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Power vs. Force #4

Truth vs. Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference

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The exploration into the truth of man's activities is unique, intriguing, and provocative. From a new perspective, one quickly grasps the levels of truth expressed by the media, the arts, writers, painters, architecture, movies, TV, politics, and war, as well as academia and the greatest thinkers and philosophers through the ages. With this book's explanations, it becomes apparent why the human mind, unaided, has been intrinsically incapable of discerning truth from falsehood.

456 pages, Hardcover

First published June 27, 2005

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About the author

David R. Hawkins

262 books1,926 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.

Sir David Ramon Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D. was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer.

Founding Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. (1983) and Founder of the Path of Devotional Nonduality (2003), Dr. Hawkins lectured widely at such places as Westminster Abbey; Oxford Forum; Universities of Notre Dame, Michigan, Argentina, Fordham and Harvard; University of California (SF) Medical School; Institute of Noetic Sciences; and Agape Spiritual Center (Los Angeles). In addition, he has been an advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He conferred with foreign governments on international diplomacy and has been instrumental in resolving long–standing conflicts that were major threats to world peace.

He is featured in recent documentary films, magazines, and radio interviews (e.g., Oprah Radio and Institute of Noetic Sciences) for his work in the areas of health, healing, recovery, spirituality in modern life, consciousness research, and meditation.

Dr. Hawkins entered the field of medicine to alleviate human pain and distress, and his work as a physician was pioneering. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health Center (1956–1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968–1979) on Long Island, his clinic was the largest practice in the United States, including a suite of twenty–five offices, two thousand outpatients, and several research laboratories. In 1973, he co–authored the ground–breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linus Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry.

His clinical breakthroughs brought appearances on The Today Show, The Barbara Walters Show and The Mcneil/Leher News Hour. In the 1970s, he co–founded several psychiatric organizations, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Schizophrenia and the Attitudinal Healing Center in New York.

Many awards followed, such as The Huxley Award for the "Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering," Physicians Recognition Award by the American Medical Association, 50–Year Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Psychiatric Association, the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, and a nomination for the prestigious Templeton Prize that honors progress in Science and Religion. In 1995, in a ceremony officiated by the H.H. Prince Valdemar of Schaumburg–Lippe at the San Anselmo Theological Seminary, he became a knight of the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem (founded in 1077) in recognition of his contributions to humanity.

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Profile Image for Javier Villar.
327 reviews54 followers
April 10, 2022
This review is being written with the perspective of three years since the book was read (2016-2019). And from that perspective, the reader can say that having read it is foremost a blessing.

The info in it changes the understanding of the meaning of life and requires revisitation from time to time. One now goes through daily life with that which is read in mind; but, not as a way of "look, what I know", but with the feeling of gratitude for being able to understand the hidden purpose of human's incapacity to grasp reality: the mind's limitation to tell truth from falsehood as a way of earning karmic merit, for if it were easy, there would be no merit in making the right decision in this evolutionary school called human life. And, thus, one surrenders his own ignorance to Divinity.

As Buddha would say, there is only the error of ignorance. Or, Christ: "O Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing".

Anyway, this book is a threat to prior beliefs systems that are held in mind. It's very likely to trigger a conflict in one's psyche. So, it would only be recommendable for those who will willingly relinquish their sentimental attachments to their intellectual and emotional positionalities.
Profile Image for Jennie Chen.
6 reviews
September 10, 2020
I enjoyed reading about the author's perspectives on truth vs. falsehood in human perception of reality (section I) far more than the later examples/calibrations about politics and society.

My biggest takeaways are how it relates to our internal state:

1) When we are in negative mental states, emotional responses travels faster (through amygdale) than intelligence (through prefrontal cortex), which drives us into fight-or-flight mode, causing more resistance, depressive/definitive thinking, negative coloration of memories etc. all because the mind is busy serving the ego (programed for survival functions). The cognitive distortion creates more falsehood which becomes constantly distractions to the mind.

2) When we are in higher conscious levels, there is much less cognitive distortion and we gain clearer perspectives in seeing the truth - which is essentially a perpetually evolving state with infinite possibilities and uncertainties. A part of it is about accepting that our perceptions are forever limited so we don't know (and be okay with it). This allows for a dedication to the intention at the moment rather than results in the future. Yielding to the present (the only reality that exist to be experienced) leads to a calmer state of being.

