arm. Based on whether your muscles are strong or weak will determine the person's or thing's truth. Then these truths are calibrated on a scale of 1 - 1000 with 200 being at the level of integrity (power), 500 the level of love, and 700+ enlightenment. He says 78% of the world's population calibrates below 200. Of course the book itself calibrates at a truth of 980. The prevailing thought is that applied kinesiology is a pseudoscience and that there is no evidence for its validity. Even if you dismiss the whole concept of this book as a load of codswallop, the book is still packed full of food for thought. It is not easy to read. For example, "The 'Infinite I' is that subjective reality which underlies the individual 'I' and allows for the experience of 'I-ness' as one's existence". The last few chapters are a series of Q&As that I appreciated more than the rest of the book:
"Q: What is love? Often it seems to be unreachable. A: Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others. Love for God or nature or even one's own pets opens the door to spiritual inspiration. The desire to make others happy overrides selfishness. The more we give love, the greater our capacity to do so. It is a good beginning practice to merely mentally wish others well in the course of the day.
Q: What can we actually do to be helpful to the world? A: Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give."
I made a goal for 2021 to read or get rid of one of my books a month. This was my February book. I will not be keeping this one.
This book is full of Truth. Unfortunately, a lot of that Truth is repeated over... and over... and over... There are some excellent moments in here, but they're sprinkled amongst the same things the author said in Book #1 and his later book, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness.
Perhaps a right way of reading this would be to read a few pages a day over a long period, using what you've read as fodder for meditation. I, however, was looking for something more, and I didn't find it. Of course, I'm not yet enlightened, so I guess that falls on me.
Hefty amount of reading material here, though not too practical. Comes to some interesting conclusions about the "spirituality level" of certain religions, people, ideas etc, according to some magical emeter. The author seems to know his stuff, and there's one page (out of a few hundred) that gets to the bottom of the whole enlightenment path.. however, much jargon and roundabout talking ends up making the book rather laborious.
Thought-provoking, interesting, insightful and definitely spiritual. I'm not sure I understand 100 % of the ideology and beliefs behind his studies and theories, but I did get something out of the book.
copul lucrării de faţă este imens. Ea nu include doar o raportare detaliată şi subiectivă a stărilor foarte avansate ale conştiinţei spirituale numite în mod tradiţional iluminare ci, pentru prima dată, corelează şi recontextualizează informaţia spirituală într-o asemenea manieră, încât o face comprehensibilă raţiunii şi intelectului.
Această corelaţie între ştiinţă şi spiritualitate reprezintă o integrare între dimensiunile lineare şi non-lineare. Prin intermediul „depăşirii contrariilor”, autorul rezolvă un conflict vechi de când lumea şi aparent irezolvabil, impasul dintre ştiinţă şi religie, între materialitate şi spiritualitate, respectiv dintre eu şi spirit. Această rezolvare clarifică misterele şi dilemele nerezolvate ce au însoţit omenirea de-a lungul istoriei. Graţie expansiunii conştiinţei pe care o facilitează lectura lucrării de faţă, răspunsurile la întrebări se autorevelează, iar adevărurile devin autoevidente.
Stilul prezentării îl duce pe cititor deopotrivă în domeniul linear şi în cel non-linear, astfel încât, spre surpriza acestuia, la un moment dat incomprehensibilul devine nu numai comprehensibil, ci şi evident.
Nivelul calibrat al conştiinţei persoanelor care au citit materialul de faţă a fost documentat experimental, remarcându-se un avans şi o elevare considerabile. Puterea are darul de a realiza fără efort ceea ce forţa nu reuşeşte să facă nicicum, deoarece puterea ajunge acolo unde forţa nu are acces.
Această carte este scrisă deopotrivă pentru sinele şi Sinele cititorului. Deşi marele şi tradiţionalul obstacol în calea iluminării, numit „depăşirea contrariilor dualităţii şi non-dualităţii”, poate suna obscur, în momentul în care cititorul a terminat de citii cartea, această conştienţă fundamentală se rezolvă de la sine.
This is one of those titles that don't you don't simply 'find'. They appear when the time is appropriate. In my experience Dr.Hawkins' work is the most profound and no-bs guide to transformation and spiritual discipline I've ever discovered. I've read many books about spirituality, but his work is the only one that I found to be experiantially reliable and that I go back to revisit every so often. This, as well as 'Letting Go' have both been deeply transformative books for me and have taught me a lot about the mind and the way we function as humans. This, especially, is a very deep and difficult book and it's meant to really cross and penetrate through some very deep layers of the psyche. Definitely not recommended to those who want a light read or are taking the spiritual path lightly. If you do apply some of the teachings in this book, it's very likely that you will change as a person. If this title has been calling you or has come across your path and you really, deeply feel that you should read it, then rest assured, you should. And you'll never be the same again.
Folks, don’t fool yourself. Applied kinesiology is pseudoscientific office practice tantamount to crystal healing. It has been put to the test scientifically over and over and it has failed each time. Read arizonagirl’s excellent review of this book for more detail.
I read this at a time of major youthful exploration in my life — when I was more open to novel ideas but also more naive, more gullible. For context, I read a number of Brian Weiss’s books (eg Many Minds Many Masters) around the same time. Now that I have PhD and about 20 years more experience with life, I have a keener eye for bullshit. While I still highly value exploration and adventure, I am much less willing to dedicate time and effort to ideas that sound too good to be true (pun intended).
This book threw me for a huge loop, in a really important way. The basics of this book are so simple, but profound and life-altering. The focus on the Self within, and while breaking our attachment to our egos, and how it feels and looks in practice, is remarkably helpful. I find Dr Hawkins writing difficult to comprehend at the start of most of his books, but after a few chapters it nearly always resonates incredibly deeply and then the repetition/reiteration of key points feels comforting and clarifying.