Explores the ego's expressions and inherent limitations and gives detailed explanations and instructions on how to transcend them. It expands the understanding of the levels of consciousness as presented in the widely-acclaimed Map of Consciousness. The book focuses on the individual, and studies the experiential subjective blocks to the advancement of awareness, at each level of consciousness. This leads to progressive spiritual awareness and on to higher levels of consciousness, providing specific steps for transcending each level, preparatory to advanced states such as Enlightenment itself. By analyzing the various obstacles and levels to be transcended, certain principles that support spiritual evolution are self-revealing. This book is therefore a practical manual rather than a comprehensive analysis.
Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.
Sir David Ramon Hawkins, M.D, Ph.D. was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer.
Founding Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. (1983) and Founder of the Path of Devotional Nonduality (2003), Dr. Hawkins lectured widely at such places as Westminster Abbey; Oxford Forum; Universities of Notre Dame, Michigan, Argentina, Fordham and Harvard; University of California (SF) Medical School; Institute of Noetic Sciences; and Agape Spiritual Center (Los Angeles). In addition, he has been an advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He conferred with foreign governments on international diplomacy and has been instrumental in resolving long–standing conflicts that were major threats to world peace.
He is featured in recent documentary films, magazines, and radio interviews (e.g., Oprah Radio and Institute of Noetic Sciences) for his work in the areas of health, healing, recovery, spirituality in modern life, consciousness research, and meditation.
Dr. Hawkins entered the field of medicine to alleviate human pain and distress, and his work as a physician was pioneering. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health Center (1956–1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968–1979) on Long Island, his clinic was the largest practice in the United States, including a suite of twenty–five offices, two thousand outpatients, and several research laboratories. In 1973, he co–authored the ground–breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linus Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry.
His clinical breakthroughs brought appearances on The Today Show, The Barbara Walters Show and The Mcneil/Leher News Hour. In the 1970s, he co–founded several psychiatric organizations, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Schizophrenia and the Attitudinal Healing Center in New York.
Many awards followed, such as The Huxley Award for the "Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering," Physicians Recognition Award by the American Medical Association, 50–Year Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Psychiatric Association, the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, and a nomination for the prestigious Templeton Prize that honors progress in Science and Religion. In 1995, in a ceremony officiated by the H.H. Prince Valdemar of Schaumburg–Lippe at the San Anselmo Theological Seminary, he became a knight of the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem (founded in 1077) in recognition of his contributions to humanity.
Dr. David R. Hawkins encompasses particle physics, nonlinear dynamics, chaos theory, and his own discoveries about the nature and accessibility of truth.
"Transcending the Levels of Consciousness" is my favorite Hawkins' book- it's a step-by-step climb with yourself, from "Despair to Joy" on his Map of Consciousness.
I met the Doc at a lecture in 2004, at the Unity Church, in Novato, California. He was giving a lecture on his book, Power vs. Force, and it was so powerful-- I sold my home and took off around the world with a backpack to stand in Holy sites, which Hawkins said had a transference effect on our levels of consciousness. Hawkins believed that the when the ego was transcended-- all that is left is God. I documented my experiences in my memoir, "From Hollywood to God" By Kelly Granite Enck
Up to this point, possibly the most important single work I’ve ever read that addresses the classification of different stratifications or layers of consciousness itself. Hawkins is unique in having detailed personal experience with much of the phenomena discussed as well as the clinical, scientific background to lucidly communicate his insights. Much of the book is so easy to read for someone who already ponders matters of consciousness that it felt like the words were being effortlessly poured into my brain!! He eloquently explained everything I understood about the universe and then some! If you practice what is contained in the book, you will instantly boost spiritual progress due to the potency of the information contained within. Highly recommended, read three times already.