It's interesting as one of D.H.'s core concepts is that causality is a reflection of human limitation because our perception is sequential, rather than seeing events as potentiality actualizing (and that evolution and creation are one and the same reality).

One other interesting point is that because majority of people (over 50% in any given society) are in negative mental states ("below 200"), media tends to be filled with responses feeding off egotistic thus perpetuating falsehood.

I read this book because the topic of "truth" is constantly being brought up in D.H.'s other work. Overall I think understanding how our minds perceive reality (and place meanings on it) is helpful. It made me have a better understanding of freedom - that it's less about freeing ourselves from any externally placed structures/circumstances, but rather freeing ourselves from our mind, especially the ego-driven part of the mind with all the grasping and aversion. This leads nicely to the mechanism of letting go, which is my favorite book of the series.
Profile Image for Axel Rebner.
3 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2024
First book I have read by Dr. David Hawkins and it was very dissapointing. This is basically Ben Shapiro writing about nonduality. The majority of the book is him expressing privlieged, uneducated and unexamined American exceptionalist, imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist and patriarchical talking points and views.

There are some OK parts dealing with epistemology and ego mechanics, where there are some insights. However, these become quickly muddled with his ultra-conservativeness and arrogance of his gradation of consciousness level of various historical figures, ideologies etc.

If you are interested in a western take on spiritual enlightenment and nonduality I would recommend to instead turn to teachers such as Rupert Spira, Chuck Hillig, Ram Dass instead of Dr. Hawkins. Perhaps his other works focusing more strictly on epistemology, and less on his views on basically anything else, are better than this one.

It is a bizarre read and a reminder of how any teaching or framework can be twisted. It is well known that religion and spirituality can be taught and practiced in very harmful and toxic ways. Here is an example of how nondual teachings are used in this fashion. I think this book illustrates how nonduality alone sometimes is not sufficient for a wholesome and healthy teaching, but is one of several factors that needs to be present along with equity, compassion, intersectionality and decolonization etc.
Profile Image for Mihai Cotea.
Author 7 books33 followers
October 27, 2018
Cel de-al patrulea volum al colecției David Hawkins, Adevăr versus falsitate – Cum le putem diferenția, a apărut în 2008, tradus în limba română la editura Cartea Daath. Spre deosebire de predecesoarele, considerate ca făcând parte dintr-o trilogie (denumită Putere versus Forță), conceptul acestei cărți se întoarce spre un subiect abordat de autor în primul volum al trilogiei, cu același nume, ducând tema la nivel de detaliu. În prima carte a seriei, David Hawkins ne făcea cunoștință cu o metodă inovatoare și intens studiată de acesta – kinesiologia, studiul răspunsului muscular la adevăr și falsitate, bazat pe reacția respondentă a conștiinței înalte din noi (spiritus mundi), „baza de date a Universului”.

În acest sens, autorul declară că lucrarea sa „este rezultatul unei vieți dedicate descoperirii miezului și esenței Adevărului însuși și modului în care acesta poate fi recunoscut, exprimat și definit”. De asemenea, un alt detaliu demn de luat în considerare e transmisiunea datelor acestei cărți care s-a făcut succesiv, atât prin cărți, cât și pe suport video sau în conferințe. Așadar, o teză susținută.

În carte, ideile profesorului psihiatru Hawkins sunt desfășurate de-a lungul a patru secțiuni și 18 capitole, mânat fiind de o intenție mai mult decât nobilă – „alinarea suferinței grație înlocuirii falsității cu adevărul și prin împărtășirea cunoașterii modului cum se poate ajunge la adevăr pe cont propriu, deoarece calea către sursă există înăuntrul fiecăruia”. Totodată, autorul ne avertizează că unele/ multe idei și perspective ale volumului vor scandaliza cititorul sau, cel puțin, au potențialul să o facă, deoarece „sabia adevărului” lasă mereu durere în urma sa. „Materialul ia în considerare totalitatea experienței umane și evoluția vieții printr-o nouă și relativ recent descoperită modalitate de cercetare” (menționată mai sus), alături de observații și înțelegeri multiple. Personal, nu m-am simțit scandalizat de anumite idei însă, recunosc, unele m-au intrigat destul de tare și n-am simțit nevoia să le îmbrățișez.

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Profile Image for Francis Shaw.
Author 8 books39 followers
October 3, 2018
It is an interesting read but it feels like another version of the author's Power vs Force work with more data and examples. Consequently, I found the first two thirds of the book a little less interesting, but the last third was more enjoyable. To get a taste of the author's work I would recommend Power vs Force in preference to this work.
Profile Image for Joseph Knecht.
Author 3 books52 followers
August 11, 2019
Building on the previous 3 books, Hawkins continues to expound the Truth but this time with a more practical approach. This 4th book of the series contains thousands of calibrations of religions, art, movies, books, politicians and many others.

Although I agree with the general premise of the book, I found the writing to be too "dry" which is unlike the other books that I have read by the same author. Also, Dr. Hawkins previously tended to write with a more descriptive tone where he described the nature of Reality. But in this book he switched to a more prescriptive tone where he prescribes how reality should be.

Although I give it a 3/5, I will still continute with the series.

Some paragraphs I enjoyed:
Enslavement by illusion is comfortable; it is the liberation by Truth that people fear. Straight and narrow is the path … Waste no time.

The possibility of the transformation from potentiality to actuality is provided by the infinite power of the primordial substrate of all existence, which alone has the power to transform the unmanifest into the realm of the manifest (cal. level 1,000)

Because the continuance of the ego is dependent on fulfilling its basic needs, it lives in fear (all megalomaniacs are paranoid)

All that exists does so within an infinite field of infinite power that alone has the capacity to bring forth the potential into the domain of the actual, called ‘existence’ (calibrates at 1,000).

Collectively, society represents a continuum of viewpoints and lifestyles that reflect predominance of values. One segment emphasizes excitement, novelty, rebel causes, ‘hot’ issues, glamour, emotionality, and refutation of tradition as ethics, morality, or reason

Operationally, it could be said that everyone is as free as they believe they are and able to accept it. It can be asked if that is an imaginative fantasy or confirmable reality.

An extremely valuable insight that is learned by all spiritually evolved persons in the course of their development is seeing one’s own personal consciousness as the decisive influence that determines all that occurs in one’s life.

Our spirits stand naked in time for all to see. Everyone’s life, finally, is accountable to the universe (calibrates as ‘true’ at level 1,000).
Profile Image for Leigh J..
13 reviews2 followers
February 12, 2019

Just opinionated nonsense. Cishet white male hubris. Quite sad, as Power vs. Force and Transcending the Levels of Consciousness are so profound in comparison.
1 review
November 8, 2024
I first read this book many years ago and I've referenced it so many times through the years that the pages are literally falling out. It has been incredibly helpful in navigating the complexities of our world today. Be warned: It will likely be triggering and challenge A LOT of your belief systems. It certainly did mine. If you're not open to being challenged on your political and spiritual positionalities, belief systems, etc... don't read this.

Also, if you haven't read Hawkins other books, I would definitely recommend reading others BEFORE this one (ie. Power Vs. Force, and Transcending the Levels of Consciousness or Eye of the I). One more thing to keep in mind is that this book is written with and for a Western/American context and in the early 2000's. I would be interested to know how some of the calibrations around America/politics might have shifted between then and now. Obviously the calibrations on religions, ancient texts and spiritual teachers, scientific theories, past public figures etc. will be the same.
16 reviews
October 11, 2021
Profoundly insightful

These insights are written in an engaging style with an emphasis on truth and justice for all. Recommended for history lovers and political science lovers too! Indicative of how the truth wants to be known and us accessible to all who are willing to embrace it whole heartedly.
Currently reading
October 22, 2019
I know am gona be challeged because every one who has read it before is just talking about it.
Profile Image for #DÏ4B7Ø Chinnimasta-Bhairav.
395 reviews1 follower
January 14, 2024
Profile Image for J.
159 reviews39 followers
September 4, 2011
I'm fascinated with his idea, results and discussion. But it's hard to accept without doing it myself and reproducing the results. I haven't done that yet. And yes, I'm familiar with what he says about those who calibrate below 200 not being able to do it, the thymic thump, etc. So maybe I'm already unqualified.