يضع هاوكينز سلم للوعي يبدأ بالصفر وينتهي بـ١٠٠٠ ثم يقسم مستويات الوعي إلى : مستويات ما قبل ٢٠٠ : وهي مستويات بدائية وحيوانية ومستويات بين ٢٠٠ و ٥٠٠ : وهي مستويات العقل الخطي ثم مستويات الواقع الروحي الغير خطي بين ٥٠٠ و ٥٩٩ و أخيراً مستويات التنوير عند ٦٠٠ - ١٠٠٠ .. نجد عن المستويات الأقل من ٢٠٠ مشاعر العار والخوف والحزن و الغضب والفخر والرغبة و اللامبالاة والفقر .. حيث ترضخ هذه المشاعر لسلطة الأنا الأنانية .. الأنا التي تريد أن تلعب دور الربوبية.. فهي تغضب إن لم تجري الأمور كما تريد ولا تتحمل المسؤولية وتلقي باللوم على الآخرين. شعور بالذنب الداخلي الذي يترجم برغبة الإنتقام من كل شيء وعدم المسامحة. نجد الغرور والحسد والرغبة بالسيطرة و التملك و زوال النعمة من عند الآخرين. ومثلما يشخص هذه الحالات روحياً، يشخصها هاوكينز سريرياً أيضاً بصفته طبيب نفسي. وبحسب دراسات هاوكينز فإن ٧٨% من سكان العالم لا يزالون تحت مستوى وعي ٢٠٠ ويستخدمون الجانب الأيمن من الدماغ فقط ....... عندما يتجاوز الإنسان مستوى ٢٠٠ فإن هذا هو الحدث الأهم في رحلة تطوره روحياً.. في هذه المستويات بين ٢٠٠ و ٥٠٠ نجد مشاعر : الشجاعة، الحياد، الاستعداد، القبول، والعقل.. هذه المستويات تستخدم جزئي الدماغ بالتساوي.. يبدأ الإنسان بتحمل المسؤولية وتثمين مشاعر الآخرين واحتياجاتهم. يبدأ بشجاعة والصدق مع الذات والتوافق مع الآخرين بدل الأنانية والسيطرة... في مستوى الحياد نجد أعلى مستويات الحرية.. فالمحايد يسمح لأحداث الحياة بالمرور من خلاله دون أن تؤثر فيه بعكس اللامبالاة التي تخاف من المواجهة وتتجنب خوض غمار الحياة. في مستويات الاستعداد والقبول.. نجد تقبل الحياة وحقيقة أن البشر يختلفون.. و لا يجب أن يثير هذا أي تحفظ أو رغبة بالسيطرة.. ثم مستوى العقل الذي توقف عنده الكثير من العباقرة والفلاسفة أمثال : فرويد، نيتشه شكسبير، أفلاطون وغيرهم.. ...... في مستويات العقل اللاحقة نجد الحب، الابتهاج والفرح الغير مشروط.. ثم مستويات التنوير: السلام، النعمة، إدراك الذات، و أخيراً التنوير..
رحلة الوعي هي رحلة التغلب على الأنا الأنانية للاتصال بالأنا العليا: الأنا المتصلة بالله. قلة قليلة عبر التاريخ من تمكنوا من تجاوز مستوى ٦٠٠ إذ أن الإنسان كلما تقدم في الوعي كلما قلت حاجاته وقل كلامه وأكله وتفرغ أكثر للتأمل والصلاة مما قد يؤثر على صحته.. والأغلب يغادرون الحياة عند هذا المستوى. في هذه المستويات نجد الحب اللامشروط للحياة والرحمة والشفقة بالجميع. كتاب رائع يثير الرغبة بالبحث والتأمل.
It took me a lot of time to finish this book. It has so much information and you must put into action everything it says in this book. It will definitely blow your mind.
Dr. David's books are a gift. They will change your life for sure.
I read this as a backgrounder for other Hawkins books based on his consciousness calibration scale and consciousness research. It had some good points, but it seems like it could function well with his other stuff as just a reference book. I thought the first two excerpts below were core to his view and the last one interesting because it helps explain why spiritual advancement is slow or stopped in many people:
pg 185 The skeptic is dubious about the validity of spiritual realities because they do not have experiences such as the miraculous and therefore negate the reality of higher dimensions within which they are common occurrences. The literal mechanistic mind sees all such phenomena (the siddhis, etc). as 'woo-woo' at best, or even delusional, and it cannot understand the capacity to comprehend essence. Each level of consciousness thus tends to be self-ratifying, which elucidates why the evolution of consciousness appears to be slow.
pg 339 - 340 One of the earliest persistent dilemmas that will almost certainly arise is the duality of good/bad, which is a very fruitful field for investigation. By observation, one will see that the good/bad dichotomy is merely the reflection of an overall contextualization based on unexamined presumptions. With deep humility, one will soon realize that unaided, the mind is really unauthorized, unequipped, and incapable of making such judgmental discernment. It can make this discovery by just beginning to ask for whom is it good, for whom is it bad, when, and under what circumstances. This eventually leads to examining one's overall contextualization of the significance and meaning of human life itself as a transitional learning experience.
Even a superficial, quick look at the human experience reveals that it is, first of all, mortal, temporary, and transitional, and the mind, unaided, cannot even tell from whence it arose or where it goes. It is also incapable on its own of telling truth from falsehood due to its inner structure. By what authority would it even be able to discern 'good' from 'bad'? This leads to the discovery that 'thinking' is not a very dependable method of arriving at spiritual truth or advancement, and that the mind, on its own, tends to merely pull up more thoughts rather than surrender them to a nonlinear, comprehensive understanding that would resolve the question altogether. Spiritual realization does not easily occur in a linear, logical metallization but instead is a more diffuse, intuitive aura of comprehension and understanding that includes overall context and not just linear content.
pg 344 The levels below calibration level 200 tend to be self-propagating because of the seductive emotional pleasure of the ego's animal-instinct pay-off. The only way out is by integrous self-honesty, which, unfortunately, is not even possible to accomplish when one is dominated and captured by this negative emotional complex. Because this complex consists of the animal energies of force, it is only the more powerful energies of truth that have any capacity to bring forth recovery. Due to the nature of Divinity, intervention is by invitation since Love is power and does not operate by instruments of force.
While this book contains a lot of informative insights into spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness, it is riddled with redundancy and it lacks in its use of real scientific data. The author often refers to statistics that can only have been crafted to satisfy his own arguments, usually citing data that would be literally impossible to determine, such as the exact number of individuals on the planet that fall under a certain level of consciousness. If these false statistics were left out of the book it would have been a much more inspiring read. However, lists created using the author’s consciousness level system are very intriguing, such as his animal kingdom chart. This book is very similar to other works by Hawkins, and while it certainly holds a vast amount of spiritual knowledge, one should consider whether it is worth the read when other less repetitive texts are available.
كتاب اكثر من رائع أنصح الكل بقرأئته...فهو مفيد للكل لانه سوف يجعلك تتذكر وفيلم حياتك يمر امامك ويقجم لك كل التفاسير لما حصل وما لم يحصل وفيقدم لك النضج وتعرف مستواك وتواصل حياتك بضمان ان لا ترجع للخلف بل فقط للامام مع ثقة أن الله عادل ورحيم ومحب...ليس كما ممكن تصور لك الحياة احيانا لما يدور فيها وما حدث في حياتك وبدى لك غير عادل واين العناية الربانية....المهم اترككم لاكتشافة بانفسكم اكثر فاكثر.
مررت بتجربة قياس الوعي من فترة قريبة ، انبهار مرشدتي بنتيجتي جعلني ابحث عن مقياس هاوكينز للتنور و معرفة المزيد .. الكتاب عميق ، وربما يصح وصفه بأنه لذوو الاختصاص .. أسعدني ادراكي وانا اقرا الاستفاضة بتفاصيل المراحل العديدة التي مررت بها .. كتاب مهم لمن يهمه الأمر .. أعتقد أن كتاب هاوكينز " السماح بالرحيل " هو الأكثر قراءة وطلبا هذه الأيام ..
رائع ومفيد. مفاهيم وأفكار قيّمة في مجال الإدراك والتنوير.. يشرح المشاعر (مستويات الوعي) وأثرها على الفرد والعالم.. وكيف يتم الانتقال بين مستويات الوعي (المشاعر)..
Absolutely breathtaking. This book in a way summarizes all the previous books of Hawkins, but with a more extensive explanation of that stages of consciousness. His words simply flow from the page into one's mind without any effort.
My recommendation for the reader is not to simply read the book, but rather experience it subjectively. Only then he will find the Truth.
Some excerpts I enjoyed: -All beliefs about God are second-hand information derived from others and handed down, and thus, even these have to be surrendered. The reason for this can be found by examining the analogy of the fact that only a cat truly knows what it is to be a cat by virtue of being a cat.
-Operationally, there is just one single recurrent ‘sin’, which is that of error, ignorance, misperception, mistake, or miscalculation. It is a consequence of a limitation of human consciousness.
-basic truth to be realized in the process is that there is no possible, actual source of happiness outside one’s self.