Even after reading three of his books on the subject, it's still sometimes hard for me to understand how to know what conclusion to draw from the quantitative assessment. For example:
--Why does arithmetic calibrate less than 400, the level of reason? (arithmetic calibrates at 395, pg. 255)
--Pg 296 "The concepts and wisdom of triage and pre-emptive war are not comprehensible to minds that calibrate below 360." Does this square with "the motivation of Mahatma Gandhi (calibrated at 700)…" (Power vs. Force, pg 73)? Or "Violence is force, but since Gandhi was aligned with power instead of force, he forbade all use of violence in his cause" (Power vs Force, pg 152).
--The poem Invictus calibrates at less than 200 (I lost the page number), but Hawkins writes on page 229 that "Unlike an iron filing that has no say as to where it will be pulled within a magnetic field, the human spirit is gifted with the option of choice, and by its own hand (spiritual will) determines its fate." Isn't that contradictory?

The chapters on religion and spirituality leave behind a lot of dead sacred cows.

A couple cool excerpts:
pg 166
A quick glance at the total capital worth of the federal government reveals that the hypothetical "national debt" is a misnomer and a misleading statistic. The wealth of the government is currently (by calibration) $9 quadrillion inasmuch as it owns multimillions of acres of extremely valuable land, including oil potential, timber, mining, etc. In addition, its capital assets, if one considers all the ownerships -- the property of the military, all the government buildings, highways, warehouses, and rights-of-way -- are prodigious. the concept of a national debt is comparable to a multimillionaire who uses a small portion of his wealth to buy a new company with a fifty-percent down payment, with the balance to be paid in a scheduled basis. He now reports that he is "in debt" because he has payments to make on the balance of his loan. Such a millionaire cannot really be said to be '"in debt" at all but arbitrarily behind in payments, which he could easily pay off completely by selling assets.

Spending money faster than it is coming in, e.g., "budget deficit" (Greenspan, 2004) is not the same as being in debt. In real debt, a person owns more than their assets are worth and therefore has a negative net worth, which could hardly be said of the federal government.

pg 405 - 406
When mankind, in frustration or disillusionment, moved from faith in the unseen to faith in the linear world of science, new hope arose, reinforced by the very tangible and visible benefits of trust and faith in the linear, external world of ego perception. But then, the very same process resulted in giving priority and power to the content of consciousness rather than to the unseen power of consciousness itself, by which content could be realized and recognized. The power was in the Light and not in the details of what was illuminated. The linear is also limitation and thus prone to error by virtue of the intrinsic defect of misidentifying perception as reality.

pg 406
Next came the question of existence as life or its corollary, life versus existence, which brought forth knowledge of Divinity/Creator/God as transcendent (conceptual) or Divinity as experiential and Immanent. Transcendent is religion, experiential is spiritual. The way of the mystic transcends belief and confirms its underlying Reality. It eliminates all doubt as the Knower and the Known coalesce as Self.
Profile Image for Russell Eric Dobda.
Author 2 books11 followers
September 9, 2015
While this book from Hawkins reiterates many of his other concepts, i feel that it focuses a bit much on judgement; although, that's kind of the point with such a title. Nevertheless, i think someone would do better to start off with one of his other works such as "Letting go" or "Power Vs. Force."
Profile Image for Ann.
94 reviews
July 3, 2011
Like all of his books, it's a bit too scientific for me. This one was a bit easier to read because of ALL THE CHARTS! It's amazing all the research that he put into this book.
11 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2010
How would I explain Hawkins? The man has a mind that is worth exploring and offers a different view of how to look at things and understand them. Would I read additional works from him? Yes

April 22, 2014
As a Hawkins-fan I found it as interesting as the rest of his work. This book gets more into detail on mundane phenomena than eg Power vs Force.
1 review
April 22, 2017
This book helped me to escape from a very very crafty cult meditation practice that I got involved with which was formerly called Maum Meditation lead by leaders Woo Myung and his wife An Seu Seung Nim. This book talked about obvious things like how spiritual truth is something that cannot be exclusively owned because it is the substrate for all of existence and is The Mind itself. This book directly lead to having a full realization of the Buddha nature and helped me overcome a lot of negativity that I had stored from doing an intensive meditation practice of negation for 3 years. I found the social and political commentary to be transformative and I now look at human society with a ray of positive energy. I am truly grateful for this books teachings! David Hawkins is a reliable author to read when on the spiritual journey of human life.
Profile Image for Mike Bauer.
13 reviews4 followers
February 27, 2019
i read the David R. Hawkins series, Loved them every one, wow, vast, i say,,,
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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