-There are misunderstandings of spirituality that teach that even love is an attachment, which is a misconception, for love is an aspect of God; possessiveness is an aspect of ego.
-Political, religious, and philosophical conflicts are so addictive that entire cultures and populations go to their deaths for the major pleasure of ‘being right’ and getting even.
-The capacity for Love grows so that the more one loves, the more one can love, and there is no end point or limitation. In addition, it is discovered that to be loving is also to be lovable.
-Everything that exists is perfect and complete. Creation does not move from imperfection to perfection, as is witnessed by the ego, but instead moves from perfection to perfection.
-To be remembered is that spiritual evolution is not the consequence of knowing about the Truth, but the willingness to become that truth. T
Excellent, although not without the ironic dichotomy that those individuals who are most likely to benefit from reading this are least likely to be motivated to do so: who is the audience? Wonderful even so.
كتاب عميق جدًا و فيه مفاهيم معقده يعيبه ترجمته الحرفية للكلمات و الإسهاب ببعض النقاط ارى ان المختصين او المتعمقين جدًا بمجال الوعي سيفيدهم اكثر أما بالنسبة للبقيه يمكن الاكتفاء بالاطلاع على سلم هاوكنز بمحركات البحث و البحث عن كل درجه و انصح بمشاهدتها من خلال قناة سميه الراشد فقد وفقت في شرحها
Insightful, but not for everyone. The concepts are hard to understand, depending on each person's level of spiritual development. However, it was an interesting to read, and I recommended it to those preoccupied with their spiritual growth or are on this development path. It will be worth to follow through the indications and read the other spiritual books the author mentions.
"أدركت تماماً بأنه لا يجب أن يكون لدي رأي بكل شيء، كم هو مريح ذلك!"
لا يكتسب المرء من هذه الكتب المعرفة فحسب، بل الحكمة التي تعينه على خلق حياة أفضل له ولمن حوله، ومن هنا فهي كتب "إنقاذ نفس" بالدرجة الأولى، وهي مساعدة عظيمة مجانية قد لا تغني المرء عن مقابلة الطبيب النفسي – أو المعالج – ولكنها بالتأكيد ستعينه حق الإعانة في طريقه، الأمر الذي احتاجه بشدة طوال حياته.
يناقش الكاتب في كتابه العظيم المراحل والمستويات التي يتموضع فيها المرء طوال حياته، تبعاً لتكوينه الشخصي ونوع التربية التي يتلقاها، ومن مناقشته للمستويات البدائية، مستوى العار والذنب وكراهية النفس والنظر للنفس دائماً كضحية وغيرها، ينطلق إلى وصف بقية المستويات التي تستحق النفس الوصول إليها في كل مرحلة، فهو يخلع عن القارئ المشاعر السلبية والظروف المحبطة التي تحيطه ليمنحه نظرة أكثر إشراقاً لها دون تغيير أي منها، فمن أهم النقاط التي ركز عليها هي أن الجميع محاط بظروف سلبية وهذا ليس بالأمر الجديد ولا الفريد، ولكن نظرة الإنسان لهذه التحديات هي التي تصنع فكره وسعادته مع الوقت.
كما يناقش الكاتب التسامح الذي يعود على نفس فاعله بالخير بغض النظر عن مدى استحقاقية الآخر له، فإدراك الظروف المحيطة لكل امرئ وأن كل إنسان يفعل ما يفعل لظنه أنه الأفضل، يجعل المرء متأنٍ أكثر قبل الحكم على الآخرين، بل لا يحتاج حتى للحكم عليهم لأنه وفي رحلة تطوره الروحي يدرك أنه لا يختلف عنهم في شيء، وأن النرجسية التي أحاط نفسه بها من قبل في المستويات الأدنى قد اختفت ليحل محلها الإدراك العام والتواضع الروحي الذي يحفظ للنفس قيمتها وغايتها.
ويتحدث الكاتب عن الرغبات التي تسيطر على المرء فتعميه عن الإدراك والفهم، ويعين القارئ على التحكم بها وتأجيلها وموضعتها موضعها المناسب حيث يتحكم بها المرء وفق غاياته ولا تجره وراءها، ويتناول الكاتب الغاضبين على الحياة والظروف والرافضين للكثير من مساوئ المحيط بنظرة منطقية بدهية، وهي الفهم العام لظروف البشر وتطورهم وحدود إماكاناتهم، وإدراك الخير العام الكامن في كل منهم، وأن مصدر الشرور قد لا يكون أبداً الرغبة البحتة في الإيذاء بل لإيمانهم بأن هذه هي الطريقة المناسبة لحل الأمور.
وينتقل الكاتب للمستويات العليا التي يحققها المرء كنتاج لجهوده السابقة على نفسه، والمتمثلة في الحب غير المشروط لكل شيء وكل أحد، والتسامح العام والشجاعة في تحمل المسؤولية رغم سوء الظروف، وقبول الحياة على ما هي عليه بمساوئها بعيداً عن التذمر الذي لا جدوى له.
وينتهي الكاتب إلى مستويات تشابه التجربة الصوفية – الفلسفية، حيث يعيد للمرء دهشة الفيلسوف والطفل الأولى، ويحمله من حياته الغارقة في فرو الأرنب ليقف أعلى الشعرة وينظر مباشرة في عيني الساحر، ممجداً النظرة التأملية للحياة التي ترى الجمال والكمال في كل شيء وتمتلك النظرة الخارجية للحياة حيث لا يكون المرء جزءاً منها، بل خاضعاً تماماً للإرادة الإلهية وحوادث الحياة دون أن تؤثر عليه بشكل مباشر.
This is one of my favourite books of all time. I had to stop highlight the page because everything was being underlined. I don't have anything too brilliant to write, just that this is a book I frequently recommend and continue to pick up over and over again.
الكتاب رائع وعميق جداً ، شعرت بسلام عظيم وانا اقرأه لن بالطبع يجب ان يون القاريء ملماً بالعقيده الصحيحه قبل الانغماس فيه ليعرف ما ياأخذ ومايترك منه ، احببته جداً سأبقى اتذكر هذا اليوم من الحجر بسبب مرض الكورونا ورائحة المطر والهواء القوي وانا اختتم صفحاته ..
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness..." concerns the Infinite Field of Consciousness (Absolute) and the lower forms of consciousness that are calibrated in terms of their related degrees to the whole. The author states that consciousness evolves through a scale of 1-1000, 1000 being the higher energy level possible in the human domain relegated to the Saints and the great Avatars. Through transcendence, the ego-self is replaced by the non-ego Self. The aforementioned scale of 1-1000 scale coincide to a specific calibrated No. corresponding from the lower emotions of anger, fear pride, etc. to the higher emotions of love, courage, peace and others. In conclusion, the author presents more of a psychological study of emotions than a philosophical study of consciousness. The author's personal story of his own self-realization is quite compelling and could have enhanced and enriched his overall presentation of this topic.
En makalös bok om det konkreta ramverket för att avancera från "tung energi" till "lättare energi". Boken kan fungera som det spirituella sättet att förstå människans psykologi.
Boken tog lång tid att slutföra då jag mediterade på respektive kapitel fram till jag kände att jag absorberat innehållet.
De sista kapitlerna (de ovanför kärlek, kalibrering 500) är utanför mitt förstånd eftersom de verkar innhålla tillsynes högst avancerad spirituell sanning.
Reads very much on a clinical/ outsider looking in level; but has clear points of reference as well as the charts. I took in the information, however, as a means to application of information, I would have to sit back down with the book to see how I could apply it. Additionally, I enjoyed the layout of the book. Again, a bit dry but the content was worth the read.
oh i struggled with this book. after “letting go”, “transcending the levels of consciousness” felt redundant and non-intuitive. sometimes the sentences seemed as though written in a purposefully difficult language. this hawkins is unapproachable. i still greatly enjoyed his lessons but “letting go” remains my favorite, by far.
Este libro me ha fascinado. Con una exquisitez y dominio del tema impecables, el Dr Hawkins, una eminencia en el estudio de la consciencia y en el campo de la espiritualidad, nos habla de los niveles de conciencia y como trascenderlos. Sumamente recomendable para aquellos que transitan en el sendero de la espiritualidad. Gracias, Dr Hawkins.
Felt like the author was using too many big words to explain relatively simple things to make them seem more complex and profound than they truly are. Would've liked it if there was a bit more research backing up many of the claims being made.
A powerful book, using integrative philosophies to help guide the reader along the path of spiritual alignment. The “levels” described in the title are much more practical an non-mythical than it sounds.